Dream Evolution

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 Analysis Of The Task

Hei Zi didn’t actually know much about Bai Feng’s intelligence. After all, it was the first time he met this woman on a mission.

The two were silent for a while, and Heizi asked, “What should I call you?”

Wang Ling thought for a while, thinking that these dreamers probably liked to use code names instead of their own names, so as to avoid some troubles, so he said, “You can call me the gunman.”

It’s not that the direction Wang Ling plans to strengthen in the future is the gunner’s route for long-range shooting, but no matter what direction he goes, the codename “gunner” is undoubtedly very confusing.

“Gunman, how many main quests have you gone through after completing the novice quest?”

Out of prudence, Wang Ling hesitated and said, “3 games.”

Hei Zi, who was driving, glanced back at him, and said in surprise, “I didn’t expect you to have only passed 3 games, and you will have the red elite equipment and the practical skills of speeding up. It seems that you have completed these 3 main quests. Good reviews.”

Wang Ling was noncommittal to Heizi’s words. In fact, he had just experienced the novice task. If this guy in front of him knew the truth, he didn’t know how he would feel.

“Compared to you, I should be considered a senior. Don’t underestimate me, in fact, I have successfully passed 7 main quests. Among the 5,000 people in the low-level area, I can at least be regarded as the top 1,000 strong! As for That Bai Feng, I don’t know the exact number of main quests that have passed, but it should be more than 12. Because a month ago, this woman was a referee in the arena for a while, and I went to the arena to duel with an opponent, just in time. seen her.”

“Bai Feng’s strength is so strong, why hasn’t he entered the intermediate zone yet?” Wang Ling was a little strange.

“It should be soon. It’s very likely that next time, her mission is to advance.”

“What is the mission scene card?” Wang Ling asked again.

“The quest scene card is a precious and rare item. I have never seen it before, but I only know that there are group quest scene cards and individual quest scene cards, which should be used to enter a specific quest world scene. There must have been a plot in Intercepting the Dragon, so I got the task card for this world scene, entered here, and we were unlucky to meet. Damn!”

“You must know that the difficulty of the second generation of Double Dragon should be the dreamer who has performed 3-5 main quests and entered the world.” Kuroko said here, and added, “I was scolded because of the last quest. A major setback, it is estimated that the evaluation of the main brain has dropped, so I entered this world… I thought that this main quest would not have any danger, and I could make a lot of money in this relatively simple world, it’s **** unlucky !”

The two chatted casually for a while, and Wang Ling learned that Bai Feng is Chinese, so in the mission world, when the enemy is a Chinese dreamer, he will usually spare his life – of course, she will ask for confirmation The other party’s attributes and skills and equipment ensure that even if they spare the other party, they will not cause trouble for themselves. This woman is very cautious.

The man named Kuroko is an Indonesian from Southeast Asia. He is good at melee combat and has several skills from the world of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. If it weren’t for the appearance of Bai Feng, this guy would probably be the strongest among all the dreamers who came. the strongest.

Of course, Wang Ling knew that this man must have concealed his strength. No one will completely expose their own strength to people who have only known each other for less than an hour.

“The presence of Bai Feng has made the world more difficult. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find the other 3 dreamers of the righteous side. Otherwise, if the five of them join forces, the success rate will be much higher whether it is a mission or against Bai Feng.” Wang Ling sighed.

A sneer appeared on Heizi’s face: “Justice Fang, there are at most two people left. I saw with my own eyes that one person was cut in half by Bai Feng’s fighting spirit!”

Wang Ling was indifferent, the inside of the car fell silent, only the hum of driving. After a while, he suddenly said: “What do you think the main quest of the evil side is? Shouldn’t it be to kill the Double Dragon Brothers? If so, with Bai Feng around, the Double Dragon Brothers will be in danger.”

“I also killed one of the opponent’s dreamers. Before killing him, I forced out the main mission. The evil side’s first main mission was to destroy 5 martial arts gyms in New York City, including a Muay Thai gym. A taekwondo gym, a karate gym, a boxing gym, and a double **** gym for the Double Dragon brothers.”

“The second main quest is to get the blood of the Double Dragon brothers and give it to the boss of the Dark Fighters to create their clones – the Double Dragon Phantom. There are only two main quests for the evil side, and you don’t need to kill them. The dead double dragon brothers, and it does not conflict with our mission. These two brothers are also small boss-level characters, and they are not easy to deal with. The evil side should not be extravagant…”

Having said that, Heizi thought for a while, and then said: “However, with that woman there, there may be some additional variables! In short, we’d better complete the second main quest as soon as possible, so that we can put aside the Double Dragon brothers, even if the two If people die, they will not face the desperation of failing the main quest and thus being obliterated!”

