Dual Ninja World Comparison: No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 64

Chapter 64: New Features Of The System And The Addition Of The Dead!

[Ding~According to the test, the support rate of the comparators Uchiha and Beichen this time is 70% and the support rate of Orochimaru is 30%. 】

Seeing this approval rate, Beichen’s face darkened.

Beichen’s mood at this moment is like a student who has always scored 90% in the exam and suddenly only scored 70% in the exam.

The first primitive ninja world…

Seeing that his approval rate was only 30%, Orochimaru’s face turned dark even though he had expected it in his heart.

This support rate is at most mixed with a silver treasure chest, and you can tell that this treasure chest is not very good just by the name.

“I hope the comparison video can give a useful label!”

Orochimaru thought expectantly in his heart.

In the anticipation of everyone, the comparison video began to distribute rewards.

Beichen’s reward was given out first, as he was the winner after all.

[Ding~ The comparison video hereby rewards Uchiha Beichen with the following items. 】

[Ding ~ Congratulations to Uchiha Beichen for getting the label ———————The Enslaver of the Gods]


Label evaluation: You went up against the bottom, relying on talent and hard work to enslave Shinigami who is the incarnation of rules. Your feat is amazing in the world! Your deeds will be passed down through the ages!

Label effect: When the person carrying this label faces an enemy with a higher personality than himself, the damage effect will be doubled!

[Ding ~ Congratulations to Uchiha Beichen for being labeled —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Tags———The person who sets things right!

Label evaluation: You have cleared the darkness of the village with your downfalls, and you are called a devil by the enemy, but more people call you a hero.

Tag effect: People with higher status than the tag carrier will hate the tag carrier, and people with lower status than the tag carrier will obey the tag carrier more

Seeing the effects of these two labels, Beichen frowned.

Is there anyone in the entire ninja world who has a higher status than himself? Sage of Six Paths? Ōtsutsuki Kaguya 姬?

No! These people are at best stronger than themselves.

After thinking about it for a while, Beichen really discovered that there was a person whose status might be higher than his own.

That is the name of the Land of Fire.

Thinking of this, Beichen felt speechless again, speechless about the rules of this deformed world.

He really couldn’t understand why a mere daimyo from a country should stand on Hokage’s head? If there is no strength, the leadership ability is not as good as Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Beichen really can’t understand that such a guy can stand on the head of a group of Extraordinary to shit and pee.

The second variant Ninja…

The fire country daimyo suddenly said to the guardian ninja next to him: “Who is this person on the screen? I feel that I hate him very much. I don’t agree with him becoming Konoha’s Hokage.

After hearing this, the corners of Xidu’s mouth twitched slightly.

He really wanted to remind the daimyo that Uchiha is different from Sarutobi Hiruzen. People don’t necessarily have your daimyo in their eyes. Now who is doing Hokage, your daimyo doesn’t count.

But considering the daimyo’s temper, Xidu chose to remain silent.

Only Sarutobi Asuma next to him looked complicated.

He has been struggling with the problem, but now after knowing the news of his father’s death, Sarutobi Asuma also began to reflect on what he has done over the years.

Thinking about it now, my father should be paving the way for me, right?

Sarutobi Asuma thought bitterly in his heart.

After the tags are issued, the next step is the treasure chest.

But after considering that it was just a golden treasure chest, Beichen’s heart instantly calmed down a lot.

After the comparison video, all the rewards of Beichen have been distributed, and the rewards of Orochimaru have also started to be distributed.

[Ding ~ Congratulations to Orochimaru for getting the label——Ninja Scientist]

Tag———Ninja Scientist

Label evaluation: Your scientific talent has been recognized by the two worlds, you have gone further and further on the road of science, and even become a pioneer!

Label effect: When you are conducting scientific research, the occurrence rate of inspiration and miracles will increase by 10%.

Seeing the label effect, Beichen stood up from the office chair with a snap.

The reward Orochimaru got this time was too much.

Don’t underestimate the concept of 10%10% inspiration?

The great capitalist Thomas Edison once said that one percent of genius is inspiration, and ninety-nine percent is sweat.

But now, this inspiration has directly increased by 10%, and the sweat saved is not just 10%.

What’s even more ridiculous is the rate of miracles. Here, Beichen couldn’t help but think of a Marvel Universe where black technology is rampant.

The reason why all kinds of black technologies are rampant in that world is because of the so-called birth rate of miracles

Such a pervert has gained such a terrible label, his talent should almost catch up with himself, right?

Thinking of this, Beichen continued to watch the comparison video, and the rewards that will be distributed next.

