Dueling life in a futuristic world

(14) Consequences

In retrospect, I might have gone overboard. And by ‘might’, I mean I went overboard. The expressions on the freshmen’s faces range from unconfusable fear to deep relief.

“WE WON!” Yells Yasuna, much to the confusion of her other seniors, who are more in the fear category.

This out-of-place comment elicits a response from the freshmen in the way of cheering. Their cheers drown out the silence and I’m suddenly surrounded by a crowd of half-naked girls. This shines light on something I just noticed myself.

‘I just played this duel whilst performing anime poses in my undies…’

Before I even have the chance to burn up with embarrassment, Yasuna yells again.

“ALL OF YOU LEAVE HER ALONE AND GO BACK TO YOUR DORMS!” Making a convincing drill Sargent impression. Surprisingly, the freshmen actually follow what she says and hurriedly grab their clothes they striped earlier from the floor before running back to the elevator.

The lobby is almost empty now, with only me, the seniors, and some other freshmen who are still waiting for the elevator.

Yasuna then walks over to me.

“Are you alright?” She asks. I’m surprised by this question as I didn’t even receive any meaningful amount of damage. My opponent, on the other hand…

“Yes, I’m fine.” - I reassure - “I mean, as fine a girl can be after doing silly poses in front of a crowd of over fifty people whilst in her underwear,” I quip to break the tension.

This elicits a laugh from her. “Oh, that’s what makes this even better!” - She exclaims - “The princess just got beat by a red rank in their underwear! I couldn’t make this up if I wanted to!” She’s clearly ecstatic about the whole thing. Probably has some suppressed feelings from last year.

“I don’t know…” - I mutter, turning around to face my defeated opponent. - “What about her?”

“The princess? Well, since you didn’t specify the wager at the start, you can ask anything of her.” Yasuna reveals.

“Anything!?” I flinch.

“Well. Anything that’s not illegal. For example, you can ask for money, DC, or even that she quit the academy.” She explains.

“Huh.” I murmur, making my way to her. Yasuna follows behind me.

“Hey you.” I call. She’s on the floor, kneeling.

“Yes…?” she mumbles.

“Whats your name?” I ask.

“Is that your request?” She questions.

“It can be.” I reveal.

She looks up, revealing her tear soaked face.

“What?” She’s confused.

“Yes. That’s right. All I want from you is your name and a promise to never intentionally antagonize people below you in rank.” I specify.

“… Are you sure?”


She’s hesitant, but in the end, gives in.

“I Aya Ohayashi solemnly swear, That I will never again intentionally antagonize students of NWDA academy under my rank.” She mutters - “There, is that good enough?” She asks.

I give a complacent smile. “Yes. Now get out of here before I change my decision!”

She hurriedly stands up and legs it out of the dorms.

I sigh, then look behind me and find a very pissed off Yasuna.

“Why did you do that!? She deserved to be expelled! Why did you let her go scot free?!” she demands, her face struck with anger.


“Yasuna, understand something. I wanted her expelled as much as you, but if you kick people while they’re down because they were a bully, you are no better than them.” I try to explain.

This doesn’t make her any less upset. Quite the opposite. It makes her even more furious, and the irate mob of seniors forming behind her doesn’t help.

“YOU! Do you want to know how I felt that day? I was hopeful, ‘just joined the best academy in dragoon city I thought’ and then, not even an hour after arriving, I’m being forced under duel disk to march naked in front of the male dorm. Words cannot describe how humiliated I felt! HOW WE ALL FELT!”

I jerk at that last comment.

“And what would you say when the director asked about it? I doubt a blue rank dropping out because of a red rank would go over well!” - I retort. - “Besides! It was my decision to make! And I made my decision! If you wanted a different outcome, then how about you all dueled her yourselves?” I dispute.

Yasuna is stunned and so is the mob.

“D-Dueling her!?” - she stutters - “You know that would have been suicide!”

“Really?” I inquire. “Because I did it, and before you all pull out the Penta-Summoner card, I would very much enjoy you all to try it before saying shit.”

Before the crowd could continue with their complaints, Miss Umeda reappears behind the front desk.


I use this opportunity to go grab my uniform from the floor then make my way up to the elevator. The seniors copy me.

The ride up the elevator is tense, but thankfully, none of the seniors do anything drastic.

We reach the third floor, me and Yasuna plus a few seniors, walk out. We all make our way to our rooms. After opening the door to mine, I can find two other red ranked students inside. One of them is the stupid freshmen from before that tried to confront Aya, and sitting next to her on the bottom bunk is the girl that was crying on her shoulder.

They both share a strangely similar body shape, with the only difference being their hair. The courageous girl sports her black hair in a bob, while the other has neck length blue hair with a bang covering her right eye. They both have blue eyes.

We enter the dorm room and they both look up and shudder when they notice us.

“A-Are you…” Stutters the courageous one.

I turn to Yasuna, and she does the same. We then face our new roommates.

“*Sigh*, look. That charade back then was just our way of greeting new students and the thing with the blue rank had nothing to do with it!” Explains Yasuna.

This makes them both look to me for confirmation.

