Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 14: Mundane Or Magical, Why Not Both?

Lash met with his doctor, a skinny, lanky man. Arms and legs that seem abnormally long for his short body. Saurian could smell the flesh of raw dead things on him. This doctor/ghoul was a scavenger, Lash thought that Saurian wouldn't like him. He was wrong! Saurian said that hunter's have to be thankful for what ever they can find when they find it. This amiable energy seem to effect the doctor because he became far more animated while talking with Lash. So much so that he actually talked about it, noticing the change. When Lash told him why it made him launch a full spectrum of questions. Lash kept many things close to his chest, and the Ghoul Doctor noticed this but was not insulted in fact he understood. Soon Lash was fully dressed, and was signing himself out of Gotham General, a car was waiting for him downstairs to take him home.

The troll bodyguard he met before was there. Lash smiled at him and asked what his name was. Booraku, Lash activated his Glamour to hide the spells then cast Sooth, and Natures Supplement. Placing both on Booraku. The troll was stunned at first then felt the effects roll through him. He groaned audibly, as the several guards nearby looked at him in confusion. Booraku soon stood straight with a very wide smile on his face, he felt amazing! Lash canceled his Glamour. No one was the wiser, the few that saw it rise and fall thought it was an item he had. With an obvious spring in his step the troll opened the door for Lash, closing it behind him he got into the drivers door and drove Lash home. Lash noticed several black sedans accompanied him home.

“Booraku, who are the other cars? I didn't think Wardens had this kind of security?” Lash was confused and asked his new friend.

“Sir, they belong to the Shield and Sword Firm. Chairman Torloth insisted on your protection until this whole attempted murder is cleared. It's the reason I'm here sir. I'm a security guard for the firm.” Booraku kept his voice clear but soft. His DEEP base tone voice rumbled from his chest. He handed a set of files back to Lash. Which Lash took in surprise.

Lash opened them up, reading through the files. He read about the new purposed security for his building, as well as the purchasing of the nearby real estate that Shield and Sword was in the process of buying. Torloth, felt partially responsible for what happened. But Lash thought differently. The Dragon wants Lash indebted to him. Thankfully the Fae Courts owned his building, or at least he was thankful for it. Whether the Courts were allies or not were yet to be seen. He opened another file and saw a picture of a women. It was Samantha, the women who helped him on the phone. Torloth agreed that she was being under utilized, and she was transferred to the protection and response section of the firm. She got a raise, benefits, as well as a brand new home. A smile tugged on Lash's lips, maybe he'd make a statue for her....

  • Congratulations User! You've obtained the skill, Administration; Now you can manage information, resources, assets, and people! The pen can be just as mighty as the sword. But now you know the horrors of another battle field... Paper Work! May the gods be kind!

Lash rolled his eyes, great! The Dream Engine went all out didn't it. Using what many people would think has mundane and simple things as skills. Erik, remembered that despite Batman's many activities he was still a very well educated man. Maybe Lash could be to. Finishing the report he handed it back to the troll and said thank you. Soon his building came into view, before Lash left the car he was asked a question.

“Sir...What did you do to me? I haven't felt this good in years!” Booraku said, trying to keep his voice down. They had parked in front of his building. Lash had to think about it for a bit.

“I suppose it wont matter, everyone will find out in a while. During the ceremony The Endless granted me the Nature Domain.” Lash said, he then went on to tell Booraku what Sooth, and Natures Supplement did for people.

“Oh that makes sense! If it gives everything the body needs! My people have a very particular dietary needs. I'm going to be riding this high for weeks! Thank you sir!” Booraku then stepped out of the car, opened the door for Lash. Lash said goodbye, and went to his buildings front door. It opened on its own. Booraku waited until Lash was safely inside the front area before leaving. Lash massaged his head, felt the tribal mark on his skin. He waved at the security guard at the front desk.

“Sir, Miss Shaw is waiting for you...” The guard said to him. Lash froze in place, he looked over at him with a grimace. Lizzy had a key to his home, its never been an issue before.

“How long as she been waiting?” Lash asked carefully.

“Long enough that she ordered me to inform her the moment you were seen coming in...Which I just did.” The guard look apologetic, Lash hung his head.

