Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 38: Theodore and Old Debts

"How long have you been there?" Drake asked, flaring his tattoos to life around his arms in a flash of blue ethereal flames.

 "Please my liege, this one meant not offense! This humble one only ever meant to observe thous majesty in the art of the arcane! For this one has been witnessing his Lord's triumphs and grandeur for some time now!" the man continued, finally picking up his head revealing a handlebar mustache and monocle. 

 "I thinketh this one is coo coo for coco puffs," Natto whispered into Drake’s ear.

 Drake had to fight back a laugh as he made sure to observe the man closely for any sudden moves or fluctuations in mana. He continued to inspect the man, with his Magic Sight, still getting used to using the skill.


[Theodore Rotwood] Level 10 [F-Rank]


 Drake was beyond surprised, the man was only level 10? How did he survive with all these monsters around above level 15? Was he another Dual Class?

 "Who are you, what level and class are you?" Drake asked to see if the man would lie.

 "This unworthy one’s name is Theodore, of the Rotwood Family. This one is but a humble Illusionist. As it were, my current level is 10, my Lord," Theodore recounted, as he stood up and bowed at his waist.

 Theodore had dirty brown hair that was parted in half, and wore a very clean black and white suit that reminded Drake of a butler. Theodore even had the monocle and chain to what he guessed was a pocket-watch going into one of his coat pockets.

 Drake nudged Natto with his head as he kept his eyes on Theodore. She quickly understood and merged herself with him.

 What do you think? He isn’t lying about his level and name, but I have no idea about his class. Is Illusionist even a class? There was that stone I got earlier but I’m not sure, this guy has apparently been following us for a while. Drake thought.

 "Illusionist is not a class I have heard of, the closest class I can recall is a Dark Magician or Dark Mage. They specialize in Illusions and Dark Magic, including debuffs and mind attack spells. So maybe the crazy one is just taking liberty with the class name?" Natto explained, "But if he has been following you around, he does not seem like a danger. Just think about how many times you have been on death's door and he could have killed you."

 That’s true. Drake thought, looking at Theodore who had now stood up straight and produced a dark sleek cane that was adorned by a dark round crystal ball on its top. Looking very much like a Magician's cane.

 Ok guess it’s a wait and see approach. His name doesn't ring any bells from the ladders and if he’s only level 10 I should be able to stop whatever he might try. Thought Drake.

 "Just make sure to be prudent in that he may have powerful illusions and mind attacks. He could even have a spell that conceals his status. I believe asking to see his status screen would be best, system screens can not be manipulated outside of very powerful items and high ranking nobles," Natto advised.

 Wait, you can show other people status screens? Why didn’t you tell me this and why haven’t I seen yours? Drake thought incredulously.

 "You have never asked and we are bound by an Owner Contract so I saw no point, as it is impossible for me to betray you in anyway outside of insulting you," she said, "Also you have never interacted with anyone since we have met, I did not think it was pertinent to discuss."

 Drake sighed, he knew what she said was true, but it still hurt that she had basically called him out for being anti-social. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to party up, it just didn’t make sense to when he first started. It also made less sense now that he needed more experience than normal and he had no idea how grouping would affect his experience gain.

 Drake remained weary as he looked over Theodore, "What exactly do you want? And why are you alone? How in the world did you survive until now?" Drake asked as he slowly kept his mana churning, making sure to eye his status as it continued to slowly fill up.

 "This one has been on a journey set upon him by the voice of the heavens. He dare not thinketh for what reason this trial was beset ontoeth us but, our goal is simple. We must reclaim our power and make haste toward reuniting with our fated one," Theodore kind of, sort of explained to Drake, "For reasons unbeknownst to this lowly one, my charges did noth see it fit to stay under my care. And sought other forms of protection."

 "Ok, awesome. You some kind of larper or drama class reject? Must you keep speaking like that?" Drake grumbled.

 "Forthwith, this one asks for humble forgivenance, my lord. But this one doth not comprehend thy meaning," Theodore said with a slight bow.

