Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 16 - Teenager on the tower

(I wrote a little rush yesterday, I missed some details and revised it. By the way, I also changed the typos in the previous chapter)

Originally, Detective by the way eliminated the evil magician. This is the work of the palette team. It is not necessary to notify Eric, but Yisili is not even willing to leave Yi Longlong for too long, and he is also afraid of Eric. As they fled while fighting the evil magician, they planned to bring him into the tower together.

It was determined that the tower was in front, and the palette team did not rush forward. After lunch, each party made some preparations. Some checked whether the sword was pulled out smoothly, some checked tools such as bows and crossbows, and magic. The teacher sat down and rested to stay in the most energetic state.

Yisili still thinks that Eric is just a bad swordsman, worried that he might hinder them in the tower, or accidentally hurt Yi Longlong. He also made some preparations for Eric For a time, swordplay cannot be achieved quickly, and only from equipment. He untied his sabre and let his followers give Eric his weapon.

Eastley’s sabre is naturally a rare product. Eric laughed secretly, but still accepted the “goodwill” of your son-in-law. Yi Longlong lay on his shoulder and asked with some curiosity: “Give the sabre to After Ivan, what sword do you use? “

This is from the time of the initial greeting, Yi Long first spoke to Yisili.

Yisili was surprised, and then there were some surprise smiles on his face: “Please, uh, please don’t worry about me.” Rarely Xiao Long took the initiative to talk to him. In the surprise and joy of Yisli, even talking was rare. After getting stuck, realizing his malady, he quickly adjusted himself.

Yi Longlong poked his lips and retorted quietly: “No.” How could she be worried about this guy who wanted to buy her with money?

Yisili arranged his clothes very carefully, fastened the short silver-gray cape with the hem only reaching the waist, and then took it from his dark-haired follower, and carried it on the follower’s back, wrapped in delicate silk satin. The long object, untied the silk satin strap, was exposed first, the beautiful sapphire hilt.

The poem of the unnamed sword is blue, and the hilt is completely carved and carved by sapphire.

Originally belonged to Eric’s sabre, but when Eric left Heinne’s house, he gave it to his brother, and the sword was given to Yisley.

Everything was stopped, and it took an hour for the color palette team to go in the direction of Roland, tower.

I walked for about another half an hour. I don’t know how many trees were crossed and how many vines blocked the way. The tower hidden in the dense forest finally appeared in front of Yi Longlong.

This is a tower like a fairy tale dedicated to holding a princess. It is about 30 meters high. The tower is cylindrical. From the bottom to the top of the tower, the width is slightly contracted and the surface is smooth blue. The gap between the gray bricks is tightly closed, and even the thinnest blade cannot be inserted. The black pattern engraved on the tower exudes an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

The nearby trees are very tall, and the dense canopy does not exceed the height of the top of the tower. You can’t see anything here in the distance.

Below the high tower, there is a flash-arch wooden door, and a brass lock is attached to the door. Roland concluded with a glance: “This door lock is very ordinary, but the door lock is in the wrong direction, why is it a lock? Outside? Isn’t the owner of the tower absent? “He turned to look at Yisli, and when the latter agreed, he would step forward and try to pry the lock, but a figure suddenly stopped in front of him.

What blocked Roland was the clergyman who had not been prominent in the team. His neat gray hair was wrapped around his shoulders, and the text was as weak as a woman’s face with a serious expression: “I can feel that this door There are evil and dark things behind, and those things are very dangerous, you better not stay close. “

The clergyman naturally has his special function in the team. For others, he didn’t dare to believe it. Roland quickly withdrew his hand and asked, “What should we do? Can you deal with what is behind the door?”

The priest hesitated and shook his head: “My ability is limited, and the things behind the door are too powerful. I can’t purify them, but I can feel that these things are only concentrated in the lower part of the tower, and the top is still clean.”

Roland looked upwards, and saw a window almost one person high, two-thirds of the tower’s height, and he suddenly sneered: “So, I understand, the door below is actually just a Under the guise, if anyone wants to break in, they will miss the trap below. The real entrance is actually the window. “

Knowing the correct method of entry, the palette team immediately formulated a combat strategy. The tower was too smooth to climb, and Roland shot the barb attached to the rope to the window with a crossbow. He hung up after hanging it. Then, the other end of the rope was tied to the tree near the stone tower, and dragged to make sure it was strong. He flexibly climbed along the rope to the window on the tower.

