DxD: Matsuda!

Clean me up Tsubaki!

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     Slapping that bitch, aka my alarm I say,"It was my first time and it felt better than they said it would!" Damn that was a horrible and good memory from my life zero!

     Well it is time for the first day back from summer break, and I need to be there on time to listen to those jerks fake romance encounter stories about hooking up with hot girls every-night unprotected and not calling back. Wait, I think that was the opening of the show?! Ha ha, I almost forgot about the boys' love books. Will they bring that up or be smart and hide in shame?

     Sitting at the table, my parents looked very happy, more than normal. Then they took turns shooting arrows in my chest.

     My mother is giving me a creepy smile and says,"Sweet son, I just want you to know I am not like those 'other mothers', and do not mind you finding a non-Japanese wife. Good luck honey."

     And the reliable,"And knock um up fast, so they can't leave you!" I stare at him like he is a perverted idiot...

     Oh wait he is, then turn to my mom and ask,"Mother, why in the hell did you marry him!?"

     She then put her fork to the side and said,"Dear I know you wont understand this now, but in the future you will. Your mother does not have a very good resistance to alcohol and well your father's advice actually works." My mother hang her face in defeat and my dad looks smug as fuck. Now I know where my drinking problem came from... sigh.

     After leaving the depressing breakfast-table, I hiked to school and as expected my two Moe-tard friends caught up with me. So the two transparent scums jabbered on and on about all the girls the two banged and never called back. Then with their proud and fake faces asked me what I did on vacation.

     I thought about it a bit and said,"Oh nothing much, got drunk with two hot girls and they both kissed me, then I met a drop dead gorgeous foreigner girl in my store and then she was willing to  meet my parents, plus my mom told her to come to our home. So compared to you two super studs I did not do too well, sigh" I look up sadly.

     Issei just sadly laughed and Motohama looked like, no he is crying, nice there is justice in this cruel world!

     After a lot of trio shenanigans we pass the front gate, and I see some girls using umbrellas to protect their skin. A few boys trying to get skirt flip moments when the wind blew. Oh these guys are picking up coins off the ground to look up skirts, damn, John Candy did that in the movie [Splash] it seems to be working though, oh spoke too soon Issei just got kicked in the face, ouch!

     A strict voice breaks me from my high-school moment,"Mr Tanaka over here please."

     I look over to see Sona standing guard at the gates for the late kids as normal but what startles me a bit is who is standing next to her. Tsubaki Shinra was standing there with an elegant demeanor and her long hair gently swaying in the wind giving me an urge to run my fingers through it, followed by a pair of twin colored bespectacled eyes. However there is humiliation in her eyes that make her seem lovely compared to her normal ice block stare.

     But ALL of this is ruined by the gaudy white hospital face mask she is wearing. My eye and the corner of my lips twitched holding back a smile the best I could, no I did really try! But Tsubaki saw my surprise and amusement and yup, welcome back the glaring VP! I honestly forgot about this mask shit, oops!

     In a good mood I asks Sona,"Yes miss President how may I assist you, do you need me to escort Ms Shinra to the clinic or maybe the hospital?" Fuck my smile went from normal to 'go ahead I know you want too punch me'.

     She firmly tells me,"No Mr Tanaka, she is perfectly fine, this is just a precaution for her, what I want to say is please come to my office after school before your swim club. Thank you. Now quickly get to the homeroom." She is pissed about something, did I slip up somewhere? You have to be careful, future me. I may have fucked us up!

     About to enter the home room I see, yup my buddy Kiba with four girls circling him in a mating pattern. So I say,"Yo Prince of Kuoh, hope your summer was good, looks like you got a lot of sun there!" I gave him a thumbs up as I went to class. Fun fact my buddy told me about DxD devils, they don't sunburn!

     After a relaxing day of sleeping in classes, I now find myself in front of Sona's room with a tingle in my danger sense stuff again, just kidding. It feels like a quest warning like if I am not careful I will trigger some side quest flags. I knock, then enter, and say,"I have come!" I think Issei is giving me a thumbs up somewhere now?!

     What I see is all of Sona's peerage standing at the back window behind Sona's desk, where she is currently sitting with a chessboard ready to go? I notice that Tsubaki is still wearing the mask so this should not have anything to do with that damn letter.

     Sona points to the chair in front of the chess table and moves to sit there, so I sit across from her. I ask,"And what is this formal atmosphere for may I ask?"

     Sona with a grin says,"My Que-, Tsubaki has taken a blow to her dignity ever since your game with her in spring and I want to regain it by beating you in a game. You DID say anyone can be her proxy right?" Holy fuck she did a perfect evil villain smile I bow down to her in my head!

     I smile and say,"Sure you start!" She then moved a pawn forward and sat back with a smile.

     I looked at the board and said,"I concede, now she has her dignity back, now I will be going!" I then stood up. I think there is some stupid gimmick about marrying her if you beat her or something I think? Yup land mine avoided!

    Sona raised her voice unintentionally."STOP RIGHT THERE! That does not count, come and restart a new game!"

     I shake my head and calmly go around the landmine,"Nope no reason to. I do not care that you're better than me, I know for a fact you're good. I can tell by the way you look at the board." Well that and it was your backstory I think my friend said?

     Sona said,"Then lets bet on it?'' Why is she smiling and why does Tsubaki look like she just ate a hot pile of Precious poop?! "If I win you will join the Student Council, and if you win Tsubaki Shinra will perform any reasonable request that does not sully her dignity as a woman!?" Sona is smiling and Tsubaki wants to cry?

     A full minute later looking between the chess board and Tsubaki, I then said,"My request would be, that during my next week's swim practice Tsubaki will be my towel wiper to dry me off when I get out of the pool, but the crucial deal breaking point is... Tsubaki MUST wear a white string bikini! Non-negotiable!" Take that Sona, now you won't do that deal!

     Sona with a winners smile tells me,"DEAL" Fuck was that a half second! Sona said "You first this time."

     Even though Tsubaki is cold on the outside, I have to admit her crumpled defeated look is super adorable! Why am I so excited?! Do I like Tsubaki?

     A short while later........

     I wave to the Peerage and say,"Great game! Don't worry I will defeat every one in nine moves because their expressions are funny. And dear Tsubaki remember white STRING bikini, looking forward to SEEING you, ha-ha"

     After Tsubaki's natural predator left the room she said to her King,"Do you think he is the one?"

     Sona replied with,"70% sure. He toyed with me, he could have beaten me in 8 moves but he just went to hit 9 to save me face. It is too bad he is not a devil. Oh and do not be mad at him, I am confident he actually likes you, he is just shy."



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