Dxd: Ink and Summoning

98- Progress, Troublesome but still progress.

It is easy to see that with all the training and practice using her own power, combined with preparations that came from this little guy's memories.

Ciri is preparing herself to do something big so I asked her. “So, what are your plans for the future? “

Ciri looked unsure of how to express what she was feeling “What I want to do…? ” 

She seems to think about it deeply, growing frustrating until getting to a weird conclusion ”it's all your fault. “

I looked at her confused about what she meant. “.? “

Artoria seemed to understand her and followed right after. “I believe… a modern word fitting for her situation to be a… ‘Spoiler’ “

Outside of questioning on how she came to know that word… I kind of get it if she puts it that way.

Ciri seems to like the word. “spoileds… yeah like food that goes bad that is how I feel now” 

After thinking for a little bit she explained a little more about how she feels “Like… I know about so many cool things that will happen in the future and so many others that will not happen because well, I now know about them and, and… “ She stopped for a second to breathe but she also seemed to finally understand this feeling she had deep within. 

That eagerness that only a kid of her age should be feeling, the same eagerness that she always had to swallow due to things out of her control. 

“Those memories you gave me! So many different worlds, I want to! I really really want to see them by myself, not from some story you showed me! “

It was hard not to smile when a child is so passionate about something. Although it may be dangerous so… the little guy seems to have found a stable job- protecting her. 

Even Artoria has a smile while she thinks out loud “The two do seem to have that in common…“ 

I couldn't really say anything against that since I have worked on doing the same since the moment I realized it was possible to travel to other worlds. This entire place is the perfect example of that.

Even then I do need to remind her of the dangers that may come from it, especially knowing about some of the apocalyptic ones and some that are inhabitables and again the little guy will be taking care of that. 

I do need to remind her to focus on the present too. Something that I should also do…

“You are still with the Rats, right? “ The young Robin-Hood-like criminal gang that she is part of right now. 

“Yeah… They are getting arrogant as you said…“ That was enough to bring her back to the present as a bounty hunter. 

There was some else about Emhyr var Emreis wanting to marry her going on in the background too… 

“Any news on the bounty hunter? “ Bonhart. A seasoned warrior that the Rats decided to confront because of overconfidence which resulted in their deaths. 

I suddenly remembered something else too. “And the fake Ciri stuff too “ 

She seemed annoyed. “That too… “ And I won't judge her, I mean that is barely part of her concerns like the many threats Gerald is going to face. 

After knowing of Gerald's possible death I don't doubt that she wants to be there when he is at risk to be sure nothing goes wrong. 

I could feel Artoria's gaze soften while looking at the struggling young girl in front of her, especially since we can't help her directly. 

Again, I created this mess and so I feel obligated to help and fix it. The good part of this is that I now have more to work with thanks to the information she brought with the help of the little guy.

If anything I believe I can brute force it with the help of the System if needed so I will make some preparations, just in case. 



There wasn't much to talk about after that, just some of the things that she planned to do regarding Gerald and the Witchers in general. I talked with her about The trial Witchers had to go through and how the little guy could help in stabilizing their bodies increasing the success rate of the mutations.

Even without the threat of the Wild Hunt, monsters are still running rampant in her world and more Witchers will help in keeping them under control and preventing the normal people from being affected. 

It seems that she doesn't seem to want to talk about her father and her possible future as an Empress and I didn't want to press on it too much so that will have to wait. 

We said our goodbyes after collecting some of the energy from her to use later on and I was simply left thinking of what the future of her world will be now that I messed with its usual path. I will try my best for it to end in a good end. 


I looked at the downcast Artoria worrying for a barely familiar girl literally dimensions away.

I really don't know what to say about Artoria other than how beautiful she is…

Not in the beauty sense of the word but her… soul the same way Jeanne and Kei also are.

I do feel the need to help people and I really want to do it but at the end of the day it comes down to feeling good about myself since not helping when I could would leave a bad taste in my mouth. Basically, unless they are a child or someone I know from canon, I help people mainly because I know I will feel like crap for a while if I don't help them 

I'm good but not their kind of good. 

