DxD: Matsuda!

Yūma Amano just kissed me!

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     So after I left the lunchroom, I went back to the classroom. I reflected on what's been happening lately with Rias and her peerage coming to me and I have two hypotheses.

     First is the easy and trope theory and that my Soul Father is just straight up messing with me for entertainment, but this makes no sense. Like that crap with talking out loud around Rias, is just a terrifying curse if that is what's happening....  Or I have suffered so much trauma from too many lifetimes. I am in other words, just odd.

     The second theory I have is..... I killed too many butterflies! And dogs and cats are living together in mass hysteria, ha-ha.

     I made it back in class and it looks like the rumors of me doing despicable things to an older woman have turned into a sad heartbroken widower. How did these rumors get here before I did?!?

     Huh? Why is Issei not in class, is it student council stuff now? Not sure what will happen to the timeline now that I killed That big Butterfly? Meh future me just watch out!

     During class I was reminiscing about how I started in this new world after my birthday, then ultimately started missing Kala, and no not for her super awesome body, but our talks in the park and stargazing together. I will call her later to settle my feelings!

     Then I thought about tormenting Tsubaki, how I am going to make her rub sunscreen all over me, even though I can't burn like the devils don't! But then it hit me! Tsubaki is a good girl and I do not think I want the other's to look at her like that in her swimsuit, that is probably super hot! I do not want to become that dream Issei. wait maybe that is what that dream was telling me, to not be a sleaze-ball! Glad I figured that dream out early!

     So 15 minutes before classes ended, I told the teacher I had business in the student council room and was excused. Well my grades are too good to justify stopping me!

     After a while I made it there and knocked on the door.... After receiving Sona's permission to enter I did.

     Sona pushed up her glasses and asked me,"Mr Tanaka hello, if this is about the meeting and arrangement, do not worry. We do not back out of our duty's." Sona said while handing papers to a thuggish looking boy I kinda recognize.

     She then said to the student,"Saji, take the forms to the Judo club and approve their funding, go now I have a visitor."

     Why the fuck is he giving me a shitty grin like I owe him lunch money? We stayed quite till the gangster left, he is kinda a tool! He and Issei will get along, wow that is a funny thought now they are in the same group.

     After the door was closed she asked me,"And what would you like to say?" Huh it looks like we are alone so I just stand in front of her desk and not sit.

     With a serious face I say,"I am here to stop Tsubaki from going through with my bargain, and I would like to modify my request to something friendly to me and the council." I wait for her response, you know what I actually like talking with Sona. She is just a straight to the point no nonsense girl. She got a bad rap in the story due to not having an overly developed body, but that just makes her more normal I think. Normal is good right?

     As she narrowed her eyes she asked,"What request would you have for me Mr Tanaka?" Hey Sona do not give me the 'Stranger Danger eyes'.

     I put on my evil grin and tell her my plan of assasination,"I just noticed you had two new male students in your organization today, and I think if you make them a batch of freshly baked cookies that would give them a warm feeling. I think you would get so much more loyalty out of the two with the President's hard work! It only will take you an hour to make no problem, then we are square, deal?"

     Ha-ha damn you Issei, my revenge will come sooner than you think and that bastard Saji will fall with you! From what I remember, Sona is great at everything but cooking, it's the clumsy chef's trope. How does an absolute genius fuck up cookies! Just follow the directions and read labels, what are your glasses for?!?

     Sona warmly smiles at my words,"Deal!" Oh fuck she seems happy to kill her new members, rest in peace guys! If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     She followed with a question,"May I ask why you do not want my VP to attend to you at the pool? You seemed to be very excited to see her in a bikini, Mr Tanaka? Perhaps you do not find her appealing or do you hate her? I think you're the only boy that would turn down this once in a lifetime opportunity!" Why is she smiling like she is pulling a prank?

     Am I blushing? Meh, I just told her my thoughts,"No um, I think she is incredibly beautiful, and I was really looking forward to making her squirm a bit. I like to see her Ice-Block facade crack ha-ha....." 

     While rubbing my shaved head, I continue,"I have had a rough week and had time to think, and I have decided. I do not want strangers to google at her exposed body just because I wanted to see her like that. Please do not tell Tsubaki what I told you alright? It's not even like we really know each other right? I will just admire her from afar and give me a high-school crush to remember when I am older."

     I finished with a blushing thumbs up and said,"Off to the swim club, peace out Pres." And I leave the office.

     One minute after dumb-ass Matsuda leaves the room......

     Sona with a smile that she never reveals asks the changing room door,"You heard everything, right Tsubaki?"

