
Chapter 218: The Severely Injured Gold Dragon

For a dragon, being wealthy is nothing special; any dragon that has lived long enough is rich.

However, the label of being generous is something that hardly any dragon can claim, as every dragon is naturally a miser.

Even Muria is no exception. A hundred cubic meters of elemental crystals might be a fortune for some adolescent dragons at the golden level, but to a dragon at the soul essence level, a hundred cubic meters of elemental crystals are somewhat disdainful.

"Prince Muria, I would like to ask, if someone were to capture these six dragons for you, how many cubic meters of elemental crystals would you be willing to offer as a reward?" A soul essence level Amethyst Dragon asked with a hint of curiosity.

"One thousand cubic meters of elemental crystals..." Muria paused.

"One thousand cubic meters?" The Amethyst Dragon remained composed, "Not bad."

But, "One per dragon," the black-haired, golden-eyed youth added two more words.

The dragons present all changed their expressions.

"One thousand cubic meters per dragon, six thousand for all six dragons."

"I should really check around my castle when I get back. Maybe those six dragons Muria lost are nearby."

"I think I should also start looking for traces of five-colored dragons when I return. If I find them, heh heh..."

"Remember to share any information you get. Catching six golden level mage dragons isn't going to be easy."

"These are six moving crystal mines. Who would share that with other dragons?"

Muria's generous bounty immediately caused a sensation in the banquet hall, unsettling even the soul essence level dragons, who showed signs of being tempted.

"Six thousand cubic meters, Brother Muria, even I am tempted by this bounty," Caslana, the golden dragon beauty holding his arm, also showed a hint of surprise upon hearing Muria's offer.

"I ask for your help in spreading this bounty," Muria stated, as a six-horned dragon shadow gradually solidified behind him. "I swear by the name of Eronsalas that anyone who provides me with information about those six rebellious dragons will be rewarded with a hundred cubic meters of elemental crystals.

No matter who it is, as long as they can bring those six dragons to me, they will receive six thousand cubic meters of elemental crystals, not one less."

Following this, the atmosphere of the banquet changed dramatically. Originally, the banquet was dominated by metallic dragons, who are mostly mage dragons, and the discussions were about magic, and the current affairs of the nations of Ionia, exuding an air of elegance.

However, after Muria announced his generous bounty, the dragons at the banquet became restless, with some already showing intentions to leave—the laziest of dragons would become incredibly diligent at the prospect of accumulating a mountain of elemental crystals.

However, Caslana held enough respect that no one yet dared to propose leaving and thus offend her. But the direction of the discussion had changed, with almost all dragons talking about Muria's extravagant bounty.

"Um, there's another piece of information I need to mention," Muria spoke up again, drawing the attention of all the dragons present.

"I once fed them the flesh of legendary sea monsters, so their growth and development far exceed that of their peers. Their physique can be compared to dragons a phase larger than their age group."

The hall fell silent once more.

"So, you're saying that among those six dragons, the adolescent red dragon has a physique comparable to that of a young adult red dragon?"


"Catching a young adult red dragon alive, eh, this bounty is indeed hard to claim."

"Don't forget, this red dragon is also proficient in magic. Even if it only masters spells from the first to the sixth ring, if it's solely focused on escaping, it's going to be very difficult to catch."

The most daunting aspect of a high-level mage isn't their exaggerated output capability, but their terrifying mobility. Six mage dragons with combat abilities not inferior to their own close combat prowess are indeed a headache because they could appear anywhere in Ionia.

Of course, the main reason is that Muria requires them to be captured alive, not dead or alive, which significantly increases the difficulty of the capture. But thinking about it, it's normal. After all the effort of raising them from a young age, even feeding them the flesh of legendary sea monsters, who would be willing to kill them?


"Excuse me for a moment!" The enthusiastic golden dragon beauty seemed to have received some message, her stunningly beautiful face slightly stunned. After apologizing to Muria with a slight bow, she disappeared from the banquet.

Seeing Caslana vanish, Muria and a few metallic dragons he had just met looked at each other, as the atmosphere of the banquet suddenly turned a bit awkward due to the host's sudden departure.

"Caslana has never left a banquet midway before. It's quite rude."

"Now she has."

"Maybe something particularly urgent happened, forcing her to leave."

"Perhaps. But whatever happened, there's no need to worry too much. With so many of our kind here, whatever it is, we can help Caslana resolve it."

Just as a few metallic dragons beside Muria had finished speaking, a scent mixed with the burning smell of incense and a nauseating stench of rot spread throughout the banquet hall.

"This scent?" Muria, initially smiling, gradually became serious. "It's the scent of gold dragon blood."

Not only did Muria recognize the scent, but all the gold dragons invited by Caslana recognized it as well. It was identical to the scent when they themselves bled from injuries. How could they not recognize it?

"The scent of dragon blood and that stench are coming from outside, not here."

Realizing this, Muria levitated and swiftly flew towards the exit of the banquet hall. Seeing Muria taking the lead, the rest of the metallic dragons followed.

Such a rich scent of gold dragon blood signified that a gold dragon was injured, and the mixed stench suggested that something serious had happened! Caslana's banquet hall was located in the center of the castle, within the top area of a nearly kilometer-tall mage tower. So, when Muria rushed out of the banquet hall, he was immediately suspended hundreds of meters in the air.

Once outside, the scent of gold dragon blood and the stench became even stronger, especially the stench, which made Muria feel nauseated.

Without needing to search, Muria's gaze shifted slightly downward, and he found the source of the scent—a miserable-looking gold dragon was trapped in a huge crater on the central mage tower, not far from the banquet hall, which it had created upon impact.

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