Dressed As An Omega Who Was Divorced By Seven Alphas

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

“Miles is your ex-fiancé? You have such a big face!” Yan Yuntong rolled her eyes to the sky: “You just say yes? I still said, I still said…” She got stuck, annoyed that she didn’t know Senior’s name.

Yan Tingyun asked He Huan awkwardly: “How do you know each other?”

“At that time, his family hadn’t made a fortune yet, so he was engaged to be a baby girl.” He Huan said, “But the engagement was terminated very early.”

It turned out that it took so long, Yan Tingyun unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Yan Yuntong snorted: “It’s like people hate the poor and love the rich. General Miles is so good, of course you are not worthy.”

“Then who is worthy of you, you?” Yan Tingyun yelled at her angrily: “Shut up if you can’t speak!”

Yan Yuntong’s stomach was about to explode, but there was nothing she could do, so she had to ask her best friend for comfort.

She pulled Luo Jiao’s arm, and Luo Jiao let out an “ah”, as if she had been greatly stimulated, all the facial features on her face jumped.

Yan Yuntong was taken aback by her strange expression: “Jiaojiao, what’s wrong with you?”

Luo Jiao’s body trembled, and she pulled her arm back from her hand: “No, nothing…”

Yan Yuntong looked at her suspiciously: “You are so strange, something has been wrong since you came back from seeing the doctor last night, is there something wrong with the examination?”

Luo Jiao’s eyes dodged for a moment, and she quickly showed a gentle smile: “It’s okay, I just haven’t had a good rest, don’t worry about me, I want to go back to the hotel and sleep.”

“Really just didn’t rest well?” Yan Yuntong wanted to touch her, but Luo Jiao took the initiative to hold her hand: “Tongtong, thank you for caring about me so much, you can take care of Brother Tingyun here, I’ll go back to the hotel first. “

Yan Tingyun saw that her expression was really bad: “Since you are not feeling well, go back and rest more.” He said, and gestured to Yan Yuntong: “Go back and be with her.”

Yan Yuntong looked at Luo Jiao, then at Yan Tingyun, biting his lip hesitantly.

Yan Tingyun sneered: “The neighbor was discharged from the hospital yesterday.”

The senior was discharged from the hospital? In other words, he went back to the hotel?

Yan Yuntong glared at him angrily, turned around and went after Luo Jiao: “Jiaojiao, wait for me, I’ll go back and take care of you!”

Luo Jiao quickly said: “Brother Tingyun needs your care more, I’m fine.”

Yan Yuntong snorted: “He only wants to be with someone, why bother us two light bulbs.” She smiled and hugged Luo Jiao’s arm: “Let’s go back to the wine together…”

“Ah!” Luo Jiao cried out in pain, pushing Yan Yuntong away, trembling with the arm protecting her.

All eyes were on her arm, Luo Jiao felt very uncomfortable, her head almost dropped to the floor, she said hastily: “I’ll go first.”

He Huan suddenly said: “Your arm was injured?” He was sensitive and smelled blood.

Luo Jiao raised her head abruptly, her eyes were cold: “None of your business!” She turned around and was about to walk out of the room.

“Jiaojiao!” Yan Yuntong ran two steps to stop her, staring at her arm with wide eyes: “Your sleeve is bleeding! What’s going on?!”

Luo Jiao didn’t answer, she turned her head in resistance.

“What did you do last night?” He Huan asked.

Just now Yan Yuntong said that Luo Jiao went out to see a doctor last night, and she became very strange when she came back.

Yesterday Yan Tingyun asked to investigate the origins of those reporters, Luo Jiao will definitely take action, thinking about the alien murder incident last night…

“Did you really go to the doctor last night?” He Huan approached Luo Jiao step by step.

Luo Jiao felt that his steps seemed to be stepping on her wound, and the pain made her whole body tense. That high-down attitude is like watching a poorly-acted clown.

She took two steps back unconsciously, and suddenly realized that she was afraid of He Huan, and immediately looked back at him with her head upright, not wanting to lose her momentum.

He Huan chuckled: “What are you staring at me for, why don’t you let the doctor see your hands first.”

As he spoke, he raised his hand to press the red beeper on the wall.

Luo Jiao suffered a cardiac arrest and rushed over to stop He Huan.

