Douluo: Protects Our Spirit Hall

Chapter 622: Named after fire, the flames are as bright as fire

 A total of twenty-two players from both sides stood in two rows a few meters apart, each saluting the other.

 Then the non-combatants will step down and hand over the ring to the participating members.

On the Shrek Seven Devils side, the remaining six monsters except Oscar are left, plus a substitute player of the offensive type whose martial spirit is a tiger. The lineup is six main players and one substitute.

 The Blazing Fire Academy is the main force among all members.

 The most important thing is that Huo Wu, who had never fought before, stayed.

From the moment he stepped onto the ring, Tang San's eyes were always on Huo Wu who was opposite him. The moment he saw the other person staying on the ring, his eyes froze involuntarily, and his heart suddenly became heavy.

"Blazing Fire Academy team, captain, Huo Wushuang, level 45 assault type War Soul Sect, please give me some advice."

 Huo Wushuang's eyes swept over the seven members of the Shrek Seven Monsters team one by one, and finally settled on Yu Tianheng.

 In this match with the Shrek Seven Monsters, Huo Wushuang has only one goal, and that is Yu Tianheng.

Yu Tianheng is the direct young sect leader of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect of the last three sects. He has inherited the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex martial spirit, and the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus is known as the best dragon martial spirit and is the strongest beast in the entire Douluo Continent. Wuhun.

 Huo Wushuang wanted to compete with one of them to see who was stronger among the dragon spirit masters. At the same time, he also wanted to see if the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Spirit really lived up to its name.

Feeling the fighting spirit in Huo Wushuang, Yu Tianheng was also a little ready to make a move.

He sensed the aura of the dragon martial spirit from Huo Wushuang, and his own blue electric tyrannical dragon martial spirit couldn't help but throb with excitement.

Speaking of which, the dragon bloodline in Huo Wushuang's body has some connections with their Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Sect. It can be said to be an extension of the bloodline of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus' martial spirit.

Perhaps it is the result of the blood of a certain senior or ancestor in the clan being lost outside.

The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect has strict rules. There are clan regulations that strictly prohibit the outflow of blood, but it is impossible to completely prohibit it.

 After all, there are always some people who like to have **** outside, leave behind romantic debts, or secretly give birth to children.

Hearing Huo Wushuang on the opposite side announce his home, Dai Mubai, as the captain, was not to be outdone. However, when he was about to stand up and respond, Tang San stood up first:

“Shrek Seven Monsters Team, deputy captain, Tang San, forty-level control system War Spirit Sect, please give me some advice.”

 Dai Mubai frowned slightly and subconsciously glanced sideways at Tang San, but when he saw the latter's serious and seemingly gloomy face, he immediately and silently retracted his half-raised foot.

Huo Wushuang's attention was attracted by Tang San's voice, and his eyes shifted from Yu Tianheng to Tang San. Then he glanced at Dai Mubai meaningfully and said with a smile:

 “Is it the vice-captain who is in charge of your Shrek Seven Devils?”

"Ah, that's right. After all, he is a control soul master who is responsible for controlling the overall situation. He is the soul of your entire team. There is nothing wrong with letting him make the decision."

This time, Tang San did not speak.

 Huo Wushuang's words made him realize that what he had just done was indeed a bit transgressive. Although he had an undisputed soul status among the Shrek Seven Monsters, Dai Mubai was the captain of the Shrek Seven Monsters team.

I just stood up and spoke on behalf of the Shrek Seven Monsters team before Dai Mubai. It might arouse suspicion or even resentment among my teammates, which would be detrimental to the next game.

Huo Wushuang’s words are actually a move that attacks the heart.

Tang San wanted to refute it, but after thinking about it, he chose to keep silent.

 “Stop sowing discord here.”

Tang San didn’t say anything, but Dai Mubai immediately stood up and glared at Huo Wushuang fiercely:

“Xiao San is the vice-captain of our Shrek Seven Devils, and of course he is qualified to speak on behalf of the team.”

Huo Wushuang didn't pay much attention to Dai Mubai's words and just smiled faintly:

 “Whatever, your winning streak will end today anyway.”

 Dai Mubai glared at Huo Wushuang, their eyes collided fiercely, and he smiled coldly, unwilling to be outdone:

 “This is exactly what I want to say.”

“Your Blazing Academy’s winning streak will also end today.”

“Victory belongs to us Shrek Seven Devils.”

 The game has not yet begun, but the smell of gunpowder has already filled this brief exchange of words.

 Dai Mubai's eyes met Huo Wushuang, while Tang San's eyes inevitably met Huo Wu's.

