Dxd: Ink and Summoning

11- Newfound ‘strength’

I keep training with my newfound power after confirming that there is still time before going to school.

Seems like I slept the whole night and is still early giving me enough time to try some things.

We go to school on the morning and right now I'm six-hour earlier than usual. 

The first thing is physical training... nothing really hard but more on the side of getting control over myself due to the sudden increase of strength.

As good as it sounds, a sudden increase of almost a hundred points in two of my stats is really hard to control...

Is bad to the point where creating different daily tools and then using them became a problem

Breaking the pencils, making a hole in the paper while writing and breaking the table even.... 

Like this, doing any of the daily and common things became simply impossible!

It took me almost three hours before I could get a hold on my new strength...

After getting that at a normal level the next to do is my now named [Asura Mist], named by the simple fact that the multiple arms resembles an Asura, if we sum that it was something created to fight the name becomes well-fitting.

It also reminds me of the race of spirits that goes by the same name...

As the system said, it is based on what I had in mind while making it, so I tested diferent parta of it.

'Something that I can move with a simple thought, like an extension of my will. Strong and durable so not only works as a way to attack, but also to defend myself, an engulfing ever-expanding river that will devour everything in its path'

Even if I call it mist, its form is based on the different states of water.

Solid, liquid and gaseous.

Becoming a Black Ice, water or mist...

And like water, the form it could take is based on its recipient which in this case is my will and imagination.

The second thing should come from the intent of 'drown everything in its path', it basically eats and assimilates everything it touches as long as I will it, to then add it to Its own mass.

The last part coming from 'engulfing ever expanding river'

For now... 

that all!

My control and better 'communication' with It is everything I could make out of it during the time left before the hour everyone wakes up

I wonder if this is how Mudrock talks with her friend...

I didn't realize before but the changes on my body were not exactly clean... 

I was thinking about taking a shower but...

I can try doing it this way!

The [Asura mist] started to fall over me and soon it covered my entire body following the orders of 'clean me' and what is left behind is...


I should expected something like this, I don't think It understands the full meaning of 'Cleaning'...

Just the part of 'get rid of everthing covering my body'.

I need to buy new clothes... 

Looking at the clock in the system, there is almost half an hour left.

At least I got a convenient way to clean someone if I ever need it... 

I prefer a warm and long shower tho.


After making some clothes and getting out of my room I made my way towards the kitchen.

The job of cooking our daily meals fall into my hands since I was use to it anyways and neither Jeanne or Jalter are particularly skilled or interested in it. 

Still, They do care about sweets and pastry... 

But I got this feeling that the reason for helping me is to have them made faster so they can eat it earlier and not for the sake of helping me or learning...

Remembering about both little saint and Avenger in training, unconsciously, a smile appeared on my face

Only for it to be frozen at the next moment due to the appearance of someone... 

more due to her current... State

"... " Kei just forgot her clothes and was going for them, Her gaze feels a little... complicated? I guess she didn't expect to find me up so early...

What shocked me was that her appearance is that of someone who just took a bath... 

Wet and loose hair with some drops of water falling down from her face and body, a skin that had to get dry and only a big towel to cover herself.

The towel covers a part of her chest and then down to a little lower than her waist area, covering very little of her legs...

"Hello, Ahm. You... missed dinner last night..." Her voice carried a happy tone at the start and a more of a worry one at the end, while she looked a little... surprised? at my face.

I have to admit... this view would be escalated to another level if I wasn't in the body of a child... this literary cannot get any reaction out of me.

Even then is... stunning!

To the point where I can't stop myself from taking a glance. Thankfully the lack of an active second head and hormones messing your thoughts did not made this into a bigger scene.

"Yeah... It took me all night... Did you order something?" I said to her trying to get rid of any worry she could had last nigth.

Not used in telling them about a reckless experiment using my body and make them worry for no reason.

A controlled one but an experiment and the end of the day...

"Jalter made us try pizza... " She said while thinking about that night's dinner. Somehow it didn't felt the same without him...

Suddenly, I could feel a pair of hands making their way towards my eyes...

 "Fufu... enjoying the view~?. And you!, What are you doing walking around 'Dressed' like that?" (Jalter)

"I forgot my clothes in my room... why? " Said Mudrock clueless of what she ment.