 "OHHHHH I’m going to freak out! Natto, you can come out, I don’t think we have anything to worry about. Outside of maybe my brain going into overdrive and leaking from my ears," Drake said, placing his hand on his temples. "Did you get everything this weirdo- I mean Theodore said?"

 A small pull was felt from Drake's head as Natto appeared again on his shoulder, although a bit weary, she spoke up, "Not a word. But are you certain it is alright to show myself? Assistants are not exactly rare, but we are certainly not a dime a dozen."

 Drake kept his eyes on Theodore as he answered, "No he’s already seen you if he’s been following us. Have you entered the mines Theo?" he asked.

 "Theo? This one is beyond pleased you wish to be so familiar with one such as me. But this one regrets to inform thou he could not follow my Lord's greatness into the mines. This one did not have permission and was halted by a force unknown to thineself," he answered again with a slight bow of his head.

 "Gross... enough with the ‘My Lord’ stuff. ‘Susmaryusep’... Alright so that means only I have access to the mines for now then. Good to know. Now some proof of who you say you are Theo, show me your status," Drake demanded.

 "How wouldeth thous humble servant do so my liege?" Theodore asked, his eyes going distant as he seemed to be looking at his status.

 Drake turned his head to Natto, his question painted on his face.

 She sighed and explained, "It will be the same as you do any other mental task… dumb apes.. You must simply bring up your status and will it to be shown, think of it as flipping a book you are reading over to show someone."

 Theodore did just that revealing his status, well most of his status.


[Theodore Rotwood]

[Tutorial Alias] None

[Race: Human] F-Rank

[Class] Dark Magician [Rare] Level 10


 "That’s it? Where’s the rest of it?" Drake asked pointedly, glaring at Theodore.

 "This one must regretfully withhold some information. my liege. This one too must keep some cards up thine sleeve for the moment. Truly, your humble servant asks thous rumination on this," Theodore replied.

 "So you’re saying I should trust you with only this limited information, after you have just admitted to stalking me for days?" Drake asked.

 Theodore looked hurt, "This one would hardly call it the act of stalking! This one was merely gathering information on my liege so that he may better prepare thineself for our inevitable coupling and partnership!"

 Drake was becoming increasingly tired by the second, "So let me get this straight. You not only stalked me, you want me to help you? And before you come up with some ass backwards way to say it. I get the gist that you were with a group but you were so annoying that you were pushed out and now you're stuck alone with what I’m guessing from your low level is without a way to level up. So you found me, saw I was alone, and think I need you?"

 Theodore looked a bit nervous, his mustache slightly shaking as he adjusted his monocle, "My humble self would not put it quite so derisively. But an adequate and astute deduction of the history this one has endured…" he said with a cough at the end.

 "Wow…." Natto mumbled next to Drake, "I can hardly believe you understood all that."

 It was now Drake’s turn to sigh, "Lots of older games will give you a good foothold on some pretty weird and obscure vocabulary. And a lot of context clues, because honestly I don’t understand half the words he used." Drake said, picking up his drooping head. "Alright look Theo. You want me to trust you and party up with you?"

 "This one would aspire for nothing greater! Your firm and astounding use of force towards the heinous and vile green villains just moments ago, has lighteth a fire in the chest of thee, this one had thought long forgotten," Theodore said, with a flair and twirl of his mustache that Drake could have done without.

 "Right… That’s awesome but what I meant was why should I party with you. What can you offer exactly?" Drake asked, one of his eyebrows raising.

 Theodore contemplated for a moment before answering, giving Drake time to again go over the man’s wardrobe. It was obvious that he either came here in the butler like clothes or they had been equipment he had gotten from quests like him. But what didn’t add up is how he would have been able to only get to level 10 if he had the ability to kill things and complete the quests.

 The only explanation that Drake could drudge up was that he completed all of them before he was kicked from his group. Theodore could have also kill stolen monsters, but Drake quickly dismissed it, he didn’t seem the type. And if he had done it, he most likely wouldn't have been standing here. Their reality had become more cutthroat than ever and stealing a monster kill seemed like a quick way to get your ass beat, or worse.

