Dracula Mihawk reincarnated in MHA

Chapter 2: side story

we return to the One Piece world and we see Red Hair Shanks, seeing off the distance of the sea...waiting for his rival..." Hey Shanks, I think you wanna see this" Lucky Roux said to Shanks while holding the newspaper in hand "Yeah" Shanks simply said as Lucky showed him the newspaper...of Dracule Mihawks death who was killed by Blackbeard "..." silence was the only thing they heard before shanks eyes darken "ready the ships" shanks said as Lucky just did was he was ordered to do so and told everyone to ready the ships while shanks grip his sword "blackbeard...I'll show you what happens when you hurt my friends" he said while gritting his teeth and relaxed while going back to the ships "Shanks, did something happen" said benn beckman "yes...we're going to hunt down Blackbeard" he said sternly "did he do something" benn asked "yes, he killed mihawk and I'm here to return the favor" shanks replied with a darkened face as all ships started to be set out and one of the crew members shouted out "where we going boss" he said cheerfully, ready for another adventure "were going to take down Blackbeard "shanks said before another crew member shouted out "finally, its time to bring him down!" and crew shouted out in ecxitment while shanks couldn't help but smile and shouted to his crew "alright men! lets set out to sail and take down Blackbeard!" he shouted out and all the crew members started to set the ships for sail

with the straw hats

zoro is reading the newspaper "damnit...mihawk! i was the one who was supposed to defeat you!...but how am I going to prove that I'll become the greatest swordsman if I can't defeat you." he said while gritting the newspaper "oi, moss head. calm down or your going to scare off the ladies" sanji said while smoking his ciggeratte "yeah whatever stupid cook" zoro muttered under his breath and after there insults...they just fought it out

the cross guild

buggy is reading the newspaper and having a worried look "WHAAAAAT! HOW DID MIHAWK GOT KILLED BY THAT ASS BLACKBEARD" he said angrily but weak "Without him, we'll be powerless" he said worriedly before getting a hit to the head by Crocidle "THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT" buggy said angrily while crocodile took a puff of his cigarette "you still have me and that "gay queen"" he said while pointing at ivankov who is doing a 'gay' concert "come on girlies and boys, lets make this a night unforgettable! HEE-HAW!" he said loudly as the concert got louder "he's quite annoying" crocodile said "well its whatever we can do to stay out of the government's hands" buggy sighs

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