Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 26

Chapter 26: The Nature Of Ability

“Melinda May, my colleague.”

Coulson smiled apologetically, got up and opened the door for May:

“So fast?”

“There is a pet store nearby.”

Melinda shrugged and gestured to the air boxes in her hands:

“Cat, dog, and a hamster.”

“You put them together?!”

“The hamster and the dog are together.”

Melinda went straight to the table in the lounge area and put the two air boxes on the table:

“First meeting, Dr. Lin, this time I’m going to buy a few potted plants back home.”

“Of course, I treat all guests equally.”

Oaks smiled and nodded, seeing the Chinese-American face he still felt kinder, and Coulson discovered this keenly.

Silently wrote it down, Coulson closed the door and returned to the rest area. Melinda didn’t ask Coulson why he wanted a few animals, because she could see it soon.

“Sorry Dr. Lin, we have to confirm your abilities, if…”

Before Coulson could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Oaks:

“This box, I think if you don’t let the hamster out, it will be scared to death by the puppy.”


With some embarrassment, Melinda opened the air box that made the sound of the collision, and grabbed the hamster who was dodging and running frantically:

“I forgot that dogs also take mice.”

“Cough, it’s going to pee.”

Oakes touched his nose and saw that Melinda grinned, and the hamster in her hand leaked a liquid.

“Pollution of the environment in the store, a fine of 100 dollars, sincere.”

He took out a towel and threw it to Melinda, Oaks hugged the coo:

“Then what, please clean it up a little, this smell is a bit punchy, and if you don’t want to see too cruel pictures, don’t let it come out.”

Coulson and Melinda were busy with embarrassed expressions, settling down a few ancestors, and then came to the proficiency test.

“So, I released them?”


The hamster was kept in a cardboard box, Coulson and Melinda opened the air box, and a kitten and a puppy got out.



This is a sea double ragdoll cat in good condition, and a two-color Welsh corgi that is also in good condition. It seems that Melinda went to a high-end pet store.

The two little guys have been there for more than three months, but they are not afraid of life at all, and they want to parkour and dance when they come out.

“Hey, you two little things, come here.”

Oaks put Gugu down, soothed its resentful eyes, and greeted the kittens and dogs.

After a meal, the two little creatures happily ran to Oaks.

“You, just call, go and give this to that man.

You, just called, go and give this to that woman. ”

Oaks gave the little milk dog a bug ball with cat grass and a bottle of deodorant to the little milk cat. The two little things bit their targets and ran to Coulson and Melinda respectively. .

“Oh dear, you are amazing!”

Melinda took the deodorant in her mouth in surprise, and looked at Coulson, who had a complicated look and took the bug:

“This is Dr. Lin’s ability?”

“Not only.”

Coulson shook his head, took out his phone, picked out one message to read, and then another message.

“Colson, even an average adult cannot remember such complex information in a short period of time.”

Melinda frowned, not to mention the poor brain capacity of these two little cuties, show them words?

Coulson didn’t speak, and handed the phone to Melinda.

The two little guys murmured for a while, and Melinda saw Oaks on the opposite side with a smile and said:

“What I saw is, ‘Your mobile phone card number illegally dials an overseas number, please reply to SMS verification immediately, and [T-mobile] will be frozen if it expires after the expiration date’.

And what I saw was, ‘Your friend ordered a song for you to express his thoughts and blessings, please call 213-9527 to listen to it immediately’. ”

Oaks looked at Melinda, whose complexion became extremely wonderful, and Coulson, who covered his forehead, dumbfounded.

“As secret agents, do you often get harassed by spam text messages?”

“This… we are already complaining.”

In a weak defense, Coulson looked at Oaks with completely different eyes.

He has already proven his ability.

“Melinda, Dr. Lin himself is enough to be ranked seventh-level secret, there is no doubt about that.”

“That’s true. It seems that the director has to be busy.”

Melinda sighed in admiration, returned the phone to Coulson, and immediately looked at Oaks seriously:

“To be honest, Dr. Lin, if you can become our…”


Coulson raised his voice and stopped Melinda from continuing:

“This is against the rules.”

“…Sorry, Coulson, I’ll write a review when I go back.”

Melinda let out a sigh, looked depressed, and stopped talking.

Coulson knew why Melinda, a high-ranking agent, was gaffe.

As Melinda pointed out before, it is difficult for even an ordinary adult to fully repeat the content of the previous text messages at a glance.

The poor brain capacity and IQ of the cat and the dog make it even more impossible to remember what they saw, let alone human words.

On the other hand, Oaks can say the text message word by word~www.readwn.com~ So if he really can communicate with animals as he said, not only can he understand the language of animals, but also through Language gives instructions to animals.

What he can do is to communicate with animals like “telepathy”.

Therefore, he can “review” the pictures that the cat and the dog have seen, just like watching a video——

Because whether it is a human being or an animal, the information that the brain has been exposed to will not be lost. I can’t remember it because there is no effective active retrieval.

But if you can communicate consciousness, the stronger side can read a lot of information that the weaker side doesn’t even remember!

In the Bahrain Island incident, Melinda also came into contact with a little girl with psychic abilities. The difference is that her ability can control human consciousness.

So, she almost immediately contrasted her with Oaks—one is an extremely dangerous ability that is completely uncontrollable, and the other, according to him, is a simplified version of telepathy only for animals.

The matter in Bahrain is her lifelong regret, and here in Oaks… she doesn’t want his ability to cause harm.

“I probably understand what you want to say.”

Oaks nodded lightly, and greeted He and asked Gugu to take them to play first:

“But these things about me are obviously beyond your psychological preparation for coming this time. Let’s talk about Gugu first – now do you think it is safe with me?”

“Yes, Dr. Lin.”

Coulson smiled wryly, as long as you are safe, Gugu is safe.

“But Dr. Lin, in fact, for you, our mission is not over yet.”

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