“Ring ring ring—”

In the end it was a step too late.

He Huan smiled at her slightly: “You’re welcome. If you are sick, you should treat it as soon as possible. If it is delayed for a long time, it will not get better.”

She looked at him with a pale face, it was still that innocent and harmless face, but it gave her a completely different feeling from three years ago.

Three years ago, He Huan was stupid and stupid. She just played a few tricks and knocked him out. When she heard the news that he and Yan Tingyun had broken up, she felt very happy.

But now, she felt that He Huan was like a demon piercing through everything, tightening her neck with a rope, making her breathless.

“What happened?” The doctor showed up at the door of the ward with two nurses. Because it was ward S, there was a dedicated person on duty on the floor, and they arrived very quickly.

Luo Jiao turned her neck stiffly. In her opinion, these three medical staff were not angels who rescued the wounded, but angels from **** who came to claim their lives.

“no, do not want…”

Yan Yuntong supported Luo Jiao’s shoulders, and found that she was shaking violently, and advised her kindly: “Are you afraid of pain? Let me cover your eyes for you.”

“Is this lady injured?” The beautiful nurse came over pushing the medical cart: “There is a lot of blood on the arm!”

The doctor simply lifted up Luo Jiao’s sleeves, revealing the rough bandages on her arms, the bandages had already been stained red with blood.

“It’s too serious! Send it to the emergency room!” The doctor cut off the bandage and praised her appreciatively: “You, an oga, suffered such a serious injury, and you didn’t cry or cry out in pain. You are so brave…”

The doctor’s words stopped abruptly. He was surprised to see a large festering wound on Luo Jiao’s arm, and the surrounding flesh had turned dark green.

Yan Yuntong gasped, feeling pain just looking at it: “Jiaojiao… how did you get this injury?”

Jiang Xintian and Gao Jinyue also came over: “This wound is too scary, it feels like I’ve been poisoned.”

Luo Jiao’s whole body trembled more violently, and her expression became dazed.

what to do? what to do? The secret is about to be revealed…

“It is indeed poisoned, it is the poison of the alien.” The doctor scolded Luo Jiao with a serious face: “Why didn’t you go to the hospital for treatment earlier! Oga’s resistance is low, it is easy to die of fever and shock, and this virus is also highly contagious. .You don’t want to kill yourself, don’t implicate others!”

How could Luo Jiao listen? She subconsciously looked at Yan Tingyun, but the other party nervously called He Huan’s name.

“He Huan, come to my side.”

Luo Jiao turned pale again, because she was afraid that the virus would infect He Huan.

“Jiaojiao! You know that my brother is sick, and you came to the ward when your resistance is low. Are you trying to harm my brother?!” Yan Yuntong felt that all his good intentions had been fed to the dog. Fortunately, she still planned to accompany Luo Jiao back to the hotel to take care of her.

“I didn’t, I don’t know…” Luo Jiao tried her best to defend herself, but she looked so pale that everyone looked at her with frowns, and distanced themselves from her.

“I don’t know?” Yan Yuntong angrily clicked on the news on Zhinao, and slapped Luo Jiao’s face: “The news is clearly written and it will be contagious, you and I read it together!”

Luo Jiao kept leaning back, the dense text was like a virus invading her eye nerves, and every stroke was like a thorn that hurt her eye mask.

Two lines of tears rolled down, Luo Jiao shook her head in a panic: “I didn’t, how dare I hurt brother Ting Yun…”

The horrible and **** experience last night was still lingering in her mind, and she didn’t sleep well all night, so she didn’t have the heart to think about other things.

The two nurses hurriedly pulled Yan Yuntong away: “You are Oga, you have just been in contact with her, we will check you immediately.”

Yan Yuntong was taken aback: “Quickly check it out for me!”

The doctor pressed Luo Jiao’s shoulder: “The patient needs to be treated in isolation, arrange a ward immediately!”

At this moment, three men in police uniforms suddenly appeared at the door.

“Which one is Ms. Luo Jiao?”

All eyes were on Luo Jiao.

Luo Jiao frantically shook her head in fear, making one wonder if she would shake her head off. She even wanted to escape from the doctor’s control, but was finally pinned down by the doctor.

