Dxd: Ink and Summoning

28- Slash dog

After talking with Vali, we came to know that Azazel has been investigating the case since the disappearance of the kids. 

Is not that hard to understand why that is the case

The disappearance of more than two hundred kids during a trip is not a small matter... And even if it does happen, any supernatural being can investigate such an event and find evidence with ease.

And if there is no evidence left?... is more than clear that the accident is all but 'normal'. 

A ship cannot disappear into the air two hundred people disappearing without finding a single one of them…  that is like shouting 'supernatural', becoming a clue in itself.

At the end, Vali was going to be sent like the original but... well, we happened.

Seems like losing was a great hit for the kid... even his arrogant and superior attitude with hints of chuunibyou is mostly gone by now... mostly.

If shouting the name of his 'unique' spell and that Arthur would learn his lesson after the sealed power of the White dragon inside him awakens...

If you dont know better... you would mistook him as someone with eighth grader syndrome, even if he is speaking the truth...


Thankfully, our plan doesn't change that much...

I approached the kids, who were discussing about Azazel and Gremori, especially about the school for Sacred Gear users in Gregori

Maybe I should start focusing on my Sacred Gear a little more... I know it's known as an error in the system due to the fact that it is capable of destroying the world so the possibilities are endless… 

But well, another thing on my to do list...

So I started telling the kids about the dangers during this quest

"Although there is almost no danger in this quest, don't let your guards down. As you know there is a couple of dangerous individuals like the Abyss Team and Wizards of Oz in there " I explained to the kids

And not long after their teacher explained... not wanting the kids being reckless since they know we can save them when needed

"You heard him, Don't expect us to appear to saved your asses... we will appear only if the enemy too much for you to handle, and you are at risk" Mordred explained with a serious voice, trying to mark into their heads that… 

overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer

By now, the kids know her more than enough to understand that she will stay true to her words... and that 'only if needed' means they would need to have zero chances of surviving or escaping for her to come and rescue them... and even then, she may wait until the end...

"Yes teacher! " Le Fay said with a happy and expectant voice... seems like she really wants to try out some of her new spells...

As for Arthur and Vali...

"Wanna Bet? " Said Vali, challenging the young king(in training)

"Sure, the loser has to do what the winner wants for a day " Answered Arthur, not backing from the challenge...

"I will show you what I, the wielder of Divine Dividing, as the white dragon emperor, can do " Vali... maybe he is a little chunni...

"Hehe. You better prepare yourself to be my Butler for a entire day" Said Arthur with confidence in his voice

"And you…  prepare yourself to be my…  my…  My maid! " Oh boy Vali…  

"... " Le fay is embarrassed after listening to their threats…  and maybe curious about Arthur in a maid outfit...

Then…  Arthur also said his 'Descendant of the Pendragon' stuff...

at least they get along pretty well...

And Le Fay seems happy looking at them… is rare to see her big brother having fun with someone so…  freely


" I guess it's going to be another 'stepping on a door' scenario. Well, what can I do... It has proven to be a hundred percent effective, without fail the times I've tried it " As I said that everyone looked dumbfounded by my claims...

They thought, What hundred percent? You only tried it once!

"*cough* Anyway, first we need to talk with the ones who awakened their Sacred Gear and explain the situation they are in. Then proceed to protect them, keep an eye on them for now, it's gonna be some time before they are attacked " I must admit that the 'stepping on a door' operation that I did with Arthur may not work here...


"We can do anything else during that time... Right? There is no need for us to babysit the kids... " Mordred asked, seems like she has something in mind...

"So you want to... explore the city? " It was clear that even the kids wanted to do that...

Well, they don't do much aside from training and... training...

Oh, well.

"Sure, you can spend your time around the city but make sure you can protect the kids when needed... but I won't interfere then, and the rest of the kids are left to you, you are in charge " Two birds with one stone...

Protecting the kids and giving the team a small at the same time...

Why not.

" 'the rest of the kids'... " said Mordred, while giving me that look...

I also include her in the group…  not that she needs to know about it. 

"There you go, good luck on your first mission " I said while making a door and pushing them towards it, not giving them(Mordred) time to complain.

Something I learned while trying to increase the gravity inside the painting to help them train... I still can't get it to work well outside little spaces, I will try on some items next time so they can wear them.

And of course, I made sure to place some money in their pockets before sending them, this is a vacation of sorts



Thinking about this event… 

As far as I remember, in the original series the surviving students were persecuted by the Utsusemi Agency, an organization made from outclasses from the five principal clans that did not receive any supernatural power and were chased from the family

And as a way to get revenge for the way they were treated, they decided to make the Four Fiends Project, a project that needed the four fiends that tormented the five great clans in the past and  were sealed inside Sacred Gears…

The same Sacred Gears that four of the survivors possess... an unique type of sacred gear, able to manifest an independent avatar

And then of course the Main protagonist Tobio Ikuse gets dragged into the mess with another Independent avatar of his own...

That's the basic glimpse of it... and of course it gets deeper when different powerhouses and organizations are revealed to be entangled into the mess...

One of them being the Wizards of Oz and Gregori having some problems of their own that contributed to the mess… 

A traitor.

