Dueling life in a futuristic world

(17) First day part 3 – Dueling theory 101 and a stupid duel

We finish our meal, honestly I’m stuffed… That was more than I expected when Yasuna said “Hotdog”. Who, by the way, isn’t having as much trouble as we are.

“Ahhh, that hit the spot!” She exclaims, cheerfully.

“Howwww can you eat so muuuuuch I’m ballooning over here!” Mia says, exasperated.

“Ha! Just do exercise! That’s what I do when I’m felling full!” The muscle brain advises.

“You make it sound so easy! I don’t think I could even stand up right now!” I say.

We all laugh, including Aiko, surprisingly.

After some more small talk, Yasuna suggest something.

“How about we go spectate the Turbo duels? Today their class starts at 2PM so we could go over there and spectate before our afternoon ones start.”

I can barely hold my excitement and say. “That sounds like an excellent idea.” in a fake stoic voice.

That doesn’t go unnoticed by my colleagues, and they quickly move in to tease me about it.

‘Note to self, you are shit at lying right now. Get better.’

After a few minutes to partially digest the enormous quantity of calories we just consumed, we all stand up and start walking up the main path to the Turbo duel track.

When we arrive, after about 15 minutes of walking, we enter through the spectator entrance and then go up to the spectator stands where we sit down, the stands are mostly empty by this time. There's already riders on the track, racing each other at ridiculous fast speeds. I myself can barely keep up with spotting them. At these speeds they just look like streaks of color. A few moments later, I hear a loud thunder snap that I recognize from games as a sonic boom...

I look over at Yasuna and ask. “Hey… How fast are they going? I mean, one just broke the sound barrier…”

“Oh, they’re going slower, this is a warm up round after all,” Yasuna reveals much to my shock “At 1 speed counter they’ll be at about 200KM/h at 5 about 600 and if they reach ten about mach 1. That’s with the cheap bikes, and a lowered speed, the overhaul speed limit for 10 speed counters is mach 1.5 on land and mach 3 in air.”

‘Holy shit… I’m going to… HELL YEA.’

“Wait in air?” I ask her.

“Yes, turbo duels aren’t limited to landraces. The sky striker cup is a sight to behold.” She reveals.

“Why do you know about turbo dueling Yasuna?” Questions Mia.

“Well, for a synchro summoner, understanding speed and the roots of the technique are crucial. The first synchro summoner was a jewel thief that performed the feat while racing away from police.” Yasuna explains.

“Interesting…” I mutter.

‘The other summoning methods must also have an origin story, then. I wonder what sort of freak concocted fusion summoning? I mean, for all I know, he could have been a hero, so I’ll pause with the assumptions.’

“Just curious, but was the first pendulum summoner an action duelist?” I ask Yasuna.

“Yes, he was a famous entertainer. How did you know?” questions a very puzzled Yasuna.

“A hunch.” I tell.


We spend the early afternoon spectating the turbo duels. Eventually Aiko warns us it’s almost 4PM, so we walk out of the track stands, and after saying goodbye to Yasuna, me, Mia, and Aiko make our way over to Dueling theory 101 class.

I sit down roughly in the same place as before with Mia and Aiko setting beside me.

The professor is a balding old man that’s wearing a suit and tie with oxford shoes. There’s something I don’t like about him… His attitude.

“... with that said, Miss Matsunaga, would you explain the concept of a continuous spell?” He asks me a question for the 10th time straight.

This all started when he was describing the extra deck summoning methods and how some people are naturals, which can perform some of them without training. This lead him to single me out as the only know alive, natural Penta-Summoner, and has been trying to stump me to show that just because I’m a natural Penta-Summoner doesn’t mean I know everything about dueling and should continue taking part in his classes.

Of course, the questions he started with were simple ones, such as how the field is set up, to more “complicated” ones, at least in his mind. Thankfully, these were not ruling questions, an artifact of everyone dueling with engines I assume, and I’m honestly considering just straight up asking him to describe how the damage step works to shut him up.

I answer the question correctly for the 10th time, which at least makes him continue with his class for now. His is focused on showing off specific lines of play with a side of self-defense training. For example, if you have a duel disk and someone is threatening you that doesn’t, you can just plop down any card from your deck on the duel blade and the monster you put down will be summoned with solid vision which will not end well for the assailant. Of course, if they also have a duel disk, this will cause the start of a duel.

Stuff like that would have been very useful to know before, as I could have probably dealt with that kidnapper back then. The thing is apparently we are already supposed to know stuff like that as he explained it as an of hand remark to show how important dueling is. By the way, after someone loses a duel, their duel disk stops responding for a few minutes, which, coupled with placing a monster down, gives the winner the opportunity to do whatever they want with the loser. Of course, this doesn’t apply in a city. There are laws in place to limit the stuff you can demand after winning a duel to basically whatever was decided at the start. Duel disks used by the general populace are technically borrowed from the city and have systems in place that enforce these restrictions. Our academy duel disk, on the other hand, don’t, which makes them as deadly weapons. One of the things we receive when we graduate is a permit that allows us to use our duel disks in cities, but we will still have to conform with the laws of the city otherwise the police will get involved.

