Dragon’s Pride


Detective Noberai stares at the smoldering husk of what, just yesterday, used to be a small motel. The forensics team carefully makes their way through the thin layer of ash that covers everything, raising cameras to document their findings every few seconds. What are they taking pictures of, exactly?

The bodies. Or what’s left of them, in certain cases.

The state some of them were left in makes him silently glad for the ash since it hides a good deal of the blood splatter. And there’s definitely a lot. A rough estimate puts it as ten dead, though it might be more. There’s certainly enough limbs scattered around to account for more.

He sighs as he walks towards the back of an ambulance so that he can question the manager, who’s reportedly unharmed. But before he can get there another person dressed in a beige trenchcoat meets him, causing him to scowl. He recognizes the man, how could he not? He’s practically being advertised as the epitome of detective work!

That’s not to say that Detective Tsukauchi was promoted through nepotism or anything, he worked just as hard as anyone else. Noberai knows that. The man is committed to his job, and had even refused several better paying jobs under private contractors or the government. He can respect that.

No, what he dislikes is how everyone sings his praises just because he has a quirk ‘perfect for detective work’. He tries to ignore talk like that, but there’s only so much you can do when it gets brought up whenever stations have to work together. What makes it worse is that it’s not even the man’s station! Every station except his own talks about how amazing his quirk is!

But he supposes it’s not really Detective Tsukauchi's fault. From what he’s heard from people who’ve actually met him, the man is respectful and doesn’t overly rely on his quirk. No, that’s not what has him scowling.

What has him scowling is that he’s sure Tsukauchi being here means one of two things. Either he’s going to try and take over this case -which is completely ridiculous since this is nowhere near his prefecture- or he’s going to make this much, much more complicated.

He schools his expression as they exchange nods. “Detective Tsukauchi.”

The man grimaces slightly, an interesting reaction to a normal greeting. “I see my reputation precedes me. You are?”

Noberai raises an eyebrow questioningly. If he was sent here then his precinct should have given him the details he needs. “Detective Noberai. I’m the one taking the lead on this case. Unless someone reassigned it to you…?”

He blinks, taken aback before sheepishly rubbing the back of his head after giving it a shake. “Ah, no. Sorry, I guess it is a surprise for me to be here. I wasn’t assigned, I just finished meeting up with an old friend and saw the cordon, so I came to see if there was anything I could do. Didn’t mean to step on any toes.”

Noberai’s shoulders relax, and he allows a small smile to twist the corners of his lips as he pulls out a large notepad more in line with a sketchpad. “Well, I know that feeling well. No harm if you just happened to be nearby. I was just about to question the manager of the motel, if you’d like to join me?”

Tsukauchi’s own lips twitch in displeasure, having been asked far too many times to sit in on other detectives’ interrogations. But since he literally walked into this investigation he’s not really in a position to complain.

Of course, that’s not Noberai’s intention. He just feels like it’s polite to offer since he’s there.

The two of them approach the manager, who’s looking at the motel with blank eyes while clutching the shock blanket around his shoulders tightly enough that his knuckles are turning white. Noberai clears his throat to get his attention and the man jerks before turning to them with a frown on his face.

“What? I already said what happened when I called the police.” He scowls. “Not that they were any help. Even that crappy pro was too useless to help!”

Noberai startles, looking at the manager in confusion before waving over one of the officers who secured the area before asking for clarification. “There wasn’t any report about a pro hero being present. What happened to them?”

He scowls, pointing at one of the more collapsed parts of the building. “Dumbass got smashed into my damn building is what happened! Seriously, what kind of hero can’t even take down some brat with a crappy mutation.”

The officer rushes off to gather help in recovering the hero, and the detectives are grateful that protocol has kept a team of firefighters and emergency responders nearby in case the fire somehow managed to rekindle or survivors are found. The two glare at the man with severe looks on their faces.

“Why didn’t you report this sooner? What if he’s in critical condition!?”

The man snorts, waving off Tsukauchi’s concern. “Why should I care? It’s a hero’s job to protect people. Sometimes they get hurt doing it, but that just means they should have been more careful.”

Tsukauchi opens his mouth to retort but is cut off by a sharp gesture from Noberai, making him swallow the words. Seeing that he won’t say anything, Noberai turns back to the manager, raising his notepad. Despite not noticing the man making any such movements, or even holding a pen, Tsukauchi can see the page is half filled with words.

“While you may have informed the police dispatcher, we still need to gather an official statement. While it’s typically taken back at the precinct, I feel it’s more helpful for it to be done at the scene, so that we can get a more complete understanding of the events.”

Tsukauchi raises an eyebrow at the words as the manager loudly loses an irritated sigh. While technically true, he’s more than familiar with how such exceptions are only made when someone has a quirk that helps with that understanding. Otherwise victims may be too emotional or distracted to give an accurate account of the events.

