Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 222: Unlike Anyone You’ve Ever Met.

The group had finally gathered every last person in the city at Drake’s request. 


Drake stood thoughtfully with his arms crossed at the front of the temporary system center. He had long taken the loot from the Vampires once their spatial bags had appeared. And to his surprise, one of the three dropped a skill stone.


[Main Class Skill Stone: Dhampir Knight] [Rare]


  • Unlocks the Dhampir Knight Main Class Tree
  • Requirement: Level 10 Warrior Base Class and Unlocked Main Class Tree
  • Caution Stone may have adverse effects to race and personality



He had long since stowed away the stone, promising he wouldn’t allow it to see the light of day again.


His encounter with the Dragon woman in the auction house crossed his mind, reminding him that not everyone of the same race was responsible for the actions of the few he had met. But at the moment it was the last thing on his mind to debate. The vampires and undead he had come across in the tutorial and back on this planet, had all been scum of the highest order.


Breaking him from his thoughts, the murmuring of the crowd began to rise.


Drake gave a small whistle getting the crowd’s attention.


“Alright, listen up! Like I said, we are going to my town of ReUnite. You are free to follow or stay here and wait for the rest of these vampires’ or dhampirs’ buddies to come abuse you some more.”


“Who’s to say you won’t do the same thing?! We all saw the system called you, it literally said ‘Tyrant!’” someone shouted from the crowd.


“That's right! It could be even worse going with someone like you! You all saw how he killed those men!” another yelled.


Drake let out a sigh, rubbing his temples.


I should have known this would happen when I let myself get too into that fight… They probably didn’t even believe me when I told them they were vampires. He thought.


“Look, I really don’t have time to baby bird every last one of you what’s going on, but I’m sure everyone is smart enough to do the simple math here. I killed the men who were stationed to keep you here. They have to give regular updates to someone much stronger than them,” Drake said, raising his brows as he did, “Now, who wants to guess what happens to people who stay when that big boss comes to check things out?”


The crowd quieted down considerably, mulling over his words as they mumbled to each other the loud minority silenced.


“T-then you have to take responsibility!” someone finally yelled, breaking the relative silence.


Drake slammed his hand to his forehead.


“Susmaryosep! That’s what I just said, isn’t it? Now, who is coming with me? I have free stuff. Well, relatively free stuff.”


He didn’t want to waste any more time on the crowd, his mind turning to something Natto had said before.


You can’t save everyone and it isn’t your responsibility to do so.


“I’m still trying to though, it is kind of my fault…” Drake mumbled to himself, “But there isn’t much I can do if they don’t believe me or want to listen. It reminds me of the tutorial,” he scoffed, “They’re tired, weakened, and confused. I can’t really blame them for being so suspicious.”


Making his decision, Drake walked off the steps of the system center, parting the crowd like the Red Sea as he walked forward.


“Where are you going?”


Drake didn’t even turn to the voice as he slipped his hood back over his head, his long hair poking out of the side, the shawl wrapping around his neck like a scarf.


“Just where I’ve been saying I’m going. Home.”




Arriving at where he had left Sah Ul’ and the three people they had saved much later than expected because of the large congregation that had decided to follow him, the sun began to set in the background, painting the surroundings a dull scarlet as the snow clouds opened up letting the night sky bleed through the cracks.


On the way he was forced to deter several packs of monsters, but none were higher than level 20, giving him a paltry amount of experience, but much-needed Monster Cores and Skill Stones.


He hadn’t had a chance to check the spatial bags of the vampires that he dispatched but he was eager to see what kind of goodies they had inside.


But his elation deflated quickly as they came up on the location with Sah Ul’ and the others. Her face deepened into a fierce irritated scowl, her arms crossed and Drake could swear that he could feel the faint palpitation of aura coming from her.


“Ah, we’re back… Sarah… um…” Drake began trailing off.


Oh, she isn’t happy… He thought warily.


The entire company of civilians and adventurers that had accompanied Drake on his way back to her was forced to a stop in their tracks in light of the Orc woman as she stormed forward.


“Who are these people?” she asked, an undercurrent of anger apparent in her voice.


Drake was quickly put on the back foot but he had no idea why. He had already defeated Sah Ul’ in combat but this felt entirely different. Akin to when his mother reprimanded him even as he got older.


“T-they’re refugees from a city,” Drake finally answered.


“Why did the Patriarch leave to go to this city?” Sah Ul’ said looking down on him in an accusatory tone, “Why was I not brought as well?”


