Chapter 5: U.A Exams!
quick flashback: Izuku (also known as Mihawk in this story) is getting tired of All Mights bantering about Izuku being his successor "Please Midoriya! Just accept One For All. I don't know anyone else who can have it" said All Might, so izuku just accepts it and gets One For All and he says "This better be worth my time" and ate the hair
end of flashback:
izuku/Mihawk in his room getting ready for the U.A entrance exams, as he is wearing an open Hawaiian shirt, shorts, and his wide-flatten brim hat with a plume feather, and he is currently cleaning his claymore...which he feels lifeless and much different than his yoru and is waiting for the quirk to activate
"Sweety, are you ready for the entrance exams, you can always try next year." Inko said behind Izuku's door, worried that he would get hurt and would not be able to get in since she doesn't know that he isn't quirkless anymore
"Of course, I am ready, Mother." izuku said calmly before getting out of his room
"Oh look even more handsome." Inko said blushingly, not believing the fact that her son was the most mysterious and handsome-looking person she had ever come across in her entire life...besides Izuku's father
"Thanks, mother. I'll be going now." before he left he made some rice balls (onigiri) for breakfast since he had fifteen minutes more and decided just to do it to kill some time and took them to go
"bye." izuku said before departing with his mother who waved goodbye
"Bye izuku, have a good day." Inko said in a motherly tone but couldn't help but worry about her son not entering
the walk to UA
Bakugo POV
"can't believe that fucking Deku beat me and saved me...HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN?!" he thought internally as he went out of his house after being yelled at by his mother and continued to walk
"I'll make Deku pay for that" he finished before focusing on walking to UA
Uraraka POV
"I hope izuku passes this exam...WHAT IF HE CAN'T KEEP UP, OR WE GO TO DIFFERENT CLASSES!!! Please pass the exams izuku...WHAT IF I DONT PASS!" uraraka thought frantically as she got ready to go to the UA exams
"Sweety, is everything alright in there? are you okay after what happened" her mother said in a motherly tone
"Yeah, just getting ready." uraraka said nervously as she got to dress up
"Well, we hope that you pass the exams. so you can become a hero." her father said in encouragement
"Thanks, Mom, thanks Dad." she said as she got out of her room and became ready for the day
eating breakfast
the mother "So...who was the person who saved you?"
the father "Yeah, we can't just let this person be mysterious"
Uraraka "oh. his name is izuku, and he said that he'd become the world's strongest swordsman" she said as she remembered the interaction with Izuku
"Huh...the world's strongest swordsman. well, we hope that he'll become what he wants to be" the father said, clearly interested in this boy
"Thanks." Uraraka said happily
"Well, I do hope you two can see each other again. you two sound like you can be good friends." said the mother
they ate their breakfast and said their goodbyes
"I wonder...what are the exams about, maybe it's just about a bunch of hero stuff," she thought as she started to walk to UA
Tsuyu POV
"man...I hope izuku passes the exams and goes to the same classes" she thought as she got ready for the exams and dressed up
"We hope that you will pass, so you can be a hero like you want to be." her mother said behind the door in a motherly tone
"Yeah, so you can become what you always dreamed of." her father said in a cheerful tone
"Thanks, guys." tyusu said with a smile as she exited her room and said their goodbyes as she started to walk to UA
Momo POV
we see Momo getting up, showering, dressing up, and going down to have some breakfast with her father and mother (I don't even know what the fuck I'm doing, so enjoy this:)
"So, I heard that someone saved you from an unpleasant group." her father said while he was drinking his coffee while reading the newspaper
"Indeed, we must thank this person with our gratitude." her mother said with a smile "Who would know what would happen if he didn't show up, I just don't want my precious baby." she thought faintly, wondering what would've happened if that boy didn't come in to intervene
"So, what was his quirk if he sent them off without mostly doing anything" the father said while drinking his coffee
"he didn't have one, he said that he's a swordsman and will become the World's Strongest Swordsman." Momo said while remembering the interaction with our former warlord
"Huh...doesn't have a quirk but wants to become the world's strongest swordsman, guess he'll change the course of history without a quirk." the father said while reading the newspaper " said that he's quirkless. Right?" he looked back up to his daughter
"yes, why?" momo said, curious why her father said that
"'s not something that you hear every day" the father
"I guess you're right. Oh, it's time for me to leave. Bye." she said as she finished her breakfast and started to walk toward UA
"Huh. never knew that izuku would change the course of history about quirk usage" She pondered that thought as she walked
maybe a few minutes later, they saw each other at the entrance of UA
"What's up." tyusu said to Izuku
"hm. seems like we see each other more again, I guess fate has things that we can't describe." said izuku, after sensing something watching him with craze, but disappeared.