A policeman opened the notebook in his hand: “Ms. Luo Jiao, the survivors who were attacked by aliens at the Canbil Bar last night said that you asked them to meet there. The police hope that you can cooperate with the investigation.”

The location of the **** massacre of aliens was in a bar called Canbil.

“Survivor?” Yan Tingyun’s voice was cold: “Are you a reporter?”

“No! No!” Luo Jiao widened her eyes in horror, and couldn’t believe that Yan Tingyun thought of it all of a sudden.

She couldn’t accept that she ruined her image in front of Yan Tingyun, so she pushed the doctor away and jumped to the window to jump off.

Fortunately, the three police officers were agile and quickly subdued her.

“Ms. Luo Jiao, for your extreme actions, we must suspect that you are related to this terrorist attack. Please actively cooperate with the investigation!”

Luo Jiao was pulled down from the window sill by the police. Because she was too flustered and frightened, she collapsed and screamed a few times before passing out.

The doctor also planned to treat Luo Jiao first. The police said that the police station had an ambulance team sent from the Empire to deal with the poisonous injuries of alien beasts, and took Luo Jiao away directly.

After the police and doctors left, the ward was surprisingly quiet for a while, like a lonely ruined wall after a storm.

Until an incoming call rang suddenly, and the production manager answered the phone in embarrassment. It turned out that the security company agreed to send someone over.

Gao Jinyue laughed dryly: “Just send someone over, let’s hurry back to the set, there’s still a lot to do.”

“Yes, the scene at the Shashato Tavern is almost over…”

“Yes, it must be finished today, and Semir will make an appearance tomorrow!”

The two production crews nodded frantically, as if they were saying goodbye to each other.

“Tingyun, rest well, let’s go first.” Jiang Xintian concluded the topic with a greeting, and left with a group of people.

Yan Tingyun nodded and watched them leave. Seeing that He Huan was about to leave, he couldn’t help but say, “Xiao Huan, you…”

He had vaguely guessed about Luo Jiao’s matter, but he didn’t dare to think about it any deeper. What if, back then…

He Huan put his hands in his trouser pockets, leaned lazily by the door, and said casually: “Those reporters are the same group of reporters who slandered me for stealing your resources three years ago and blocked my door every day to insult me.”

Yan Tingyun’s astonished expression froze, as if he didn’t dare to change anything, as if he was framed in a silent movie, unable to convey the slightest sound.

He Huan glanced at Yan Yuntong who was shrinking in the corner, smiled, turned around and left gracefully.

The scene of the Shashato Tavern is finally set up.

Rough poplar wood branch stage, iron bonfire stand, stone frame truss, ferocious animal head decorations…

The wine barrels made of earthen pots are like a pier of soldiers, and they are built as a partition wall guarding the tavern, barely blocking the intrusion of wind and sand.

On a stone wall, red veils cover the windows, and there are exaggerated animal bones piled up beside the windows, ranging from skulls, sternums to toe bones, everything that one expects to find.

All expensive gifts for suitors to express their love.

There are no roses in the romance of the desert, killing and death are the obsessive notes.

Under the moonlight, the veil opened a gap, revealing a soft arm.

The delicate tattoo of the rattlesnake is bitten into a ring from the head to the tail, and the bright red slender snake eyes are evil and gorgeous.

“Semil! Semir!”

“Sweetheart, baby, come down! I can’t wait!”

Off the stage, the energetic and strong men were shirtless, showing off their strong muscles.

They raised their hands high, trying to attract the attention of the beauties on the high platform with waving movements.

The tall beauty wears a crown of coral gemstones, a sharp animal tooth necklace embellishes her slender neck, and a blood-red skull earring on her right ear.

His chestnut-gray wavy long hair hung down like a waterfall, and the moonlight poured down with it, swaying softly with his graceful steps.

He Huan walked across the circular arch bridge, and then slowly walked to the stage by the stairs paved with red carpet.

Unbearable waist, slender and straight legs, honey-colored skin soft and undulating, like sand dunes stretching and winding in the wind.

His posture is arrogant and dignified, not like Fengchen Meiji, but like a muse who has stepped down from the altar.

Countless pairs of eyes stared at his graceful body, and his breathing followed the rhythm of his steps.

With the sound of “action” from the recorder, there were loud shouts and whistles under the stage, like waves sweeping in layer by layer.