The Sacred Gear owners were supposed to be on the trip where the students disappeared but... 'plot armor' or whatever made them miss said trip


Overall, knowing the strength of Vali, Arthur and Le Fay, there is not much of a risk... and even if a bigshot appears Mordred should take care of it...

And that is without counting with Azazel and Gremori. I have no doubts in Azazel's capabilities to recognize his adopted son Vali moving around one of the targets he is monitoring...

Well, I will let them be… 

Mordred seems to want some time to look around the city and experience things by herself

As for securing the Sacred Gear user...

Why would I care? Is exactly the same as The true longinus... they can Slash or penetrate anything but... what would a missing chunk of my body missing do to me?


I can reconstruct it with [Ink], Annihilation Maker in no time...

Am I…  even human at this point then? I guess that if it looks like a dog, has fur and barks... It is a dog…  Right? 

That's mostly how my disguise works… by making people feel nothing wrong with it and making familiar or normal things associated with that forum appear…  like smell or aura… 

Then... is this my real body... or another disguise?...

... who cares.

During my almost existential crisis I reached the kitchen

Jeanne and Jalter are enjoying some sweets and having some small talk while at it...

I can also feel Mudrock on another room... And she seems to sense me too. 

I sent her a small hello using her friends which she answered with more enthusiasm than what I would expect from her...

I guess she is happy for the outing I promised

Looking at the two in front of me… 

I guess I have to thank that Mordred did not acquire THAT trait of her Father... or I would be cooking for hours just to please her...

Still… That doesn't save me from these two gluttons...

After seeing me Jeanne was the first to greet me because Jalter had her mouth full with food, at least they are making full use of their new bodies, especially the part of 'cannot get fat'...

"Ahm!, welcome. We just came back from doing groceries, here I bought this for you " Every day she looks more beautiful...

that's why I couldn't help but bring her into my arms and kiss her on the cheek making her blush because of my sudden boldness

Without having expected me to act that way and without time to react, it really had a great impact on her...

As for Jalter...

well, her gaze says it all...

She's jealous!

Since the day I kissed Jeanne, she seems to feel left out... so before she could say anything I approached her using a speed that she could barely follow and kissed her...

By 'accident' I made a 'mistake' and my kiss was closer to her lips, closer than expected ... I kissed half of her cheek and half of the end of her lips ... I just walked away without comment ... and just looked at her, victorious

After teasing me so many times ...

It's time for my revenge!

Jalter has stopped being a Tsundere for quite some time...

And the reason why is pretty simple in fact, trust.

Everyone who knows Jalter from FGO knows that what is most difficult to obtain from her is her trust...

And no, I am not talking about the trust system to get her CE!

I'm talking about the trust towards her Master, or anyone for that matter...

But after years of living together this is something that settled naturally...

I could barely hear what Jalter said thanks to my hearing...

"Idiot... you have to make it special" Her voice sounds like whispers... it is clear that she is talking to herself...

I decided to not comment on it, it is clear that  even Jeanne heard it...

"So... how was your day? " I wonder curiously, it has been a while since I visited the city ...

"Nothing important, people seem to talk about 'Mia' and her magic mud, nothing has changed" Jeanne explained

"In a way ... that's good" those people don't have to worry while we have to deal with dozens of enemies... and more to come...

"Something did change, Jeanne gained an admirer. You should see the idiot trying to sound kind and elegant while being a Devil... Jeanne's forced face is just precious, And best of all, the idiot doesn't even notice. Fufufu" That Jalter laugh is really my weakness... It seems that She recovered from my kiss, although it is easy to find her cheeks a little more pink than usual…

Now that I think about it, I've never heard her say an Ara Ara... not that I care... too much...

"An admirer ... I'm surprised it didn't happen before, keep in mind how beautiful you are. I doubt that a Devil is such an idiot as to do something within Sera's territory ... but if you feel uncomfortable, tell me and I'll do it. charge " This is something I prepare for, but...

If anyone dares...

"Ahm !? He has only given me gifts and offered me help, he is not aggressive" Jeanne said in a hurried voice ... I seem to be overreacting...

lately that seems to be a common thing ... between hormones and everything that is happening... seems to be affecting me ...

I should find a way to deal with it ... I don't want to become an 'always hard' young master... all of Jalter's teasing would make it even more unbearable...

"But that's not the worst ... the church seems to be popping up in the city ... Exaggerated arm gestures followed by more zealotry, that permanent frown in their face due to their monotonous life... ugh, every time they get close... makes me want to hit them in the face. And let's not talk about the speech about the greatness of... ugh" Jalter seems to have a bad time with the church... well she has a pure belief equal to Jeanne's, but a belief without faith... no wonder she gets annoyed with them.


Not long after Mudrock also came... I had to get into my adult form to give her a kiss on the cheek, she seemed to be expecting it.

I still need to make some plans for our date...

And by the look of Jeanne and Jalter...

Prepare two more...

But with the things happening in the town I need to be prepared… seems like I can't trust Jeanne with being aware of her surroundings like Jalter is...

Well... I really love enjoying my time with the girls...



When did I become such a playboy?

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