It should be said that his eyes almost never moved away from Huo Wu.

Among the seven people in Blazing Fire Academy, the one that caught Tang San's attention the most was by no means the one-horned fire dragon spirit master Huo Wushuang, who was known as the strongest from the front.

Nor are they the two auxiliary soul masters standing at the back of the opponent's formation.

 It was the female soul master Huo Wu whose strength was unknown.

From the intelligence information provided by the master, Tang San only knew that Huo Wu, like him, was a control-type soul master and the deputy captain of the Blazing Fire Academy team. He was the soul of the Blazing Fire Academy team.

Her martial spirit is herself, a shadow with herself as its body, named Naruto, which belongs to a very peculiar beast martial spirit.

Tang San's eyes were slightly gleaming with purple meaning, which was almost undetectable to outsiders. He could see through the cultivation levels of other people in Blazing Fire Academy at a glance, even Huo Wushuang, whose soul power level was as high as level 45, was no exception.

Only the girl named Huo Wu, he couldn't see through at all.

 At first glance, he found nothing.

In the vision of Zi Ji Demon Eyes, the soul power aura on Huo Wu's body seemed to be a blank, without any sign of movement. The whole person looked no different from ordinary people.

This made Tang San feel extremely solemn, but he had no choice but to sigh deeply in his heart. It seemed that he could only adapt to changes in the battle.

No matter how strong Huo Wu is, the Shrek Seven Monsters team will never give up in this match.

Besides, no matter how strong Huo Wu is, how strong can it be? Can it be stronger than Huo Wushuang?

You must know that Huo Wushuang's talent is already amazing enough, even if Huo Wu's talent can match or even surpass it.

But compared to her brother Huo Wushuang, Huo Wu's training time is much shorter after all. No matter how strong she is, she can't reach the level of Huo Wushuang.

As long as Huo Wu's strength is not too outrageous, then the Shrek Seven Monsters will definitely have the ability to defeat each other, and their chances of winning can even reach over 70%.

At this moment, Tang San still had his own confidence.

  After all, for this game, he used Ning Rongrong’s signature card.

Tang San put all his thoughts on being wary of Huo Wu, but he didn't know that a certain rogue rabbit next to him almost broke his teeth, thinking that his third brother's soul had been stolen away, and he instantly Huo Wu is obsessed with holding a grudge.


“You have one minute to release your martial spirit.”

 According to the procedure, after both parties have finished saluting and all non-combatants have left the field, the referee's voice sounds again.

 In an instant, the main center soul fighting stage was filled with soul light. The intense light of martial spirits and soul rings instantly filled the entire competition arena. Judging from the matching of soul rings, there is no doubt that the soul rings of both players are at least standard configuration.

On the side of the Shrek Seven Monsters, there are three fourth-ring soul masters leading four three-ring soul masters. Among them, Tang San has the fourth soul ring of ten thousand years.

At the Blazing Academy opposite, there are three fourth-ring soul masters leading three three-ring soul masters, as well as Huo Wu, who has an unknown number of soul rings.

After the referee announced the activation of the martial spirit, Huo Wu did not activate the martial spirit and soul ring. At this time, only six people, Huo Wushuang, took action.

In the comparison of soul rings, because Huo Wu did not summon a martial soul, it was impossible to judge who was better and who was worse between the two sides.

 But in terms of the level comparison of soul power, Blazing Academy has the upper hand, of course, only by one point.

 After all, at the soul sect level, only Huo Wushuang can suppress Shrek's three soul sects.

 As for the other two soul sects, Huoyun and Huoyu, they are slightly weaker than their opponents.

What's more, the slight difference in level cannot be the key to changing the outcome of the game.

 If you want to win the game, you have to look at the overall strength of the team.

Tang San's eyes still fell on Huo Wu.

Seeing that Huo Wu didn't activate the martial soul to release the soul ring immediately, his expression was obviously stunned, but after he came back to his senses, his heart became more solemn.

 Looking at the faint smile that always remained on his face, and the faint red light dancing around his body, for some reason, Tang San suddenly felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

The martial soul rises, the soul ring dances up and down, and the surging soul power forms invisible pressure, like two huge walls squeezing each other.


 At this moment, the referee's arm suddenly raised high.

The players from both sides reacted quickly. They took action the moment the referee raised his arm. Both sides set up the formations they had agreed upon before the game almost at the same time.

The Blazing Academy adopts a more offensive triangle battle formation—

With Huo Wushuang as the sharp knife, Huo Yun and Huo Yu, two agile attack system soul masters, as the flanks, the power attack system Fire Leopard soul master Huo Lie assists in the attack, Huo Wu is in the center, and the two auxiliary system Mars soul masters Huo Jun and Huo Hammer, Then stand at the end.

