Dueling life in a futuristic world

(22) Exploration (+18)

Ness’s Observations Entry 22:

Yuumi entered her room after the tour with Aya. She was tired, but it wasn’t time to be lazy yet. There was something she had been putting off ever since reincarnating. Masturbation, schlicking, jacking off. By many names this ancient practice goes by, and Yuumi knew one thing very well: she couldn’t put it off any longer. Her mood swings had gotten worse and while she would love nothing more than to place all the blame in with Ness, she knew that until she had gone over all other options, that wouldn’t be a definitive answer. Plus, she was horny, unbelievably so.

The anticipation almost hurt. First thing she did was throw all her clothes on the floor, uniform and all. She didn’t care about the laundry process right now. There was something else to point her attention at. More specifically, the wetness that came from below and had already stained her panties.

Laying down in bed naked, she trembled in anticipation. This is it, the moment she had been waiting for.

Yuumi spread her legs apart, examining the source of the wetness around her crouch. It was still strange for her to look down and not see a member, but right now, she had more than enough to play with.

She started gliding her hands over her voluptuous, goddess given body, making sure to stop and caress any place that felt good. Exploring like this was something she’d seen (or rather, he’d seen) in porn back in her own world. Even while exploring, she didn’t touch the place that was responsible for the wetness yet: her wet, glistening pussy. No, for now she was teasing herself, making sure to get the full experience, whatever “The Full Experience” meant.

Her left hand stops at her generous chest and squeezes the breast.

“Mmmm” She lets out a light moan. It felt surprisingly good for just groping.

Learning this, she moves in with her right hand and starts groping herself with both hands. Massaging her magnificent milk jugs.

After a few minutes of groping, she fells a strange heat below her stomach and her crouch is itching. She knew at least partially what this meant, but still kept going at it, groping her chest.

She gets a little more adventurous and pinches a nipple.

“Nhmmmm” A moan immediately leaves her lips. The sensation was strange, like a tickle, but more intense. Whatever it was, she knew it felt good.

“This is intense… NGHNH!” she tries to say, before being shut up by a shiver down her spine. At this point, she had already started playing with both nipples, flicking them, pinching them, caressing them. It felt way too good for something that wasn’t even the main event.

The main event was the wet itchiness in her sex and the comforting heat below her belly.

While she could have kept going just playing with her nipples, the itchiness was becoming overwhelming, scary even. She knew the result that denying could cause, so, armed with knowledge from porn. She lets up with her right hand and starts gliding it down her body. From the peak of a mountain to a soft valley that was her belly; down to the firm mountain side of her thighs and finally reaching the river source of her wet, glistening, itchy, and soft pussy.

As her hand reaches down and she fells another shiver.

“I’m not even touching yet…” she comments at the feeling.

She holds up her index and middle fingers and starts rubbing them between the soft, wet lips.

“MMMMMMmmmmmmmm, so good….” A horsse moan escapes her immediately, the feeling of pleasure just from a little slow rubbing already almost exceeding the feeling she (he) got after a wank.

But that’s where the comparison stopped. The shivers and heat were something she (he) was not used to, and woefully unprepared for.

While rubbing, she accidentally goes a little higher that the slit, giving a nice flick to the hooded bean.

“NNMHMHmmmMMmm” she grunts and moans, the immediate pleasure rivaling ejaculation.

The shivers she was feeling were getting more intense, and the heat below her belly intensified. She stopped rubbing her bottom lips and concentrated on the place that had just given her the best pleasure she ever felt, her clit. She also remembers about her other hand, still slightly groping her breast, and once again started using it.




Pleasured moans filled the dorm room. The description on the NWDA had reassured her that the room was completely soundproof (Even adding a smiley face showing that they knew exactly what type of sound it was going to be suppressed), otherwise she wouldn’t be so comfortable openly moaning like this.

