Dragon Dragon Dragon

Chapter 14 - I bite you

After two strokes, Eric did not respond. Yi Long shook his claws and called his name: “Hey, Ivan! Ivan!” There were two vigils who didn’t sleep there, plus Eric said I had to hide my identity, so Yi Longlong didn’t tear him down.

But after making two calls, Eric ignored the dragon as if in a daze. Yi Longlong could not help but wanted to reach out to pat him, but his length was too small and his claws were too short. This is not good, less than two feet. If the distance is changed to a human body, she can touch it with a hand, but her paws and feet are not enough.

Yi Yi Longlong had no choice but to jump down the wooden box and walk to Eric in a small step, stretching his claws and pulling his hem: “Hey, what do you want to be so absorbed in?”

Eric was suddenly touched, and his wrist turned subconsciously, and his palm was full of energy, but at the same time he woke up instantly, remembering that it was Yi Longlong who was with him now, and immediately dissipated his strength, and then extended his hand to let Yi Longlong stood on his palm, then raised Yi Longlong to let her sit on his shoulder, the two heads were close together, and he began to bite his ears.

“Of course not.” Eric said with certainty, “I tempted him today and thought I could have results, but unfortunately he could not hold back against a homeless swordsman. There are two possibilities for this situation. First, His heart is really kind, even a homeless swordsman could not bear to hurt; secondly, the education of Heinne ’s family was very successful, and he was taught to be a great hypocrisy. The temporary concession was to obtain better perfection in the future. . “

判断 In order to determine what kind of person Eastly is, he needs to spend more days with him.

Yi Longlong nodded as if he didn’t understand. In fact, it doesn’t matter where he went. Anyway, Yili should not be able to deal with his uncle. However, after learning that all the dragons in the world have been killed, although she was right The dragons had no feelings, but couldn’t help but feel a little scared and upset. This was more serious than when they first contacted the outside world. It seemed that ants were crawling on the heart and disturbing her all the time.

I am not afraid. But Yi Longlong was also embarrassed to say something to Eric, such as you need to protect me well, so I only endured silently and talked to Eric, just to distract myself.

As if seeing her thoughts, Eric reached out his finger, gently put her finger on her paw, and said gently, “Do you know what I was thinking?”

“Ah? Aren’t you in a daze?”

Eric chuckled and said, “Of course not, I was thinking, now that there are no dragons, we need to change the schedule in the future, so I decided that our next goal is to visit several dragons on the mainland. Cavaliers, with their experience with the dragon, may help you grow up faster. “

Yi Longlong carefully looked at the lines of his handsome face, then lowered his head to look at his claws, turned his head and rubbed twice on the trunk silently, and then turned his head to raise his claws to threaten: “You must not laugh at me Small! “

“Okay, okay.” Eric smiled, his eyes crooked, and he didn’t take such a small threat at all, but also told Yi Longlong by the way, the existence of the so-called Dragon Knight.

已经 I have already said that the Dragon race is the most powerful race on the mainland. To become a dragon knight, you must first have extremely powerful strength, so that you can obtain the approval of the dragon, reach an agreement with it, and so on.

Agree, not slavery.

人 No one can enslave this proud and powerful race, even if it is lucky to defeat a dragon, but if you try to enslave it, that dragon will die with its own pride.

On the vast continent, who could reach an agreement with the Dragons, as far as Eric knew 10 years ago, the number was no more than three.

Yi Longlong said that he understood it very well. After all, something like an aircraft carrier cannot be owned by everyone.

However, the dragon knights on the mainland are not just these three. Here, we must also mention the side branches of the dragons, the dragons of the dragon, etc. These creatures have some similar shapes to the dragons, so they are also taken. The names of the dragons are just that they are not as strong and proud as the dragons. As long as they have a certain strength, they may be able to conquer a terrestrial dragon and ride for humans.

几种 These kinds of dragon-like but actually non-dragon races are called pseudo-dragons.

Although the dragon knights of pseudo dragons are not as rare as the real dragon knights, after all, they still touch the dragons a little bit. It is not easy to conquer them. Incomplete calculations. There are dozens of people on the mainland. .

Yi Yi Longlong once again expressed understanding: Even if it is a fake aircraft carrier, I believe that few people can afford it.

Next, Eric took a hard look at Yi Longlong, and his tone was euphemistic: “The reason why the number of dragon knights is scarce is because of the dragon family, even if they are pseudo dragons, they are very powerful and difficult to conquer, but you …”

Yi Longlong raised his paw to interrupt him ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ said calmly: “I see, you want to tell me that the tractor … No, anyone can afford a cart, right? Believe it or not I bite you. “Because I remembered that there were no tractors on this continent, Yi Longlong changed his mouth in time.


The palette team’s schedule was very punctual. The next morning, they got up on time, and the six servants busily packed up their tents. By the way, they also let your son and daughter eat breakfast in peace.

Behind the palette team, there are two more towing oil bottles. The wandering swordsman is carrying a wooden box. On the box sits a snowy white dragon, which is shrunk under the leaves. The color palettes in the front are careful and careful. The human group walked away, which made the color palette a bit unbalanced.

But at this time, it was impossible for Yisli to let Eric leave them. If Eric wanted to leave, he would try to keep him because he had not given up to get the dragon.

All the way to noon safely, I met one or two beasts were killed by the silent follower of Yisili, until noon, the team stopped for a simple rest, so Yi Longlong could not help but want to discriminate against the profession Roland came towards them.

======================================================= ===========

Hey, I’m so nervous today, but thanks to everyone’s support, I still kept the top spot. Holding my face, thank you for your warm support ~~

I do n’t have a manuscript at hand now. It belongs to the state of writing a chapter and sending a chapter. Today I updated three chapters, one chapter is basically updated, two chapters are added, and the remaining 2100, 2800, and 3500 are added. Will make up slowly ~~

握 Claw bloody!

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