Dragon World: Monster Tamers

Chapter 8 – This isn’t even my Final Form

Tonight was the night to test my new abilities.

I had been stuck in bed reeling from the Giga Mecharex for a week. It gave me time to think about the things Angeknight had told me. It was a highly intelligent telepathic creature, and the single best encounter I’d had since coming here. He had given me information, and advice, but also a warning: Don’t end up imprisoned like me. 

But that wasn’t all Angeknight had done for me. It used a skill that doubled my One From All trait for a short time, giving me two traits instead of one from the Angeknight and Giga Mecharex. The first of those abilities was Flight. I lifted off the bed and landed beside it. Easy enough. My stomach was still a little uneasy after a week.

A wicked scar ran up my stomach to my belly button now. A terrible gift from the Giga Mecharex. It was just a reminder of what I needed to do. I lifted off, hovering just above the ground and out into the darkness of my glass enclosure. Draconis had left an hour ago and shouldn’t return for a while.

That was one benefit of the downtime. I listened, waited, and watched Draconis from my house while I recovered. Morning time was breakfast and training. I knew because sometimes he announced it was breakfast. He’d been going hard with the Warp Snek and Chadpup this week for training. Midday was reading and lunch, then he would disappear until nightfall. Four times this week he took monsters with him and returned with them before disappearing until breakfast again. 

I observed my surroundings intently now in the darkness, listening closely. Silence. No movement. Perfect, just as expected. 

The first trait I got from the Giga Mecharex was Sheer Force. It increased my Body attribute by all of my other attributes combined. I hadn’t had much time to test it out yet, but I had a feeling I could lift the lid of my enclosure now. The second was Stable Core, preventing me from being forcefully moved against my will or losing my balance. Draconis had been happily touting all week that I’d inherited the one trait that made Tyrannus’s monster the strongest in the world. If it weren’t so old, it would have still been dominating, he’d said.

I drifted up to the lid of my glass enclosure and pushed on the center carefully. I was surprised at how easily it lifted off. I turned it so I could fit out of one of the corners. His bag was my target. The one with the level-up gummies. I floated out of the tank and listened again. Still clear.

The bag was strewn across his desk but the bottle I was looking for was exactly where I thought it would be. Fuck. The bottle was practically empty. Four left. If I couldn’t max out level and attack straight on, my best bet was an ambush. I was tired of this. I was done. Any shred of patience I had for this world was stripped away when Draconis let that Giga Mecharex have his way with me. I had to remember what Angeknight told me. 

“The Dragon’s true weakness lies within its arrogance. That and the eyes. Go for the eyes.”

No scales covered the eyes of a dragon unless they were closed or covered. Their scales weren’t indestructible, but they were tougher than metal. Can I do anything against metal, I thought? I punched the metal clasp of the bag. It left a fist-sized imprint and I barely felt a thing.I found a metal hook on the wall and bent it in half, then back again. 

What else can I do? I tested my strength on the door handle and it turned easily between my hands. I did have to hold it like it was a huge beach ball, but it worked! I carefully returned it so as to not make a sound. I looked for anything else around the room that could be used to hurt Draconis or test my strength. I barely moved Draconis’s desk, which to be fair, was half Draconis’s size. I need more power! 

The room was pretty sparse but I found cleaning supplies in a cupboard tucked away in the back corner of the room behind the pile of pillows. I hadn’t been on this side of the room yet. I lifted the broom. Easy. It may have been dragon-sized but I lifted it with ease. It was a simple wooden handle with straw-like bristles tied together at the bottom. I lifted each of the cleaning bottles and found a metal dustpan. Still easy. In the back of the cupboard, there were nails holding the wood together. I didn’t think testing my strength on one would do any harm.

My hands went through the wood like it was beach sand, splintering between my fingers without damaging me. Was wood always this flimsy? The head of the nail was the size of a wide dinner plate. I gripped both sides and pulled. 


