Dragonoid: A Fantasy Harem

Chapter 14: Towards the city of Rix

[Next day]

Once again Reniris was plagued by the same dream that revealed to her basically nothing causing her to wake up with a bit of a mood, her brows were creased but her face did its best to keep a neutral expression plus it did not help that she would be leaving the village today, honestly she was starting to get used to this place but if she wants to find out more about her race and herself she needs to go to a place with a library. 

With a sigh she pushed herself off the bed and put on some slippers and began to exit the room, compared to the rest of the people in the village both her and Eon wore some really lavish clothes, Eon had made it clear that he was not going to be some type of factory, he was already giving the food. 

Apparently, it was easier to create something that was not complex, and that he could clearly see with his "mind’s eye"

“He’s probably out in the forest practicing again”

She deduced as she entered the shabby living space before making her way out of the house, only to find Eon conversing with Jericho, and behind him were a bunch of villagers and men who seemed very disappointed.

“ Are you sure we cannot convince you to stay for just a week?”

“I’ve already overstayed my welcome. The village is on its track to revival, so you guys don’t need me anymore”

Eon explained to Jericho who could only sigh in disappointment or rather he wasn’t really disappointed, after all with the Village reviving itself it meant his work was done and the villagers can begin to pay taxes again since they no longer need to move, they’ll most likely be furious when they find that out in a few months.

“Alright I guess I can’t convince you to stay, you heard him”

Jericho sounded out, and there were a few disgruntled moans from the men.

“By the way, regarding your armor, I’ll pay someone to deliver it to you in the future. How does that sound?”

“No it's fine, no need. Once the village is fully back on its feet I’ll be leaving, so there's no need.”

“No it's not, just tell me how much it costs and I’ll come back to pay you for it.”

“No seriously it's fine, I didn’t even buy this armor , you can just buy me a drink when we meet again in the future”

“I can't accept that, I'll be back to pay you, but in the meantime, why not try and get stronger so that you'll be a challenge next time we spar. ”

Jericho could only let out a dry chuckle and rub the back of his head and replied, claiming he didn't know about all that before Reniris cut into their conversation.

“Wow, you were going to leave before I even woke up? How cruel of you”

She commented sarcastically while giving him a stare that conveyed a faux anger, causing Eon to look back at her and sigh

“You seemed to not want to leave, so I thought you wanted to stay”

He said jokingly with a half smile on his face.

“Here I thought we were friends. I guess I was wrong”

She crossed her arms and snorted in derision as she turned her head away from his direction. Eon could only shake his head and smile but didn’t say anything.

Both Eon and Reniris were now quite far from the village. If they were to look back, it would appear much smaller than when they were close.

“Is this far enough? I don’t think I want to walk all the way to the city”

“Just a bit more, neither of us is human, so since we plan to go back to that village, we can't have them finding that out. I say that more for my sake than yours”

Reniris stated, she kind of picked up from Jericho that demons and humans aren't really friends and since she is closer to demon as a devil she wanted to exercise caution.

“Yeah that's reasonable, although I have to–”

Eon was suddenly interrupted by the rustling of the trees. Both of them looked towards the direction of the sound. 

At first, there was nothing as they could not locate the creature. However, upon focusing more, Eon was able to see a faint invisible silhouette of a creature that looked to be a type of crawling beast. The creature didn't approach. It seemed like it was aware that they could sense it's pressence, so it stood still.

“Aw yeah!! a monster!”

Eon exclaimed before quickly settling into a stance ready for attack however, before he could launch himself towards the beast, an unexpected flash of red flames flew straight past him like an arrow and lit the beast on fire. The flames engulfed the creature, and it screeched in pain and wiggled as it slowly burned into ashes.


Eon turned with a look of disappointment on his face, Reniris had quickly dispatched the monster before he could do anything about it.

“if you wanted to kill it, then you should have been faster”

She taunted as she let a red flame dance on top of her hand, she was actually quite skilled in a variety of magic being able to wield fire, water, wind and lightning magic, with only being unable to use earth magic.

“it's not about that”

Eon quickly denied, but Reniris gave him a stare with a quirked brow conveying that she thought otherwise.

“OK it was about that, but come on, you could have let me have it”

“Again should have been faster, plus if we waste time fighting monsters, we'll never actually get anywhere”

She rationalised, and Eon could not counter her argument as such, he only sighed deeply before begrudgingly conceding to her point. It wasn't even an argument. She just said what was true.

“Between me and you, I am faster. You just used magic.”

“So what? you fight with your fist I fight with Magic”

“Yeah but It's not Like you can't fight with your fists”

That was true. She preferred to use magic more than she did fighting physically. According to her, it was easier and felt more natural than just fighting with fists.

“ And it's my fault you can't fight with Magic? and besides, magic is much more elegant and beautiful than just hitting things like a brute, so maybe learn some.”

Reniris confidently stated with her arms crossed, causing Eon to grumble in frustration at her words. It wasn't that he could not use magic, but rather, he could not cast spells, he can't throw a fireball, but he could throw a fire punch.

“Elegant? You think literally throwing fire at things is elegant, please!”

He responded in his own taunting way, scoffing at the idea of throwing fire at things while also crossing his arms to mimic her and successfully causing her crease brows clearly affected by his statement.

“Hey at least I don’t eat dirt after getting punched in the face”

“You don't have to be punched to eat dirt. Earth magic can make that happen easily, and besides, it's not like fighting can't be elegant. There's… aw Goddammit!"”

Eon ended his sentence angrily and palmed his face, as he suddenly remembered that he was supposed to ask Jerry more about martial arts, it seemed his hurry to leave made him forget about it, he didn't just remember that but he also remembered that they were empty handed right now, with nothing but the clothes on their back.

“What's wrong?”

“No it's nothing. I just forgot to ask Jericho something, and we forgot our clothes”

Reniris could only give him a deadpan stare. Once she heard about the clothes, he was so quick to leave that he rushed her to leave too, which caused them to forget their clothes.


He asked, but she did not answer him. Instead, she opened her bat like wings and flew up. There was a visible pout on her face. This time, she was actually upset.

“Hey hold up a sec”

Sensing that he may have something wrong Eon transformed into his dragonoid form while also making sure to keep his mana contained, he sprouted light green wings that caused a sudden and powerful breeze as they appeared, using them, he flew up following Reniris.


A/N: for the most part I try to make the interactions between character a little fun to read, but honestly I think that my weak point, hopefully it isn't boring. I'll try and do better.

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