[Ding ~ Congratulations to Orochimaru for getting the label————Master Master Rebel]

Tags———— Killing Master and Traitor

Label evaluation: Your performance in Konoha Crash Project, “Xiao! The audience of the two worlds was impressed.

Label effect: When receiving the label and fighting with the “Master”, the amount of Chakra and physical fitness will be doubled! (daab) [Ding ~ Congratulations to Orochimaru for getting the silver treasure box!]

The first original ninja world…..

Seeing the effect of this label, Sarutobi Hiruzen became emotional instantly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen excitedly ordered Danzo loudly: “Danzo! I know you are still contacting Orochimaru, now I don’t care what method you use, get rid of Orochimaru! I will never allow him to continue to exist in this world !”

There is no way, Sarutobi Hiruzen was really frightened by the appalling tag effect.

When fighting against himself, Orochimaru’s strength will be doubled directly?

Isn’t this Tianke?

Thinking of what I have done to Orochimaru over the years, and the Konoha collapse plan that I don’t know if it will come.

Thinking of his own misery in another world, Sarutobi Hiruzen gritted his teeth and looked at Danzo: “Half a month! If you don’t solve Orochimaru within half a month, the roots don’t need to exist!”


Danzo looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen hesitantly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen interrupted directly: “Don’t talk to me, you don’t know where he is, Otonin Village! The comparison video has already been said.”

Looking at the resolute Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo nodded depressedly. At this time, Danzo also realized Sarutobi Hiruzen’s determination.

Naturally, I dare not have any small thoughts.

After the rewards were distributed, the system did not play the next comparison preview, but released an announcement that shocked everyone.

[Note: The comparison video has been detected, and three comparison videos have been played, and the test is officially over! Next, the comparison video will be updated! Please stay tuned! 1

The second variant Ninja…

Beichen didn’t receive the reward directly, but looked at the system’s announcement suspiciously.

“What’s going on with the system?”

Beichen asked, frowning.

“Ding~ In the three comparison videos detected, Host is extremely positive in the hearts of audiences in both worlds, and now the system is officially in charge! Host will get all the rights of the system!”

The powers are as follows:

1. The right to post comparison videos! Next, you can publish comparison videos according to your preferences.

2. The right to issue rewards for comparison videos! Next, you can issue rewards to the comparators of the comparison videos, and the rewards issued by the Host will be returned to the Host tenfold!

3. Harvest the right to the difference! Next, you can use the comparison video to harvest the audience’s sense of gap after comparing the two comparison videos. The gap can be exchanged for anything that appears in the comparison video!

4. Labeling rights! The host can issue labels to the contrasters based on the impression of the audience on the contrasters.

The upgraded functions of the comparison video are as follows.

Added previous comparison video viewing area! Now viewers can watch previous comparison videos.

2. Add a comment area! The barrage will be converted into a comment, and a comment area will be added below the video.

3. The comparison video is open to the strength comparison arena! The comparison system will open a arena space where the comparators of the two worlds can duel. The arena space is a semi-virtual world, and death and injury in the arena space will not affect reality. But the said pain is actually borne.

4. Those who have passed away will also open the comparison video and can interact in the comparison video.

[Note: The system update is complete! It is the successful recognition of the master!]

The second variant Ninja…..

Sitting in Hokage’s office, Beichen looked forward with deep eyes.

Until now, he has truly become the master of the comparison system. Although the previous comparison system belongs to him, he only has ownership and no control.

But now it’s different…

Thinking of this, Beichen felt extremely fortunate.

Fortunately, my three views are not bad. In the three comparisons, I have won a lot of support from the audience.

Otherwise, the comparison video may not necessarily recognize him as the master, which should be regarded as good intentions.

Although he didn’t do anything good in the comparison video, he at least made people around him happier.

“The next comparison video or three days later?”

Beichen asked suspiciously.

【Ding~ The cooling time for each comparison video is three days!】

Quan next to him excitedly pushed Beichen and urged: “Beichen! Look! The comparison video has become so strange.”

After hearing this, Beichen clicked on the comparison video curiously, and found that the comparison video was no longer as monotonous as before, and after clicking it again, an interface similar to the previous station b appeared directly.

The most eye-catching ones are the three videos, which are the three comparison videos in the past.

The second is the function prompts on the edge of the comparison video. After clicking on a previous comparison video, Beichen found that the comment area under each video was very lively.

After clicking on the comparison video of Usurper Night VS Genocide, Beichen looked curiously at the comment section.

Good guy! Beichen direct good guy!

As soon as Beichen went in, he saw Uchiha Madara’s brother fighting against Senju Hashirama’s brother.