I fell hard against the wooden cupboard floor for overestimating how much force it would actually take to pull the nail out. It was as large as a fantasy greatsword but felt light as a feather. 


You have obtained Nail! To see equipment information in more detail, view your character screen!

Nail, melee weapon, metal

      An iron nail. deals 201 - 255  piercing damage!


I could squeeze the metal and leave imprints, easily forming a handle that was easier to hold. I bent the head of the nail from dinner plate to form a ball that was less in the way. It was a sharpened steel club for me. I think I might need more than a nail, I thought. Still, a weapon was a weapon. I didn’t have many resources at my disposal.

I took the nail back to my enclosure and reset the lid into place. Everything was back where I found it. I laid there thinking of all the ways I wanted to kill Draconis. Slowly, painfully. Sadly, slowly wasn’t exactly the best option. There were too many things I didn’t know. How fast could he communicate with the other dragons? Did they have technology? Police? Phones? Computers? Telepathy like the Angeknight? I definitely didn’t want any other dragons to show up and try to stop me. 

I didn’t even know how big this world was, or where we were at. It was a little overwhelming. Would killing Draconis be the easy part? What about the dragons that were stronger than Draconis, like Tyrannus? When Angeknight spoke to me, he said he didn’t know much about the current strength of the dragons. He said a hundred or so years ago Tyrannus himself could easily dispatch an army of monsters. The true threat was his Giga Mecharex, though.

Angeknight had recounted a brief history of what it knew of the world. He had been summoned by Tyrannus and a group of dragons to fight on his behalf against other dragons with the promise of returning them to their world when it was over. They fought. They killed dragons. There were dozens of his kind and their stronger, crueler counterparts, Deviknights. When it became clear that freedom was not the intention, many of the races revolted and began pushing back the Tyrannus and the dragons. 

Then the dragons summoned the Giga Mecharex and created the first Owner’s Mark. It all went downhill from there. No stronghold or force could stand against the sheer force of the beast. With the development of healing tonics and revival herbs on the dragon’s side, they were eventually crushed. Many imprisoned. Some, like Angeknight, didn’t age like other monsters and could live a long time.

No monster rebellion had ever succeeded against the Dragons. The mark wasn’t the only thing holding Angeknight back. He had no hope of escaping or Tyrannus alone. The mark also blocked some types of traits and skills from manifesting and being used. The most notable were the elements of radiance and death. 

I yawned. For all the chaos in my mind, I was feeling strangely peaceful and hopeful. Confident, even. I had more powerful traits at my disposal and a way to escape this room. I had to kill him. I couldn’t just escape, because he could track me using the owner’s mark. But when should I do it?





The door to the room opened and I was up in an instant. Sleep had come and gone. Breakfast was here, but Draconis wasn’t alone.

“So this is your breeding setup, eh?” I heard a familiar voice. I didn’t know his name yet. He was the one Draconis battled before with Sofizia, and had been present when I hatched into this world.

Draconis began to drone on about each monster for several minutes while I watched from the window of the house within my glass enclosure. It wasn’t anything I hadn’t heard already. “And finally, the only one you really care about, my Superhuman,” Draconis and the other dragon were now towering over my tank. The second dragon was just a tad smaller than Draconis was.

“You seriously haven’t finished evolving her? Dude, come on!” He tapped the glass with his claw as if to attract me while speaking in a baby voice “Come out! You can do it! Who's a good little human?”  

Seriously? He even clicked his tongue at me like I was a cat. Annoying. Only when Draconis went to remove my lid did I reluctantly come out to be gawked at.

“I’m working on evolving her, she’s just been recovering, and these things aren’t exactly cheap,” he held up the bottle of gummies from his bag. 

“Recovering? You mean from that tournament you ditched out on in the top 8?” 

“Yeah, anyway, she’s walking again now.” 

