Chapter 2

Since there is still time before school starts Aurelio wants to stay in the Leaky Cauldron so that he can observe students and as well as to plan how to teach them since the average level of students is still not known to him.

Since it is August and school starts within 20 days many, many students along with their parent are roaming along the streets of Diagon Alley

To buy materials needed for potions, books and other things that they may need in schools.

While days pass by, it's been a week since he arrived at the Leaky Cauldron and today while he is bored not knowing what to do, since he has prepared the lesson plan for students of every year, there are just a few changes to his previous teaching plans so preparation has been completed for the lesson.

While he is dazed, not knowing what to do someone calls him from behind

"Aurelio how are you"

Aurelio turns his head and he sees Mcgonagall along with a family of 3, a 11 year old girl might be a new Muggle student along with her parents.

"hello Mcgonagall it seems you are busy bringing new students to buy materials"

"yes, Aurelio what are you doing here"

"I am staying at the Leaky Cauldron, so I can understand how the process works and all you know"

"Oh, so are you familiar with the Diagon Alley Aurelio"

"Yes, I am"

"that's good, can you help me to show them and buy the materials for her school Aurelio"

Mcgonagall says, pointing to a family of 3 members

"ok, I don't have anything to do now "

"ok then let me introduce you to them, see is Morgan Stark and her parents mr and ms Stark, and he is Aurelio our new 'Defense against Dark Art' professor and your book for 'Defense against Dark Art' is written by him"

Aurelio"hello mr and ms Stark, and hello little beauty"

Mr Stark"hello professor it seems we will be in your care"

Mcgonagall"ok then Aurelio I have some business I need to take care of, I will see you later"

Aurelio"ok then bye Mcgonagall".

Mcgonagall used the fireplace the Leaky Cauldron and vanished, while the Muggle family was dumbstruck by seeing this.

Aurelio"this is called fireplace which can be used to travel long distances within seconds, to explain in your terms, it is a type of landline which are connected via cables, instead of  transmitting our voices it transports the people itself"

Mr Stark"thank you for your explanation professor, I didn't expect you know a lot about Muggle technology" 

Aurelio"I did live among Muggles and I have many Muggle friends as well, so I know a lot about them compared to other wizards"

Aurelio"so shall we start our tour mr Stark"

Mr Stark"after you professor"

Aurelio takes the family behind the Leaky Cauldron explain to them

"In the future to come to Diagon Alley you need a wand to tap on correct places so remember this' from the trash can, three up and two across' and welcome to Diagon Alley"

 A family of 3 opens their mouth wide open Aurelio already expected such reaction and continued after a minute.

"Now first of all you need wizard currency you can exchange Pound to Galleon ratio is 5 Pounds for 1 Galleon

here 1 Galleon=17 Sickles and 1 Sickle=29 Knuts, you can exchange them at Gringotts, this is run by Goblins my suggestion they are friendly not so keeping distance from them"

After entering Gringotts mr Stark exchanges 1000 Pounds to get 180 Galleons and other 20 Galleons for change.

"Now then, first of all you need a robe for different season and some spare robe so we will go to Madam Malkin's shop most of students by there robes from that shop and it takes time to make them, so after checking your size, we can go buy your books,wand and materials for Potions, cauldron and then come back to take your robes, is that ok with you"

"we don't have any problem with your plan professor"

After taking the measurements of Morgana they went to take books and Potion materials finally we arrived at Ollivanders shop of magic wands.

"Ok then Morgana you go inside to select your wand I will be back in a minute"

Morgana"ok professor"

Aurelio go's to a pet store since every wizard can bring a pet he wants to give the girl a owl which can be used to send letters as well, after selecting a owl he went back to the Ollivander's shop, mr Stark is outside while ms Stark is with Morgana, but they didn't come out yet, so he came to mr Stark and gave the owl to them as a gift from him to Morgana.

While they are speaking Morgana comes out of the shop along with her mother with a wand in one hand show that she got a wand.

"Ok then mr and ms Stark I will be taking my leave then "

"Thank you professor for your help we have a nice chat with you"

After talking pleasantries they took their separate ways. 




















































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