Chapter 19: Chapter 18 - Dropped into another world
Asia POV
I was in my room as Raynare was out and everyone was off doing other things but then a saw a letter as I opened to read it to remember this from my other favorite manga.
As then I was in the sky falling, I could fly but not giving away my secrets just yet.
So I'm in Little Garden, I sense that my universe time is different, ten years here is a minute there so that's good to know.
This world is a little weaker than Tensura so I should be fine or I use [Beelzebub] to absorb the enemy to take there abilities cause
Azi Dahaka is gonna be a real fight but he can't copy my abilities cause of [copy negation] but I can copy his.
I landed in a river getting soak in wet with the three Protagonist, Sakamaki Izayoi, Kudou Asuka, and You Kasukabe.
Asia: Oh I'm soaked, not cool dropping us in that river.
Asuka: I know, jeez I'm all wet.
Izayoi: I'm gonna go out on a hunch and say you all received the same mysterious letter.
Asia: Yup but let's cut to the chase, you in the bushes come on out, you can't be sneaky. Oh by the way, what are your names?
They said there names as Kuro Usagi came out of her hiding spot.
Kuro: And I wanted to make my grand entrance too, all ruined.
She started to cry as I rubbed her head.
Asia: There there, don't cry. Why don't you tell us why you brought us to this world but I mean the truth, don't hold anything back.
Kuro: Alright first I welcome you all to little garden!
She explains little garden, gift games, communities, prizes and now finally the problem she was facing at this very moment.
Kuro: My community was wiped out by a Demon Lord, they stripped us of our banner which was our pride and honor. The only ones left of the community are our leader
Jin Russell but also only children, I wanna defeat the Demon Lord who took our banner to bring our community back to greatness.
Asia: I see and I know why you summoned us, you were desperate for help.
Izayoi: That makes since. You needed an edge that the Demon Lords wouldn't see coming so something others from another world would definitely give it to you really.
Asuka: So how do we get it back?
Kuro: Well?
Asia: We have to get the Demon Lords attention which means we have to win every gift game as a no-name community without a single loss.
Kasukabe: That sounds like it will be tuff.
Asia: It is, but I'm sure we can outsmart the rules to our advantage.
Asuka: That's if we can get there attention really.
Asia: There's gotta be a representative of the organization thousand eyes. Will just get his attention to give a message to there bosses up top really.
Izayoi: That's sounds like a plan to me.
Asia: Kuro?
Kuro: Yes?
Asia: Who is the strongest community around here right now?
Kuro: Let me see, that would be Fores Garo.
Asia: Will start with them then, defeating that one will surely get the ball rolling really.