The strong men are like adrenaline being stimulated, and the atmosphere has changed from restlessness to madness, like fanatical fans who have lost their minds.

“Honey! I want to get on my knees and lick your toes!”

“Kill me, as long as you give me a kiss!”

Jiang Xintian was startled by the huge momentum. The extras invited did not need to guide and direct at all, and they were even in danger of losing control.

What was even more frightening was that the tavern bouncers guarding the stage were really trying to stop these passionate and strong men.

“Quick, follow up, close-up profile.” Jiang Xintian stood behind the machine and directed, while paying close attention to the effect on the screen.

Gao Jinyue and the photographer were also shocked by this formation, and Jiang Xintian yelled to wake them up.

Gao Jinyue smacked her lips: “It’s really a peerless enchantress, the whole StarCraft will go crazy when it’s released.”

The photographer also murmured: “This side face is so beautiful that I can’t breathe…I want a screenshot!”

Cornelia, who was watching by the side, immediately turned on her brain: “It’s a pity that the actor Yan is not here because of his illness. Brother, you must pass it on to me, and I will pass it on to the actor Yan!”

Jiang Xintian rolled up the script and gave each of them a shudder: “Hurry up and shoot!”

At this time, at the entrance of Kuxing Hotel not far away.

Kingsley, the planetary administrator of Fort Cox, is leading a large group of officials to welcome a big man.

Administrator Kingsley took off his bowler hat, smiled and bowed: “General Miles, welcome to Fort Kers, please save the people of the empire.”

At the doorway with smooth lines, the elevator slowly descended, and a pair of shiny leather shoes stepped down.

The tall and straight Alha leaned out, with a deep and majestic voice: “Hello, Mr. Kingsley, this is my duty.”

“Come this way, please.” Kingsley, as the top manager of Planet Kesburg, hasn’t slept since the night of the Alien Beast incident, and his eyes are even more black.

He looked at the young marshal beside him, the most shining new star in the Imperial Army, and his flustered heart finally settled down.

Kingsley puffed out his chest and eagerly introduced Miles’ personnel arrangements for him.

“The Kuxing Hotel is the best hotel in Kersburg. Our local government holds a certain percentage of the shares, so it is often used to receive VIPs. The security and security are top-notch.”

Miles followed his guidance and took the elevator all the way to the twelfth floor.

What catches the eye is the spacious hall, with a huge circular conference table in the middle, and beautifully patterned carpets extending to every room, like a silent invitation.

Kingsley opened a room in the middle of the corridor: “This is a bedroom specially prepared for you. On the other side of the conference hall is a room for your adjutant and accompanying civil servants. Please see if there is anything wrong with it. place.”

Miles stepped into the room, where the decoration was gorgeous and extravagant.

The spacious and comfortable soft bed is not like a tool for people to rest, but like a gentle town in a gold cave.

Myers frowned. Years of military career made him hate hedonism, especially the flattering sugar-coated cannonballs of some people, which seemed to insult his iron will.

“Mr. Kingsley, I’m here to strangle the alien, not for vacation.”

Kingsley was stunned for a moment, his forehead was instantly covered with cold sweat, and he shook the loose flesh on his cheeks: “It’s just…just…”

Suddenly, ear-splitting shouts came from outside the window, as well as flames soaring into the sky, as if a crowd was gathering to make trouble.

With one long leg, Miles reached the balcony in three or two steps.

Kingsley also ran over in a hurry. Now is a special period, and there can be no more accidents.

In a semi-circular wind-eroded castle not far away, a weird stage was built with tree branches, bonfires sparked everywhere, and red veils flew into the sky.

The tall beauty wearing a crown of coral gems stands in the center, with her slender arms raised above her head, simulating the posture of being bound and imprisoned.

He turned his face sideways, lowered his head slightly, the flames and the moonlight intermingled and blended on his fair face, outlining the ambiguous jaw line.

Poignant and touching, but exceptionally able to arouse people’s desire for abuse.

His bright red lips moved, as if he was singing something.

Alha’s five senses are far superior to ordinary people, but it’s a pity that the distance is too far, Miles can’t hear what he is singing, but his sight clearly sees those plump and **** red lips, like a forbidden fruit that attracts people to pick.

