DSD: Sappho 3

Log 03

Private Cabsparkind's exit confirmed. Monitoring progress down upper glacis. No instances of slipping or instability detected. Private Cabsparkind's safe dismount confirmed.

Monitoring Sergeant Meojar's progress up the upper glacis. No instances of slipping or instability detected. Sergeant Meojar's safe mounting confirmed. Sergeant Meojar's entrance into the driver's position confirmed.

"Alright, let's see if I remember what he manual said. . . Is this lever the parking brake?" - Meojar

"There is not a manual parking brake installed on the Backdraft series of CMBT. The lever to which you refer is responsible for adjusting the seat height."

"Damn. Um, this is obviously the wheel, those are the pedals . . . I don't see an engine temperature or fuel gauge anywhere." - Meojar

"Energy reserves and modular temperature are displayed on the bottom of the screen during operation. Numerical values and gauge approximation indicators are present for measurements. Different system values including the approximate remaining lifetimes of various components may be shown using the buttons on the steering wheel."

"Right, right. Thank you computer. Cruise control is still this throttle stick here, isn't it?" - Meojar

"That would be correct. The system is a design standard and is unlikely to be changed for a long time, familiar parts for basic functions reduce the time needed to retrain crews and lower maintenance costs in the long term."

"Retraining time, huh? Well, no better place for that than the field I guess." - Meojar

"That statement is incorrect. Research shows that there is a minimum amount of time that crews require to be trained for new systems in a safe environment that will reduce rates of attrition due to combat damage to a manageable level."

"Not what I meant, but that's beside the point now." - Meojar

Confirmed that Sergeant Meojar has properly secured himself to his seat. 

"All clear Sparky?" - Meojar

"All clear, sir!" - Cabsparkind

"Good, I'm going to roll up to the resupply station now." - Meojar

Driver's hatch confirmed to be in the closed position. Securing hatch. . . secured. Speed set to 1.5 meters per second.

"Sergeant Meojar, would I be correct in my assessment that you know the path to the ammunition resupply point?"

"That would indeed be the case, computer. The transport with your shells comes down in about ten minutes, and they would prefer it if I was at the pad two minutes prior so they can get you prepped for loading. We don't have the time or manpower to unload it, bring it to the depot, and then load it back onto the tank. They need to cut out the middle man." - Meojar

"That does not conform to proper ammunition handling requirements. Restocking is supposed to be performed with the proper facilities and security measures in place."

"Trust me, I would also like to do it that way. Doing it the proper way is faster in the short term, but we really don't have the time for it. We're D+13 on the invasion timetable and we are way behind schedule. Admiral Kuoper is trying to get us as much materiel as he can off of the big rigs, but he only has so many transports to work with while the NG's get a port sturdy enough for the heavier haulers up and running." - Meojar

"Please describe the current logistic situation to the best of your ability."

Providing direct connection to 'Primary' and 'Secondary' to provide an idea of the 'Real Time Logistical Situation'.

"Sure thing. First of all, the bedrock's a lot further down than the scans anticipated, so the NG's not only need to dig more, but they're gonna need more concrete too. Central has been kind to us grunts and dispatched the proper facilities to maintain our Knights for an extended period of time in the field, but they are definitely going to need a total rebuild within the next few weeks. In the meantime though, we are working with a lot less personnel, materiel, and amenities than we were expecting, so the going's been tough. From what I hear the grunts have it the worst though, they don't have enough supplies available for a full kit during combat rotation, not enough small caliber ammunition." - Meojar

"I see. Does that serve as an accurate take on your perception of the realities on the front?"

"Seeing as I didn't get any antibiotics or painkillers during treatment, absolutely." - Meojar

"Understood. Failure to supply vital medical supplies for an operation that would traditionally require them implies that the medical staff are operating under a serious triage system. Painkillers and antibiotics would be reserved for more serious frontline catastrophes. Please describe the current strategic situation to the best of your ability."

"As far as anyone has informed me, we're maintaining the current frontline so as to not increase the logistic strain. It seems like small breakthroughs with the mechanized forces and Knights are being performed on a semi regular basis to keep enemy troop concentrations low and maintain a certain level of intel on enemy positions, but as you might be able to tell from your assignment here, casualties and equipment losses are mounting. We've been forced into the undesirable position of relying entirely on our air wing to deal with counter-battery operations because we don't have enough ammunition for the artillery, but aviation fuel and precision munitions are starting to dry up as well. One of the fly-guys at the mess hall said he actually had to perform a strike with unguided munitions yesterday on an enemy fortification. I can't imagine how tough that is compared to what he normally has to do." - Meojar

"If supplies for aircraft are running low, why is their presence so pronounced in the area? Would it not be prudent to limit air patrols?"