     A second later a blushing Tsubaki exits the changing room with a towel wrapped around herself as if she were on her way to the beach. Under the towel can be seen the straps of a white string bikini Matsuda missed out on!

     Tsubaki looking at the door said,"Yes Sona, but I do not understand why? I know what he said but it's hard to figure out, he is normally such an asshole to me?"

     Sona with hidden thoughts tells her,"He is a shy one, he also used your first name when you were not around, normally I would tell you to try dating and live a fun high-school life, but he is not part of our world and humans just can't be in ours."

     Back with Aqua-man................................

     'Fuck you Phelps and I am better mwahaha!'

     Well I have to be careful not to overdo it again like I always do! I am currently one of the fastest beings in the water and I can breathe too, not to mention even pressure won't affect me, plus I talk to fish. OK Aqua-man sucks!

     Well it seems I feel really really comfortable in the water, um like a fish? I found out something that would make Issei die! I can easily watch the girls swim while I am under water, this is not bad peeping, they have clothes on right? I just remembered and feel like an ass-hat,back when I first started, I would not have drowned in the tub.... sigh, I am dumb.

     When I finally got done with swimming a small part of me was wishing Tsubaki would still come and at least hand me a towel, meh I don't care, I will just save my lower back from future troubles!

     Fast forward to the present..............

     Issei had to stay after the club for a welcoming party, and die from food poisoning ass-holes! And Motohama and I are walking home talking about the many beauties in school that he had collected very personal data on! CIA or SHIELD please recruit this guy!

     Surprise, He and I were walking across [The Great Issei Bridge] when Motohama's girl alarm went off at the girl gazing over the edge at the cars passing under.

     He sputters off her three sizes that I always ignore, and is frozen when the girl turns to face us.

     She is wearing a school uniform from some random school from who knows where. FUCK FUCK FUCK its 8 months to early! And Issei is not here! Calm down me, this may not even be what I am thinking it is. My Sacred Gear emits no power output unless it is activated! So why is she here?

     With a cute smile Raynare says,"You are Matsuda Tanaka right? I am Yūma Amano and I have been watching you pass by here and have built up the courage to ask you to please be my boyfriend!" She then does a nice scripted bow to me with pleading puppy-dog eyes.

     I froze, and Motohama is a statue? She is tilting her cute ass head now! My eyes and spine tingle in danger warning, it's faint though. I can tell if I don't placate her she will stab me right here and kill both of us!

     I put on a forced smile and say,"Um miss Yūma Amano, I believe this is the first time we have met, why would you want to be my girlfriend?"

     Let's pretend I do not know the show and assume not everything will happen the same. I mean I fell in love with a fallen angel already and Azazel is a cool dude, who I want to be friends with, plus no light spear can kill me like a little bitch and make me do the pathetic reincarnation trope.

     She puts her finger in the air and tells me,"My mother told me to quickly find a nice, reliable, and strong man to be in a relationship with before some random girl gets to him first, and I want you so please accept me!"

     What kind of made-up mother did she have!? Well I guess if she was a normal girl that is actually really smart, get there before the other bitches!

     Fuck it, you got lemons! I will make lemon-aid! ha-ha,"OK but I warn you I expect lots of kisses from my girlfriend!" Take that Sona 2.0!

     She makes a cute small leap and gets her phone out and yells,"YES!!!!! Here is my number!" Damn it! I underestimate the desperation and lack of good moral upbringing of fallen angels nowadays!

     After we exchanged contact details and made plans for the weekend, she then said she will walk to school with me the rest of the week and as promised, she gave me a kiss on the side of my face and ran off!

     Take that Issei, I am sure I could go farther if I wanted, but I made a promise to my wife to not do one night stands!

     All of a sudden a sharp gasp awoke me from my thoughts.....

     Motohama yells at me,"WHY DO HOT GIRLS JUST FALL OUT OF THE SKY FOR YOU!? You're not even good looking!" I need new friends!

     I totally forgot he was standing there so I guess I am a shitty friend too ha-ha! Lets see how would my idiot buddy's answer this? Oh I know!

     "Don't worry buddy, I am just going to pump my load in there, then delete her number!" Wow, that felt so disgusting to say, I need a shower!

     But he says,"You are the Harem King!"

     Please NO! My back can not do that bullshit. I only want 3 MAX girls!!!!!

     After the two abominations against women left.....If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     Akeno came up the stairs from the road to the bridge where the boys just were.......

     Looked in the direction of Yuma and said,"Why is that fallen trash trying to get with Matsuda? I need to report this to Rias!"

Matsuda and Motohama

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