He thanked the guard, went up to his home. As soon as he closed the door to his home behind him he could feel the seething anger of Lizzy boiling over. She stood there, her arms crossed. Her eyes twitching. She was wearing white tennis shoes, skin tight blue jeans, a long sleeved white cotton shirt that may have been a little small for her. Emphasizing her curves, her fiery red hair was done up in a tail, and she had blue rimmed glasses on...She was in a bad mood. Lash just walked forward, he didn't say a word. Dragged his feet but kept his eyes straight, looking at her. He knew she expected some kind of explanation. Saurian was metaphorically curling up, holding his tail and shivering in fear. Before she could explode Lash just swallowed her in a hug. Lizzy was 5' 8” taller with shoes on. Lash was...emphasis on 'was' 6' 2” But now? Was taller by two inches, his overall body had increased he was different. He swallowed her in a hug, she was stiff. But noticed something different about him, her arms slipped from between them and hugged him back.

“Lash, whats wrong? Where have you been? I... I tried calling but. Why do you smell like a hospital? Did something happen?” Lizzy said softly, she had always had a sensitive nose. She began to run her hands over him checking for injuries. Lash just held the embrace for far longer then he normally would.

“Lash! Your scaring me! What's going on? Why did you get a tattoo? I mean it looks good on you, but...” Lizzy's voice had a bit of fear laced into it.

“It's just been a long twenty four hours, Lizzy. I just wanted to hug you, I hadn't realized this but you help keep me grounded. I'm not sure what I would do with out you...” Lash said as he let go of her. Stepping back to look at her.

Lizzy set her eyes upon him. Her body full of nervous tension, but there was a satisfied glimmer to her eyes. She was essentially saying. 'Oh so now you notice!' But Lizzy kept her face neutral. Lash walked past her towards his kitchen and began to make some jasmine tea. Lizzy sat down at the kitchen table watching him. After a few minutes he sat down as well. Tea pot, and glasses. He filled his cup and offered to fill Lizzy's which she accepted.

“Someone attacked me last night, I just got back from the hospital. I'm fine... Just a bit rattled. I already filled out a report.” Lash said, raising his arms up to signify his health. He took some of his drink.

“I told you the neighborhood watch thing would be dangerous! Its great that your trying to give back to the community Lash! But, there are other ways! You could donate money, do a charity auction for one of your pieces! Why do you feel like you have to prowl the night like some kind of vigilante.” Lizzy yelled, standing up in her seat! Nearly knocking her chair over.

“You know that's not what we do, Lizzy. We wear uniforms, we walk the streets. We work with the police. Were volunteer mall cops. It was just a bunch of kids.” Lash had spoken the the Warden's and had come up with a cover story. The Shield and Sword Firm would back up the story. The hospital visit, along with a police report was 'made' to keep it concrete.

“Ya! Just a bunch of kids this time! What happens when you find an actual gang? Cartel members? The mafia!” Lizzy shouted at him.

“We don't go after the big stuff! You know that! We do volunteer security for the city! Walk the streets in the evening. Letting the people who get off work know that there is help if they need it. We've all been certified. Lizzy, Please! I'm fine.” Lash stayed seated and kept his eyes on her. He hated lying to her. Hated lying about how he took an entire clip from a rifle to the chest at near point blank range.

“Lash do you have any idea what I'd do if something happened to you!? If you died!? It would wreck me! We've been friends since our first year in college! I nearly lost my mind when you got mugged and had your throat cut! But now your throwing yourself straight into it!” Lizzy screamed at him.

“Its better that I face it head on then curl up into a mess! Lizzy! You know that better than any one!” Lash stood up this time, glaring at her.

His voice made her flinch back in surprise. Lash's parent's had died a few years ago. His father was killed in a break in at their old house. Her mother lost her mind in grief a few months after and committed suicide. Lash was still in college, losing both is father, and mother with in six months of each other, it nearly wrecked him. But he ended up using the pain of it in his art work. There was an entire period where his art was brutal, harsh, and rage induced. But it sold, it what got him on the map. Lizzy was different. Her parents, her siblings were all alive and well. There family had a booming business, thanks in no small part to Lash.