She didn’t know why she moaned, sure it felt good, but she (he) hadn’t done it as a guy. No, there was something in her that made her sound her pleasure aloud, but she didn’t particularly mind it. Yuumi knew that just because she was a woman now didn’t mean she suddenly liked men. So all her moans did was make her even hornier.

Suddenly, the sensation got more intense.

“NGHNN” Yuumi let out a grunt instead of a moan, not expecting that to happen.

The pleasure she felt had progressively kept getting better. But this was not like before. It was a spike of pleasure.

‘This can’t be cumming, right?’ She thought with the brain power that she still had left.

No, this wasn’t it. The pleasure was still growing, and the heat below her belly was still there.

So she kept going at it, rubbing her sensitive pussy, and caressing her sensitive breast.

There was nothing more to the world right now in her mind… Expect pleasure.

The room filled with her moans, every time more intense. The cacophony of her moans was all she could hear.

Suddenly, she felt something else.

Something was coming. From deep down in her stomach, she felt it.

“HHAAaaaaaa” Her moans get replaced with shouts, her breaths with labored ones, and her hips jerked up.

In response, she slipped her index finger inside her slit. It enters with no resistance to speak of. Her insides felt weird to her, like a mouth, but tighter. The feeling of her finger inside her vagina was even stranger, but it felt good, and that was all she cared about at this moment.




She felt something coming; she realized she was cumming. So she used the wetness to slide her other finger inside and started rubbing with both.





An overwhelming pleasure burst forth below her belly. Waves of pleasure reached every part of her tight body, bouncing off her skin and returning to do more damage. She squirmed incontrollably, still rubbing her insides, her vaginal walls clenched, sending her fingers deeper inside than she had expected, touching a particularly sensitive spot. The pleasure didn’t let up, and then she squirted an unbelievable amount of liquid.

It felt incredible, just like if the gods had commanded her to fell good and her body arched to their will. Her entire body was cumming. Her back arched and her feet shot up straight. Nothing she had ever felt before, even compared with what she was feeling now.

Best of all, this pleasure kept going. It didn’t end immediately like an ejaculation, no it didn’t let up.

1 minute later

“Hahhh, hahh, hahh.” Labored breaths replace the harsh moans from before.

Yuumi lays back, basking in the afterglow of an incredible orgasm. Her extremities were still tingling, and the residual pleasure felt amazing. But she knew that the apex had already passed… And she was content.

“Haaa” She let out another sigh of relief.

“That was amazing….” Exclaimed the girl.


‘My bed is a mess….’ That was the conclusion Yuumi come to after that ordeal.

She takes off the sheets and rolls them up to the side. She was going to have to replace them. There was no way she was going to sleep in a stained and smelly bed. Even if the smells were from her own girl cum.

Her crouch was also wet with residual pussy juice and it ran down Yuumi’s legs when she stood up.

After deciding to deal with the sheets after she had cleaned herself, she walked over to the bathroom, leaving a trail of girl cum that dripped from her vagina behind, and sets it to fill up. Meanwhile, she tries to use the mop stored in the bathroom to clean the floor, but is unsuccessful as the places she cleaned got dirty again. She was still dripping.

Giving up on that, she stores the mop and waits on the bathtub to fill up.

One minute later, it was full, so Yuumi carefully stepped, even though the water was already at a temperate temperature she had set earlier.

“Fwuaaaaaa.” she let out a satisfied sound as the warm water touches her sweaty skin.

‘That good, huh?’ A voice asks from the back of her head.

Yuumi jerks her head to the side, trying to figure out where that voice came from.

“NESS!!” she sounds a shout of protest at the peaking goddess.

‘Fufufufufu, took you long enough,’ the nefarious goddess says in her head.

“Oh, come on! Some privacy please!” Yuumi exclaims in protest.

‘Don’t worry, I’ll leave you alone, but I just had to see your reaction to that. Solus, you’re incredibly stubborn, aren’t you?’ The peaking goddess teases.

“*Sigh*, can you blame me? I expected it to be something different, maybe even better, but not this!” the former man exclaims.