At some point, Jeanne also came out to see why Jalter is raising her voice...

Both of them in their pajamas showing that they left the bed in a hurry, including a little messy hair. Jeanne is rubbing her eyes while having a sleepy face

"Why are you yelling so early for... Jal... " Asked the tired Jeanne, seems like she would rather use a couple more minutes of sleep.

"Look at this, I caught him staring at Mudrock, this idiot is taking advantage her lack of common sense" Jalted explained to the little saint while pointing at the innocent Kei who just wants to take take her clothing...

I said with the most serious face and voice I could make

"Miss Judge. I declare myself... innocent of the charges" Imitating the reaction of someone accused in front of a judge.

"That's what someone guilty would say!" Retorted Jalter

"... " While Jeanne finnaly realized that her sister is just playing around...

"Ahm... wanted to look at my body?" Kei tought of it as normal since she barely leaves her suit. It's not the first time someone said that they wanted to see what is under it...

Now that I think about it... 

Mudrock spent most of her time inside that suit, to the point where even the members of her mercenary group were surprised by her gender...

"Of course he does, you are a girl!... and a pretty one" Jalter answered to the question a little bit aggresive.

The last part was in a much lower voice, a whisper that only I could hear thanks to newly discovered advanced senses.

"Anyway... this was bound to happen anytime since I'm living with three girls... and even if she is like that... I'm yet too young to react to it. And Jeanne, why are you so sleepy? Did something happen last night?" I tried to explain myself while trying to look at the girls. Quite the task since Jalter doesn't free my eyes...

Maybe we should find a bigger house?

"Yet you were looking at her" snorted Jeanne with an irritated voice.

I can only imagine her rolling her eyes since she is still on my back while her hands are covering my eyes...

"Jalter didn't let me sleep, She... asked for you all night..." Jeanne answered with a sleepy voice not minding reaveling her sister's secret

"You traitor! You also asked for him" Jalter tried to stop her midway, sadly for her Jeanne was too far away...

Looking at the fighting twins made me realize that i'm no longer alone, by myself in this place... so with a smile I sincerely apologize to the three...

"Sorry. Seems like I made you worry" I tried to use the most soothing voice I could think of.

"Whatever. I just want-... ed dinn-... ...er? " Jalter stopped her catfight with Jeanne but... 

Was is wrong with both their reactions? 


"What? Do I have something on my face?" Did they notice something from the experiment?

"Ahn... I think you should look at yourself in a mirror... " Jeanne suggested while having a little dazed look...

That's how I realized that... I never checked my new look...

"Pffft. Hahaha... So you did become stronger, only, only. Haha! that I thought you were going to fight enemies, Not 'fight' girls. Hahaha" She couldn't cointain her laugh but if one looks closer, you could see that she had a sligh blush on her face...

if its due to laughing non stop or something else... no one knows!


I made myself a mirror and just a glance made me realize why they were reacting like that...

The changes were not only to my strength but also to my appearance...

Now my face has everything that could make a man handsome.

From the eyebrows to the lips... the smooth, brilliant and soft hair like silk, the beautiful rust colored eyes that look like two gemstones when reflecting the sunlight and combined with the smooth jade-like skin and his rosy lip-

"Why do I look so girly! " I shouted while realizing how was it was, Jalter is right with this I could 'Fight' girls without losing my ground...

But that is not the kind of fight I want!!

"Pffft. Hahaha!" My reaction seems to make Jalter laughter even worst... 

"You look... beautiful" Said Jeannr trying to ease the situation but...

Guh!... why did that feel like an arrow straight into my heart. Since when is beautiful used to describe a MAN at least use handsome, I even accept a simple 'pretty'!. 

I couldn't help but to scream in his hearth! 

The fact that Jeanne said it unconsciously made it worse! 

"You are right. Ahn has become a lot stronger since last night..." (Mudrock) Her innocent and sincere voice would have made it into a great and encouraging comment... 

In any other moment!

By now Ahm would have coughed a couple bucks of blood If this were a wuxia world filled with cultivation and young masters...

He has all traits that could enhance handsomeness and then the contrast to perfectly highlight the masculine parts of a man.

But as a ten years old child...

Many young girls and women would be jealous of him...

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