Also, he’s an oga.

Kingsley hurriedly said: “It’s really negligent to arrange such a noisy room for you. Opposite is the location of the crew of “The Lost Cuxing Town”, which is currently filming. Many people stay in Cuxing Hotel just to watch them filming. I forgot about it.”

It’s usually very quiet, why is it suddenly lively tonight.

Kingsley saw that Miles’ face became more serious, and the cold sweat on his forehead became denser: “I, I will arrange someone to change your room immediately…”

The roar on the other side actually drowned out Kingsley’s words.

On the stage, Oga, who was originally soft, brazenly picked up a sniper rifle. The body of the gun was thick and rigid, and the magazine was as big as a piece of heavy iron.

With a light flick of his arm, the rough weapon slipped obediently from his back onto his arm, like an obedient pet, without any trembling.

The long gun body formed a small angle with his arm, and only the back and arm hung the heavy weapon.

Then he danced for a while in this difficult posture.

His beautiful head is held high, his singing voice is sonorous, and his long chestnut gray hair is flying wildly.

The legs stepped on the wooden plank in the branch powerfully, kicking soundly, and you could even see the bending and trembling of the branch under the weight.

The meaning expressed by this dance is the story of the people of Kuxing Town who have suffered so much and resolutely resisted the aggression of the enemy.

Sudden! The surrounding campfire pots overturned.

The tongue of fire is like a dragon, roaring with a force of destruction.

In the raging fire, only a slender figure stood upright holding a steel gun, fighting desperately.

“God…it’s really hot…” Kingsley wiped his glasses in disbelief, and half of his body stretched out from the balcony.

The officials standing behind also threw themselves on the railing: “He, he was engulfed in fire!”

The people off the stage were even crazier, they even took off their clothes to fight the fire, not afraid of the high temperature, but also wanted to save oga.

Near the end of the song, Oga’s body was already covered in blood for stage effects, like a guardian of the homeland who was bathed in blood to the end of his life.

He knelt down on one knee, looked up at the starry sky sadly but resolutely, then raised his spear and pointed it at his chest.

With the last gunshot, Oga fell to the ground exhausted, the flames on the stage completely engulfed him, Yuehui was cold, tragic and desolate.

Everyone was shocked by oga on stage.

Never before has a weak oga danced with such explosive power, and even performed such difficult moves in the fire.

Even Muriel, who was known for her hard work and hard work back then, couldn’t.

After a pause for a while, there was a sky-shattering shout in the Shashato tavern, and many people even broke through the guard line of the bodyguards, and first climbed onto the stage to appease the “dead” oga.

In the end, it was suppressed by violence.

Suddenly, the flames on the stage were lit up again, and a flame as tall as a person shot out.

Sparks splashed everywhere, and the sound of drums with strong impact suddenly sounded, which complemented the people who raised their arms and shouted.

Kingsley was so frightened by the cry that his heart almost stopped, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the tall man beside him, and hurriedly said loudly, “General, I will arrange a new room for you right away!”

The fire outside the window was flickering, and the expression on Miles’ side face was unpredictable, making it hard for people to see his thoughts clearly.

After a while, all the hustle and bustle finally stopped.

Miles turned around, pursed his lips, and said to Kingsley, “It’s already 22 o’clock, and I’m staying here temporarily tonight.”

When He Huan returned to the hotel, he was surrounded by a large group of colleagues, all talking to him with bright eyes.

Don’t spend money like compliments and admiration, He Huan was a little overwhelmed.

“He Huan, you danced so well tonight! It’s like Samir himself!”

“My notebook and pen are ready. He Huanhuan signed it for me. When you become popular, I can become a rich man with my signature.”

“You are so treacherous! He Huan will cooperate with me in the next play, and there is a role that is especially suitable for you!”

He Huan smiled: “If the seniors praise me again, I will float up.”

Jiang Xintian said to him solemnly: “I should praise you! I really didn’t expect you to bring me such a big surprise. The dance teacher I hired for you said that you danced well. I didn’t feel relieved. Now I think of her look, I can’t wait to see you.” Poach you away!”

Gao Jinyue said: “Singing is also very good, we don’t need to find a singer to sing for us! Xiao Huan, you are such a treasure!”

