Dragon Gods Reign

Chapter 18: Mana heart

[White Fang Clan]

After their first time together, Darganth and Allaire went about their day as normal. While they received a few looks, it quickly became normal that she looked slightly exhausted on most days, despite them doing it rarely for as long as during their first time. Since then nothing major happened, making the current atmosphere very relaxed.

The most important thing was that Allaire reached the second order, due to Darganth giving her the knowledge directly. While she had initially wanted to do it on her own, on her way to the second rank she had noticed that her talent alone wouldn't allow her to keep up with him. With the knowledge that every increase in fighting power would soon be needed as they approached the most dangerous area, she made the decision to let him help her even more.

The increase in strength it brought was currently even higher, as the signature of the second order was the true form of the external effects that the elements brought with them. This increase in power would allow her to use water aura to fight underwater without needing to worry about breathing as well as move completely freely. There were also other benefits for the water element, but these two were especially useful in the current situation.

On the note of power increase, Darganth also reached the second order in both magic and aura. Of course he could have done so any time, but now that he also fulfilled their requirements this meant that he could make good use of distance casting.

Lately Darganth started focusing on preparing their room for the forming of his mana heart. For this he had increased its size in addition to creating barriers to prevent mana leakage. This was because he would have to return to his true form for this and it would cause a massive amount of mana to fill the surroundings. The barrier also had the effect to cage this mana, allowing the two of them to use its high density to train.

Currently the two of them were sitting together on deck, simply watching the horizon. Darganth was making the final preparation with Allaire for what to do when his mana heart forms. As she had been insisted to be present while it happens in case of unforeseen events, he had to teach her how to prevent the dragon mana that would fill the entire room from affecting her.

Dragon mana was the name for the unique energy that permeates a dragons body and originates from their heart. It is part of a small group of unique species specific mana types that existed. Except for some rare cases their power can't be acquired by other species, with the most common exception being the holy power of angels and the demonic energy of demons being lent through contracts and similar methods.

While giving her the final pieces of information, Darganth suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. Instantly recognizing its source, he teleports the two of them to their room. Not even a few seconds later he is forced back to his true form that now, now with the same flowing silver and emerald at the edges of his scales that he had conjured during the altercation with the angel.

Seeing this, Allaire reacted quickly and let her mana flow into the magic treasure he had given her. While it wouldn't protect her completely, it would make it easier for her to do the rest. To create a complete shield from dragon mana it would take an artifact at least, something Darganth is not yet powerful enough to create and also lacks the materials for.

Once she was sure that she had done all to protect herself, she turned her focus on Darganth. When she noticed that he seemed to be in great pain, she just barely managed to stop herself from getting closer to him.

Darganth was meanwhile going through multiple times the pain the mana heart would normally bring during its forming. While he had expected the possibility that his sped up growth would result in this, he underestimated its severity. While he tried his best to suppress the pain from showing on his face, something slightly easier in his dragon form, he didn't manage for long.

“ROOOAAARRR!!!” Howling from the pain, he quickly erected a barrier in between the two of them when he saw that Allaire wanted to dash to him.

Seeing her worried face, he reassured her with a small nod that calmed her slightly. While still worried, she stayed where she was and just observed with a heavy heart. After a few moments the mana around them started to grow more and more chaotic. After about a minute it became problematic for Allaire to even prevent her own mana to get out of control.

Then it suddenly left her body completely. Trying to feel mana in the surroundings and absorb it to keep the magic treasure active, she found none. Opening her eyes that she had closed to better focus on her mana, she found herself and Darganth in what, at first glance, was endless nothingness. Focusing for a moment, she found rivers of pure energy flowing freely in the distance, some being a dark emerald green, while others were silver. At some places two streams of different colors intersected, mixing until they separated again as if they had never met. The streams varied in both width and distance from her. On closer observation both of these changed constantly, with neither their wight nor their route being constant.

Suddenly they found themselves back in their room, but Allaire directly noticed that her mana pool was still empty. Looking towards Darganth, she saw him transform back to his humanoid form and sight in relieve that it was already over. When he looked towards her, he noticed her mana pool to be empty and quickly became worried.

“Everything alright?”

“Yes, just shocked and slightly irritated. What was that endless nothingness with these strange rivers?” At Allaires answer he widened his eyes in surprise.

“You were pulled into the Void?” He asked shocked, to which she nodded.

“Is that bad?”

“No, just unexpected. Well, at least in this situation but it is unlikely that you will ever find yourself in danger from it.” He explained, calming himself.

“What is it then?” Seeing the moment of hesitation she added, “When you don't want to tell yet it is fine.”

“No, I think it is time to tell you. The Void is as place outside of time and space surrounding this multiverse, intrinsically connected to both elements. That is the reason why it is so dangerous as without adequate protection you would be at the whims fo space and time as soon as you step foot in it. And the rivers you mentioned are manifestations of both elements, when they hit you the chances of survival are abysmally small.”