"hi izuku!" said a cheerful Uraraka
"Hello, Uraraka." izuku greeted her
"Hello everyone. it looks like we're seeing each other in the same place." said Momo
"it does." said izuku
"WHY ARE YOU HERE, SHITTY DEKU!" said a raging Bakugo
"What is it now, Katsuki." said izuku, wondering why the exploding dog was angry
"No! Why are you here!? Why is a quirkless nobody even going to a school for quirks?! what?! Got some trick?!" said an even more enraged Bakugo
"Let's just wait and see, that's all." said izuku before walking off
this just got a 'tch' from Bakugo who just walks
"So...uh...are you guys friends or something?" said a curious Tyusu
"yeah. you guys seem...distant." said Uraraka
"were friends." izuku said while he started to sense a weird power glowing inside him...but stay quiet
"do boys always act like this." said Momo
Tchh, no we aren't." said Bakugo who just shoves his hands in his pockets
Fine, more like rivals." said izuku as they approached the entrance
Okay." said tyusu
"looks like it." Uraraka said as she saw the two boys just looking ahead and not talking to each other
once they finally entered, they went to where they needed to be for the written exams, and once that was finished, they went into a dark room with a large projection screen in front of everybody, but Momo isn't here or there since she has the recommendation exams. Soon enough, a man with a large blonde mohawk came in.
"Alright! Are you ready UA candidates!" said the man with the mohawk that is Present Mic...
The auditorium was in complete silence. "Oh, keeping it mellow? That's alright! Now, then, let's keep this rolling!" said Present Mic "alright! So you know how this works? When you enter the practical exams where you use your quirk, you need to destroy the pointers, A.K.A. robots! There is a one-pointer, a two-pointer, and a three-pointer!" said Present Mic as he started explain the rules and the projection screen showing the pointers, before some random teen with glasses and blue hair shouted out
"Sir!" the teen with the glasses shouted out
yes, my dear listeners!" said Present Mic as he waited for the teen's response
"You forgot another one! A so called zero-pointer!" the teen shouted out
"Ah yes! The zero-pointer! Don't worry about it, it's just an obstacle you need to avoid!" said Present Mic, hoping this is over
"Thank you very much, sir! but you!" said the teen said as he pointed at the former warlord, izuku/mihawk
"What is it now?" said izuku, not wanting to be in any kind of argument
"Why do you have a blade with you? This is an entrance exam! not a battlefield!" said the teen
"Because I don't want to rely on a quirk, which will only weaken me by using powers that have a ridiculous drawback." izuku said calmly
"But you are carrying a deadly weapon!" the tall teen shifts back to Present Mic "I demand you to make him leave!" he shouted
"Well, if he doesn't want to use his quirk. he doesn't, but please, be careful out there." said Present Mic
"Tch. who put a stick up his ass." said Bakugo who is quite annoyed that there is someone who is strict
"he's not my problem unless he is a foe in the future." said izuku who just continues to focus, after talking about a few rules
"alright! does everyone know the rules?" present Mic said to the crowd who just 'yeah'
after that, they finally got some cards "I'm going to section D." said izuku as he looked at the card with the letter D on it
"tch. I'm in section A. seems like they don't want others working together, I was hoping to show you how strong I am now, after that." Bakugo said as he looked at his card that had the letter A
"Same here." said izuku, giving each other glares before going to their own buses to go to their own sections
"Izuku!" said a cheerful voice that is Uraraka
"so, you're in section D too?" asked izuku as Uraraka started to walk besides him
"Yeah, can you believe it, We are going to the same sections!" Uraraka said excitedly
"Sure." said izuku as they boarded on the bus. after a while, they see a miniature city
"Huh. so this is section D?" said Izuku to himself as they got off the bus, he felt a familiar presence as he stretched "What do you want now." said izuku as he didn't stop or turn around to see who it is