Wang Ling recalled the plot background of Double Dragon. Since a person as powerful as Bai Feng entered this world at a price, he must have a plan… What is it? The secret to double jeopardy? Some kind of skill or technology on the Dark Warrior side? Or is it… the dragon soul hidden in the bodies of the Double Dragon brothers?

But these two brothers will not awaken the soul of the dragon until the double dragons fight on the arcade, and then have terrible skills such as “Double Dragon Reincarnation”. Now they can only be regarded as two martial artists. Even if they kill two of them, it is absolutely impossible to get the Dragon Soul. Otherwise, this is a big loophole that can be exploited. The dream space will never allow such obvious loopholes to appear!

Thinking of this, he asked Heizi, “Do you know what would happen if you kill the Double Dragon brothers who are the protagonists of the plot in this world?”

Heizi said: “I have collected information on this world. If there is no conflict with the main quest, killing the Double Dragon brothers will not have a big impact – anyway, the next time you enter, the space will reset the world, and these two will appear again. However, the two brothers are not easy to deal with. Their strength is so-so, but the actual combat is very powerful! Even if I have carried out 7 main missions, one-on-one, it is estimated that I can only deal with one person. ”

“If you can successfully kill them, you will be able to use some of the double-jeeting skills in the dropped treasure chest, such as E-level skills such as flying knees, head slams, and flying kicks. The best is tornado. Legs, D-level skills, are not a big deal. Instead, the Duolong replicator of the Dark Fighter can drop qigong bullets, which is a more practical ability than tornado legs!”

“What will the leader of the Warrior of Darkness get?” Wang Ling asked again.

Heizi shook his head coldly and said: “At least according to the information I got, as the final boss in the Double Dragon 2 scene, no one has ever killed the leader of the Warrior of Darkness. This guy is too powerful! And the power is too great. Now! If you want to kill him, it is equivalent to killing the president of the United States in the real world, and the president himself is the strongest player in the real world!”

Wang Ling has some clarity in his heart. Although the scene of Double Dragon 2 is also E-level, the difficulty is definitely higher than that of Super Mario 1, which is a novice world. So as the final boss of the dark warrior leader “Dragon Head”, his strength is at least not as strong. It should be lower than the Demon King Kuba—this strength, compared with the strength of low-level dreamers, the level gap is too big!

“The real purpose of Bai Feng, shouldn’t it be the leader of the dragon…”

Seeing the surrounding scene, Wang Ling kept retreating in the speeding car, Wang Ling said to Heizi: “How is your main mission going?”

Heizi said angrily: “On the first day after my arrival, I killed a lot of broomheads and thugs, and also killed 5 hippies, but I didn’t find a single female rogue! As for the other main quests, I was chased by Bai Feng. Killing for a day, I haven’t had time to do it yet. UU reading www.uukanshu.com”

“Then don’t drive the car so far from Mike Street. I have the address of a low-level stronghold of the Dark Warrior here, not far from Mike Street.”

“You’re talking about a bad boy disco? That’s right! After I killed the broom, the business card I found also had the address of this place, but I was chased by Bai Feng, and I didn’t have time to go.”

“Let’s go to dinner first, rest for a while, we’ll go there in the evening, it’s better to finish the main quests one and two before tomorrow, as long as the nunchakus are handed over to the nunchaku brothers, even if the two die , and there will be no dilemma that the main quest cannot be completed.”

“My second main mission, the weapon to be found is not a nunchaku, but an iron whip.”

Kuroko stopped while talking, and after a fight, the two of them were also a little hungry. Wang Ling first changed out of his homeless attire, took a shower in a hotel, washed his yellow hair, and then the two found a restaurant for dinner.

Wang Ling specially ordered the famous American special dish “Big Beef Steak”. This kind of steak is made with fruit sauce and naan is put into the steak, so the meat is extremely sweet! With the addition of curry, broth, minced garlic, minced green onion, chicken essence, wild pepper, and even red wine, the steak tastes even more delicious!

Under the introduction of the waiter, Wang Ling’s saliva was almost drooling. It turned out that when the steak was served, it was actually half-baked, and there were red bloodshots in it, which made him lose his appetite.

It turns out that Americans hate wasting time. Big and thick steaks take too long to cook to the most cooked, so generally speaking, steaks in restaurants are at most five ripe. Naturally, Wang Ling could not accept this kind of food, so he asked the waiter to bring it back to cook it again, and he naturally suffered a look of contempt.

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