The class process, and about an hour before the end, the professor looks at me again.

“Now, how about I demonstrate the importance of tactics in a more practical sense?” The professor suggests.

‘For fuck’s sake, I know where this is going,’

“Miss Matsunaga. How about a duel?”

‘You know what?’

“Sure,” I respond, standing up and making my way down the stands, grabbing a duel gazer on the way.

With no words, I turn to the processor, duel disk ready.

“Miss Matsunaga. This will be a practice duel, so there’s no need for preoccupation regarding rank.” Explains the professor.

I link my duel gazer to the duel disk and then put it on.

““AR PRATICE DUEL!”” We both announce

“As a student I will permit you to have the first turn.” the professor proclaims.

“Got it.”

[Draw Phase, Standby Phase, Main Phase 1]

I look at my hand.


“I activate the continuos spell card Star Pendulumgraph. It-”


“It allows you to search a Magician Pendulum monster if one leaves the pendulum zones or the monster zone. Miss Matsunaga, I’m quite familiar with card effects.” The professor interrupts.

“Oh, Ok. Then I’ll set the Abyss Actor - Curtain Raiser to my pendulum zone and activate its effect to special summon itself. I then normal summon Performapal Skullcrobat Joker and use its on summon effect to add Oafdragon Magician from my deck.”


“You have two level four monsters on the field, as expected of a penta-summoner. Perform your XYZ summon.” The professor suggests in a haughty tone of voice.

“Not XYZ summon, but close. I set Joker and Curtain Raiser as Link arrows, Link summon! Emerge, Heavymetalfoes Electromite.” The Link Circuit shots out flames and from them emerges a “Cyborg?” with an elaborate jetpack.


“The on summon effect of electromite activates. With it I send ‘Astrograph Sorcerer’ from the deck to top up in the extra deck. Then I’ll activate Performapal Celestial Magician to my right pendulum zone.”


“A monster that allows you to get a monster to revive by pendulum summoning… interesting.” Comments the professor.

“Not really. I activate the other effect of electromite. By destroying the monster in my pendulum zone, I add ‘Astrograph Sorcerer’ from face up on the extra deck to my hand.” I grab the card. “This also triggers the effect of Star Pendulumgraph as chain link 1, plus the third effect of electromite as chain link 2, and I chain Astrograph Sorcerer’s effect from the hand as chain link 3.”


“In this situation, the chain will resolve from 3 to 1 sequentially,” the professor explains, looking at the other students.

“Exactly, the effect of Astrograph Magician resolves first, which special summons it to the field.” I place the card down, making Astrograph appear out of the portal of Star Pendulumgraph. “The effect of Electromite then resolves so I draw a card,” I draw tuning magician.


“Finally, the effect of Star Pendulumgraph resolves and I add Harmonizing Magician to my hand.” I do so and the professor goes into a thinking mood.


“Interesting… With only a monster, you were able to draw a card and perform two searches plus a special summon. I applaud you on your strategy, Miss Matsunaga.”

“Well, thank you.” I say taking credit for a line of play that was discovered 3 years ago, if not earlier.

“Now I will set Astrograph Sorcerer and Electromite as link arrows. Link Summon… come out Selene…” I trail off in the end as I realize I just misplayed in front of the entire class. I unenthusiastically plop Selene down on the field with only one spell counter… even my monster looks at me, disappointed.


“Well, well, well, Miss Matsunaga, it seems like you got ahead of yourself. No matter, I will go easy on you if you pass the turn.” The professor adds.

I facepalm, but then continue.

“*Sigh*, I activate ‘Oafdragon Magician’ and ‘Wisdom-Eye Magician’ to my pendulum zones. Next, I activate the pendulum effect of Wisdom-Eye, destroying itself and replacing it with double iris magician from my deck. I then activate the pendulum effect of Oafdragon, adding back Celestial Magician from face up on the extra deck to my hand.”


“Oh, so you still have a plan after erroneously summoning that maiden?” The professor asks.

“Yes, I do.” - I reveal, then raise my arm up in the air. - “Pendulum Summon! Come out, my monsters! ‘Performapal Celestial Magician’, ‘Harmonizing Magician’, ‘Astrograph Sorcerer’, ‘Performapal Skullcrobat Joker’, and finally ‘Abyss Actor - Curtain Raiser’!” Five beams of light emerge from the spinning pendulum, they all turn into different monsters that I had used earlier in the duel. (Except for Harmonizing)


The stands cheer at the sight of a quintuple pendulum summon and the professor looks content.

“Very impressive Miss Matsunaga!” He exclaims. “Just a minor problem with that.”

‘Oh no, don’t tell me he has Nibiru!’ I dread.

“And what would be the problem?” I ask.

“It’s simple actually, in the first turn of a duel you can’t enter the battle phase, so no matter the amount of monster you summon it will not result in your victory, plus, with the amount of resource you’ve spent in this strategy I presume you won’t have a response if I destroy them next turn.” The professor reasons.