“Yes. That’s true.” - I confirm - “I arrived earlier and after Yasuna told me about the little princess, I decided I would challenge her.” - I turn to Yasuna - “Against her advice, I might add.”

“S-So that situation with the blue rank had nothing to do with you?” asks the shy one.


“O-Oh, I’m sorry then.” They both stand, still in their undies, and make their way over to us.

“My name is Mia, Mia Nagasawa. Nice to meet you!” Introduces the black-haired courageous one.

“I-I’m Aiko, Aiko Nagasawa. Please bear with me.” The shy one intrudes herself as well.

“And we’re twins!” Adds Mia, hugging her sister much to her annoyance.

I introduce myself as well, followed by Yasuna. Yasuna then directs them on where to store their stuff while I fall down on the bed, exhausted.

“Hey Yasuna.” - I call her - “I’m going to take a shower.” I announce.

“Oh, sure. Do you know how to use the clothes dispensers?” She asks.


“Yea, you see that dispenser there?” she points to a box with a screen on the wall.


“If you deposit your uniform down the clothes chute in the bathroom, you can get a fresh uniform in the morning or get a new one for DC. Also, you can get some jammies from it at night. Don’t forget to deposit them in the chute in the morning or you’ll have to scarf up some DC.”

“Cool, I assume there’s another one in the bathroom for underwear?”

“You’ve got it.” She confirms.

With that established, I grab my used clothes and walk to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. The inside is familiar, much like the one in the hotel.

I find the clothes chute she mentioned and, after completely undressing, deposit my uniform, panties, bra, and stockings in it. After turning on the water and adjusting it to the comfortable temperature, I figured out earlier today; I get in.

“That was nice~” I mutter after getting out of the shower. I might or not had to use the toilet before getting in, and might have had to use a bidet… but that’s not here or there! I walk over to the underwear dispenser and press the touchscreen.

The menu shows a collection of various types of underwear, some of them I would expect, like basic panties and bras and some sports options plus shorts. But there are also some I would not, like branded lingerie that includes some sexy options… I mean, everyone on this island is supposed to be over 18, but still. It displayed my name on the top left with my DC balance of 500 next to my profile picture. I don’t know how it got my ID, but at least I won’t have to ask my roommates for my phone. I go over the options and buy a branded set of panties, bra and stockings for 25 DC. Going over to the “Owned” tab, I find that I already owned a set of the same garments I was wearing before…

‘Well, I already wasted my DC. Might as well use them!’ I decide.

So I select the new set and choose to dispense the bra and panties. I would get some pajamas tonight, so I won’t need the stockings.

After putting on the fresh pair of underwear, I notice how they are softer, form fitting and overhaul, much more comfortable than my old pair.

“Whoa…” I murmur.

After that revelation, I drop the wet towel down the laundry chute and walk out of the bathroom.

As I pace over to the other dispenser, Yasuna comments.

“Hey did you just waste DC on the dispenser?” She questions.

I turn to her and speak, “Sorry to say, but I get more DC as part of my scholarship. Also, it’s the end of month, so my allowance is going to reset tomorrow.”

“You already got your DC? I still have zero.” Comments Mia.

I shrug. “Yea, it’s probably a technicality. I’ve only got my bonus. It doesn’t include the DC from my red rank.”

“You’re so lucky!” Exclaims Mia.

“Eh, it’s kind of counteracted by the two kidnapping attempts earlier today.”

I touch the dispenser and this time go straight to the “Owned” tab, then select the basic pink pajamas.

My earlier comment didn’t go unnoticed. After turning around, I find Yasuna, Mia, and Aiko looking at me, dumbfounded.

“W-What?” Yasuna is the first to sort herself.

“Yea, there’s a reason I got here earlier.” I reveal.

“I’m sorry Yuumi, I didn’t know!” Mia apologizes.

“*Sigh* don’t worry, I’m good now.” I reassure her.

I finish putting on my pajamas and make my way over to the bed, laying down on it.

“How about I tell you all about my day after you freshen up?” I suggest.

They agree with me and, one by one; they enter and exit the bathroom.



“So Yuumi, how about you tell us about your day?” Asks Yasuna, when we are all in bed.

So I retell my “adventures”. They react to it as I go on, sometimes gasping, but they mostly listen to it quietly. I finish eliciting reactions from all of them.

“holy crap, this has been a crazy for you huh?” asks Yasuna.

“Yea…” I mutter.

“I-I wouldn’t have stood a chance…” whispers Aiko.

“Don’t worry Aiko! You wouldn’t have been alone!” Mia reassures.

“Well, that’s enough of that. By the way, we are all getting some breakfast in the morning, right?” Yasuna asks.

We all agree and she sets an alarm for 6:30AM.

It doesn’t take long for me to pass out; it has been a really long and stressing day…

Hello again, just as I was making a glossary entry for the ranks, I noticed I wrongly described them in the chapter I introduced them (Chapter 9).... Yes, I'm an idiot.

It's fixed now and if you go over to the glossary page, there will be an overview of ranks.

Don't hesitate to tell me if there is something I wrote that doesn't make sense, it is significantly more likely I fucked up writing it than you did reading it.

Anyway, thanks for reading!

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