“Huh? It could have been dangerous and we needed to keep-” Drake’s reply was cut short, the stinging pain of being hit on his cheek burning in the cold breeze.


He had seen the blow coming. His stats allowed him to see such a strike coming a mile away. But Drake was struck, still in shock. Sah Ul’ had struck him with not just her full strength, but with such emotion behind it that he could feel it through her hand as it arced across his face.


“W-what? What the hell was-” Drake tried to ask, but was only struck again on the other cheek, Sah Ul’s steely gaze boring into him.


Drake was struck several more times as he stood his ground, his eyes widening each time as the open hand spoke more volumes to him than anything she could currently say.


The crowd behind them mumbled back and forth in confusion and apprehension.


“Who’s the girl…?”


“Why is she hitting him?”


“Better question is why is he letting her hit him?”


“Is he going to go berserk again…?”


Drake quickly relinquished himself to the punishment and barrage of open-ended hands, as his eyes landed and paused on Sah Ul’s.


After a few seconds of the continuous blows, her face continued to contain the anger behind it. After a minute, it turned to concern, slowly melting over to anguish and regret.


“Why…?” Sah Ul’ growled through her teeth, more a question to herself than Drake.


“Why didn’t you take me with you?” she asked shakily.


Drake saw her eyes begin to wet with tears of frustration, the story of her mother and her struggles surfacing to the forefront of his mind.


But something else came forward, the face of all the people he had protected in the tutorial, the woman he loved, Claire.


Drake felt his own frustration boil up.


“I didn’t want you getting hurt if something… If something unexpected happened,” Drake said, giving a half-hearted excuse.


“I am not a child!” Sah Ul’ roared, “I am a proud warrior of the Rahk Tribe! And will not be treated as some helpless babe crying in a corner waiting to be rescued! No more!” she shouted, looking at Drake with sobering determination, “I have gone through too much and lost too many to not be allowed to move forward and fight!”


Drake choked back his words, ready to defend himself. Defend his need to keep Claire- no Sah Ul’, who he had somehow placed in the same category as Claire.


He had seen Claire taken, right in front of him. With all his power, with all his ability, she had still been stolen from him, almost never to return if he had made the slightest misstep. And Drake would never have that happen again.


At some point Sarah, Sah Ul’, had become intertwined in his mind with the same importance as Claire, someone whom he wanted, needed, to protect. Someone he wanted to lock away in a box so that the world would neither taint nor harm. In a box that was safe.


“I have trained in the trial of the Gods to protect my tribe and chief…” Sah Ul’ said her voice trembling, “Am I not strong enough? Do you not see me as useful?”


Drake’s mouth opened but he couldn’t bring himself to say the words. He wanted to say ‘No, it wasn’t that.’


He wanted to tell her. She was plenty strong… But there was always something, always some new threat that might take from him despite his growing power.


As if Sah Ul’ could sense his thoughts through his silence she gave him one last baleful glare before her face struggled to make an expression Drake could only call desperately concerned, tipping on the edge of tears.


“Are we not bonded… Patriarch… D-Drake?”


Her words had struck deep. Drake clenched his fists, feeling the creaking of his bones against the pressure.


He took a long drawn-out breath, the mist of the cold chill around them calming in a way.


“I’m sorry. I’ve made a grave mistake. I have treated this… This marriage as just a formality and tried my best not to see you as you are. You’re right, we are in this together and you are more than strong enough. It was… my own shortcoming. And it might not be the best time but I want to tell you about someone from my tutorial, someone very important to me that you should know of.”


Sah Ul’s expression turned to surprise. She still harbored a slight tinge of anger and concern but she nodded, her snaggle tusk poking out slightly parting her pink-tinted lips that quivered ever so subtly.


The crowd behind them was filled with confusion but they remained deathly silent. Parents holding their children back from pointing and interrupting. The adventurers looked like they wanted to move on from the monster-infested forest but also not wanting to impose on the obvious moment these two extremely strong people were having despite their location.


Feeling the eyes burrowing into the back of his head, Drake coughed, covering his mouth before he composed himself, taking down his hood and turning to the group.


“Alright, first things first. Let’s get you all to the town and settled,” Drake explained, then thumbed to Sah Ul’, “This is Sarah, she is my wife and the daughter of the previous Chief of the Rahk Tribe of Lowland Orcs. My town is filled with many races and I expect you all to get along. Because if you don't, most of them will probably kill you since they’ve been staying there and leveling up for over a week on monsters much higher level than all of you.”


The crowd looked back at him incredulously but Drake only smiled back, completely serious about his statement.




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