Dragon's Throne : Rise of Dragons

Chapter 3: Ch.3 Escape

..."What are your orders at this time your Majesty?"

"I want you to join your fellow 2 knights that are guarding the queen's chamber, and for the three of you to escort her and the prince to safety far away from this place. Use the hidden escape tunnel; Don't worry she knows the way to it well, I used it to sneak her in an out at night before we were officially married. Do not tell me where you are planning to go or send her after escaping. I is better if I do not know incase the castile is breached and we are questioned about their location. As for you brave shield bearer I need you to round up the all the maides and other servants that are located here in the castile and get them to safety as well. General I want you to personally lead the knights remaining in the castile along with my personal guards into the city and save as many people form those damn witches as possible. I want you to prioritise the lives of the people and your men. If need be abandon the city and seek aid of our alleys to the south. I will stay here and bar the gates and try to buy as much time as i can for my wife and son to escape if the walls or gate is breached."

"NOW go! You have your orders."

Everyone rushed off immediately to do as they were ordered by King Artro. The villa square knight ran towards the queen's chambers while yelling at the few maides he passed to go join up with the others and follow the orders of the Shield bearer as the city was was under siege. Running at his top speed it would take him five minutes to get the the doors of the queen's chamber. The general of the defence force was able to assemble the few dozen knights that served as the guards of the important locations In a short time. As they left to fend off the witches and save the people of the capital city; the King slammed the gates behind them. This left only Artro as a last line of defence should the castile be breached. The shield bearer as running all over the castile gathering all the servants into one location. Using his wits, he had the first of the ones he ran into help him locate the others. Without there help it would have taken him hours and possibly even days to find them all. His plan was to use ropes to slide down from the top of one of the towers then burn them with a torch he had picked up along the way. As this was the fastest and safest method he could think of without having to open a side gate, giving the witches a chance to get in as they fled.

Arriving at the doors to the queen's chamber the villa's square knight quickly informed the two knights guarding the door of the attack and the kings orders for the three of the to ensure the queen Ciara and crown prince Elric got to safety far away from the castile and raging battle going on in the city. After coming up with a plan where he would act as a decoy and the other two would escort the prince and queen. Once getting out of the escape tunnel he was to head off in the opposite direction carrying a bundle made to look like a baby. After creating some distance between himself and the others he would start to deliberately leave signs of someone trying to escape the city and castile while carrying a small child. While the other two would take the royal mother and child somewhere they could seek passage out of the kingdom under the guise of traveling merchants.

With a plan formed the trio of knights rushed into the queen's bedroom startling her as she was nursing crown prince Elric at the time. Not knowing why the three of them had burst into her private chambers and even her bed room when telling the two guards she did not want to be disturbed. After all she had given birth around the dawn of this very day. Queen Ciara yelled "Why on Zaina are you three armor wrapped meatheads Barging into my room." The three of them now even bothering to bow as was custom apon greeting anyone of the royal family; began to inform the queen of the attack and her husband the king's orders. Following her to the hidden entrance of the escape tunnel one of the knights layed out there plan informing the queen of the details and answering any questions she may have.

**Outside of the castile walls**

Steel and witch curse runes clached. Many bodys both covered in armor and black cloth lay scattered about the once grand capital city of the Vellen Kingdom. An arrow flew past the somewhat mage fire chard helm of the defence force's army general striking one of the witches between the eyes killing them instantly. Unfortunately this caused the spell rune he was casting to shatter violently gravely injuring the already frostbitten sword arm of the general who was close by. While most of the witches runes where not that powerful on their own, as as hedge witches don't typically have access to proper spell tomes, the effects tend to linger. The "spells" of these so called rouge hedge witches acted more like an elemental curses than true mage spells that magus and main branch family witches cast. These would cause a slight burning or chill on the part of the body hit by the rune that could add up quickly if hit in the same place. The effects could only last a few minutes at first or if cast by a lower skilled witch. But consecutive hits caused it to last longer on top of the effect being stronger. It would take around 5-8 hits for the average knight to start to be burned or frozen, and fifteen hits in the same arm to give the general a case of frostbite. But with the sheer number of runes being rain down on them the knights where being overwhelmed,and would only be a matter of time before the city was totally lost. Knowing this the general had himself and the knights do there best to hold of the witches while the lower ranked troops focused on rescuing the people and leading them out of the city.

**Back at the castle**

King Artro donned his armor as it was only a matter or maybe an hour at best before the witches began to breach the walls and gates. He stood ready with a longsword in hand to face the incoming coven. The motives behind this sudden and overwhelming attack were still unknown; not that it mattered to him at this moment. Would his sacrifice of his royal capital and the lives of many of his subjects be in vain or would His hope, his son survive to see the dawn of his second day. At this time he can only pray that his wife and son make it out alive. His driving hope was that his only son could one day reclame the glory of his birthright and rebuild what was lost on this day. He was even willing to break a long standing vow by using his true might or seal himself in the Chamber of the Eye for centuries for this chance at life for his wife and child.

The trio of knights, Ciara, and Elric who was in her arms had made it to the hidden escape tunnel's entrance by this time. It was located behind a picture of Artro as a young lad riding a winged mount that was located in the reading room. By the time they reached the midpoint of the tunnel the servants gathered up by the SB had to tie the lengths of gathered rope together and started climbing down in escape. Five ow whom had torches in had ready to burn the ropes at a moments notice.

Reaching the end of the tunnel that was covered by bushes blocking its view from any passers by, it was time to put there plan into action. The one knight that was the Man at Arms for the knights villa square left his armor on and wore a long cape that was worn is such a way as it would intentionally snag on branches as the ran past. Heading southeast he carried a bundle of baby's clothing and blankets in a way as to appear as if he was holding a child in his arms. As for the other two knights, Queen Ciara, and the newborn prince Elric had log discarded there noble attire in exchange for the ruff burlap and cotton wool clothing often worn by the merchant class. the knights had to leave behind there grand longswords but carried short balades for protection. Ciara also had hidden the emerald dagger gifted to Elric in the sleeves of her dress. The group now with the look of average commoners started walking west towards a farm that was owned by a friend of one of the knights locactated ten miles away. There intent was to barrow a few horses, and maybe a waggon to aid in there journey to the western coast of Tera.

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