Dragon Ball: From Commonplace to the Strongest Saiyan

Dodoria the Troublemaker

On the way to planet Geyser, all I could hear are conversations like this

"Man, we are gonna be rich as fuck!"

"We wouldn't have to work for the rest of our lives!"

"Cheers to that boys!'


And I am just in the background sipping on some juice. 


After a few hours of flight, a green planet comes into sight

"Welcome to planet Geyser, the Cold Empire's finest planet, it's also the residence of his majesty King Cold and his son Lord Frieza"

When the ship landed, a group of soldiers came to greet us

"Is this the guy?" One of the soldiers asked the recruiters

"Yeah, that's the saiyan with the power level of 100,000."

The soldier turned to me

"Follow me, your barracks is right this way"


"You get the rest of the day off, report to General Zarbon tomorrow. Meals will be delivered to you accordingly."

Because I am considered an elite in the Cold Force, I get a luxurious mansion with advanced tech all to myself. The soldier glared at me in jealousy before walking away.

I guess the elites get treated the best huh?

I looked around the mansion. It has 1 master bedroom, 10 guest bedrooms, 11 bathrooms, 3 gravity chambers that has up to 200 times gravity , 1 kitchen, and 1 giant garage already filled with different kinds of cars and aircrafts.

I entered one of the gravity chambers and changed the gravity to 2 times gravity.

Huh? I can barely feel it

I cranked it up to 50 times gravity

Ohhhh yeah, definitely feeling it now.


I started to train under 50 times gravity

After a while, I deployed several hover drones that shoots lasers while I train to make it harder for me


Three hours into the training, I cranked the gravity up to 100 times.

This is so fucking hard! No wonder Goku had such a hard time with this from the start!

I turned around, dodged a blast from a drone, and launched a ki blast towards it.


Two Hours Later...

"I think I'm getting the hang of this now"

My agility and strength has increased by a huge margin since the start of my training.

This will do for now

I turned off the gravity machine and exited the chamber.


After a satisfying bath, my dinner just so happens to arrive

*knock* *knock* "Excuse me, I am here to deliver your dinner"

"Come in"

When I opened the door, I saw a group of cooks delivering entire feast made just for me

They set the feast on the table, bowed to me, and left. 

I licked my lips

"Time to dig in"

I took a bite out of an alien chicken leg

I'm livin' the dream right now


After dinner, i filled out a form for a set of custom-made armor on the computer, sent it, and went to bed.


The next morning....

At 6AM, the alarm clock that I didn't know was even there rings

"Ugh!! So annoying!"

I look at the clock

"Is 6AM the time I am supposed to get up or something? So troublesome....."

I signed

"It's the life of a soldier...I guess"


*knock* *knock*

"Yes?!" I shouted

"I have the armor you requested yesterday, sir!"

I pressed one of the many buttons next to me

"The door is unlocked, put it on the table to your right"

"Yes, sir" He set my armor on the table and left.

For the armor, I requested that they model it after Earth's martial arts gi. It's the same ones that Goku Black wore.

I put on my armor and headed to Zarbon's office.


Now I look like this

(Also, that's what Toma's aura looks like for now)

Man I look good.


"Hey, you know where Zarbon's office is?" I asked a random soldier

"O-oh uh....walk straight ahead and turn left. Its the giant grey building, ya can't miss it"

"Okay, thanks"

I walked towards Zarbon's office and saw a 5 floored grey building. Bef0re I can enter the building, a solder stops me.

"Halt! ID please."

I showed him my ID

"General Zarbon is expecting you, go to the fifth floor."

I nodded and heads into the office building.

"Fifth floor....."

I rode the elevator to the fifth floor. When the elevator door opened, I saw that almost the entire floor was built to be an office.

There is Zarbon's office, which takes up 2/3 of the floor, and one office for his secretary.


I knocked the door

"Come in" Zarbon said while reading a file.

I opened the door

"So, you are Toma hmm?" He said while reading my files. "Lets see here, battle power of *takes a sip of coffee* PFFFFFFF"

He coughed from the coffee

"*ahem* excuse me. Did the recruiters make a mistake? It says on here that you have a power level of 100,000"

"No, they didn't make a mistake" I powered up to 100,000


"What the hell is he even doing here?! He should be in the Ginyu Force with that kind of power"

"*ahem*  I, Zarbon, officially welcome you to the Cold Force. With your battle power, I'm sure you will receive a rank equal to mine."

"And....you are not pissed at that?"

"No, but someone I know would be."

"And who-"

"Trust me, you wouldn't want to know him. He is as vulgar as a man could b-"

An explosion went off at the cafeteria near by.

Zarbon facepalmed

"God...damn it Dodoria. Come on, we got to stop him before he causes even more damage"

"Wait, what....exactly is happening?"

"Dodoria thinks the food that the cafiteria serves 'taste like shit' so he does....all that when he doesn't like the food"

"What?! It tastes amazing? The fuck is he talking about?"

"I know, right?"


Me and Zarbon opened a window, jumped out of it, and flew towards the explosion

"YOU CALL THIS FOOD?!" Dodoria shouted before spitting out a ki blast from his mouth, causing yet another explosion to go off.

"Dodoria, what have I told you about blowing up cafeterias?!"

"Stay outta this, Zarbon! It's none of your business!"

"Well, I think blowing up a cafeteria and starving fellow soldiers is my business" I said as I crack my knuckles.

"Hah! Who do you think you are?!"

He notices my tail

"You think a mere saiyan can outclass me, Dodoria?!"

" A MERE saiyan?" My black-purple aura flares up, everyone's scouters start to go haywire


"I will give you one lesson today, Dodoria. Never forget this for the rest of your life" I start to walk towards him, every step I make causes a tremor on the planet.

I appear right in front of him and readies a punch. A silhouette of adult Vegeta takes my place briefly


I punch him right in the stomach, sending him crashing through multiple hills in the distance


Zarbon whistled at the sight of my strength

"Finally taught that damn Dodoria a lesson."

He looks at his watch

"Oh look at the time, its time for breakf- right, the cafeteria is destroyed."

Zarbon turns to me

"Hey, I know a good eatery in a nearby planet. The meal's on me"

"Sure, why not"

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