His body squatted according to the window. Roland looked inward and made a gesture of nothing. In this way, people such as Yisili went up in order. Of course, with Yisili’s education, he would never be like other people. The man climbed up like that, he kicked on the ground, jumped swiftly and briskly, and when he jumped into the air, he stretched his foot and stepped in the center of the rope, and jumped directly to the window by the rebound of the rope.

Throughout the process, his movements were smooth and beautiful, as light as a swallow. Obviously, this jump did not do his best.

This makes Yi Longlong slightly change his look: It seems that this boy is not the kind of embroidered pillow that only pretends to be good, at least it’s still authentic.

Eric put the wooden box on the ground, hugged Yi Longlong, and jumped directly to the window like Yisili, but he didn’t even use the rope to pull it, so quietly, it landed on the windowsill of the tower on.

At this time, Yisli just jumped out of the window, and he turned to call Eric, but suddenly saw that the wandering swordsman didn’t know when he had followed him. The little white dragon lay in his arms securely, as if lying Comfortable bed.

Seeing Yi Longlong, Yisili was a little jealous, and even forgotten how Eric could keep him from following him consciously.

Yi Yilong had two claws resting on Eric’s side shoulders. She was very disturbed to look around. She lived for two lives, and for the first time did not walk through the door or the window. There was an illusion that she was burglary.

The structure inside the pagoda is layered, and there are stairs to connect up and down. Soon, the color palette team found their goal. A guy wearing a black robe, who looked like he was not a good person, was preparing powder.

When he saw the magician, Roland was ready to ask questions. Negotiation was also one of his tasks, but Roland’s eloquence was not used because the magician saw them and immediately launched an attack.

As described in all legendary adventure novels, the palette team fought fiercely with this guy, the painters were brave, and eventually defeated him.

Yi Yi Longlong covered her eyes with little claws with some fear, but couldn’t help secretly looking through the gap with curiosity. She always had a little anxiety, but she didn’t know where the anxiety came from.

The fighting process was gorgeous. When the magician fell, it was the last blow from Roland. He went behind the magician and pierced his sword into his body.

Yi Yilong was startled, and his whole body shrank into Eric’s arms.

I really killed people, that sword is genuine. I thought the painters would at least grab the magician and ask them, but they didn’t expect them to be so clear-cut.

Hey, to be precise, it was only Roland who was neat and easy to start with. Isley was a little dissatisfied with his self-asserted behavior, but he also felt in his mind that the magician was not a good person. After thinking about it, he still did not blame Roland for this.

Inserting the gorgeous blue poem back into the scabbard, Yisili breathed a sigh of relief, confirmed that the team had no major injuries, and ordered others to deal with the injury first. Yisli ignored the back of the hand that was still bleeding. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com can’t wait to turn to Di Xiu’an.

The fair-haired and red-haired teenagers stared at each other, both of them were happy, and each of them reached out and patted them vigorously in the air, making a loud, crisp sound.

At this moment, Yisili was no longer a model of etiquette, and her smile was filled with innocence.


The dark-haired slave stepped forward, probed the magician’s heartbeat, determined that the evil magician was dead, and then a follower carried the magician aside.

As usual, the crowd then searched around and harvested the spoils of the trip.

There was a corpse next to the puppet, and Yi Longlong was very uncomfortable, but looking at Eric’s expression as usual, he was still calm, as if it was a normal thing. This makes Yi Longlong doubtful, is this world so terrible?

I really didn’t want to see more corpses. Yi Longlong asked Eric to hug her and walk around. After a while, she heard an exclamation from above. The sound seemed to be the cry of a priest. She moved her claws and dragged Erie Ke’s collar, the latter immediately grasped the ground, grabbed upstairs in three or two steps.

I walked down the stairs to the top of the tower, Yi Longlong saw the priest, and the reason why the priest made an exclamation—it was a boy.

======================================================= ===============

章 This chapter is 2100 points plus more, and I will voluntarily explain to everyone. I still owe 2800, 3500, 4200, 4900, and 5600 to Geng. Today, there is a power outage at the residence, so I wrote less, and I will work hard tomorrow.

不到 Unexpectedly there will be so many points, happiness will stun me ~~~

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