Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 28: Elemental Miller

Drake sat atop the Foreman’s bed -may he forever not rest in peace-, his finger tapping his lips as he thought.

 "Last time I did this I saved the best for last. I don’t think I’ll be doing that again… Ok! So Classes first then the Item Quest Reward!" he shouted triumphantly, raising a fist into the air.

 Drake brought up his first class notifications with both excitement and trepidation.


 [Congratulations! You have increased to Mage x Warrior Level 10] [28 Free Points have been awarded]


 [You have reached Mage Level 10. Quest Complete]

 [Quest Complete! Would you like to accept rewards?]

 [Rewards Accepted]


 [Please roll for Rarity of reward items.]

 [Primary Roll for Main Class-tree Skill Stone]

 [Secondary Roll for Class Specific, Skill Stone]

[Tertiary Roll. Please Roll thrice for Class Advancement Selection]

[Once you have rolled you will be presented with a list of classes based off each individual roll]


Drake stared at the prompts for a moment, a wave of anxiety coming over him for a few seconds. 

"Just don’t roll a 1 for both classes, and we’re fine…" he finally eked out nervously.

 Drake played with the black die in his hands for a few more moments, praying to the RNG Gods to not screw him over again. And tossed the black die across the bed. The die skidded across the bedsheet, barely turning before it came to an abrupt stop from its disco slide. An 8 facing upwards.

 ".... Ok. Maybe I should do this on a harder surface… I could probably try to game the system with my dex where it is, and force a 20 if I throw right, but… I don’t want to think about what might happen if the system doesn't like it…" Drake mumbled as he scooped up the die and dropped to the wooden floor of the shack.

 A moment later a stone winked into existence out of a mote of light in front of him, bouncing on the floor. Drake bent down to pick up the stone and inspect it quickly.


[Main Class-tree Stone: Force Magician] [Uncommon]

 [Unlocks the Force Magician Main Class-tree.]

 [Requirement: Open Main Class-tree slot. Mage Base Class level of 10 or more]


 "Oh, that’s a cool sounding class, and it’s only Uncommon? If it’s like it was before that means the next stone will be specifically for this class right?" Drake said, "Well, no use in mulling over this part too much. Hup!" 

 Drake casted the die once again, not bothering to let his mind wander too far in the details just yet. The die this time bounced several times off the hardwood of the floor, A 5, then a 17, finally tumbling a few centimeters away from him, stopping with a 14.

 A brief pause later another mote of light flashed with the sound of the stone thudding on the floor. Drake quickly bent over to get a look at it.


 [Skill Stone: Depth] [Rare]

 [Unlocks a random skill from the Depth tree.]

 [Requirement: Open Skill Slot. Have a Mage Based Main Class-tree or Sub-tree Branch unlocked]


  Drake looked at the description again, a light dawning on him. He quickly brought out the other skill stone he had gotten from his first class quest.


 [Skill Stone: Necromancy] [Legendary]

 [Unlocks a random Skill from the Necromancy tree.]

 [Requirement: Open Skill Slot and have a Mage based Main Class-tree or Sub-tree Branch unlocked.]


 Reading the requirements he realized something. "It just says Mage Main Class. So that’s the class specific I’m rolling for? Does that mean I could use these technically without having to use the Main Class stones I rolled?" Drake said aloud.

 It was an interesting prospect for his remaining class quest reward, but ultimately it would be left up to fate on whether he rolled something useful or not.

 Drake picked up the die again, nervously gripping it in his hands as the moment of truth was now upon him.

 He breathed deep and steeled himself. If it became the worst outcome he would have to just get back up and do it again, as many times as it took until he succeeded.

 Bracing himself he let the first roll for his class selection fall from his hands. The die fell to the floor in slow motion for Drake, it taking long muted moments to finally hit the floor. Bouncing it showed a 17, then a 4, 13. Finally it rolled to a stop, 18.

 Drake breathed a sigh of relief as he saw the number. He was saved from having to go back to level 1 just from this, and felt a weight lift off his shoulders, as he grabbed the die once more.

 He quickly rolled the two remaining rolls, a 13, and a 15. Nothing great, and nothing awful.


 [You have rolled, 18, 13, and 15. Generating Class List.]


 Drake waited for the list to show up before him on the screen with nervous tension taut enough he felt himself slowly tearing apart. 

 But he didn’t have to wait long before the classes appeared in front of him.


 [Apprentice of the Sun Mage] [Epic]

 [Heretic Mage] [Uncommon]

 [Elementalist] [Rare]


 Drake yelled with glee. "Hell yeah, an epic class! And this naming sense! Ahhhhh so cool!"

 He didn’t even wait a split second to begin looking through his options.


 [Apprentice of the Sun Mage] [Epic]


  • A class dedicated to the study of the mighty Sun Mage.
  • The Apprentices of the Sun Mage specialize in the use of Fire Magic and all of its facets in an attempt to control the power of the very sun in their hands.
  • Initial +20 to Intelligence and Wisdom. Increased Free Point gain of 25 from 14.
  • Any Mage would be honored to be indoctrinated into the ways of fire magic by the Sun Mage, the pinnacle of anything within the Fire School of Magic. Be warned, anyone who chooses this path will be unable to wield any other forms of elemental magic.



