Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 18 - Seven

At this moment, the eyes of the palette team immediately turned a corner and shifted down a little, like a spotlight, converging on Yi Longlong.

Pure and immaculate, girl … uh, dragon.

With so many pairs of eyes staring at each other, Yi Longlong was embarrassed and felt awkward. She wished she could hide immediately, but she also knew that it was the most important thing to save people now. Nothing else is as important as this one.

“That …” Yi Longlong’s small claws pulled the clothes on Eric’s arm, “I try, if you don’t succeed, you can’t blame me.”

Eric deliberately suddenly revealed a look of sudden realization: “You are so unconfident, aren’t you a female dragon? Speaking of which, I haven’t officially confirmed your gender.” Obviously, he was still vengeful about the “big sister” just now. .

“Do you dare to confirm, I’ll bite you.” Yi Longlong’s voice was tender, but he said fiercely.

No matter how embarrassed, in the end Yi Longlong still let Eric put her on the ground, and Yisili also put down the thin sword suspected of billions of stars, and let Yi Longlong come to get it. A group of people stood in a circle, with snow-white dragons and swords two or three meters apart. Everyone was very focused, and they wanted to witness the moment when the legendary sword was pulled out.

Yi Longlong stood on both feet, took a step forward, and wobbled her clothes. She wore small shoes woven with green silver grass on her feet, wrapped round her claws on her feet, and stepped on the ground with a soft voice. Then, she noticed that the surroundings were too quiet, looked up, and saw that the people around her could be regarded as giants relative to her height, almost all looking at her intently.

Yi Yilong stopped, and the little round sandals sanded the ground, and he whispered, “Can you turn around … If you look at me like this, as soon as I’m nervous, maybe I can’t pull it out.”

The hidden meaning of this passage is: look again? Look at me again!

Yi Longlong has already spoken this, other people also had to give in a little bit and looked at each other. The model of Guigong turned around first, and the others did the same. Finally, Yi Longlong’s eyes stopped. On Eric: “And you, too.”

Eric smiled funny, nodded, and still met her requirements.

Yi Yi Longlong was relieved greatly: No one looked at it this time.

He walked briskly and jumped to the sword lying flat on the ground. Yi Longlong stretched out his two claws and held them together left and right. This was barely holding the sword handle. Then, a kind of It feels very comfortable like soaking in spring water, soaks into the claws, seems to inject strength into the small body, Yi Longlong gently pumps outwards.

There is a very slow and long sword sound echoing in the air. It is not clear or low-dumb. It seems to have existed since the ancient times and will continue to exist for such a long time.

The icy and distant icy glory, like a star, blooms in a stretch from the moment the sword emerges from its sheath. At that moment, Yi Longlong seemed to think that he had seen the night sky, and billions of stars gathered in one place, mysterious and bright.

Thousands of billions of stars, finally reappear.

From above the sword’s edge, as if scattered numerous tiny silver stars like dust, they scattered into the air and soon disappeared.

Yi Longlong almost looked dazed, and it took a while to wake up to what she should do. She raised her long sword higher than herself and walked towards the beautiful young girl imprisoned in chains. After two steps, she felt like she was looking like What to do if he kills someone and scares them? So he changed to dragging again, dragging his sword slowly over, the blade of the sword across the ground, leaving a crooked scratch.

Jumping on chuang, Yi Longlong sprinted a few steps on the soft quilt deep and came to the teenager. When he looked close, he found that the teenager was extremely beautiful. His skin was fair and silky, and he could not see the slightest. Blemishes, elegant eyebrows, elegant eyes, crystal clear eyes, thick eyelashes like a fan, and his hair, as black as ebony, is so smooth that it can pass the soft air of the Dead Sea flying silk, sweeping Pantene’s feet and stepping on Shi Shilian, he can be directly Make the best shampoo ads.

“That, sir, can you trouble me, stretch out your hands and feet. I will cut the chains for you, for fear of hurting you by accident.” Realizing that the teenager is a living person, Yi Longlong looked at it for a while. Sorry to keep staring, she turned her head away and turned her gaze to the teenager’s handcuffed wrists.

Hagiwara thought that teenagers would just ignore them as they did just now, and UU read the book www.uukanshu. com But after hearing her words, the teenager unexpectedly moved. Although there was still no expression on his face, he stretched out a hand obediently, almost blue blood can be seen on the slender white wrist.

Yi Yi Longlong made a mental construction, slashed hard at the shackles on the teenager’s wrist, just like chopping vegetables and cutting vegetables. The thick and strong iron ring broke at the sound, which is very different from the situation where Yi Si used the blue poem.

Although it is a pro-automatic sword, Yi Longlong himself was also taken aback by this achievement: This sword is a bit sharp and almost arrogant.

I was sure that 100 billion stars were available, and Yi Longlong made persistent efforts. With the cooperation of the beautiful young boy, he brushed his three swords again. It was unexpectedly easy, and the shackles were completely removed from the young man.

Putting down the sword, Yi Longlong was not too willing to get out of bed and simply sat down. Her small body was babbling around on the bed. The duvet under her body was soft. If it wasn’t for the teenager, she would almost want to hold the quilt full. The bed rolled.

This is a comfortable bed.

Why don’t you just stay here for a few days.

Holding such a thought, Yi Longlong stretched his claws. The boy’s robe corner: “Hey, can I know what your name is?” First get to know each other, and then ask him to borrow this bed to sleep.

名字 “Name?” The boy looked at her with a slightly puzzled look, and rose petal-like lips opened and closed, repeating the word softly.

Isn’t he really stupid? Yi Longlong thought sympathetically, but still explained patiently: “Just ask, how do others call you? For example, my name is Yi Longlong, and the uncle who always thinks he is not an uncle is Ai … “

“07.” The boy understood her meaning and replied, “My name is 07.”

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