Shrek Academy's formation is relatively conservative.

 Dai Mubai and Yu Tianheng were still in the front, Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Ma Hongjun were in the middle. Ning Rongrong stood at the end. As for the substitute soul master who made up the number, he was responsible for protecting Ning Rongrong.

"Game start!"

One minute passed in a blink of an eye, the referee's raised arm suddenly fell down, and the match between the Shrek Seven Monsters and Blazing Academy officially began.

 The referee quickly stepped back to make room for the game.

 The players from both sides started moving at the same time.


The flames soared into the sky, and a hot and explosive aura immediately erupted from the side of Blazing Fire Academy. The fiery red light almost enveloped the entire main center soul fighting platform.

A loud dragon roar erupted from Huo Wushuang's mouth, and the flames rising from his body vaguely took on the shape of a dragon behind his back.

That is his martial spirit, the one-horned fire tyrannosaurus.

Possessed by the martial spirit, Huo Wushuang's body instantly swelled in size, a layer of fiery dark red scales was attached to the surface of his skin, and a single horn grew out of his head.

At the same time as he transformed into a humanoid fire dragon, Huo Wushuang had already rushed out, and his target was Yu Tianheng, one of the Shrek Seven Monsters.

Next to him is another attack-type soul master. His martial soul is Fire Leopard, and his soul power is only level 39. He is responsible for assisting captain Huo Wushuang in launching attacks, and at the same time intercepting all attacks for Huo Wushuang except his chosen opponents. attack.

 The Blazing Academy’s tactics against the enemy have always been to take the initiative to attack.

 The battle with the Shrek Seven Monsters is the same.

At the same time that the two assault system soul masters launched their attack, the two auxiliary system Mars soul masters standing at the back of the Blazing Academy team immediately took action.

"A single spark can start a prairie fire!"

While chanting softly, the soul rings on the two men instantly released a dazzling brilliance.

Little sparks were scattered, and countless small red light spots emerged out of thin air in the air, and quickly condensed towards those sparks.

As the red light spots condensed, the sparks quickly grew in size, forming a strange bright red flame that slowly hovered above the heads of the seven members of the Blazing Academy team like a star map, and at the same time sprinkled dazzling sparks.

When the sparks scattered and integrated into the bodies of the seven members of the Blazing Academy, including Huo Wu, who had not released his martial spirit, the fire attribute auras of the seven members suddenly surged, and flames rose into the sky.

 This is Blazing Academy.

  Named after fire, the flames are as bright as fire.

Captain Huo Wushuang and the powerful attack type Fire Leopard Spirit Master have already launched a bold attack, while the two agile attack type fighting spirit sects Huo Yun and Huo Yu have not fallen behind either.

The two of them circled around almost at the same time, releasing a pair of dazzling wings from behind each other. Although they did not fly high, they still moved forward in a strange arc, gliding from the flanks to the rear of the Shrek team.

Their target is Ning Rongrong, who is at the back of the Shrek Seven Monsters team.

There is an unwritten understanding in the soul master world. When two armies are facing each other, the first thing that needs to be dealt with is not the attacking soul master in the enemy's formation, but the auxiliary soul master.

 This understanding is also suitable for the competition of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition.

 No matter what, it is the most correct choice to take the lead in eliminating the auxiliary soul masters in the opponent's team.

What's more, the auxiliary spirit master of the opponent's formation is also a Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda Spirit Master, and the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda is known as the most powerful auxiliary spirit in the entire continent, and its amplification effect is terrifying.

The moment the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Tower appeared in Ning Rongrong's hands, brothers Huo Yun and Huo Yu already understood that their first task was to quickly eliminate Ning Rongrong, the auxiliary soul master, and not allow her to assist the Shrek Seven Strange opportunity.

If she is left on the field, with the powerful auxiliary ability of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Tower, she will definitely cause a lot of trouble to Blazing Fire Academy.

 There is no doubt that the Blazing Academy team is a team that works very well together. Their goals are very clear. As soon as the game started, they were already trying their best to establish their own advantages.

The Shrek Seven Devils were not slow to react either.

“Boss Dai, brother Tian Heng, stop them, don’t let Huo Wushuang break through our formation.”

Seeing four members of the Blazing Academy team coming towards us, Tang San immediately shouted and commanded Dai Mubai and Yu Tianheng to attack.

At the same time, six tentacle-like purple-black blue silver grasses were quickly thrown out, but they did not attack the opponent, but wrapped around the waist of his teammates. (End of chapter)

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