"excuse me, may we have a quick talk before things start." the teen with glasses said to izuku
"no. if we see each other again, we can." said Izuku who finished his stretches
"but I don't think we ca-" he was caught off when Izuku ran straight towards the opening gates "hey! who gave you permission to go!" the teen said before Present Mic was on top of the gates and shouted out
"Go, Go, Go! there's no timer in a real battle!" he shouted out to the teens who started running
"Hm...he's more smarter than he looks...but then again, it's like looking at an entirely different person" the teen with glasses thought as he started to run and destroying robots "That's at least twenty-three points" he said after destroying some more robots
and in the distance, there's Uraraka who is touching several robots, and they started to float "and release" thought Uraraka, making the robots fall and get destroyed "that's about 19 points, I'll need to get more" she thought as she went to go get some more points
Bakugo POV
"DIE!" said Bakugo as he created explosions with his quirk, destroying some robots "That's at least thirty-eight! I'll have to get more if I want to beat Deku!" said Bakugo as he started to destroy some more robots
back to section D
Izuku just slashes through the robots, like their papers. That's what everyone thought and saw, they just saw a random kid, with a large ass sword, who just slashes through...without using a quirk. Or so they thought. Izuku/Mihawk is using armament and observation haki, knowing where the robots are, and occasionally saving some other people.
"Hm. he isn't using his quirk, he must be conserving his energy and will only use it when he's in a situation. That's it!" said the teen with glasses who continued to destroy more "I'm at least forty-seven points" thought the teen as he went to get more
Some random lounge where the heroes are at, watching the kids suffer (idk where they even are, or what it's called)
"it seems like the candidates are promising this year, especially the ones who are keeping calm." said a small, white animal
"Keeping calm and being focused is a great advantage while being pressured." said a weird block dude
"Indeed, even that kid with the sword, it's like he's a different person who has already done this before." said a guy with a sniper
"I believe his name is Izuku Midoriya. Truly an impressive sight to see who wields such a weapon and doesn't use his quirk." said the white animal who sips some tea
"What? Is he quirkless or something?" said the guy with the sniper
"Well, his file said that he is quirkless, but he somehow got a quirk." said a woman in tights
"Whatever it is, I think he is going to use it if it's necessary." said the weird block guy
"Let's turn this up a notch then!" the white animal said maniacally as he pressed a button
section D
the ground started to shake and the buildings started to crumble, and came out a gigantic robot which was the Zero-Pointer. it cocked its fist back and destroyed the ground, this made everyone to start running away, and the same man with the large mohawk shouted out
"YOU ALL HAVE FIVE MINUTES LEFT!" said Present Mic, shouting in a microphone
"we all need to escape, there is no way we can go against that" thought the tall teen as he started to run off with the others who were fleeing before seeing Izuku...who has a small smirk
"finally, at least a challenge." Izuku said as he readied himself against the gigantic robot, and possibly save Uraraka
"Help!" said Uraraka as she was stuck under a large rock (I don't even know how this happens)
izuku saw this, his body glowing green and red, before muttering "Single flash." he said before swinging the sword. the gigantic robot being sliced in half and the pieces falling by sides, Izuku quickly saves Uraraka before she could get squashed by the metal pieces "Are you alright." said Izuku as he put her down and the glowing disappeared, and his arms being slightly bruised since somehow he controlled One For All
"yeah...wait. how did you do that exactly?" she asked Izuku as she tried to focus after what happen, her head spinning with adrenaline.