The memories of his life flashed through both Erik, as well as the reincarnated soul of Lash. Lash had done this many times in his many lifetimes. Every body they would inhabit would come with its own set of goals, dreams, and baggage. They never got a clean slate, it was always used and filled with problems. Erik for his part, even though it was a generated world. Erik felt bad, had he done this? Then nearly three months ago. Lash had his throat cut in a mugging. That's when the reincarnated soul of Lash was placed. The original Erik Lash should have died, a tragic story of father lost, mother gone, and the child soon to follow. The original did die, but the new Erik Lash rose again with his partner Saurian. It was at this moment that Erik the gamer realized that his game avatar had a really tragic backstory.

“Lash...I...I didn't mean it like that. I...”Lizzy said softly, only to squeak in surprise as Lash was holding her again.

Lizzy was surprised, she hadn't seen him move. But she took the much needed break in the tension. She tucked her arms up and nestled into Lash's embrace, breathing in his scent. Lash was different, he'd been different ever since his mugging. He almost died! Lash felt the essence of Saurian was wrapping around them both, a sense of comfort and safety swallowed them. He could feel Lizzy's whole body go loose. They stayed that way for a while, neither of them saying a word. Lash had always considered Lizzy the sister he never had but always wanted. He felt that Lizzy considered him family as well, her entire family had been very accepting of the Orphan Lash.

“Yes being on the Watch is dangerous, but I can promise you that I'll be careful and follow the rules to ensure the safety of me and the team I am with. Besides if I end up dying I know for a fact that you'll kill me!” Lash said, a smile on his face. Lizzy laughed despite herself before pushing him away. Attempting to wear a stern sister like expression, betrayed by the smile on her face.

“You know it!” She stood sideways, crossing her arms. Doing a good job of being a professional 'humph' worker. Then she looked back. “So why the tattoo, what brought that on.”

Lash reached up and traced the pattern with his finger, he actually hadn't had the time to look at it in its entirety. But his fingers still traced it as if he had it for years. He thought about it, telling Lizzy that he was a super-natural. Thought about telling her about Saurian. But...-No! No! Lizzy is sweet, but is weak. Maybe one day we'll tell her. But not now. Saurian said, and Lash couldn't but help to agree.

“Well aside from the aesthetically pleasing appearance of it? I think it makes me look tough, people are less inclined to mess with me. Been working out, going to mixed martial arts studio's, on the neighborhood Watch. Felt that a tasteful tattoo would help boost my image. Oh! I have a new piece to show you!” Lash reached out and tugged on Lizzy. Like a kid wanting to show off something they made. Lizzy laughed at his antics.

Walking into the Art Studio, Lizzy saw that he had been busy working with scrap metal, stone, even wood. The room was messy, which was uncommon for Lash. He always kept the room clean, unless he lost track of time and didn't have a chance to clean it. There on one of the work tables, commonly used for metal work was this perfectly crafted replica of a fencing rapier sword, a decorative but functional sword guard, what looked like white marble and gold inscribed into the handle, the blade it self was pure black, and polished that Lizzy could see herself in it. Lash had made this before the Warden ceremony when he had discovered all his new skills. Lizzy went to pick it up only to cry in surprise. Thing must weigh over a hundred pounds! She went to run her finger over the blade, Lash went to try and stop her only for her to jump back in shock. She had barely touched it and cut through her finger. Bad enough that it was gushing. Lash had cut himself in his shop before and had a first aid kit ready.

“So....Are you selling this one? I don't think swords are supposed to be that heavy.” Lizzy said.

She looked around the studio, they didn't have a forge in here, they did have welding tools but nothing capable of making a sword. Lizzy was distracted and didn't see Lash cast a minor version of his spell domain. It wouldn't heal the wound, but it would help. He carefully wrapped the cut finger, thanks to the quick response and spell it stopped bleeding soon after.

“Yes, its for sale. But make sure you tell them it is actually meant for muscle training. The sword is fully functional, but is far to heavy to use common sword fight. But it has incredible durability. That you could cut granite with it and it would still not break.” Lash said, Lizzy looked him with a stun expression. He stepped around the table to hold up a cleanly cut piece of granite, setting it down next to the blade to show her the comparison.

“Your telling me you used a sword to cut through granite? Not only did it not break! It kept its edge?!” Lizzy yelled, a glint of business possibilities in her eyes.