You must know that these two people are notorious enemies in the world. Uchiha Izuna died at the hands of Senju Tobirama, which is why Uchiha Madara has always been unhappy with Senju Tobirama.

[Second Ninja World Uchiha Izuna: Damn Senju Tobirama, they are all good apprentices taught by him! Brother! Why did you form a village with these sinister villains? @宇


The late Uchiha Izuna was active in the comment section.

Uchiha Madara, who was called out, was also very helpless. Although he was very curious about the so-called comparison video, he was more helpless towards his younger brother.

Why did you agree to form a village with Senju Hashirama? Of course it was because you couldn’t beat it! If you could beat it, Uchiha would unify the ninja world.

Although the strength of the two is about the same, the durability that can’t stand the big pillar is better than him.

【Second Ninja World Senju Tobirama: It turns out that you are the defeated general. What are you barking at? Your Uchiha extermination was done by you Uchiha yourself. This kind of thing has nothing to do with me? Can you stop biting people?】

When Senju Tobirama said this, he was really not guilty at all. After all, the reason why he made Uchiha

It is Konoha’s security team, and its purpose is to let Uchiha stay in Konoha safely.

Because he has studied Uchiha and found that Uchiha is really suitable for the battlefield. In order to prevent Uchiha from expanding too fast, he thought of taking a guard to support him.

Uchiha this pig.

But who knew that his disciples seemed to have misunderstood what he meant, and actually suppressed Uchiha desperately after his death, and suppressed so many Mangekyō for Uchiha.

Thinking of this, Senju Tobirama was speechless.

It is no exaggeration to say that he may be the person Konoha wants Uchiha to live happily and continue to be happy, because the happier Uchiha is, the lower his strength is, which is why he makes Uchiha

The reason why Uchiha established the garrison.

Patrolling the village and then helping the villagers, it shouldn’t be dangerous, right? It won’t make you lose love, right?

But thinking of those pig-brained disciples, Senju Tobirama was speechless for a while.

Why didn’t he realize that those apprentices were so stupid?

[First ninja world Uchiha Izuna: You fart! Didn’t you see the explanation of our Excellent junior from Uchiha? It’s because of you and your disciples’ targeting, we Uchi

Po was so miserable. 】

[Second Ninja World Senju Tobirama: Forget it, I don’t want to explain to you idiot, I’ll go and watch other videos. 】

At this point, Beichen curiously clicked on the second video.

The second video is a comparison video of Uchiha Izumi of the two worlds.

[First Ninja World Uchiha Izuna: The little girl in our world is so pitiful, Uchiha Itachi? Uchiha’s surname like this is the biggest thing for Uchiha

Insult! The most hateful thing is that this guy is still Uchiha’s young patriarch?]

【First ninja world Uchiha Izuna: Who is the head of Uchiha now? Hurry up and kick Uchiha Fugaku and his son out of the family tree, this kind of person does not deserve the surname Uchiha!】

【No. 1 Ninja World Uchiha Tajima: That’s right! Uchiha doesn’t need such an incompetent and weak patriarch, let alone such an animal-like young patriarch!】

Uchiha Tajima, father of Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izumi, was also a Kage-level strongman who died with Senju Hashirama’s father Senju Butsuma during World War I.

[First Ninja World Senju Butsuma: Yo! Isn’t this Shimada? I just watched the first two videos, and I have to say that you Uchiha are really talented, especially that Uchiha

Bo Weasel! It’s so “filial” to death]

[Second Ninja World Uchiha Tajima: Uchiha Itachi is just a mere Uchiha Itachi, not as good as one ten thousandth of Beichen! Our Uchiha has an excellent junior like Beichen, what do you Senju have?

Is it? No hair at all!]

Seeing this, Beichen couldn’t hold back anymore.

Uchiha Tajima is a real big prophet. In a way, Senju is indeed hairless. After all, Tsunade does not bear the name of Senju now, saying that Senju is in the ninja world

It’s not too much to be a family.

[The second variant Uchiha Izuna: Fortunately, there is a Uchiha Beichen in our world, not the damn Uchiha Itachi like in the other world!


Senju Tobirama did not go to the line this time, but watched the video with a solemn expression.

He finds it odd that while the last two videos are about Uchiha, it’s strange that Senju is absent from both of them.

Even though he made Senju blend into Konoha at the beginning, it wouldn’t disappear without a sound, right?

What about Nawaki? Based on time, Nawaki should be in his 30s now. Even if he didn’t become Hokage, he should still have a certain right to speak in Konoha, right?

Why is he not mentioned in either of these videos?

Thinking of this, even Senju Tobirama, who had been dead for a long time, felt a little flustered.

Nothing happened to Nawaki, did it?

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