Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 31 - Herb Town Specialties

According to Yi Longlong’s explanation, Lin Qi slowed down. Every once in a while, Yi Longlong would stick out a small white head from the bag behind him, and half out from the shoulder of the beautiful boy wearing a black robe. Look carefully at the situation ahead.

The forest trees became sparse, and the breezy wind came.

粗 The thickness of silver pillars of chopsticks has never faded and faded in these ten days. The flowing light guides them in the direction of advancement, like the fingers of a god, firm and eternal.

The shape of the building can be seen vaguely in front of me. At this time it is noon, and the smoke from the cooking rises from here.

这 But at this time, Yi Longlong raised his claws to grab Lin Qi’s clothes and motioned him to stop. She didn’t understand any magic at all, nor did she know how the so-called way-finding magic was launched, but from a logical consideration, if the way is guided, then it is likely that there is a fixed coordinate, and this coordinate is likely to be started by Roland and others Border town.

If someone in the town knew that Roland had such a trick, but saw that the person who came back was not Roland, what would he think?

So there is no doubt that they will be arrested as robbers-although they did ransack Roland, yes, but that is a reasonable self-defense counterattack.

Ten thousand steps back, even if no one regards them as prisoners, but this beam of light must have lasted for many days. If they go out along the beam of light, they will certainly attract the attention of many people.

She is a low-key dragon.

Small body, Yi Longlong struggled to climb Lin Qi’s shoulder from his bag, and his claw stopped him from braking abruptly: “Stop, let’s change our direction.”

扯 She pulled Lin Qi back into the forest again, left the beam of light, and circled cautiously for more than half of the circle, until the twilight fell, they approached the town slowly from another direction.

The town started by Roland and others is a defensive checkpoint on the border, but this town has a name that is completely irrelevant to force, called Vanilla Town. This is because there are several good herbs here, which are essential ingredients for making perfumes. .

In addition to vanilla, according to the chat of the palette team and Roland Road, there are two other famous products in Vanilla Town, one is the Oak House Tavern, and the other is the clergyman in the town’s temple.

The temple is a religious building on this continent. On the continent, a **** named Ordin is generally believed. The temple is very powerful. They have their branches around the world. Many priests have been dispatched. Among them, the temple in Vanilla Town has a total of Two clergymen, one is the gray-haired Sven who followed the color palette team, and the other is the famous product of Roland’s mouth, and his identity is also the teacher of the gray-haired clergy.

When talking about the second special product priest, Roland didn’t say too much, just revealed a smile that he didn’t know how to describe: “You will understand when you see him.”

The light in the sky turned yellow, and Lin Qi’s footsteps finally approached this small town on the border, which is also adjacent to the sea of ​​vast trees. An ancient city wall was erected on the side of the town. The mottled traces on the surface of the stone wall illustrate The wind and frost experienced by it is like the hero of dusk, old and brilliant.

Lin Qi was close to the town and was discovered by nearby patrol soldiers. After living in the forest for more than ten days, although he had never encountered danger all the way, Lin Qi’s appearance still looked very embarrassed, and his black robe was covered with Dust, with dead dead leaves hidden in the hair, looks like a bad luck.

The soldiers don’t seem to be strange to people like Lin Qi, and they don’t have much alertness. Although the sea of ​​trees is vast, it is the favorite place for adventurers. Several nearby villages and towns are also adjacent to Shuhai. From this It is not uncommon for a small town to return from another town.

I saw Lin Qi’s costume seemed to be a magician, and it was very unlucky. The patrol team sent only one person at random, asked Lin Qi’s name, and took him to a hotel in town.

Yi Yi Longlong was originally worried that he would be cross-examined and interrogated. He made a lot of preparations in advance, but now it is useless.

It seems that the so-called border guard is very lax.

Crossed the walls of the border. The atmosphere behind the walls of the town is very different from the ancient walls marked with war. In the soft dim light, the whole town is full of warmth and serenity.

The soldiers walked on the road, greeted the pedestrians with smiles all the way, and sometimes stopped to talk for a while, as if everyone here knew and knew each other, and even saw an old woman walking with heavy objects, The soldier also volunteered to help her and sent her home.

Originally, it was not a long journey. Because the soldiers communicated with each other for more than half an hour, they only walked to the hotel that the soldiers said.

The inn and tavern in the small town are combined into one, the first floor is the tavern, and the upper floor is used for guest accommodation.

I asked Lin Qi to enter the hotel, and the soldiers followed inward: “Oak House Tavern is the best place to drink wine in our town. Come to our vanilla town. If you do n’t do two things, you have never been here.”

Although Lin Qi was silent all the way, the soldiers did not go to his heart, and he introduced it very enthusiastically: “The first is vanilla in our town. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com The powder and perfume used by many nobles are We use herbs produced by us as raw materials. There are craftsmen in town who make dried specimens of herbs. You can buy one and take it away.

“In addition, the wine in Oak House Tavern is even more fragrant than that of the Imperial City. You must come here to taste it.”

Yi Longlong listened to him happily, remembering the vanilla town specialty that Roland said, he couldn’t help but curiously interjected: “So what about the priests in the temple? I heard that the priests in the town are also very famous.” In the days of getting along, Yi Longlong can already completely simulate Lin Qi’s voice. She is hiding in the bag behind Lin Qi. When she speaks, Lin Qi moves her lips to open and close. Although the mouth shape may not match, but not How many people will notice this.

The soldiers also only spoke when Lin Qi was talking. He grinned bitterly and sighed, “Did you hear that … If you are the priest, you still don’t want to read it.”

He seemed to touch a certain nerve of the soldier. He closed his mouth and quickly took Lin Qi to the pub counter, explained to the boss two sentences, and turned to leave.

When the pub owner saw Lin Qi, he bent over and took out a wooden sign from the counter. Under the wooden sign, he wore a key: “Our habit here is to pay first and pay the mortgage of the house. How many do you want to live in? day?”

Yi Yi draped in the parcel and thought about it, and decided not to live for too long, in case there was something to leave suddenly: “Two days, two houses.” When she spoke, Lin Qi quickly cooperated with her mouth.

The boss froze: “Do you have any companions?”

The saucy-looking dark-haired young boy had an innocent expression, and the rhythm of lips opening and closing didn’t match the voice: “No, but I like to sleep in the middle of the night and sleep in the other in the middle of the night, can’t I?”

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