“Oh… Then let’s see. I fuse Performapal Celestial Magician and Harmonizing to fusion summon! Come out! Supreme King Starving Venom Dragon!” My two monsters contact fuse into an enormous purple and black dragon. “Next, I fuse Astrograph Sorcerer with Performapal Skullcrobat Joker. Come out! My other Supreme King Starving Venom Dragon!” The events repeat themselves. A dragon identical to the first emerges.


“Finally, I set Selene and Curtain Raiser as Link arrows come out! VERTE!” The infamous snake comes forth from the Link circuit. “I activate the effect of Verte sending Instant Fusion from my deck to the graveyard.” I announce and my life points decrease by 3000. “Fusion summon! Lyrilusc - Independent Nightingale!” A human like harpy emerges, her feathers are colored in shades of blue and red, her arms are covered with feathers which give the impression of someone wearing long sleeves and her legs are bird like.


“So those were the monster you elected to pass your turn with? They seem impressive, but I don’t see how they could help you with defense.” Comments the professor.

I give a smug smile.

“The professor hasn’t figured it out yet?” I ask.

“Figured out what?”

“There won’t be a next turn.”

“Ridiculous, you have no phase in which to do battle in!” He exclaims.

“I don’t need a battle phase. I activate the effects of the two dragons, which copy the effect of nightingale. This effect raises the attack of my two dragons by 500 times their level, which results in both gaining 4000 attack.”


“Impressive, but I still don’t see what you plan to deal 8000 LP of damage.”

“Easy, I activate the other effect my dragons copied from Nightingale, plus the effect of nightingale herself. This will deal 500 burn damage times the level of the monster. My two dragons are level 8 and nightingale is level 1, resulting in 8500.” I announce.

The professor finally panics and starts looking at the effect of my monsters on the strategic view.

“T-This can’t be!” He exclaims.

“Yes, it can. Now end this duel, my two dragons!” Both starving venoms copy nightingale which sends a powerful gust of wind towards the professor. I look at his life points decrease to zero.


He stands dazed for a minute or two and then announces.

“Very well played… This will be the end of this class. I have to think about what I have just witnessed in this duel.” And he walks out of the auditorium.

The students spectating look astounded and don’t move from their sits. I, on the other hand, store the lent duel gazer and walk out of the auditorium as well.

I get outside and take a deep breath.

“I overdid it again…” I utter. I look at the duel disk and find that’s already almost 8PM. The street lights add to the atmosphere.

This has been a marvelous idea for not gathering unnecessary attention... Plus, I hated every second of that duel. FTKs are not fun, not fun for either player.

Hearing footsteps behind me, I turn around to find Mia and Aiko.

“Hey…” I am interrupted by Mia pulling me into a thigh hug.

‘OH GOD HER BOOBS ARE MASSIVE.’ I feel her chest tightly squeezing against mine. It feels… Strange…


“MIA! She can’t breathe!” Aiko warns, trying to pull Mia away.

Mia notices what she’s doing and eventually lets go.

“Sorry! it’s just I couldn’t stand him treating you like that! Doesn’t Professor Chamberlain have any respect for his students!?”

‘Chamberlain? Oh, yeah, that was his name. I kind of forgot it during the class…’

“Come on Yuumi let’s go back to the dorm.” Mia says.

“*Sigh*, I would like to, but I have an ADF meeting to go to.” I tell them.

“ADF?” Aiko says, tilting her head. “Isn’t that the academies army?”

“Well, technically, it’s just a club. One of the conditions for my scholarship was that I join. I will be in the dorm back by 9PM.”

“Fine, we will wait for you for dinner.” Tells Mia.

“Please don’t. I’ll eat alone today. We can do it tomorrow.” I urge.

“Ok then, but promise you’ll be safe.” Mia says.

“Don’t worry, I will.”

After confirming that with Mia, they both walk away. I then walk along the path that leads to the Action duel field until I find a building with the sign “ADF Club” written on it.

I enter the building and am confronted by a pink ranked duelist.

“Good Afternoon, it’s too late for applications. Please come back tomorrow. Also, we don’t accept red ranks into the ADF.” He tells.

“Really? Because I’m not here to apply, I’m here for the meeting.” I reveal and point to my badge.

He looks at it and then glances over at his table.

“Yuumi Matsunaga?” He asks.

“That’s me.” I reply.

“*Sigh*, Sorry for that. Pleasure meeting you. My name is Mitsuya Aoyama. I’m the secretary of the ADF Club.” He explains.

“The meeting will start soon. I’ll guide you to the meeting room when it’s time.”

I nod and sit by in a sofa nearby.


“That was a waste of time.” I say, walking out of the club building.

The leader of the club didn’t even show up, so we couldn’t even go with security concerns or whatever they were supposed to talk about. It was mostly just me introducing myself at the meeting and not much else. Oh, and Aya was there as well, sporting a fabulous yellow uniform. She stayed quiet during the meeting, but I noticed her staring daggers at me from time to time.

I arrive at the dorm and dash to the canteen where I find some students still having dinner as there are other classes that only end at 8:30PM. But it’s mostly empty. I have my dinner alone as I don’t find my roommates anywhere and after that, hurry back to the dorm room.

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