She ran out of the room and soon returned with her phone. Taking photo's of the sword, asking Lash to hold it up since it still weighed so much. She asked for the specifics of the weight, and the composition of the sword. With Lash's Title set to Shaper he was oddly specific for Lizzy. But she failed to notice. Despite its tremendous weight! It was perfectly balanced, flexible, and razor sharp. She even took a video of Lash cutting through a piece of granite using the sword. The before footage, as well as after, then showed the stone. Soon sending it to the Shaw Art Industry site for a spin video to be made. Lash said he would make a sheath for it. He requested for some materials from Lizzy. After a few hours Lizzy left his home. Not before making him brunch! Not ten minutes after he had seen her off from the door. His home intercom rang, front desk chime.

“Mr. Lash just checking in. Miss Shaw has left the building. However, there is another...Mr. Booraku here. He say's he is here to take you to see the Winter associates for the investigation?” Lash sighed, he didn't think it would be today. But sooner was better he thought.

“Yes, I'll be down in about ten minutes. Thank you!” Lash said.

He then went to his bedroom, got a change cloths. Not sure how messy this was going to be. He freshened up, then looked around his home. Watching a few Griak's play in front of their tree house for a bit, he noticed the gargoyle's were back in place. Before he left he went to the balcony, setting out a plate of cheese and crackers for the Griak's, and said thank you to them, as well as the stone sentinels. The gremlin creatures cheered! Happy that he was safe, the gargoyle's chatted with Saurian for a bit. Lash was not sure how they were talking, but they seem to get the message. Lash found from the Warden's at the hospital that Gargoyle's, or at least these ones are not born but made. There is sentient, biological versions but they were stupid rare. These ones are homunculus, Saurian said they were part-beast. Thus they fell under the Beast Speak category. They can understand language, its how they receive orders. Skaleg said they have to use a device to listen to their reports. Well looks like Lash doesn't need the tool. He told them all goodbye, leave the plate he'll get it when he comes back. Locking his balcony door he set his alarm and wet down stairs.

“Hello, Booraku. Feels like we just saw one another.” Lash said, but he had a smile on his face.

“Sorry sir, The Winters gave you permission to meet with the associates in question. Miss Jessabell asked me to come get you since I was still on the same island.” Booraku said as he gestured for Lash to follow him.

Booraku was easily seven feet tall, and wide as a door. His arms were thicker then Lash's thighs. He was the definition of universal body builder. With a military crew cut hair, black eyes, and healthy tanned skin. Despite his size, and his natural heritage as a ten foot tall troll. He was quick, quiet, and moved with ease. But he was like a giant cliff face in front of the coming tide. As soon as he stepped out onto the busy sidewalk of Gotham City people either stopped to look at him, or made a very wide berth. He opened the door for Lash, which of course drew many eyes to him. This time Lash got into a SUV, softly closing the door behind Lash. Booraku got into the drivers side door, clearly more relaxed in this larger vehicle that could accommodate his glamour sized human shape. They merged into traffic with expert ease. Lash was still convinced it was some kind of magic.

They drove for about twenty minutes, of course twenty minutes with Booraku driving could mean they were at the state lines for all Lash knew. But they were in a factory district. Booraku pulled into a complex, after checking with the guard. Lash looked at the guard, watching the glamour slip off. Ever since he obtained the skill from his Patron the metaphorical peeling of the illusion away was quicker. The guard was a Sylvan, with pale almost blue skin. He had a tact suit on. With a P90 sub-machine gun, and long sword strapped to his back. They were cleared to move to building C. The guard gave them both visitors badges and warned the two not lose them.

Stepping out of the car, they were met by a 5' 3” tanned skinned beauty, with short brown hair and green eyes, wearing a business suit, with pants, and heels. When her glamour slipped, Lash could see that she was essentially looked the same but had green olive skin, with fairy wings on. She looked like an adult version of tinker bell. When she caught Lash's eye she froze in place. Booraku for his professionalism stepped in front of us both. That seem to break what ever she was experiencing, she blushed furiously and hide behind her hands. She apologized, then led them both into the building. After passing several security check points, Lash finally heard screaming coming from the door at the end of the hall. Lash and Saurian both smelled it.... Blood-Kindred that attacked them. The women knocked on the door, the screaming stopped as they heard footsteps approach. A Warden Lash knew appeared. The Warden looked up in surprise but smiled.