“Tell ya what. I’ll trade you one breeding session for enough gummies to pop her up to level 50,” the second dragon said.

Now I was conflicted. I couldn’t fight back before. I was weak. Now I could, but still needed the power. I could let this happen and end up closer to my end goal in no time.

“Fine,” Draconis answered without hesitation, “I wasn’t expecting her to be moving for another week anyway.”

Yes! I mean… well fuck. 

“I even brought my Minotaurus,” he said, releasing the beast onto the table beside my enclosure. 

“How convenient,” Draconis said, opening the bottle he was handed and counting. He seemed satisfied and snapped the bottle shut. “What's the Minotaurus egg rates?”

“85% chance with an 18-hour carry. The incubation time is 29 days.”

Incubation time? This was new information. I didn’t know how long after being laid an egg would take to hatch. I hadn’t seen any new monsters from the eggs that I’d laid. Would I know if I saw one of mine?

I didn’t have time to consider it. Draconis lifted the lid and grabbed me. He brought me over to the desk to force-feed me the gummies. I got to listen to the level-up chime and voice over and over as I got skills and traits every couple of levels.


You have gained a level! You are now level 30!

You have gained the Swordsman trait!  Your damage with sword-type weapons is increased!

You have learned the Water Clone skill! You can create a second version of yourself for a short time! 

You have gained a level! You are now level 34!

You have gained the Grippy trait! Breeding time halved, 25% chance to lay an additional egg!

You have gained a level! You are now level 36!

You have learned the Harden skill! You can significantly increase your defense for a short time!

You are now level 37! You are evolving!


A bright light engulfed me. I remembered that I would evolve for a third time when I reached level 37. My hair, strands of water that defied gravity, changed to a darker shade of sea blue. My nails grew just a little and became sharper, changing in color to a painted radioactive green, while a clamshell grew around my belly button from out from my stomach. That was a little weird, but it didn’t feel that different. The nails were nice, perfectly trimmed to a sharp edge. Am I a danger to myself now?

My shadow drew away my attention. It became darker and larger even though my body didn’t change in size or shape at all.


You have gained the Deep Shadows trait! The potency and range of your Element: Shadow skills and traits are increased!

You have learned the Poison Swipe skill! Inflict damage and poison your enemies!


The two dragons paused to gawk at my new form for a moment. One of them called me a Metahuman. That was the name of my final evolution?


Draconis continued to shove gummies into my mouth after a minute. I didn’t resist. This was everything I’d hoped for. I engulfed the last 13 without hesitation.


You are now level 39!

You have learned the Shadow Tether skill! You can reach out a shadow to grab and control nearby objects!

You are now level 41! 

You have gained the Element: Metal trait! You can see the outline of any metal objects around you, even through walls and obstacles!

You have learned the Shape Metal skill! You can bend metal into simple shapes using magic!

You are now level 44!

You have gained the Fast Laying trait! Egg gestation time decreased by 35 percent!

You have learned the Stun Web skill! Unleash a web coated in paralytic contact poison to trap and stun foes!

You are now level 47!

You have gained the Size Queen trait! It’s bigger on the inside! You have more success breeding with monsters larger than you! Breeding rates with larger monsters increased and you pass down one additional trait.

You are now level 49!

You have gained the Unbreakable trait! Spirit attribute increased! Your bones cannot be broken or crushed!  

You have learned the Blade Pillar skill! Summon a huge magical blade from beneath your enemies!

You are level 50! 

You have learned the Rising Spirit skill! Doubles your spirit value for a short time!

You have learned the Mana Beam skill! Unleash a beam of pure mana at one target from one or both hands!


“Choose a Skill and Trait from the menu to complete your Final Form! You have 120 seconds to decide or they will be chosen at random.”


“Oh, she’s getting her final form now!”

I was glowing again, but not in the evolution kind of way. Just a thin outline of light around my body. A timer was ticking down in my vision. What skill? What trait?!

