Dragonoid: A Fantasy Harem

Chapter 12: light conversation.

“You sound disappointed?”

He questioned, however she shook her head, denying the question.

“Not really, I’m just surprised, but I suppose it's about time, I want to visit a library”

“I see, we’ll let’s go check on the crops I’m sure some must have grown by now.” 

He voiced for the last month the Village has be quite busy with farming and fixing up the overall area, most of the abandoned houses were torn down and used to build a better fence and gate ensuring better safety for the village.

This includes the two towers and the perimeter of the village, unfortunately however despite his desire to teach these people how to hunt he did not know how to hunt himself, any animals he catches were because he just happened to be fast and strong he just told them to regularly exercise to keep in shape should there be a bandit attack.

“You know, in this past month, I went out of my way to help these people, and it was because you asked me to”

“Oh kay?”

She looked at him with a bit of curiosity in her gaze. She understood what he was getting at, but she felt the need to let him continue.

“Since it was your request, maybe you could reward me?”

“What kind of reward?”

“What kind do you want to give?”

The day they met he made himself clear to her about his intentions with her, however for the past month he has made zero attempts on her mainly because this village was not an ideal place for trying to court a lady.

He couldn't exactly ask her out on a date in the middle of nowhere, he also did not want to be pushy with it after all he agreed to starting out as a friend with her so he needs to move slowly and he was in no hurry. 

It is also possible that he was so inexperienced with women that he couldn't really broach the topic without it being awkward, plus for the most part he didn’t want to add something unnecessary while she was dealing with the burden of lost memories.

“What kind of reward do you want?”

“Damn! I did not expect you to flip that back on me.”

A soft chuckle escaped her mouth as she heard him, she found it cute how he tried to get her to specify what she’s willing to give him that way he won’t have any blame since it would have been her suggestion, for someone who was straightforward most of the time he can be tricky when he wants to or so she thinks.

“Ha! I was on to you the moment you started talking about it being my suggestion”

“I guess I could have been more subtle about it, leave it to a devil to be a master of word games”

“Hey you’re the one who tried to be subtle, so that’s on you”

“Fair but you still tried to dodge my question instead of just answering”

“Ha! I wouldn’t have to do that if you were upfront, so there”

She smiled as she said definitively and leaving Eon to open his mouth to respond but quickly closed it and contemplate on how to shift the blame back to her, only to fail forcing him to sigh in defeat, that caused Reniris to be amused and let out a small giggle before clearing her throat to speak more seriously.

“ There’s no need to be subtle. Tell me what you want. I mean, I did ask you to help, so the least I can do is reward you accordingly, plus I owe you for all the clothes.”

He has been very helpful to her ever since they met, as such, she was certain there was nothing he could ask for that she wouldn’t be willing to give.

‘No wait’

She quickly retracted that thought as her cheeks turned red at the realisation that he could quite possibly ask for something like THAT.

“If you say so, but it will have to wait till, we’re in the proper city”

‘Is he going to ask me that? No, no I’m misunderstanding’

She visibly shook her head, trying to shake off such thoughts and causing Eon to raise a questioning brow at her.

“What will it be? Tell me so I can prepare?”

In an effort to clear up any misunderstanding, she asked, demanding an answer, but unfortunately, she would not get any answers.

“Hey, what about your dreams? Did you figure out what they mean? Are you still experiencing the same dream?”

Maneuvering around the conversation, Eon “expertly” changed the subject. He was still unsure of what to ask for, in fact he was unsure how far their friendship stood now as such he needed to be careful on how he worded things and ensure not to say something that would end the friendship. 

Reniris on the other hand could not help but let out a sigh of relief, it was fine if he was not going to ask now but him changing the subject basically confirmed her suspicions, the only question she had now was whether she should accept it, but she decided to put such a matter aside and think about it later.

Their relationship so far had been nice and friendly and she liked it that way but she knew that eventually he would make his move and she would be forced to decline or accept but regardless of her answer to his feelings she wished that they could stay on good terms.

“For the most part, no, I haven’t discovered anything. It’s the same thing, same void and space with nonsense words that make zero sense. It is kind of frustrating, to be honest.”