“Hey Buddy! Came to say hello!” It was Simon. He was wearing a surgical gown, with apron, gloves, mask, and face shield. He was covered in blood.

“Hey Simon! Didn't know you were doing the questioning. But, ya came to see the people that tried to kill me. Do you mind?” Lash said.

“Not at all my friend, come on in! You too Booraku!” Simon said, his eyes in crescents. The pixie women came in as well. She named herself Megan and still wouldn't look Lash in the eye.

Walking into the room the smell of sweat, blood, vomit was harsh in the air. Even with a large fan sucking the smell out into the vents. Another Winter Court official was in the room, writing information down. There the six kindred were. Mostly intact or at least they had their limbs, some of them had been skinned, others hand fingers, and limbs broken. One had all of his teeth pulled out. But as they were Kindred they were healing, slowly. Must be due to the blood loss. One of them with a swollen shut eye looked up and thrashed in his seat at the sight of Lash.

“Hello everyone! I'm Warden Lash! Of course you should all know that since you were tasked with killing me!” Lash said with a smile on his face. All of the Kindred thrashed about, as if they were conditioned to complete their order regardless of what was around them. Then they all went rigid as an electric current went through their bodies. Lash looked over at Simon who was pushing a big red button.

“Settled down kids! Uncle Lash is talking.” Simon grinned, he had taken off his surgical mask. Then released the button. Letting the Kindred shudder in pain.

Lash smiled at him, then reached into his winter coat and pulled out....An Apple, along with a pocket knife. He pulled the knife out and began to cut into the apple. He offered a piece to Simon, Booraku, Megan, and the Winter Official. They all had a confused look but accepted the apple slice.

“Now, I am sure that all of you have been asked questions over and over again. But if the information I have is right. You use drop points to get your orders so you never know who is behind them. You all use compartmentalization when giving out orders, no one can tell the whole thing because no one knows the whole thing. But you see...I don't need you to talk.” Lash said with a grin, his eyes had changed to reptilian eyes. Megan seem to shudder at the change.

Lash pulled the seeds from the apple. Carefully placing them one by one on a table in front of the kindred, and the rest. Making a point to hold each one up as if each one held value. Booraku, Simon, and the official looked confused...But Megan didn't, she was shivering. She had moved to the wall now her face pale from fright. Lash smiled at her, she nearly collapsed at his expression. Booraku went to help her. Holding her steady. Everyone was confused, including the kindred.

“Now, you six don't know this. But I'll tell you. The Endless granted me the Nature Domain. It comes with all sort of amazing tools for my work. One very recent spell I learned will be very helpful with what we need from all of you.” Lash said, he smiled wide.

He picked up a single apple seed and walked towards the gunman that had shot him. The Kindred's flight or fight instincts were telling him to run! He was struggling, thrashing in place, he was screaming! Wide eyed as Lash walked over, held his head in place and....Shoved the apple seed straight up his nose. He then clamped his now scaled and clawed hand onto the kindred's face. Lash's tribal tattoo then began to glow, as Lash's eyes took on a distant look. The Kindred began to scream, and scream! As everyone in the room watched in horror as vines grew from the Kindred's nose, a particular vine was burrowing up through his nose, through his skull into his brain.

“EEEEEEEHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA!” The Kindred screamed in pain. As Lash activated the spell.

  • Nature Domain Spell, Root of Information; This is a terrifying and horrible spell for any prisoner. A seed of any plant is placed with in the nasal cavity, then using the Magical energy of Nature it is forced grown. The roots then burrow into the subjects body, and more specifically the brain. The root ganglia then dig into the subjects mind interfacing with their memories. This information is then sent back to the spell wielder. You are a monster for using this!

Lash shuddered in place as the information he wanted was practically flashed before his eyes. Thankfully the spell knew to identify what he wanted, and filtered out the other stuff. He saw the Kindred picking up a package, he saw the date. It was three days before the ceremony. It was kill orders for Lash. To be done after the ceremony after he had gone home for the night. They were to kill him and any one with him. Then the connection snapped, that is all this kindred new.