“How long does this take?” The second dragon asked.

“Up to two minutes according to the guidebook,” Draconis replied.

I was staring at my list of traits and skills. Shadow Strangle was my first thought. I hadn’t much experience with any of the other skills! How was I supposed to pick RIGHT now? I was torn between Flight and Sheer Force for my trait. I had considered Swordsman but didn’t want to be reliant on having a sword at all times. What’s going to help me best kill dragons? 60 seconds left.

I didn’t know much about dragons. That’s the only thing I knew. I’d need to be able to keep up with them in the skies and be able to kill them quickly. I stared at the list and focused on the damaging skills. Shadow Strangle, Virulent Twister, Poison Swipe, Blade Pillar, and Mana Beam. The pillar and twister were out because they needed an area on the ground to activate. 30 seconds left.

For Shadow Strangle, I would need to cast a shadow in the air, but it was still more versatile than the first two. Poison Swipe was melee and was way boosted by Sheer Force. Mana Beam was a ranged attack that scaled with magic. Before Sheer Force, it would have been my best attribute. I was thinking a good ranged attack would be my best option, plus what cool hero didn't have a flashy beam attack? 10 seconds left.

Flight and Mana Beam, I thought. 


“Your Final Form is now available! For a short time, your Spirit and Magic attributes along with your Flight and Mana Beam will be boosted.”


Why Spirit and Magic? I thought.


“Your ultimate form is based on your two core attributes. Your core attributes are Magic and Spirit.”


I did notice that two of my attributes were growing at a higher rate before. It made sense now. Do my Spirit and Magic affect anything else about my form? How do I activate it?


“Your Spirit and Magic determine the amount of time you can spend in the form before recharging. Your current time in form is 335 seconds. To activate your ultimate form, focus on the dot in the bottom left of your vision opposite the character screen dot.”


So it's just my Spirit and Magic added together. I checked for the second dot. There it was, and now I couldn’t unsee this one either. The dragons were looking at me expectantly, so I focused on the dot. 

An explosion of sparking cyan aura burst out and wrapped around me. I suddenly felt light as a feather. My hair floated and followed the turbulent aura around me. The aura moved with me and followed my movements, covering every inch of my body. When I jumped it was as if gravity was nonexistent and I landed easily on the ceiling from just that single push-off. Both of the dragons were staring up at me. I stood there with weightless ease. With a light kick, I soared back down to the table and deactivated by final form. 

“Wow, a flight-based final form! Better than I was hoping for,” Draconis said.

“Alright, now I'm hoping for a flying Minotaurus! Let's get this show on the road.”

Draconis scooped me up once again and put me back in my enclosure. The Minotaurus followed a moment later. They put the lid back on and their voices became more muffled, then they left the room entirely. Now I was in a staring contest with the Minotaurus. Sigh. This was the part I wasn’t looking forward to.

He stomped towards me and grabbed me forcefully by the wrist. The Minotaurus yanked my arm, but I didn’t budge. That’s what I was hoping for. I twisted his arm and slammed him down into the floor of the enclosure with a thump! 

“We’re doing this on my terms,” I said, getting real close to his face and releasing his arm. 

The Minotaurus snarled, grabbing at my ankle. I walked out of his grasp after dragging him several steps toward the house. He looked baffled. For all his rippling muscles, he couldn’t keep up with a monster half his size.

I sat down on the bed and he trailed in a moment later, furious. He barely fit inside the building. His horns scraped holes across the plastic-like material of the house and tore the top of the front door frame off. He stopped and stared at me. Then he ripped away his pants, revealing a cock that two weeks ago I wouldn’t have believed to be anything more than an obscure fantasy trope. 

For power, I thought. I took off my dress and climbed on the edge of the bed, chest down, ass up. The Minotaurus grabbed my hips and thrust hard against my backside. His cock pressed against me bent at an odd angle before filling out like a baseball bat with a slightly flared tip.