"The supplies aren't limited down here, they are limited up there. Right now we are running a deficit on aviation materiel in relation to our timetables, so I've heard that Primary has had to complete revise our resupply schedules up to about three months out. After we actually get a solid landing pad in place, the air strikes are going to have to be toned down to a ridiculous degree." - Meojar

Corroborating intel with 'Primary'.

'Current operational tempo suggests that aerial operations can only continue at the current pace for two weeks. The next shipment of 'Aviation' equipment will arrive in three weeks, with enough material to sustain standard operational tempo for ten days. Aerial operations are currently proceeding at an untenable deficit, and will need to be toned down or stopped outright in the future in order to recuperate emergency capabilities. For the moment, sorties only continue because of the higher expected kill ratio of each munition owing to heavy troop concentrations and to reduce the casualties that ground forces are taking.' - 'Primary'

. . .

Note taken; Sergeant Meojar is not skilled at keeping the unit in line. Frequent adjustments to the steering wheel are made.

"Would you like me to assist you in maintaining a steady track?"

"Is that something you can do?" - Meojar

"When moving off road I am incapable of doing so, however on predictable terrain with an easily identifiable path I can prevent any unwanted deviations from course."

"Then I would like the assistance. I'm only here to learn the basics, and it doesn't seem like it's all too different from the Django." - Meojar

. . .

"We're coming up on the pad now. I know we've got an autoloader, so is there anything we need to do?" - Meojar

"Negative. I can handle the internal placement of the rounds. You need only put them on the rack in the proper orientation."

"Great. Which side do we need to reload from? I hear the Herby Hundred shells are pretty heavy." - Meojar

"That is indeed the case. By mass, the rounds used in the 100mm HERB Rifle are close to 50% heavier than their 90mm ISC counterparts. While part of this is due to the larger caliber, the shell itself is longer in order to provide better penetration characteristics in an environment without an atmosphere."

"Oh yeah, it's a rifle isn't it. I take it that means we are only going to be firing full caliber shells?" - Meojar

"That is indeed the case. The ammunition is twin staged unlike the telescoped ammunition you are used to. Field tests determined that a full caliber shaped charge round will have the same or greater penetration as the APFSDS rounds of the 90mm ISC, so no kinetic penetrator besides full caliber APHE is to be supplied for the moment. The intended use of this weapon is more infantry support focused, so repurposed VT-Frag and standard IDHE rounds are being prioritized for the loadout."

"VT-Frag? I'm not familiar with the designation. What does it do?" - Meojar

"Variably Timed Fragmentation rounds can be set to detonate in the air after a certain distance or when the sensor on the nose detects a solid obstacle in it's path. It is believed that it can be used to more effectively eliminate entrenched positions on higher ground as well as provide an indirect fire munition that has a wider area in which a kill can be assumed."

"Indirect fire?" - Meojar

Sergeant Meojar's question is assumed to be an inquiry over the indirect fire capabilities of the system.

"The higher maximum elevation of the HERB Rifle, 71.31 degrees above the level, permit the system to provide impromptu indirect fire support should the situation require. That said, doing so is ill advised when the required elevation surpasses 63.82 degrees above the level because of insufficient bracing in the turret ring to handle sudden downward forces. It is also recommended to have aerial confirmation of target positions so that the ballistic calculator can provide an accurate firing solution."

"Hmm. I don't think we are going to be providing anything other than Direct Fire Support for the time being, but I'll definitely keep it in mind. Which side do we need to load the shells from?" - Meojar

"The panel is on the right side of the unit."

"Thanks. Oh, looks like it's coming down now. Make sure that hatch is open and ready to receive the instant the transport doors open, we need that thing back in the sky as soon as possible." - Meojar

Speed set to 0 meters per second. Parking brake engaged.

"Orders confirmed, preparing to receive ammunition."

Unfastening driver's hatch. Driver's hatch confirmed to be open. Sergeant Meojar's exit confirmed. Monitoring progress down upper glacis. No instances of slipping or instability detected. Sergeant Meojar's safe dismount confirmed.

Initializing reload mechanism. Cycling mechanical arms. . . Full range of motion confirmed. Cycling shell lifts. . . Operability confirmed. No chemical buildup detected in ammunition stowage regions. No filth detected in ammunition stowage regions. Ready to receive ammunition. Unfastening resupply panel. Extending automated receiver arms. . . No anomalous reading detected in response calibrations, external assistance not required.

"System ready to receive. Please alternate between powder charges and projectiles for greatest load speed efficiency."

"Roger that, computer. Did you guys hear that? One at a time, alternate." - Meojar

"We're navy grunts, dipshit. We know exactly how to work the Herby's autoloader. Just stay out of the way so we can get out of here." - Unregistered naval resupply personnel

"Just trying to help." - Meojar

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