Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 264: To Sandal

Drake sat at the steps of the house after sending in Yorth, his hands motioning slowly as he melded and cycled through his elements. He had defaulted back to doing this exercise from the tutorial when he began thinking.


He couldn’t place the mana he saw around Megan, it felt and looked malformed as if it was melting the air around it.


Drake clenched his hand, staring off absently as the spells melded together forming a sphere of condensed energies.


His mind whirled trying to place the off putting feeling he had inside the house and the words she had said.


Why is she so fixated on me? He thought. No matter how you look at it, the obsession isn’t natural, it feels….


He shook his head, instead focusing on the ball of magic hovering above his hand, willing it to condense even more, slowly shaping it to his will and spinning with such speed it began to cut the wind around it.


Drake flexed his will, surging mana into the ball as it glowed and hummed with power, a bright white sun spinning in place.


Then a pop sounded and he felt a weight on his shoulder.


“Having fun pretending to play doctor are we?” Natto asked.


“Not really in the mood,” Drake sighed, using a finger to point the ball of elements into the ground.


The condensed package shot straight down at his command, burrowing a red hot hole at the bottom of the steps. A moment later a small rumble shook the area.


“Can you detect anything wrong with Megan?” Drake asked, ignoring the rumble.


“The girl?” Natto said, raising a brow, “I can not inspect any status conditions on individuals. I am only privy to very limited and specific things pertaining to the city. Was she particularly estranged?”


Drake nodded.


“I have been keeping track of her since she arrived but I can only say that she acts in line with a love-struck girl. However, she has refused to leave her house in the recent week. Do you believe it to be more than simple obsession?”


Drake rubbed his temples and sighed, “I’m not sure. Since the system happened I've had a few people try to force relationships. But nothing like this, she seemed off, crazed. Everything I said she was hanging on unnaturally… Like,” Drake scoffed to himself, “Like it was word of god or something.”


The door creaked open behind them, and a long red-haired man stepped out.


“Anything?” Drake asked.


“The skill didn’t detect anything if that’s what you're asking. She is normal,” Yorth said, then scratched the back of his head, “Status-wise, that is.”


Drake got up dusting off his knees, “Is that so. Sorry for bothering you then. Take care of Rvul for me while you’re out there. Appreciate you entertaining this.”


Yorth shook his head, “Not at all. I’m sorry I couldn’t do more, “he smiled, “Those kids you trained up are all grown up now, huh? It was something else to see what they did in the arena.”


Drake smiled back, “Yeah, they’ve come a long way. I’ll see you all when we get back, yeah?”


Yorth waved as he left for the main street, turning the corner he was replaced by a small group of rowdy teens, a large giant of a man, and one especially happy woman.


Drake stepped off the steps of the building giving a glance backward while feeling a tinge of regret of not being able to do anything for Megan.


He met the group a few feet away from the building, raising a hand in greeting.


Sah Ul’ had her arm wrapped around Landin, patting him on the shoulder with the other in praise.


“I can not believe you had fighting ability like that! It must have been a new skill, you young warriors are so full of surprises!” she laughed, slapping him.


Landin lurched forward a few steps, trying and failing to rub the spot Sarah had hit with his face twisted in both pain and pride.


“She’s right, you really stole the show there in the last bit,” Bjorn agreed, waving to Drake.


“You’re all doing this on purpose because I missed the ending of the fight aren’t you?” Drake chuckled wryly.


“We certainly might be,” Charlotte nodded, her emotionless face somehow conveying slight anger.


“I am disappointed that Lord Drake did not see us wipe the floor with those foul-mouthed cockroaches,” Atropos huffed, crossing her arms.


“Quetz got to shoot a lot of people and make some really pretty lights!” Quetz beamed, running to Drake and rubbing her head into his chest.


Drake patted her on the head, “Is that right? Well I think that deserves a reward,” he smiled looking around, “No Theo, Harley, or Chelsea?”


“Theo took Harley home. Chelsea went to grab some things from the auction to try to help Megan with Julia. How is she by the way bro?” Bjorn asked, looking past Drake.


