DxD: Matsuda!

Back To The Future!

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     After slapping the infernal device off, I realize the makers of this clock must be the devils!

     I complain,"Damn what my husband is at home? I would never do that!"

     After scratching my balls that have fully recovered, I go clean up and start my second day as a devil. Let the shenanigans begin....

     I am currently walking to school with my two friends and we are bringing up some of the current popular Idols and actresses, of course Mr Scouter magically spurts out measurements of EVERY damn woman we bring up. If he had that level of skill in chess, I would be defeated every time!

     "So Issei, how is your conquest of the student council going?" I am actually interested in how his love life will turn out now that he serves Sona. I hope he does better than the anime Issei!

     "It's hard both literally and figuratively! Sona is super strict and I want to cry, but the boobs on all the girls keep me hyped! Sadly none of them seem interested yet...." He is looking like some poor kid waiting for his new anime but it got canceled.

     I advise my fellow pervert,"Issei if I am a betting man, I would say that the girl you might have the best chance of wooing might be, Tsubasa Yura!" I rub my wing-man chin in thought.

     Issei asks,"How do I impress her?"

     "Easy, just challenge Saji to a fight and have her be the judge!" I can hook up my bro and screw Saji all in one go! I am so smart....

     "B-but I am not good at fighting, won't I just shame myself?" Issei is worried a bit.....

     I give my new devil smile,"And that my dear friend is how you will win her heart! She loves underdogs that just keep going after all is lost! Just pretend you are the main hero of Dragon Ball Z, and keep fighting no matter what, just smile and be a hero! You will also learn to fight better. Saji will start acting like a bad guy and drop in her eyes, then your chances of dating Tsubasa Yura grow! But do not try to date her if it's not for the long-hall, don't use her and lose her, or I won't be your friend anymore. Oh and treat her like a princess you bastard!" They grow up so fast.

     "What do I do to get with the President and the Vice President?" Issei is almost drooling now.....

     "For the President, you have to have a high social status and kick her ass in chess I think, so she is a no starter I think! As for Tsubaki, I do not think she even knows how to spell 'romance', she is a super cold ice-block firm type. I think to make her fall in love with you it would have to be in fighting. I think she uses a pole-arm and she is super good at it, so yeah she is tough. Oh but I do think she likes younger guys! But that is all for the first year, so yup that's your odds!" Dr Love out.......

     "SO WHAT YOU'RE SAYING IS THERE IS A CHANCE!!!!!" Issei does a jumping uppercut to the air! Wow my friends are from the movie [Dumb and Dumber] but I think Issei is like Jim Carrey!

     We finally walk up to the gates and Issei runs up to his peerage like a trained puppy, kinda funny!

     I see Issei say something to Tsubasa and Saji. Then my fucking jaw drops to the damn ground, what I see next blows my mind and I do the statue mode along with Motohama!

     As soon as Issei was done saying whatever nonsense he always says. He then turned to Saji, bent down low like he was going to pick up money, then he did an uppercut right into Saji's balls!

     The sound of eggs cracking was heard all over! DING DING DING KO! ONE PUNCH!

     I-I am so proud and ashamed of him all at the same time, but then he turned in my direction and gave me a big thumbs up! Saji is now on the ground like in the volleyball episode with no Asia to help! And mad Sona and the amused rest of her peerage look at me. I think I am guilty here right?

     So 10 minutes after homeroom I am sitting in the student council room trying to explain to pissed Sona what went down, and she just looks tired...

     "Mr Tanaka I would appreciate you not giving Issei impressionable advice that would lead into public fighting, furthermore why are you trying to give advice for getting a harem, and why was my and Tsubaki's name brought up?" Shit she is glaring at the last part, think brain, hm-mm.

     "Because he is my friend! A boob obsessed friend, but he is super good at his core! The fighting thing was supposed to be in a private setting and my bad on not getting specific with him on that ha-ha. As for you and Tsubaki, he has a crush on the two of you and I tried telling him you lovely girls were kinda out of our reach, but he heard something else, sorry!" She seemed to soften a bit after my explanation.

     "Alright Mr Tanaka, you may go back to class. However, do not give love advice to members of the student council in the future. I am afraid we won't survive your meddling in the future, goodbye!"

     My beat-down by Sona ended and I fled like a startled rabbit, mad Sona is intimidating.

     After Matsuda ran, he walked back to class..........

     "So it seems he has a good insight into all our behaviors and desires, this brings up some of his words in the letter, [knowledge of events from the future] what do you think?" Sona asks the one other person in the room with her, her Queen.

     Tsubaki looking at the door says,"It is far-fetched, but I believe he came from the future and found a way back in time to change things....." Tsubaki says in deep thought...

     Sona says,"Explain?"

     Her Queen does so,"Based on the content of the letter we have proven everything but two points!

     The first is his future events comment. Someone that knew you in the future indeed could know your peerage set up, and how can an ordinary human find all three members so easily to fit your peerage with no effort? If he was from the future this is nothing!

     Second he refers to himself as a devil, however he was not a devil when he wrote this, but coincidentally he just happens to be a devil now! This is my second reason for believing this. I suspect he may have been important to you in the future, but something awful must have happened and forced him to find some method to change things from the future....

     I hardly believe my own words, Sona, but it is the only path I see. Plus he can read your chess play like he has seen it for hundreds of years...."

     Sona thought for a few minutes and said,"Then if your theory is true that leaves only one piece of information in the letter unsolved, and it makes sense now that I think about it!.....

     He avoids all my advances to recruit him and he knows the two of us so well. It would seem that in his future you and I must have been his wives or lovers. He knows you so well and how to avoid any attempt to decode him? Maybe he was my servant in the future and my Rating Game set up made something happen, and so he fixed it, then he did not want me as his master. Perhaps he wants to be my equal and he is afraid he won't reach that goal? So does that mean he loves me that much?"

     Matsuda finally made it back to class and started his nap...then suddenly started rubbing his lower back, then looked to the clouds with love in his eyes! Poor fool.....

Cursed clock

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