Chapter 309 Summoning Water warlock
The zeppelin slowly traversed the night skies with the wheel locked into place. Most of the crew members were asleep and the only ones awake were those tasked with the ship's security. Even if they were at an incredible height, there was no telling when a cryptid could show up and they didn't want to risk everyone's safety when they had guards to spare.
Uriel, though, found himself awake inside of his trait in front of a strange doll of a feathered snake with beautiful colored wings, but a rather plain skin.
"How long will this take?" Nika, who was the only other person able to enter Uriel's museum, spoke to the empty air next to her where she thought Uriel's ethereal presence was located.
"Who are you speaking to?"
"Damn! This is so..." She was about to complain about how confusing the situation was, but then the doll began twitching and moving in a mechanical way which seemed unnatural even for the flexible body of a snake.
Then, the light in the museum started flickering even though there wasn't an identifiable source of light. A cold breeze ran across the room and for an instant, it seemed as though the world had become a boundless icy dark void that gave off a bone chilling sensation to both Nika and Uriel.
"I think it's almost done," Uriel said as though what happened was the most natural thing and the doll lifted its head. "can you hear me?"
The snake doll immediately tilted its head upwards, looking Uriel straight in the eye. It was all the confirmation he needed.
"This is so scary." Nika shivered.
"It's alright, if he meant us harm he could have done something to us at any given time."
"Are you sure?"
"Not really, but if the only thing he cared about was keeping me safe so I fulfill my oath he wouldn't have healed Luna."
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Uriel popped out of his trait without notice and summoned the snake doll, then Nika came out of his shadow, though contrary to what Uriel expected as soon as the snake plushie appeared on the room it started batting its wings and making a mess.
Medusa and Luna hurried over to their rescue, but the door was shut and they were forced to bash it open.
"Are you okay!?" Medusa asked as soon as she stepped in, but her whole demeanor shifted when she saw Nika dressed only with a long T shirt clinging on to Uriel like a baby koala.
"Uhm... we should probably go." Luna tugged on Medusa's sleeve, but Medusa was petrified.
"This is," Medusa bolted ahead moving so fast she could have left an after image. "this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!" She said as she caught the feathered snake mid air.
The doll squirmed and writhed trying to set itself free from Medusa's embrace but it was pointless, then, it was Luna's turn to go crazy over the cryptid snake.
From Uriel's perspective, it was a tug of war no one could win, but if the doll broke he would be the one who lost money on it.
"Let it go! It's not a toy! Water warlock is trying to use it to communicate with us."
Both Luna and Medusa fell on their butts as the feathered snake frantically batted its wings, scouting the whole ship. In order to catch up to it, Uriel was forced to activate his dash skill and he managed to follow it towards the landing bay. He didn't know what was Water warlock's reasoning, but he figured he wanted to exit the ship so he pushed the big red button that opened the huge door.
Uriel felt the strong pull caused by the wind, but as an ascended he had no trouble standing on his own two feet. Some of the empty crates, along with all the cardboard boxes were sucked outside of the ship, just like the feathered snake that opened its wing wide open.
"Why did you let it escape!?" Medusa pouted as she looked the strange doll disappear in the sky.
"Uhm, you owe me a plushie." Luna said as she retreated back to her room.
After the door closed a dead silence followed as Uriel contemplated the consequences of his actions. Whether his intentions were good or not, he purposely unleashed an ancestral being that should not exist anymore into the world.
As messed as his emotions where, he understood how grave a mistake it was as it threatened the life of every single living creature and there was no telling of what Water warlock's ulterior motives could be.
"What's going on?" Sam said in a yawn as he scratched the back of his disheveled hair.
"Sam! follow me!" Uriel pulled Sam by the arm and dragged him like a kite towards the bridge using his Dash skill.
Sam felt as though his arm was going to pop off at any given moment and had it not been for him being a heavenly rank, that might have been the case.
"Why!?" Sam asked, his hair now combed backwards and looking electrified.
"Quick, look for a flying snake."
"A what now!?" He said as his gleaming yellow eyes pierced the skies. Because of his upbringing in a strict household Sam was used to doing what was asked of him without even quesitoning the reasoning.
"Can you see it?"
"One second, yep, I can see it now. Is that thing a cryptid!?" Sam's trait allowed him to see far beyond what any person was able to, but it still took him some time to focus on his target.
"It's complicated but we need to follow that thing, quick!"
"That's not going to be possible."
"How so?" Uriel asked suspecting his friend was too afraid to follow after the feathered snake.
"Because, unless it's skill is to explode into bits, I think it's dead."
Uriel was left in a confounded daze. Water warlock's actions made absolutely no sense, but at least he was relieved that the world was free from the dreadsome presence of Water warlock.