I've seen them help people and end up not feeling well. Sometimes all they feel after helping someone is anger, sadness or even guilt due to how those people end up in that situation.

It does even come across their minds if they should help someone or if it will be good for themselves, they just want to help.

That simple and pure ‘I just want to help’ is what makes them so beautiful. Although it sometimes does complicate things.

Well I'm here for those cases, I work to at least be comparable to how the Knights of the Round Table stood for Artoria. 

“Don't worry, she will be fine “ 

Artoria was surprised at my words but then she let out a small chuckle “Why are you making it sound as if we are sending our child away? “

It does sound like that “Speaking of… have you noticed what is going on with Mordred? 

“Yes, It fills me with joy to see her change so much in such a short period of time. I have to thank you for that or else our relationship would remain the same…“ 

I do have to say that they fixed it themselves since everything was a combination of misunderstanding and assumptions from both sides. “I didn't do much… “

Without noticing her voice grew closer and now she was at my side “You gave us the opportunity to do so, that was more than enough to earn my thanks “

I felt that her gaze was a little closer than usual so I made some space so she could sit next to me which she did.

We stayed like that for a while looking at the scenery above us and for moments like this is why I'm so glad I put so much effort into making this part of my Mindscape look like the universe, with all the stars and planets I could. 

Artoria already made her armor disappear and is now in more casual clothes. Something told me that I needed to do more or I might miss a big opportunity.

Nothing big, just to place my hand around her waist and good thing I did, seeing that Artoria decided to lean towards me. 

The small blush on her face was also a plus.

“You know, I learned from the Pendragon siblings that Mordred is trying to hide the changes when she wields Clarent “ 

If I'm not wrong Mordred sword is supposed to make her stronger while also boosting the rank of her Charisma but it's effect downgraded due to her never being properly recognized as the wielder. 

The sword was originally a pristine white sword supposed to represent a new and clear reign in the hands of a new wielder, and it gained its now red color due to Mordred channeling her hatred for her father through it. 

Now that said hatred is gone the sword not only accepted her but its color is starting to change to be more golden… and I don't doubt it to be more Artoria-like now that Mordred has such a close relationship with her.

The Pendragon siblings are also doing great on their own.

Britain recently got an influx of doses of different clans and even races immigrating due to the promise of a safe haven. 

It started as small talks but as more and more people settled there, more people talked of how safe it was and its benefits.

The DevilNet and other forms of media also helped by boosting the image and feats Artoria and the rest made, something there is even videos of their fights.

Arthur decided to be the one in charge to train the knights that volunteer from these new people and Le Fay became the mage equivalent.

I guess Le Fay is the biggest winner in all of this as new races and communities became a great source of new discoveries, often learning about their unique way of wielding magic or the intrinsic connection between magical beings and the way they cast spells.

For example a small group of Vampires gave her ideas on how related magic and blood are, and Werewolves did the same for both nature and even celestial bodies, like the moon could help at casting spells.

“It is nice to see her doing better.“ 

We stayed the same way for a little more but Artoria seemed to have something troublesome going on in her mind and out of nowhere said something I didn't expect “Sadly… it would be hard for her to look up to you as a father figure “

Does that mean that Artoria looks at me that way? I guess it was obvious but yeah Mordred will have a hard time accepting something like that. Even nowadays she tries to stay away from both of us when we happen to be together 

“I… guess she does have some troubles accepting that part… “


-Artoria POV-

“I… guess she does have some troubles accepting that part… “

Artoria nodded, but she knew that Mordred was feeling something completely different.  

‘I doubt Mordred would be truly happy if Ahm just becomes her father… because I'm sure that… we might be falling in love with the same man…’

And I can understand why…

The last thing I want is to fight against her ‘son’ once again but at the same time she finally found something she doesn't want to give up on, something she wants to keep no matter how greedy it is to do so.

In her entire life, she never thought that something like this would happen to her. 

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