Lash pulled his hand away, the kindred was blissfully unconscious. Turning around he saw everyone in the room looked at him with horror. Megan threw up onto the floor and ran to escape the room. Booraku was torn between staying and helping her. Lash gestured for him to go, he practically sprinted from the room using Megan as an excuse to leave. The Kindred were thrashing as hard as they ever could trying to get away from Lash. Simon looked at him, then back at the table with the apple seeds. Lash looked at the official and told him what information that Kindred knew, the Winter Fae seem to snap out of his shock and begin to write down the information. Getting every detail from Lash. Then, he did it again....And again.....and again... Until every single Blood-Kindred had been 'interrogated' Lash then removed the roots from the Kindred and turned his tools into compost.

What did they know? That this was planned three days in advance. They had the floor plan, the security check points, the building layout of their operations post. They had the safe house that the operation was planned at. The ID's of the team, even their house names. How they were selected for the Blood-Kindred Wet team operations. How they were promised that if they succeeded they would be promoted into family knights, and if they failed their families would strike them from the history of there blood lines. For a Kindred that was a big deal. Then one tiny bit of information that came from the team leader. His mother had heard from Lady Kali, she was admitted into the honor program to become a vassal.... It was a dream come true for his family! He didn't have proof but he knew it was because of the mission, if he can kill the new Warden then his team, and his family were set for life! The Winter official grilled Lash for every tiny detail he could come up with. The Winter Court official down loaded the information onto the buildings data base, made a thumb drive for both himself as well as Simon. Then he sprinted from the room to get it officially up the chain of command.

A security team came into the room to handle the clean up, and the 'detaied' Kindred. Simon cleaned up and met Lash in the hall way. Booraku was there, with Megan who both kept a distance from Lash. Lash was reading a prompt.

  • Congratulations User! Your Cosmic Patron is pleased with your efforts. But the conspiracy continues. Why did Kali order your death? Was it just to get rid of Viktor, or is there more to it? Continue to investigate.

    • Reward: You've learned the skill, Dream Eater; You and Saurian both can now devour, absorb, and read both dreams and memories. You can learn information, you can earn skills, abilities, and even spells! But maybe there is another use to this? Ever had a bad dream? A Nightmare? Well not anymore! All those will be is another meal for our growing monster! Please take note, Dream Eater, and Soul Bite work together.

Lash was happy to complete the task but part of him felt...Off. Like he had just done something wrong. It must have shown on his face because Simon clapped him on the shoulder. Making him look up.

“Interrogating someone is never easy. In fact I would be worried about you if you seem to just shrug it off. The fact that you look sick to your stomach means your still human... Or, rather have a moral compass! You get what I'm trying to say!” Simon scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

“Megan, I'm sorry you had to see that.” Lash said. He glanced at her. She still looked pale but accepted his words with a nod of her head.

They all left down the hallway back to the front of Building C. Simon had sent the information to HQ. He was instant messaging as fast as his fingers could go. Even made a few calls. Booraku, for his part did not ask about what the Kindred gave since he left the room before Lash said anything. Megan was unsteady on her feet. Booraku was next to her carefully helping her down the hallways. Thankfully he knew where they were going since Megan was out of it. When they all stepped out into the front of the building, Lash finally lost it and threw up! He heaved his brunch across the pavement and collapsed to his knees. He dry heaved several times. Why did he do this? What was Lash thinking! Yes they got the information, but that was fucked up. He understands why the Spell description says he would be a monster for using it. There was a side effect of the Root. It destroyed their minds. He had fried their minds! They were brain dead! It was different on the rooftop! If he had killed them it would have been in self-defense. But this....This was different. Erik was starting to understand why Batman didn't kill in the comics.

Booraku handed Lash a wet moist disposable towel. He cleaned his face off, and threw it away. The social distancing between Booraku and Megan was better now. They said goodbye to Megan, and Simon. Lash got into the car...Before he knew it he was back in his home. Clearly on auto pilot. He went to the alarm set the shutters into place, then went to his bedroom. He took his cloths off and went to sleep. The last thing he heard was...-Sleep now Partner-Lash. Saurian will keep watch...

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