‘Soooo, where’s my thank you?’ Ness requests.

Yuumi blinks in confusion at what she has to thank the goddess for.

“What?” she asks.

‘Oh, come on now! Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy that.’

“…..” She keeps silent.

‘Really? going to give the silent treatment now? Fine *snap*’

“NHGNGHNNNG.” Yuumi’s body jerks like when she it had when she came before. The heat below her belly comes back all at once and then bursts. Waves of pleasure once again ravage Yuumi’s body. Her legs buckle, bringing her knees together with her feet still in place, making an upside down V shape.

“NNGGG, YOU BITCH!” she manages to shout, the quaking orgasm she just had making it difficult to concentrate.

‘Nah huh huh, that’s not what you say to a goddess. *Snap*’

Before Yuumi even had the time to handle the first orgasm, the goddess gives her another. More waves of pleasure form, clashing with the previous ones into a mind breaking pleasure. Yuumi feels her vagina clench tightly and more liquid shoot out. Shivering and squirming, she splashes around, throwing some water out of the tub.

“AGHGNGG, STOP! Plwease! I get it! Thank you!” Yuumi mumbles between grunts of pleasure.

‘Good, fufufufu.’ The goddess acknowledges her efforts.

3 minutes later

“*Huff*, *Huff*. Goddess ness? When did you get to make people cum? Aren’t you the goddess of reincarnation?” Yuumi asks the important question between labored breaths. If Ness had this power, she feared for the people of this world.

‘I am. You just happen to be the one I reincarnated,’ the goddess reveals.

“…Oh.” Yuumi realizes the only one in danger here was she.

‘Want another?’ The goddess asks teasingly.

“NO! Please! I’m good! Seriously, I’ll go dumb at this rate!” she exclaims, panicking.

‘Don’t worry, you could go for another four of five easily. Some women are like that, and I know for a fact that you are…’ she teases.

“Multi-Orgasmic?” Yuumi curiously asks.

‘Yes, and from your first showing, I take you’re a squirter to… Interesting.’ Ness trails off.

“*sigh*, can I just take my bath in peace?” Yuumi requests, tired of the goddess’s shenanigans.

‘Fufufufu. Sure, I just need another thank you…’ Ness requests in a teasing tone.

“Thank you, Goddess Ness…” - Yuumi mutters reluctantly “Now may I have some privacy, please?”

‘You’re fun to tease, but yes,’

The air around Yuumi turns a little colder, and she feels a presence going away.


After Yuumi exits the bathtub and dries herself. She immediately goes off mopping the floor and storing the dirty sheets in a box labeled “Dirty Sheets” that was stored under the bed. This was the Yellow dorm. She could just call room service to deal with this for her, but she was shy about it, especially after what the goddess said in the bathroom.

Done with those tasks, she puts on her Yellow rank uniform, grabs the box, and carefully steps out of her dorm room.

“Here goes nothing.” she says before bolting to the elevator.

“That went better than I expected.” Yuumi mutters, closing the door behind her.

The lobby was unusually empty for the weekend, and she didn’t bump into anyone in her sprint to the laundry room.

She once again throws her uniform down the chute, but this time puts on some pajamas.

It was still too early to go to sleep, only 2PM.


Only now does she notice she hadn’t had lunch yet….

Yuumi picks up her phone, opens the NWDA app and tabs over to the Yellow Rank Menu. She was going to order some delivery.

What? Did you think Yuumi was going to show her face in the cafeteria? Hell no! For all she knew, her mere presence could scare some of the Yellow rank from having lunch!….. That sounds ridiculous… Yea, she was just feeling lazy.

So, did you guys like the first +18 chapter? Honestly, I'm satisfied with it.

By the way, the third person thing is something I tried out in this chapter and may use again when describing POVs other than Yuumi's. I use it here because I felt that for a scene like this; it was better than the first-person perspective. With that said, don't expect me to use it in the regular chapters (and +18 one's going forward).

Like always thanks for reading!

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