
Chapter 4 – Shopping for Clothes


"A powerful wind magical expression." Taen said. It was a surprise to find out her daughter could use magical expressions so easily. She watched as Merla rolled over on the bed, lifted her feet, and pulled at her ankles. She giggled as she was quite naked, and her mother, Lyra, slapped her bottom lightly.

"She needs clothes, Taen." Lyra said with a smile. "I didn't have a chance to shop before. We should go to Meena's stall." She said quietly. Merla smiled up at her.

"What do you think, Merla? We need to get you some clothes. Do you want leather like momma Taen, or loose fabric like me?" Lyra said. Merla released her ankles, and stretched so she could look at both Taen, then Lyra.

"Merla not know. Clothes good?" She asked. Lyra smiled.

"Of course clothes are good. You're still a baby, but all of us wear clothes." Lyra said with a smile. "Don't want some perverted mother to snatch you and stuff you into their belly!" Merla's eyes popped wide open, and her mouth fell open.

"Merla fit?" She asked in surprise, and looked at Lyra's belly. Taen chuckled, and lightly smacked Lyra's hip.

"Merla is small, and our babies grow up inside us." Lyra said with a soft smile. "Mother Queen puts an egg inside us, and one of the tuskers will fertilize it. Babies grow over five years real slow. This makes them tough and smart. The next five years, they grow real fast. They become as big as you inside momma's belly, and are born." Lyra held her hand over her belly, and made an arc to show how big she could get.

"Wow." Merla whispered. She turned over and put her face to Lyra's belly. "Merla fit in momma." She said softly. Lyra smiled gently, and pulled her up to hug her.

"You did fit once, Merla. Now you're a big girl." Lyra looked at Taen quietly. "My belly is where your sister will grow in the near future." Merla's eyes widened.

"Momma have baby?" She asked. She looked down at Lyra's belly, and frowned. "Belly empty. Momma?" Lyra smiled.

"I have to go see Mother. She gives the egg. I carry it, and Taen makes me pregnant." Lyra said and watched as Merla thought for several seconds. She lowered herself down, and lifted Lyra's shirt.

"Merla hungry." She bit Lyra's nipple firmly, and sighed as she drank the milk. "Merla have sister soon."


* * *


"We're here to get Merla some clothing." Taen said and stood at the counter. The tall woman behind the stall had prominent fangs like Lyra, pointed ears, but was a bit shorter than Taen. Her lips were full and plump, along with deep brown eyes that many tuskers found quite attractive. Her wide hips and large breasts were often talked about among the warrior caste, Taen among those who wouldn't have minded getting Meena into her and Lyra's bed.

"She's so small!" Meena smiled warmly at Merla. "Taen! Why is she wearing nothing but a shirt! She's a child and will draw the wrong kind of attention!" Meena said with a frown. She turned, and reached into a barrel. "At least put a robe over her so those middle aged fangers don't get any ideas." Taen blushed, but she knew what Meena meant.

"Here. Stand her on the counter, and we'll wrap her up properly." Merla was set on the counter, while Meena put a soft robe over her body. "There." Meena looked into Merla's eyes.

"She's a beauty, Taen. This small face, and small teeth will incite the perverts." Meena lightly rubbed Merla's cheek, which made Merla grin.

"Momma protect Merla." Merla said firmly, and nodded once to put a point on it. Taen growled a little.

"Merla is our child. If one of 'those' tries anything, do you think Mother will stay silent? More than just Lyra and I watch over Merla." Taen said quietly.

'Those' were a reference to the perverted orckin who sometimes captured a human female to raise for a decade or so. They lived on the outskirts of the villages, but they didn't have to go far to capture one. Sometimes, the girls were just as perverted, and wanted a 'giant' to mother them.

"Now, she does need clothing, but is unsure of the type she should have. Quite frankly, Lyra and I are both stumped." Taen said, and rolled her eyes.

"Why? Leather for warrior inclined, and soft for magically inclined. Tuskers are warriors, and fangers are magical." It was the standard.

"Little Merla is our daughter, and still young. However, she's already had her first magical expression." Taen said.

"Really? How is that possible?"

"She's two, not one." Taen said.

"Oh." Meena looked little Merla in the eyes. "She's the one. I see. What did those humans do to her?" She said quietly.

"Merla two!" Merla said with a grin. She held up two fingers. Meena smiled.

"My name is Meena." Meena decided to introduce herself properly, and stop the discussion about the time before Merla was rescued and brought home. "I'm a friend of both your mothers, and make clothes." Merla blinked and looked her up and down, which made Meena blush.

"Momma, Meena pretty. Like momma, fangs." She tilted her head. "Momma go Queen. Pregnant. Meena fangs. Meena pregnant?" It was a simple thought process, but it made Meena blush. She looked a little to her left, and heard Taen softly chuckle.

"Merla, Lyra is my wife. Meena is single." Taen said. Merla watched Meena's eyes.

"Meena sad." Merla stood up and jumped into Meena's arms. She slowly put her nose to Meena's nose, and looked her in the eyes. "Momma. Meena..." She frowned. "Word now know." She turned. "Momma wife. Meena wife. Happen?" She asked. Taen blushed, while Meena sniffed as her eyes misted up.

"You shouldn't put your mother on the spot like this, Merla." Meena said and hugged her. "Both Lyra and Taen need to make that decision. You shouldn't make it for them." Merla pouted a bit, and hugged her.

"Merla sorry, Meena. Forgive?" Merla's eyes were so earnest, Meena couldn't help but smile. She hugged Merla gently.

"Ah, I really wish I had a mate now, Taen." She said softly. "I really want a little girl to raise. Someone who will know when I'm sad, and want to give me hugs like this."

Meena was still a young fanger, at just over a hundred and fifty years old. She was still a teenager by orc standards, and had many decades of growth ahead of her. She would probably end up about eight foot tall in the end.

Still, even at her age, she knew there were good mates, like Taen, and bad ones. She was still single as she hadn't found her match yet.

Merla hugged Meena, and felt like she had a word on her tongue that she couldn't give voice to yet.

Meena felt familiar.


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