She expressed and let out a sigh. Frustration was an understatement, it wa actually making her upset, hence why she needed to go to the library. There's bound to be something on devils at a library.

“I’m sure they’ll come to you eventually,”

“Speaking of family, your family? You never seem to bring them up in conversation, even though you are a prince.”

At her sentence Eon could not help but suddenly freeze as an image flashed in his head, the image of a dark silhouette with cold blue eyes standing over him, his body suddenly felt a rush of goosebumps as a memory that did not belong to him was revealed. 

After a split second, he shrugged off the feeling of fear he felt, and confusion marred his face.

‘Stupid prince, get the fuck out this ain’t your body no more’.

He thought in frustration, of course he knew that he was the only one in control of his body, but it seemed that there were still some left-over muscle memories from the prince, and he would need to stop this body from reacting this way anytime the prince’s family is mentioned, it was unacceptable.

In that moment Eon had lost control on his magic and unintentionally let his aura flare out for a moment but he quickly got it back in control, but it was too late those who could sense it already sensed it.

“Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, regarding my family you can consider me as never actually having any.”

He said causing Reniris to look at him with a stare that was a mix of frustration and confusion but ultimately decided to say nothing, she had decided not to pry before and thought he would share whenever he was ready and the only reason she asked today was because curiosity got the better of her. 

It was clear to her that he did not want to talk about his family and quite possibly hated it as such pushing and demanding he share was not ideal.

“Seems fitting, isn’t it?”

She asked jokingly, referring to the fact that both had family problems and Eon could only let out a small chuckle at her words. Inwardly agreeing to her words, at least that was one identifiable fact they had in common.

The two walked in silence for a good minute with neither saying anything to the other and the more that either of them remained silent the more the awkwardness of the silence sunk in, it also did not help that Eon felt like a liar.

While it was true for him that he never had a family it was a lie that the body he was inhabiting did not have one, he also felt like he was being too secretive while she was being completely open with him, their relationship was an unfair one or he believed it to be.



Before Eon could begin to speak a bunch of children, about ten, ranging from the ages of five to nine came running toward them, each of the kids’ shouting words that implied that they were looking for Reniris the kids quickly surrounded her with some enthusiastically grabbing her by the arms and pulling on her clothes.

“Big sis Renny its story time, its story time”

The children demanded with smiles on their faces and Reniris could only gently smile at the children who seemed eager to spend time with her, she took a glance at Eon and saw him shrug his shoulders, this was quite a common thing to happen.

Eon would tell her story from his world mostly folk tales, myths or tell her about his favourite tv series or anime and the Reniris would regurgitate whatever she heard to the children who were willing to listen and eventually it became a thing she does at least once every day.

“Alright, alright settle down, and let’s find a place to sit and I’ll tell a story about a blonde-haired hero that wanted to be the leader of his village, or maybe about an adventurer who rode a pirate ship searching for the greatest treasure in the world.”


She gave them options and the kids excitedly asked for both, Reniris could only shrug at their greed, but she nonetheless complied, their excitement was something she found endearing and did not wish to disappoint the little ones.

“Sorry Eon, I got to deal with this”

Eon gave her a nod, as he did so a young woman hurriedly made her way towards them, she arrived before the two, she first gave a bow to Eon who suppressed the urge to roll his eyes before giving him a greeting that Eon Reciprocated before he walked off.

“Oh Mary, good afternoon”

“good afternoon, Miss Reniris, I apologise if the children are causing you trouble”

The woman named Mary responded and offered a bow as she returned the greeting.

“Oh it's fine, Mary. I hardly have anything to do, so I enjoy their company”

“That may be so my lady, but I'm sure you have important things to discuss with HIM.”

Mary rationalised and Reniris decided to not refuse her, she did enjoy the company of the kids but it was better to let the person who was entrusted with the children since before she arrived do as she pleased and besides she probably leaves tomorrow so it was fine.

“Now come along, children , Miss Reniris has important things to do.”

Mary beckoned, but the kids clung to Reniris and looked at her defiantly. Reniris could only smile in satisfaction at such an occurrence.


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