After this he continued by telling her about him being the first dragon. Of how he died, a short overview of his mortal lives and how reincarnated. He also mentioned how the void is to him what the elemental dimensions are to their respective elemental god. When he finished he waited for her to process this information.

“If you need time for yourself to process this, I can give you room. No matter what you decide-” He started but was quickly silenced when she pressed a deep kiss on his lips.

“Don't be silly. You may have lived for thousands of years before, but you are still you.”

“But I know that some of the things I did and would do again in that situation are things you wouldn't agree with. You fell in love with me without knowing the ruthless side of me.”

“But I still love you now, even after learning of it. You are right with what you said, but, and this may sound selfish and hypocritical, as long as you treat me well I don't care. Of course I will be your voice of reason, but I will love you even if you don't always listen to me.”

Hearing her words, Darganth gave her a deep kiss, something that Allaire reciprocate. After staying in each others arms for a while, he started petting her before moving his other hand to her breast. Feeling his had massaging her for a bit, Allaire suddenly pushed him onto his back before pinning his arms together over his head.

“While I would love to test if you are exhausted enough for me to able to outlast you, you first have to answer me a few questions.”

“I promise you that I am far from exhausted enough for that to be the case, but every second lets me recover even more. So question me as much as you want.” He said with a grin.

“Tricking me into sex first won't work. Besides, it is only one question.” She said before askin in an accusing tone, “How many lovers did you have?”

“Depends on your definition.” To this Allaire raised an eyebrow, prompting him to explain.

“What exactly do you want to know, how many women I consider my wife, with how may I have slept with regularly or with how many different women I slept even once?”

“What is the difference between you wives and those you slept with regularly? And which group are the two you mentioned part of.”

“Quite a few things. The first group consists of only four women, while I would need to think a bit about the second number. But to truly understand the difference I you need to know how relationships between gods mostly work.”

“Then explain.”

“Of course. Relationships, or more specificity marriages, among gods depend in their exact form mostly on the status of those they are made between. When two gods of similar status, meaning in the same classification and with similar strength or influence, marry then they are each others main partner. But both also sleep with others and are allowed to by their partner and as monogamous gods are quite rare so this is the standard for most. So both also have their own separate harem's, with their members generally not being allowed to sleep with others.

Of course there are also gods that have no real main partner and only such a harem, mostly when its members are of significantly lower status. The reason for this is that very few gods would limit themselves to only one partner when this partner has other partners.

In my case, all four of the women I mentioned could be considered my main wives. Two of them sleep only with me, while the other two also sleep with some of my other lovers and sometimes even without me. Additionally they have a harem of sorts, consisting of some of my lovers from the scond group who serve as both their inner circe and regular bed companions, both with and without me. ”

“And the second group?”

“Among those I count the women that are part of these harem's as well as those I regularly sleep with but that don't sleep exclusively with me. While I am too greedy to share my women with other men, that only applies to my wives and not to them. While never at the same time, I don't particularly care with whom they sleep when they aren't with me.”

“So in short your wives are all in essence you main wives, while the other women are more or less what would be those harem members for other gods, but without being bound to you.”

“Not really, those I would consider as concubines only sleep with some of my women apart from me. My relationship with the rest is just one of casual fun, with neither of us having any feelings beyond friendship with the other.”

“And the two you mentioned that had a part in your death?”

“The previously mentioned two primordial goddesses. But I don't really give them any fault as it happened because of a mistake, one I am largely responsible for, so please also don't give them any fault for it.”

“Of course I don't, I don't even think they are partially at fault. You started a relationship with two women that you knew were rivals and didn't tell them that you also slept with the other. They learned about this during one of their fights and both angrily threw away the swords you gifted them. Then the three other primordial gods took the swords and on used a function, you told neither of the two of, to attack and kill you. In my opinion that is one hundred percent on you.” Hearing that she didn't give any fault to the two relieved him.

“As what do you consider me?” She asked after a while of silence.

“As long as you want to, you will be my wife.”

“Of course I want to.” She said, half happy and half annoyed that he even considered she wouldn't.

After all, while may also like the women he sleeps with regularly that aren't his wives, there was still a difference to how he loves his wives. Not to mention that they were only his second priority, meaning that if it came down to it he would always take his wives side if it came down to it. Of course he would still always try to make them compromise, but the possibility that she may not be able to spend time with him, just because someone else wants to was unacceptable to her.

“Do you want to make it official?”

“There is such a thing for gods? Marriages are normally done by religious figures so I doubted god do them.”

“Its just a tradition I have created for me and my wives that was later adopted by other dragons. So do you?”

“Of course I want to.”