He shook his head, “She’s confused, to say the least, it isn’t normal and it doesn’t seem to be a skill or curse. Yorth wasn’t able to cleanse anything from her, so I’m at a loss.”


 “Hey, hey! You said presents?!” Quetz interrupted.


Drake smiled, “Yeah, that I did,” he turned to Mordred, Glenn, and Lucium, “As for you three. Natto, will you see to it that Mordred at the very least gets her second Subtree Stone and ranks up? She should already have one, but she needs the highest rarity available that we can afford.”


Natto leaned back on Drake’s shoulder with both hands, her nose up as she peered down at the black and white-haired girl, “Must I? I have better things to do with my time.”


“I’m asking you to do it. Have her ready by the time we leave.”


Natto grumbled but hopped off Drake’s shoulder, her geta making distinct wooden taps as she trotted along, “Fine, I expect candy in compensation… Come now half-breed, let us get you well and grown.”


Mordred’s face turned incredulous and she looked back to Drake who only smiled and nodded.


She, Glenn, and Lucium followed the small construct albeit reluctantly, leaving the rest of the large group with Drake.


“Alright, let’s go see what my best friend is up to,” Drake smirked.


“You have friends other than me?” Bjorn asked, clearly surprised.


“I have at least three,” Drake frowned.


“Quetz is your friend!” Quetz perked up, raising her hand.


“I am also Lord Drake’s friend!” Atropos added after hearing Quetz shout.


“Yes, yes, you’re all my friends,” Drake chuckled wryly, “Alright come on, hopefully, he’s all set up.”


The group began walking down the main street, garnering eyes from passerbyers after the arena event, but none of them seemed to notice as they happily chatted idly as they walked.


But soon, Drake was met with Hudson and a small troop of soldiers intruding on their little walk.


“You got a minute pup?” Hudson asked.


“For you? I can spare at least one,” Drake laughed.


Hudson’s face conveyed just how uncomfortable while he looked around, “Little Lady ain’t around?”


“Natto? I sent her on a little errand.”


Hudson breathed out a little puff of air in relief, “Good.”




“Damn right, she wanted me to talk to you about some of the cities that the New Colonies is associated with but she had me damn near ghost white when I mentioned some of the cities.”


“Oh…?” Drake asked, as their now larger group turned a corner.


“Not sure what got into her, but soon as I mentioned the dang place she melts a whole table!”


Drake raised a brow.


Since when can she melt things…? And what would make her that irritated? Drake thought.


“You’re stalling. What’s the name of the city?” Drake urged.


Hudson scratched the back of his head, “Alright, alright. Can’t blame me after how she acted, but she said to talk to ya about a place called Sandal.”


Drake stopped midstep.


“Come again?”


Hudson and the rest of the group stopped turning to him, “That look… That’s the damn same one that little lady gave me. I said Sandal dang it, what is with you two? It’s a trading partner for the United Colonies, but that’s all I know.”


Drake drew in a breath, “I’ll accept that only because it’s you telling me Hudson. But…” he paused, trying to rapidly go through his thoughts, “Natto!”


With a pop, she quickly appeared in front of him, her arms crossed. She looked over to see Hudson, then back to Drake.


“I see the liar has finally come clean,” Natto said evenly.


“I ain’t no liar-” Hudson defended.


“It’s fine,” Drake said, cutting him off, “Change of plans. Get Mordred and Glenn ready within the hour. I didn’t want to rush them but we’re leaving as soon as Lamar is done with what I need, so we don’t have time to be gentle with the rank up. After that is done, get Mr. Hogue, we’re leaving for Sandal, tonight.”


Drake turned to Hudson, “You and your little troup of spies are coming with us as well.”


“Now hold on just a damn second-” Hudson tried to protest, obviously confused but was stopped by Drake, pillars of ice suddenly erected in the area around them, each one pointed right at the head of a soldier.


“I trust you, Hudson. We went through a lot in the tutorial. But that doesn’t mean I trust the people you are with. And a lot can happen to a person in the month we’ve been apart. I have an obligation to keep my city and people safe,” Drake explained, taking a step forward, “And right now, that thread might very well be you and the United Colonies.”


