Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 4 - Break into the light

After a year’s time—let’s count for more than three hundred days to do it for a year—planning is not human. If Yi Longlong still has any dissatisfaction, it is her height.

Shortly after she was born, she deliberately carved her height line on a tree trunk, and from time to time she checked to see if she had grown taller, but unfortunately, more than 300 days passed, and Yi Longlong only made a total of It is less than one-tenth longer than it was at birth, and this growth is almost negligible.

And her physical strength has been maintained at the level of a ten-year-old child, and there has been no significant increase as on the day of birth.

Despite this, Yi Longlong was also satisfied enough. You should know that when she was most sick in the previous life, she almost had no strength to get out of bed.

I walked to the lake and took off the clothes weaved with silver-edged grass. Yi Longlong adjusted his breath, hit the ground with a white tail, and jumped into the lake with a very standard diving style.

She is not committing suicide, but she wants to sneak into the bottom of the lake to get something.

The first time I fell into the bottom of the lake was about sixty days when I came to this world. At that time, because she didn’t have good cutting tools, she was fighting with the tree vine with her claws. When her foot was unstable, she fell to the ground and walked down the lake. The **** of the edge rolled into the lake.

Prior to that, because she was not sure if she could swim, she dared not take risks easily. All the water was taken by the lake. When she sank into the water, she found that she was able to breathe underwater. With great joy, she explored before. The lake has never been involved.

When Yi Longlong fetched water, the water temperature was very normal, but after diving into the distance for a while, she felt that the temperature of the lake had dropped sharply. Surprisingly, the cold had no effect on her. The liquid on the surface was obviously cold, but she didn’t know why, but she felt as if it was surrounded by warm hot water. No matter what worries and sorrows, on the bottom of the cold lake, she could be transformed into tranquility and gentleness.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Yi Longlong continued to the lower reaches of the water, and the closer to the bottom of the lake, the water became thicker and thicker, as if after high compression, water blocks of various sizes gradually appeared around his body.

The water block is the name given by Yi Longlong. She doesn’t understand what it is. It is a transparent, slightly bluish gel, which is a bit like the jelly pudding of previous life, but it is as good as plasticine. Shape into various shapes.

It seems that water has undergone a subtle accident during the process of freezing into ice. It neither became hard ice nor reshaped into amorphous water, but appeared in another form bounded by the two.

However, this gelatin only exists in deep water. Once it comes out of the water and contacts the air, it will harden at a speed visible to the naked eye and become transparent ice crystals.

The ice crystals transformed by the simmered water block can maintain the effluent form for more than twenty days at normal temperature. Although it looks like ice, it does not escape the cold. When it is held in the hand, it is slightly lower than normal temperature. As long as it is not heated by fire, it will not melt, but after more than 20 days, the ice crystals will be transformed into real ice, emitting a cold breath, and finally turning into a pool of water.

Using the peculiar characteristics of the water block, Yi Longlong made a lot of practical tools, such as knives, hammers, and awls, at the bottom of the lake. After a batch of tools were used up, they dived into the bottom of the lake again to make the next batch.

Today is the time to remake. Yi Longlong is suspended in the water as before, holding a mass of water with her claws to modify it into the required shape. She is concentrating on making it, and suddenly a danger sign emerges in her heart.

Hey something … broke in.

Although the distance is still very far, even Yi Longlong is still at the bottom of the lake, but within a wide range, from the lake to the woods, it seems to be connected with her perception, especially at the bottom of the lake, this perception Instead it will be more acute.

Although she didn’t know if it was a person or an animal, the other party did move and approached the lake where she was.

The unexpected accident made Yi Longlong unconsciously continue to knead the water block. She picked up the freshly made knife, quickly floated on the lake surface, and returned to the lake. She put down the formed water knife and shake her head to shake off the water droplets and claws on her body. Busyly put on leaf clothes.

After was dressed, Yi Longlong looked around and used her fastest speed to drill into a bush of grass by the woods. She carefully arched her body and peered through the gap.

I was getting closer and closer.

The intruder seemed to walk straight towards this place without any hesitation and hesitation. When the other party was about to leave the woods, Yi Longlong finally heard it. This was the sound of human footsteps.

Suddenly Yi Longlong’s heart hung up.

Although Yi Longlong would like to see a few people when she was bored, but when this moment really came, she was suddenly a little overwhelmed.

怎么 样 Even if you see people? I do n’t know if the other party is good or bad. If UU reads www.uukanshu.com, if she is a bad person, she does n’t feel that she has the power to protect herself. Even if she is a good person, how can she say hello? Is it necessary to come forward and say, “Hi, hello, don’t look at me now as a dragon, I used to be human like you.”

No matter how open-minded, Yi Longlong still felt a bit sad at the moment. When she was a human, she did not feel how valuable human identity was, but when she was no longer a human, she remembered that she had lost it, and maybe forever. Or something back.

Yi Yilonglong thought sadly: She is no longer human … Ah, how can this sound like a curse?

When Yi Longlong was thinking wildly, the comer finally walked out of the woods and into her vision.

When Yi Longlong looked, only two words appeared in his mind: disappointment.

When I felt the danger before, she intuitively thought that the coming person would at least look more mighty, but …

That is a slender man. If you compare Yi Longlong’s current figure, he is even taller. He is wearing an old gray coat, and an iron sword with cracks in the scabbard is hanging on the waist. The only commendable thing It’s about that bangs almost covering the face, the messy and fluffy long blond hair that grows to the back, the dazzling hair that is more brilliant than pure gold, flowing the gorgeous brightness that is inconsistent with the plain clothes, more like the sun. Of debris.

The man walked out of the woods and walked straight to the lake. He looked down at the lake and seemed to be thinking about it. Yi Longlong prayed in his heart: let’s go, let’s go, if it’s just passing, leave it here.

But it was clear that no one responded to her prayers. The man looked at the lake for a while, then turned around, accurately pointed towards the place where Yi Longlong was hiding, and said loudly, “Little guy over there, come out, I won’t hurt you. “

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