"Just used my quirk." izuku said, not really caring what was going to happen in the future
"I thought you said you were quirkless?" said Uraraka, now puzzled
"I 'was' quirkless." said Izuku before an elderly short woman came in the scene
"Oh. you all are heroes in my eyes, here, have some gummies." said the elderly hero as she handed a fistful of gummies to some others
the lounge
"well, I didn't expect that." said the white furry animal as he drank some tea "I believe this'll be a unique year." said the animal with a soft chuckle
"wow. didn't expect Izuku can do that...or control it, guess I don't really have to teach him. but I'll still have to teach him to control a bit, seeing how his body could still be injured" said Toshinori in his skeleton from
"Guess like he was conserving his strength and energy. like he was seeing the future." said the man with the sniper
"what do you mean exactly." said the block guy
"Werent you curios why the kid didn't use his quirk at the start?" said the man with the sniper
"Since you mentioned it, yeah." sid the block guy
back to section D
"Who is that?" said a candidate
"That's the young hero, and also the heart of U.A. for these practical exams, Recovery Girl." said a candidate with sparkles
Recovery Girl placed her lips on Izuku arms, and his arms started to turn back to normal like it was never hurt
"Well, that's an interesting ability." said Izuku as he touched his now healed arm
"Yes it is, but don't hurt yourself too much with that kind of quirk." said Recovery Girl
"I wont." izuku said before Recovery Girl gave him a fistful of gummies and went over to Uraraka
"are you alright, or are there any injuries you have?" asked Recovery Girl
"No. I'm all good." said Uraraka as she was given a fistful of gummmies from her
"Alright then, you all can go home since the exams are over." the elderly lady said before the candidates started to walk out and head back home
" how many points did you get?" said Uraraka as they both walk side by side
"we will see, the results can be accurate if waited." said Izuku as the got on the bus
a couple of days later or something
"Hello, I'm here to drop this off." said a mailman who gave a U.A. letter to Inko
"thank you." said the mother of Izuku who takes the letter
"No problem." the mailman said before dashing off to deliver some more mails, maybe some being freaky
"Izuku!" said a cheerful Inko who shouted out to Izuku who was cleaning his blade
"Yes." said Izuku, looking back as he continued to clean the blade
"You got a letter." said Inko as she handed Izuku the U.A letter
"Thank you." said Izuku as he took the letter and opened it...only to find a disc and placed it down. from his understanding of technology, its something that ca be use for searches, interact with others, or just somehow get money by doing videos or putting up pictures on this so-called Facebook, TikTok, Tweeter, other stuff. suddenly, a screen pop-up above the disc, showing All Might in a suit
"Hello there, Young Midoriya! As you can see, I'm doing the congrats for the ones who pass! Take a look at your points!" he said before a side screen popped up, showing ranks of people , and showing Izuku in first place of 86 villain points and Bakugo in second place of 77 villain points and others with other points "As you can see! You are in first place! But we do have a secret point system called the rescue points! Where we give you points on how many people you save!" he said before a new set of numbers came besides the other numbers, showing izuku having 21 rescue points, and Bakugo having 0 rescue points and others having their own points "Low Number, but you'll improve! So welcome Izuku" he extended his hand out like for a shake "To your hero academia!" and the screen disappears
Izuku looks at the letter that came with the disc, and it was a small one, saying the school will start next week "Next week where U.A. high will open." he calmly said before setting it down
"Oh my god! My baby boy is getting accepted like he always dreamed of!" said a excited mother who hugged her son
"Yes yes. i am finally accepted. calm down please." said a calm Izuku who just took it, haven't felt this in awhile. but felt right. (I don't know. haven't really watched that much of One Piece, I'm on whole cake island. DONT JUDGE ME!)