DxD: Crimson Fate

Chapter6. Doctor Mage and Highschool.

Hello Everyone. Thank you for reading so far, if you are enjoying the story and have any feedback you would like to share, please write to me down in the comments! I would also appreciate you sharing any grammar errors/ mistakes you catch. -Much love-

Chapter6: Doctor Mage and Highschool.

Nine Years later.

'Ok, Milo, you can do this. You have been training for months just for this.
You just have to concentrate.'
I thought to myself encouragingly as my hands hovered over a gutted rat.
My palms were glowing green as I pumped magic into the form I wanted, and the rat's guts, which had spilled everywhere, slowly started retreating into its body.

After around ten seconds, the rat's insides, which had been its outsides for a few minutes, became its insides again. Once all the organs were in their place, I changed the form of the magic to start knitting the skin back together to close up the surgical wound I had made earlier on the rat.

It took five more seconds before the rat's underside looked brand new, except for a small seam down the middle, with a line of furless skin.

The rat, however, was still not moving.
I had pumped it with sedatives before I started the surgical process of cutting up its stomach and spilling out its guts to try and fix them.

I changed the form of my magic one last time and sent a pulse of it through the rat, clearing its blood system of the sedative, and then nudged it.
It opened its eyes slowly, saw me looming above it, panicked, and tried to run before I caught it and put it in its cage.
I made a mental note to give it some treats later for its troubles when I heard a little excited clap behind me.
"That was perfect, baby! You performed the surgery even better than some of the top students in my college class!" My mother said as she hugged me from behind while making sure to avoid my gloved hands, which were stained with blood.

What just happened were some of the fruits of my studies under my mom for the past nine years.

When my mother started teaching me the Mystic arts, I thought I would be shooting fireballs out of my hands or laser beams out of my ass or something.

Well, I could do those things, but magic in this world had so much more depth than I thought it would.

First, my mom explained to me that there are many types of magic. Among them were Holy, Fairy, Demonic, and Human Magic. And much more.

My mother focused most of my studies on the Mystic arts, but she also gave me lessons in history, politics, and world lore to broaden my view of our world.
Among those lessons, I learned that there are gods, angels, demons, dragons, and many other mystical creatures.

My mind was blown away by how much was hidden behind the curtains of the magical world.

Let's get back on track.

My magic studies were focused on the type of magic mother has learned about in college: Human magic.
It was derivative from Demonic magic, which itself uses the imagination as a basis to perform any feat for which the user could handle the power requirement. In contrast, Human magic uses the principle of using equations to shape the spells.

Although they might look similar, as any spell from both schools would be a conjuration of the mind, Human magic was far more complex than its demonic counterpart, as the mage would need a deep understanding of the art to perform spells to any degree of competency.

But what balances out this complexity of learning is the freedom of not being tied to Demonic type magic only, as Human magic can use spells from any other type of magic, so long as the mage is competent in their chosen paths.

And there were many paths for a mage to walk on.
A mage could specialize in an elemental field, like fire, water, wind, or whatnot, or they could focus on defensive aspects of magic, where they would use wards or defensive formations to act as bastions of protection for their allies or themselves, or they could enhance themselves, by augmenting their base body to bring it unhuman extremes, and the list goes on. And a mage wasn't locked into any one path of form magic, as they could learn all of it, given enough time.

"Say, Sweeite, isn't school opening soon?" My mother as she thought of something.
"Yeah, Mom, it's starting in two weeks," I answered as I escaped her hug to clean my hands.

"Hmm, and have you decided which high school you want to enroll in yet?" She asked, a smile starting to form on her lips. A smile that I didn't like very much. My mother always had that smile whenever she planned something that I probably wouldn't like. The first time I saw it was when she enrolled me in preschool. Since then, it has happened many more times.

"Uh... no, not really; I was going to test for the nearest one to our house so I don't have to commute long distances daily... Why?" I said, the last word quite defensively, my eyes narrowing.

"Oh, don't give me that look, you!" Mom laughed as she slapped lightly on the head. "Well, since you haven't decided yet, I have taken it upon myself to choose for you. My genius son won't go to some no-name high school just to be lazy and not go the extra mile!" She said, her smile growing.
"And so, I have a friend who's the principal of a very prestigious high school, and while I was talking to her a few days ago, I found out that they had changed their all-girls policy to a co-ed one. So I enrolled you there.
You will take the test to enroll in Kuoh Academy in 4 days." After a pause, my mother finished her declaration, and she added, while wiggling her eyebrows, "My friend told me that school is choke-full of pretty girls; I bet you will love it there."

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