The man rolls his eyes. “Fine, fine. So, two nights ago, not last night but the one before, some kid comes looking for a room. Said her parents were runnin’ an errand or something so they gave her money to pay for their room. Didn’t see anything wrong with that, shit happens, so I let her pay and gave her the key for one of the rooms.”

Tsukauchi keeps his face neutral, making sure that he doesn’t accidentally reveal anything. Because the only parts of what the manager said are true are that a kid wanted to pay for a room two nights ago, and he let her.

Unaware of his lies already being discovered, the manager continues. “Noticed this morning that the brat’s parents never showed, so I called some friends to check on her.” He shakes his head. “She attacked them the moment she opened the door, lit Jun and Kotone on fire, and the flames were weird too! Green, with the regular color of fire scattered around it. Now, obviously Kenta and Takao were going to protect themselves! But she jumped at them and started clawing them! Then the local gang showed up.”

His mouth twists into a sneer. “Only time I’ve been happy to see them, assholes that they are. Were. Fat lot of good all that ‘protection money’ the bastards extorted did me,” he mutters. Tsukauchi shoots a glance at Noberai, wondering if he picked up how little of the truth the man is actually saying. He catches his eye, giving a shallow nod, making Tsukauchi let out an internal sigh of relief. It’s always good to work with competent people. Even if it isn’t official.

“Brat tore them apart like they were toys,” the manager shivers. “Some tried to make a break for it, or hid in my building. So of course the brat lights it on fire!” His eyes flash in anger before he snorts. “That’s when the failure of a hero showed up.”

From the area the manager indicated earlier, there’s a sudden chorus of voices that draws their attention. They look over and see paramedics loading an unconscious man in a yellow and green costume onto a stretcher before rushing to one of the ambulances. The two detectives identify the man as Rock Lock, a hero ranking in the low-mid hundreds. Certainly not a double digit, but still not someone you’d imagine getting defeated by a child. The manager scoffs, drawing their focus back to the interview.

“Dumbass tried talking her down while she was holding one of the gang members, and you know what she did?” He continues without waiting for an answer. “She tore off the guy’s arm and threw it at him! Did that for each limb while the hero dodged and tried to get close, then threw his torso once she ran out! The hero kept picking up debris and throwing it at her, and they just stopped in midair. Stopped her from moving until the hero eventually had her completely covered. Did jack-shit though.”

“What do you mean?” Noberai can’t help but ask. From what he understands, when Rock Lock locks down a space, even terraformer-type quirks can’t change it. If he really encased the girl, things should have been over.

The manager snorts, derision dripping from his voice. “I mean that she broke the entire damn thing, grabbed the guy by the leg, and threw him into the building. Finally thought to call the cops, but by the time you lot got here she’d already left.”

Noberai nods, flipping to a fresh page in his notes. “Thank you for that. Now we just need to get through a few follow-up questions before we’re finished here.” The man rolls his eyes, obviously annoyed, but has no choice but to stay.

Noberai nudges Tsukauchi, making a series of subtle gestures to let him know when his quirk goes off. Tsukauchi nods in reply, ready to back him up. Noberai clears his throat. “So, this girl, did she have green hair, eyes, and scales?”

The man blinks before nodding. “Yeah, she did. But she didn’t have scales when she first showed up, just when she went on a rampage.”

Tsukauchi stays silent, so Noberai continues. “You said that you called ‘some friends to check on her’, what exactly were they going to do? And why call them instead of the police if you were worried?”

The man scoffs. “Like I said, they were going to check on her. Nothing more nothing less, maybe ask where her parents were or something. And cops aren’t exactly a hot commodity around here. Make people nervous, you understand. What with being a bad part of town and all.”

Noberai nods understandingly while Tsukauchi nudges him twice, signaling that both statements are lies. “So there is no chance that your ‘friends’ could have provoked her into attacking them, perhaps in an effort to defend herself?”

“Of course not!” The man manages to sound offended even while Tsukauchi nudges Noberai again. “The crazy bitch just up and lost it!”

Noberai just nods understandingly, and the manager’s eyes flash with unease. “Very well. And you said those ‘gang members’ just happened to be passing by and jumped in to help? You didn’t call them? They weren’t staying at your motel?”

“Of course not,” the man lies with a grimace, a bad feeling sinking into his gut. “The lot of them have some club they all stay at, something about showing ‘comradery’ or some bullshit.”

Noberai gives one final nod, signaling an officer standing nearby to approach. “Two questions, then, before we finish.” The man visibly relaxes before freezing at the detective’s next words. “What do you know about the Treasure Triad?”

The manager stares at Detective Noberai for a second before switching his gaze to Detective Tsukauchi. He swallows, his mouth suddenly dry. “No-nothing. Haven’t heard of them before.”

Detective Noberai nods as if he expected that response before moving on to the final question. “Ok. In that case, care to explain why your office has a variety of strong sleeping drugs in stock? Seems like a bit of an odd investment, given your profession.