Hearing this, Darganth pulled her in before giving her a deep kiss. Using it he transferred a small part of his dragon mana to her, letting it bond with her. While this didn't increase her strength, dragons could sense this piece of his mana and its connection with him. This meant that most dragons would treat her with a level of respect second only to him.

“I feel slightly different, but I cant find its source.” She said after they broke their kiss.

“I gave you a small piece of dragon mana. Once you transcend and become a god it has some active uses, but for now it only serves for dragons to be able to identify you as my wife.” At this explanation, she nodded with a small smile.

“Anything else you want to ask?” Seeing her shake her head Darganth started to grin. Rolling over he reversed their position, with him now on top and pinning down her hands.

“Then I will show you that you are still far from being able to compete with me, even when I am exhausted.” Seeing her lick her lips seductively at his actions, he gave her a kiss before starting to undress her.


Another very short lemon.


Once I had finished taking of her top, I started fondling her breasts. Letting go of her hands, I massaged them while pressing kisses on them from time to time. After a few times I started to also kiss her neck in between.

Allaire was meanwhile taking of both of our pants, before starting to give me a handjob while rubbing my cock on her pussy from time to time. Feeling her start getting wet, I moved back my hips a bit and she positioned my member at the entrance to her cave. Giving her a deep and passionate kiss, I started entering her.

As soon as I was fully inside of her, she moved her hand to my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. After letting my tongue dance with hers for a bit, I quickly grabbed her hands again and once more pinned them down above her head.

“Tell me when it is too much.” I told her, before waiting for response. Realizing my intention, she nodded slightly.

Giving her another kiss, I started moving. Increasing the speed of my thrusts, she soon started moaning from my pounding. After a few seconds I gave her an evil grin before pinching both of her nipples slightly. This brought her over the edge, with the slight shudder of her body indicating me that she is going to cum. Releasing my load at the same time, the two of us came together.

Seeing her exhausted while trying to hide that she had enjoyed it made me chuckle lightly. Seeing this made her pinch the side of my hips before saying with a pout: “Don't do this again.”

“Sorry, didn't know you wouldn't like it a bit rougher.”

“I meant your laugh, not the sex.”

“So you liked it?” I asked with a teasing smile, making her blush. Hearing her whisper something under her breath, I asked her to repeat it louder.

“I liked it.”

“What?” I asked with a grin. Seeing that I was still teasing her, she flicked against my arm before saying with an eye roll,

“I liked it when you were a bit rougher, but it isn't something I would do too often. Can you now stop reveling in my embarrassment about it?”

“If you want, my love.” This made her pout a bit more, but her annoyance quickly vanished when I didn't tease her any more.

After a while of lying around she gave me a kiss before asking, “Who are the other two?”

“One you would probably not know, while the other is is the Goddess of Death.” Hearing my answer she simply nodded before asking,

“Two primordial goddesses and the oldest and most powerful elemental goddess. At least the fourth his more normal, otherwise I probably would have felt slightly pressured.” This made me chuckle.

“There is no need for that. You are my wife and that matters most to me. I don't differentiate between either of the four and I don't plan to start now or ever for that matter. But the notion of normal may be a bit farther off than you might think.”

“Who is she then?”

“The first titan.”

“What is a titan?” She asked, never having heard of them.

“In simple terms, a superior version of giants. Titans are a race of gigantic humanoids with extreme physical strength, endurance and stamina. They are also far larger, being similar to dragons in that they grow indefinitely. But they lack the control over different elements that the different giant species have, having no such sub-divisions. Instead they only share the ability to shrink themselves from their true size, as well as morphing their limbs into weapons or multiply them temporarily. Additionally they all have one unique ability that vary greatly.”

“So she is for Titans what you are to dragons?”

“Somewhat. While her title is the first titan, she didn't create them like I did with dragons. Instead she was simply the most powerful among them when they arrived from outside this multiverse. Because she can't create her kind and their initially low number, the number of titans is much smaller compared to dragons and other similar species. Counting every one across every world, there were only around a thousand before my death.”

“So I am your wife with the worst background? Even with you saying that you will treat me equally, I still want to be at least close to them in strength.”

“Then I will help you with that. While I admit that reaching the power of a primordial god is near impossible, reaching close is something I can help you with.” Hearing my reassurance she nodded and we continued to lie in each others embrace for a bit.

“Do you plan to make the other women your wife too?” She asked after a while.

“I don't know yet. Initially I had only taught her magic because I found her extremely beautiful for mortal standards and wanted to see how far that would develop. But now I am not really sure how I feel for her.”

“Just know that I wouldn't have a problem with her.”

“Thanks.” I said before giving her a short kiss.

“Do you want to take this to the bed?” I asked after a bit, receiving a smile. Picking her up, I made my way to our bed.

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