Well that is kinda awesome sounding, but I’m not sure about not using other forms of magic… But 25 Free points from just one class? And a plus 20 to two stats just from the upgrade? Drake contemplated, but needed to go over the other two classes before he made a rash decision.


 [Heretic Mage] [Uncommon]


  • A class dedicated to the research and use of unconventional magic.
  • The Heretical Mage specializes in the use of various ingredients to cast a variety of sacrificial type magic.
  • Initial +10 to Intelligence and Vitality. Increased Free Point gain of 16 from 14
  • Any young Mage that would choose the path of the Heretic is seen poorly in the eyes of the other schools of magic for the reasons of using material and ingredients that would normally be frowned upon. Be warned, those who choose this path will be unable to wield any form of conventional elemental magic.



Yikes. Not sure I would want this class at all. Not being able to use anything but sacrificial type magic again sounds like pigeon-holing myself and that’s the opposite of what I'm trying to go for right now. Even if specialization is usually more powerful I would have to go with the Sun God class over this one. I just don’t know enough about Heretic Magic to confidently go with it. Drake thought, nodding to himself for his great insight and rational decision making. And in no way trying to make an excuse to pick the epic class over this one.

 Drake looked at the final class from the selection.


 [Elementalist] [Rare]


  • A class that wields the ability to use all four of the major elements.
  • The Elementalist specializes in no one form of Magic, and can control the basics of the four Major schools of Magic.
  • Initial +15 to Intelligence and Wisdom. Increased Free Point gain of 20 from 14
  • Many Mages look down upon the Elementalist as they specialize in no one form of Magic. And are only able to wield the most basic of spells. They are also unusually weak as they are unable to learn enough specialized skills to supplement their power.




This class piqued Drake’s interest, and sounded very much like what he wanted as an all rounder. Being able to use all of the elements would definitely increase his versatility, and that had essentially been his biggest talking point about himself so far.

 "The stat bonuses aren’t bad for Elementalist, but the Sun Mage obviously sounds like it wins out in power and overall stat gains," he considered aloud. "Heretic Mage is definitely out, so I have to decide between these two. The Elementalist’s description just seems like it's ragging on it the whole time and trying to steer me towards the Sun Mage. But I really don’t like the fact that I would be following in someone else’s footsteps… Ahh! But the power to summon a massive fire like spirit bomb! It’s calling to me!!" Drake grabbed his head in his hands as if his head was splitting.

 "But! A versatile mage that can use four elements?! And adapt to a multitude of situations?! It has to be that right?! It has to be! There’s just too many possibilities to ignore with this class. I’ll only regret not getting an epic class just a little…" Drake moved to select the Elementalist class, with tears in his eyes as he kept glancing at the Epic class.

 "Only a little!!!" He screamed as he finally selected the Elementalist and a new prompt was placed in front of him.


 [You have selected Elementalist]



 Yes! Stop making me second guess myself, damn it!! Drake shouted internally.


 [Congratulations! Your Basic Mage Class has upgraded to Elementalist]

 [Detection of a Secondary Class. Your Class upgrade has been postponed until you have confirmed your Secondary Class]


 Drake twitched with a bit of surprise as he had totally forgotten that he had another class to select. He had been so caught up in his head it had completely slipped his mind.

 He flipped through his notifications and found the second class quest he was looking for.


 [You have reached Warrior Level 10. Quest Complete]

 [Quest Complete! Would you like to accept rewards?]

 [Rewards Accepted]


 [Please roll for Rarity of reward items.]

 [Primary Roll for Main Class-tree Skill Stone]

 [Secondary Roll for Class Specific, Skill Stone]

[Tertiary Roll. Please Roll thrice for Class Advancement Selection]

[Once you have rolled you will be presented with a list of classes based off each individual roll]


Awwww shiet, here we go again. Thought Drake, picking up the die from the floor so he could roll once again.

 All of Drake’s hesitation and anxiety had already been eaten up by his first go around and he threw the die rapid fire to get to his classes.

 Tossing it to the ground for the Main Class Tree Stone, the die skipped and tumbled off the floor eventually situating itself. A 15 showing.

 The stone shone into existence from the bead of light and thudded on the floor a moment later, Drake bending down to pick it up and inspect it.


 [Main Class-tree Stone: Shield Miller] [Rare]

 [Unlocks the Shield Miller Main Class-tree.]

 [Requirement: Open Main Class-tree slot. Warrior Base Class level of 10 or more]


 "Oh a tank class? Well that’s a no go, too much trauma from games. Always getting blamed for bad pulls and everything going wrong even when it wasn’t my fault. Yeah, hard pass." Drake chuckled wearily at the Class name.

 He quickly pocketed the stone, and rolled again. The die slipped from his hand, rolling to the floor, and bouncing off the floor. This time stopping at 17.

 Drake pumped his fist, as he leaned over to grab the stone and die that had rolled on the floor. His luck was on a roll today.