He Huan feels helpless when he thinks of his dance teacher and vocal music teacher. They both do his ideological work all the time and let him learn dance and vocal music.

Every time He Huan refused, the two teachers expressed regret and heartache as if they hated iron.

For the goblin, these skills are too simple, and he doesn’t have much interest.

But seeing everyone’s faces full of admiration, he felt a little satisfied.

“Xiao Huan will become popular in the future, don’t forget about us!”

“He Huan, if you have a concert, I will definitely join you!”

Everyone was chatting lively, and the topic changed quickly. Someone suggested that the hotel provide some supper, and many people were hungry.

Just when everyone was about to step into the gate of Kuxing Hotel.

Suddenly someone shouted: “Look, who is standing at the door?”

Everyone looked over, and soon someone made an ambiguous voice: “Yo~~ It’s Li Heyang!”

“He’s holding a huge bouquet of roses!”

“There are no roses in Kesburg. They are so fresh, they must have been transported by lightning.”

“Look at the logo on the package, it belongs to Audrey, it’s super expensive!”

During this time, Li Heyang often came to visit He Huan’s class, and became acquainted with the crew.

But because of Yan Tingyun’s face, everyone didn’t like him very much.

Li Heyang held a beautifully attired rose in both hands, and stood affectionately at the door of the hotel looking at He Huan.

Behind him stood a young man in a small dress, playing the melodious violin.

“Oh!” The colleagues booed and winked at He Huan.

“So romantic! So caring!”

Li Heyang looks gentle, and every time he smiles, he is so gentle that he can drown: “Xiaohuan, tonight’s performance is great!”

He found out that tonight would be He Huan’s debut as Samir, and he had already prepared for it.

From ordering roses from the most famous flower shop in the empire, to having the hotel customize a candlelight dinner…

While Yan Tingyun was hospitalized, he made another public confession. He believed that no oga could resist such romance.

Li Heyang looked at He Huan who was being booed by the crowd. He had already removed his makeup at this time, and he completely lost Semir’s coquettish charm.

But it was this contrast that made Li Heyang’s heart even hotter.

Pure and well-behaved on the outside, seductive on the inside, it couldn’t be more beautiful!

He Huan could clearly see the **** in Li Heyang’s eyes.

He took a step and was about to walk towards Li Heyang.

At this moment, an alha as strong as a mountain suddenly rushed out from the side. He spread his arms and ran fast on his legs.

Like a wheat cutter at full power, knocking everyone in front of him flying.

“Semil, I love you! I want to be with you!”

It happened so suddenly that many people were injured.

“Semir! Baby!” The big man Alha rushed towards He Huan.

Gao Jinyue quickly pulled He Huan, barely dodging the attack.

“Damn! Where did the lunatic come out!”

The drama manager next to him just recovered from the shock: “I remember him! He is a group performer we recruited locally!”

He was impressed by this man because he was so strong and eye-catching.

As soon as the director finished speaking, that Alha turned a corner and rushed towards He Huan again.

He kicked anyone who blocked him with his fists and kicks.

For a moment, there were screams and curses everywhere.

Gao Jinyue took He Huan back to the entrance of the hotel just in time, saw that alha was about to rush in, and grabbed the rose in Li Heyang’s hand.

Li Heyang held on tight and didn’t want to let go.

Gao Jinyue glared at him: “Go and call the hotel security!”

After finishing speaking, he smeared the bouquet of roses on the face of Alha who rushed over.

Alha plunged into the bouquet of roses, and the sharp thorns scratched his face, causing him to scream in pain, and his limbs throbbed without pain.

“Strike you to death! Stab you to death!” Gao Jinyue grasped the handle of the rose bouquet with both hands, and quickly spun it back and forth, washing that alha’s face with rose thorns like a washing machine.

Li Heyang, who had just called the security guard over, looked at the rose petals all over the floor: “…”

Gao Jinyue had the upper hand for a while, cursing triumphantly: “You idiot, come out in the middle of the night and go crazy, dad must teach me a lesson…”

Before he finished speaking, Alha suddenly tore the flower bouquet violently with her thick arms, directly tearing it in half.

Roses scattered all over the place.

Gao Jinyue was dumbfounded in fright, the strength must have been too great!