Smack! He thrust again and missed, shaft between my ass cheeks and balls slapping hard between my legs. He was already dripping on my back, sending a shiver down my spine. Somebody’s excited. He missed twice again, each time leaving behind a slimy stamp.

I pushed back against him to help and he bucked against me at the same time. I gasped. Wrong! Fucking! Hole! He slammed me forward on the bed at an odd angle, bucking and thrusting wildly now that he’d penetrated me. My body was on fire. I was having a hard time pushing back against him in my current position with him slamming his cock into my ass every second.

Most of the pain subsided quickly, but he pushed further and further into me with each thrust. I pressed my elbows against the bed, panting as I pushed myself up and pulled my legs under me for support. As I prepared to kick him off he stopped, pulling all but the tip out of me. I thought he was just struggling to pull it out. I was wrong.

He gushed inside of me. My stomach turned after the second pump and I was able to kick him off after the third. Fuck! I collapsed on the bed, muscles spasming from their sudden and brutal treatment. He finished busting his seed over my legs and backside while I caught my breath.

“On the bed, Now!” I got up and pointed at the Minotaurus, then the bed. He cocked his head sideways in confusion.

I took a breath to calm down. They're just monsters. Big. Dumb. Monsters. Most of them, at least. I shoved him onto the bed. He resisted, but I was stronger. I straddled him as best I could with the size of his waist. He wasn’t even hard again yet. I held his half-erect cock and it came up just past my belly button. It grew when I stroked it, coming up to the base of my breasts at full height.

I had to stand to even attempt this feat of acrobatics, balancing with my hands on the headboard atop his cock like a damn unicycle. After a brief struggle, the Minotaurus grabbed me by the thighs, his huge fingers nearly wrapping all the way around. He pulled me down roughly onto his cock. My leg muscles twitched and I thought my eyes would roll out the back of my skull. I was holding my breath as I stretched unnaturally around his massive girth.

Inch after inch after inch penetrated me to an impossible depth. I gasped when he stopped, held up, and thoroughly impaled by his massive cock all the way to the base. Bigger on the inside, I thought of my new Size Queen trait. There was no way it would fit otherwise.

The Minotaurus seemed just as surprised as I was. I rocked my hips back and forth, slowly, as the sensation threatened to overwhelm me. The Minotaurus had other plans. He forcefully lifted and pulled me back down onto him while thrusting into me for greater effect. The wind was knocked out of me after the first few thrusts.

I gasped and moaned in barely-caught breaths as he pulled and pushed me up and down, base to tip, over and over again. I grabbed the headboard for support but it crushed and snapped under my grip. The Minotaurus shifted positions, pinning me against the bed, knees behind my ears with my ass up in a mating press.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

The Minotaurus jackhammered into me, slamming me against the bed with each thrust. Each brought more force and was quicker than the last. I couldn’t take it. I was a mess of spasming muscles, gasps for breath, and moans. I came before he did. When he unleashed his orgasm my stomach ballooned with each pump. I looked pregnant when his cock stopped twitching. Then I heard it. The chime I’d been waiting for. 


One from All trait activated!

You have gained the Thunderous Tempo trait! Landing consecutive melee attacks increase the damage of the next. Resets after not striking for a short time. 

You have been impregnated by Minotaurus! Egg gestation time: 11 hours and 28 minutes!


The Minotaurus dismounted and his baby batter fountained up and covered me in more spunk, then the bed. It gushed out of me steadily as I fully collapsed on the bed and looked at the Thunderous Tempo trait in greater detail through my character screen. Each melee strike would increase my damage by two percent, to a maximum of twenty percent with each attack. A gap of eight seconds or more between attacks would reset the bonus.

“I suppose that was worth it,” I said looking at the Minotaurus who was now outside eating out of my food bowl. I ran my hand between my legs, warm goop still gushing out.

Shower first, revenge later.

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