 Theodore surprised Drake though with his answer, "If this one must be honest to the fault of being blunt, my liege. He hath nothing at present to offer thou outstanding self. This one simply wishes for safe haven and guidance from one as benevolent as his Lord. At present this one can not do much in the way of battle rite but if this humble one may be so bold. Be it for naught, this one, once stronger shall be an indispensable boon to my liege," Theodore explained, both his hands on his cane as he stared back at Drake.

 "Oh?" Drake said, his interest piqued, "How, pray tell would you be so indispensable?" he asked, crossing his arms intrigued.

 "May I give a demonstration of my one and only skill at present?" Theodore asked.

 Drake allowed his Magic Sight to fully come to life, a cascade of colors blooming in his vision before he answered. He noticed a darker color flutter around Theodore, almost outlining him in a deep purple bordering black.

 "You may proceed good sir," Drake said with a half chuckle at his own language, Theodore was beginning to rub off on him. He may find the man’s speech to be peculiar and almost annoying but finally talking to another human was a great change of pace for his mental status.

 "Excellent!" Theodore replied, beginning his chant, "Light and Dark are one, casted behind the veil I move. Concealment."

 The next moment Theodore shimmered out of existence in front of Drake’s eyes, even with his Magic Sight he was unable to keep track of Theodore. The only evidence that he was there were the remnants of the dark purple mana, slowly dissipating into the ambient mana.

 Shocked, Drake immediately put his arms up covering his head and doing his best to cover Natto as she merged inside his head. In a makeshift boxing guard, his mana flowing into his tattoos ready to strike at a moment's notice.

 Theodore the next second shimmered back into view in the same spot, his head in a slight bow. "This one begs forgiveness for startling our gracious lord. As you would have surely already noticed, the skill allows myself to become near invisible and conceal even traces of mana."

 A low whistle came from inside Drake’s head. "Impressive," complimented Natto.

 "Handy," Drake said, but not fully convinced, " It doesn’t help me much if you can’t also cover me. An ambush is nothing if you can't deal any real damage. You did mention that it was your only skill so far. I see your point though, you can become a strong assassin or ambusher. And at the very least…. A scout?" Drake said, lowering his guard, and crossing his arms, his finger tapping at his arm as he mulled over the possibilities out loud.

 "Indubitably," answered Theodore.

 "Eh. I don’t really need any of those and I don’t think it would warrant adding someone to the xp sponge I already am," Drake shrugged.

 Before Drake could continue, Theodore interjected, "This one would also like to propound that he is apt in the ways of retrieving foul beasts' cores, so that my liege wouldeth not be bothered by such a menial task."

 A voice exploded inside Drake’s head before he could answer, "Do it! Take him! Accept Accept Accept! Now, now, now now! Quickly with all haste!" Natto screamed, almost knocking against Drake’s head with every word, if her hand could somehow smack him from within his own head.

 Where in the hell did that come from? We’re supposed to be suspicious of people like him. Like hello? Earth to Natto? Drake thought his face quickly turning to one of confusion.

 "Lies! Nothing but falsehoods I say! This benevolent man is offering to carry the load and gather all of my- Ahem - our precious monster cores, for the small price of some experience and safety. It is a small price to pay," she explained resoundingly.

 Are you talking like him on purpose? And that’s easy to say when you aren’t the one doing the protecting or killing of monsters, don't you think? He thought indignantly.

 "You owe me! You never get to the cores!" she shouted .

 But- He started thinking nonplussed.

 "YOU. OWE. ME," she repeated, her voice as firm as the high pitched voice could manage. A picture of her stomping her foot with every word being painted inside his head.

 Holy shit fine! Drake thought. "Fine, due to… circumstances… I will help you out. But! You have to gather every single last monster core first and I know how many I’ve killed so don’t try to go and snag any. And if you try to screw me," Drake said, his eyes unyielding as he pointed over his shoulder at both the crater and the small tomb he had made, "You know what happens."

 "I-i-indubitably…" eeked out Theodore, his mustache bobbing nearvously as his eyes went to the tomb.

 "Good man!" Drake smiled.

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