The manager is silent, falling still for a moment. Then he bolts from the ambulance, tripping over Noberai’s outstretched foot and falling on his face where he’s quickly detained by the officer. “Bakai Hanza, you are under arrest for aiding and abetting the villain organization known as the Treasure Triad.”

After reading the man his rights the officer marches him to the back of one of the cars where he yells ineffectually from behind the glass. Noberai sighs in satisfaction, holding his neck as he rolls it. “Damn, this kid is practically doing our job for us. Think she’d be interested in joining the force?” He jokes with Tsukauchi, who looks a bit dazed at the sudden turn of events.

“Uh, how’d you know he’s connected with the Treasure Triad? I didn’t notice anything that could have pointed to them?”

“Oh, that?” He chuckles. “The same little girl hospitalized two of their executives last night, and traumatized the third so badly that she spilled everything in exchange for being comfortable in prison.” He snorts. “We’ve got a few teams accompanied by Daylight heroes raiding their bases today, with a rapid response force in place in case any of them need backup.”

He gestures to the destroyed motel. “This was one of them.”

Tsukauchi shakes his head in astonishment. “Damn. That’s something. Think she’s targeting them?”

Noberai snorts. “Nah, they targeted her the first time, and pretty sure Hanza was looking for some quick cash by nabbing a ‘young and defenseless girl’.” He sighs, suddenly saddened, taking Tsukauchi by surprise. “A shame she has a body count though. It can be swung as self-defense, even with her injuring a hero, but she’s looking at a record at the least, now. No kid deserves to have these sorts of things happening to them. Hopefully we can find her before she gets mixed up with the wrong crowd.”

Tsukauchi hesitates a moment before opening his mouth to say something reassuring. He doesn’t know what he would say, but it doesn’t matter because he’s cut off by a new voice. “That will no longer be your concern.”

The two turn and see a prim looking woman with her black hair cut into a bob, her eyes glinting as the light catches them. Her three-piece suit is mirrored by her companion, a man with yellow shining hair pulled up into a high bound ponytail. He holds his hands behind his back as they stop in front of the local law enforcement officers, the woman continuing as she holds out a card to each of them.

“My name is Odayakana Ora, and this is Kin Kami. We’re with the DAB, and shall be taking over efforts to locate this girl.”

The two detectives blink as they take the cards, looking down at them with furrowed brows. Normally a card like this would have the organization’s full name to clarify what they represent. But on these it simply says DAB, and that they’re a global organization.

Noberai huffs as he pockets the card. “Just because you’re global doesn’t mean you can-”

“I assure you, we can.” Ora interrupts smoothly, as if she’s used to such objections. “Every government, or otherwise ruling body, world-wide has acknowledged DAB’s full authority in our extremely limited area of interest. Which just so happens to apply here. As such, you are now barred from following any and all avenues of pursuement regarding this child. Any intentional efforts to evade, ignore, or otherwise circumvent this decree will see you charged with treason against your country of origin, and prosecuted beyond the fullest extent of the local law.”

Both detectives are taken aback by the decree, mouths hanging open in shock. It’s one thing for some kind of organization to try to impede or interfere in law enforcement, it’s another for the people in charge of the country to sanction them. And it’s a very different thing for them to be accused of treason for going against them! It’s entirely unbelievable!

But the ease and casualness with which the woman speaks tells them that it might be true, so they hold their tongues, intending to investigate this organization as soon as possible. But in the meantime…

“Apologies, but could you at least explain what you do? And why you are interested in this girl?”

Ora gives a sharp shake of her head. “The answer to both of those questions is the same, and so is my response. It is classified.” She tilts her head. “But I do have instructions for you to give to your peacekeeping forces.”

The more she talks, the more unsettled the detectives get. Why wouldn’t she just say police and heroes? But then again, DAB is a global organization, so maybe some countries use different terms?

Unaware, or perhaps ignoring their inner turmoil, Ora continues. “None are to engage the girl. If someone manages to catch sight of her, they are to report it immediately, even to the detriment of any and all other operations. Should she engage any of your peacekeeping force, they are to make every accommodation to ensure she does not become agitated, angry, or otherwise hostile.”

She angles her head to meet their eyes, seemingly staring into their souls. “Any and all information on her appearance, abilities, or actions are to be written on purely physical documents, and then delivered to the closest DAB branch that will soon be constructed in this country. You are not to keep any other records of this individual in any way, shape, or form. Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to interfere with any DAB agents should they be in pursuit, or in contact, with the individual. That is all.”

Her message delivered, the woman and her silent partner turn to leave. Before they manage to get out of sight though, Naomasa manages to muster enough courage and moisture into the desert of his mouth to call out to them with a single, simple question. “Why?”

Ora continues, not looking back. But her partner, Kami, stops a moment, glancing back over his shoulder at them. His words are delivered with no embellishment, the calm and certain way he speaks causing them to clam up.

“Because Japan might be razed to the ground.”

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