 [Skill Stone: Guardian] [Epic]

 [Unlocks a random skill from the Guardian tree.]

 [Requirement: Open Skill Slot. Have a Warrior Based Main Class-tree or Sub-tree Branch unlocked]


 Drake’s eyes bulged slightly when he saw that it was an epic skill stone. His luck really was doing well today.

 He would have to really consider using this one just because it was epic, even though it sounded like it belonged to a tank type class. How could anyone pass on an Epic Rarity skill?

 Drake again placed the stone into his inventory for later, looking at the die in his hand for a moment. It was again the moment of truth. Just what type of Class would he get.

 He didn’t want to psyche himself out, and quickly dropped the die to the ground for his class generation. But on this roll his luck had run out, as it slowly bounced and tumbled revealing a 2 as it finally ceased to sway back and forth.

 "Can’t always strike gold right… Haha…" He consoled himself, a nervous lump starting to form in the pit of his stomach.

 Drake took no time to pick the die up and toss it again to the floor, not wanting to let the moment linger for too long.

 As the die skidded across the wooden floor boards, he felt himself begin to sweat with apprehension. It bounced further than he wanted it to, as he had put a bit too much power into the cast. Drake swiftly ran to look at the result, with a breath of relief. A 17.

 He gave a silent prayer of gratitude to his god, Kennyphoon.

 Drake for the second to last time cast his die to the floor, making sure not to throw it with too much strength this time. The die bounced in place, 2. Then a 16. Finally it hit a crack in the floor and veered off underneath the bed out of view.

 Drake cursed as he practically leapt to the die concerned about the roll. Only to see it had again landed on 17.


 [You have rolled 2, 17, and 17 Generating Class List]


 Drake steadied himself from falling down as he read the notification. He had finally gotten to this point. His hard work had actually paid off. And he had met one of his goals. Now he just had to pick a second class, and he was on his way to getting through this hellish tutorial.

 He looked at the now generated class list.


 [Farmer] [Common]

 [Bloodbane Berserker] [Rare]

 [Shield Miller] [Rare]


Oh there’s a familiar face. And two rares to boot! But maybe the farmer class has some sort of hidden power? Drake thought jovially.


 [Farmer] [Common]


  • A class that tends to arable land and the like.
  • The Farmer is a commonly seen non-combat class that uses its strength and vitality to tend to crops.
  • Initial +5 to Strength, Vitality, and Stamina. Decreased Free Points gain of 10 from 14.
  • The Farmer is an essential non-combat class that instead gains experience from tending to fields and arable land. They are typically looked down on but are vital for the smooth workings of infrastructure for any great nation or empire. Be warned, those who choose this path will lose all combat skills, and gain a predetermined skill set made for Agriculture.




"Wow, that's actually pretty down to earth. I was honestly expecting it to be a hidden cheat class where -‘Through farming I have become the strongest!’- type thing." Drake needled.

 He coughed as if to excuse himself to all the farmers in the world that were working hard only to be put into these tutorials, and looked to the next more relevant class that he would decide from.


 [Bloodbane Berserker] [Rare]


  • A class that specializes in melee weaponry to cut bloody paths through their enemies with cutthroat precision.
  • The Bloodbane Berserker is a single minded fighting specialist that makes use of blood skills to increase their fighting potential to a frightening degree.
  • Initial +15 to Strength and Dexterity. Increased Free Points gain of 20 from 14.
  • The Bloodbane Berserker is an archetypal fighter class that is seen through the multiverse as a hallmark of frontline fighters. As the core of any elite fighting force they are both feared and respected.



Now that sounds like actual fire! I can actually see myself as this class already with how I fight… Drake mused, thinking of his fights so far where he basically bludgeoned monsters with his bare hands.


 But, there was still the last class.


 [Shield Miller] [Rare]


  • A class that specializes in creating space and protecting allies.
  • The Shield Miller is a moving tank that uses its body and massive defensive buffs to push a path forward for itself and allies through the battlefield.
  • Initial +15 to Vitality and Strength. Increased Free Points gain of 20 from 14
  • The Shield Miller is a misnomer, in that it does not technically use a shield. The Shield Miller is a metaphorical wall that stops any and all aggression in its tracks. They also use their bodies to not only defend, but plow through their enemies.



"Oh. Oh I like that. I have totally misjudged you Shield Miller! I’ll admit that I really want to take the Berserker class, but the fact that I have an epic skill stone for this class is really making me biased," Drake said conceding. "Ahhh... But the name Shield Miller just doesn't really hit for me. Then again, it does look like it gains defensive buffs and a boatload of Vitality from the description, and that’s something I really need considering my fighting style also… It just has to be this then, I have the skill stone already and it will cover my faults for having typically low defense as a Mage."

 Drake slapped his cheeks, to reaffirm himself of his decision, and selected Shield Miller.


 [You have selected Shield Miller]



 For god’s sakes yes! Didn’t you just hear my entire monologue just now?! He screamed internally.


 [Congratulations! Your Basic Warrior Class has upgraded to Shield Miller]

 [Detection of a Primary Class. Your classes have combined. Combination Class Elemental Miller]

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