Without explaining further Drake moved down the road, his ice pillars continuing to stay at the ready, forcing the group of soldiers, and Hudson, to move as well.


“Patriarch, I thought this man was your friend?” Sah Ul’ asked.


“He was,” Drake said, “A month ago and before he was a part of an organization which trades with a city we know deals in slaves…”


He gritted his teeth, hating that he was forced to make a decision of holding someone he knew essentially at gunpoint, but he seemed to not have any other option until he understood the relationship between Sandal and the United Colonies.


It might explain why the UC is going up the Nobility ladder so quickly as well… Is there something else? It feels like I’m missing something. He thought.


His mind whirling like a chaotic storm in his head, the group finally made it to their destination without much more conversation.


Drake couldn’t help but scoff and smile at the sign on the door in bold red letters.


No Solicitors. Especially that Prick Drake.


He opened the door without hesitation.


“Lamar! Buddy!” Drake shouted.


Immediately after entering the door, Drake was assailed by heat and the smell of coal and iron but was unable to find the enormous cyclops. Instead, he found his sister flipping through a book at a table, her head bobbing back and forth to the sound of a hammer hitting metal.


She looked up, saw the group of people, some with magic ice pointed just a few inches from their heads, and went back to her book, thumbing to another door.


“Brother is inside. Please don’t bother him too much.”


Drake felt stonewalled and deflated slightly.


“R-right… We’ll be quick.”


“Wow, she handled you like she’s done it a million times,” Landin whistled.


“Maybe you and Lamar are more alike than you think,” Bjorn smirked.


“Yeah whatever…” Drake sighed, “Stay here, Quetz, Kalik, Charlotte, Landin, Atropos, Clotho, you six with me. Sarah, please watch the rest with Bjorn, feel free to deal with them if they try to do anything. Do your best not to kill them.”




“Come on then,” Drake said, waving for the teens to follow.


Opening the door, the cracking of a hammer on molten metal continued as the seven people filed in, crowding the room.


“Kinda packed in here isn’t it?” Landin muttered.


“I’m sure it’ll get bigger once they have some more time to settle in,” Drake explained, “Lamar. Hey! Lamar!” Drake yelled, having to get the man’s attention.


“The fuck do you want?” Lamar shouted back, slamming the hammer down without pause.


“I need you to help me make some stuff. I need it done quick and you're the best we have so.”




“Don’t be like that.”




“What if I ask nicer?”




“Pretty please?”


“No, damn it!”


“Okay, I guess you just aren’t the best here then?”


“What did you say, you little prick?!”


“No, no. It’s fine, I’ll just do it myself. I had to do it in the tutorial too, no surprise I’ll have to do that again.”


“I see what you're doing. I ain’t falling for that!”


“Oh I know. You’re far too smart for that. And I know it would be too easy for you to make small little trinkets like this,” Drake said, tossing him a necklace.


“Ha! This isn’t even worth my time!” Lamar spat, “What do you need more disguising necklaces for anyway?”


“No, no, don’t worry about it. I wouldn’t want to take up more of your time with something so easy even I could make.”


Lamar pulled his hand back, “Are you saying I can’t make this better than your scrawny ass?”


“I never said that.”


“You’re making that stupid face that says I can’t though.”


“This is just my face, man. Really, I wouldn’t want to bother you any more than I have,” Drake sighed, going to grab the necklace.


“No, it isn’t a problem.”


No really, I’ll just do it myself. Give it back.”


No no, I got it. Fuck off!”


“Hey! It’s mine and I said it’s fine! Give it back you one-eyed bastard!”


“Don’t insult my skills you short-assed-long-haired loser! I’ll have this done 100 times faster than you could!”


“I don’t care if you can! I don’t want you making them now!”


The teens looked on in confusion as the two fully grown men continued to bicker and pull at each other for the necklace.


Landin pointed at the scuffle that had ensued, “Anyone else know what just happened?”


The other five shook their heads.


“Such stupidity….” Kalik muttered.


They all couldn’t help but nod in agreement.

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