Fortunately, the security guards arrived in time, and four strong men stood in front of Gao Jinyue and He Huan.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, that alha turned out to be like hitting a sandbag, and quickly killed the four strong men.

The four big men lay on the ground moaning in pain, and the backs of the people around them felt chills.

Where did this monster come from!

He Huan noticed that this Alha who rushed out suddenly was very abnormal. It’s not like being insane after being drunk and drugged.

His skin was so red and purple, his limbs felt strangely uncoordinated, and the most uncomfortable thing was that the whites of his eyes were more than half black.

Alha was still chanting nonsense, “Semir baby, come here!”, “Semir, I really want to kiss you!”

Unsteadily, he rushed towards He Huan again.

Gao Jinyue swallowed her saliva and said dryly to He Huan, “You run first!”

Li Heyang grabbed He Huan’s wrist: “Follow me!”

Gao Jinyue had an expression of eating shit: “You are such a chicken thief!”

At this moment, Alha’s speed suddenly doubled, rushing over as if on a hook.

Gao Jinyue and Li Heyang didn’t have time to react, they were about to be hit by those iron fists.

He Huan mobilized his mana, and was about to let this alha fall on the ground.

Suddenly, he was restrained by his waist and shoulders by a pair of arms. After turning around twice quickly, he realized that he had been rescued.

The opponent was much taller than him, and his face just reached the chest of the opponent, so he could only look up.

Looking at this, He Huan was stunned.

The other party also noticed He Huan’s gaze, looked back with his head down, his brows were indifferent: “Stand aside.”

He Huan automatically distanced himself from him, and said coldly and politely: “General Miles, thank you for saving me.”

Miles ignored him and looked straight ahead.

He Huan followed his gaze and saw that the crazy Alha had been suppressed by three soldiers in military uniform.

One of the soldiers said in a serious tone: “General, this person is an alien test subject!”

The one next to him was even more surprised: “They can already create intelligent bodies?”

Because they observed that this alha could express his emotions, he kept staring at He Huan’s direction, talking nonsense like “Semil, I love you”.

Miles turned around and asked He Huan, “Your name is Samir?”

He Huan’s eyes flickered, Miles doesn’t know him anymore?

He answered ambiguously: “It can be regarded as Semir.”

Miles is busy with military affairs, and has nothing to do with the entertainment news that the common people like to talk about, and he doesn’t know anything about “The Vanishing Cuxing Town”.

He asked He Huan again: “Do you know him?”

He just wanted to know why an alien experimental subject was so obsessed with this oga, which was something they had never encountered before.

After hearing Miles’ question, He Huan didn’t expect that he didn’t even know “The Vanishing Kuxing Town”.

“I don’t know him, he rushed out suddenly.”

At this moment, a black business speed car stopped at the gate of Kuxing Hotel.

Yan Tingyun watched the short video sent to him by Cornelia over and over again, but still couldn’t bear to look away.

He Huan is so amazing, he is Semir himself.

Yan Tingyun regretted not being there to watch, it could be called the biggest regret in life.

So he was discharged from the hospital early, wanting to see his Semir as soon as possible!

When the car stopped, Yan Tingyun turned his head seriously, and said to Yan Yuntong, “Remember to apologize to Xiaohuan!”

He tortured Yan Yuntong in the hospital today, and finally found out the truth about that year. After thinking about the unclear relationship between Luo Jiao and those reporters, he realized how much unforgivable harm he had done to He Huan.

Tonight, he will admit his mistake to He Huan, resolve the misunderstanding of the year, and let the two be together again!

The more he thought about it, the more impatient he became, and he wished to meet He Huan immediately.

After getting out of the car, he suddenly realized that Yan Yuntong didn’t make a sound, turned his head and yelled, “Did you hear what I just said?”

Yan Yuntong was scolded for a whole day, and she was full of anger. She pointed to the two people who were next to each other at the door of the hotel, and said angrily, “Brother, who do you think that is?”

Yan Tingyun looked up and saw that He Huan was next to a tall man, and they seemed to be talking about something.

He Huan raised his face, and the tall alha lowered his head slightly, as if he was about to…

Suddenly, the tall alha turned his face sideways, allowing Yan Tingyun to see clearly.

Isn’t this person Miles who was sent by the empire to exterminate the alien beasts?

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