Douluo: I love Qian Renxue alone, but I can kill with nine swords in a box!

Chapter 45 The Terror Knight is vulnerable to a single blow!

"Now, am I qualified?"

Qin Shiyuan's joking voice sounded in the waiter's ears, but it was obvious that the waiter could no longer give him any answer.

This waiter, who looked fearless just a second ago, could never imagine that Qin Shiyuan would dare to attack him at this moment.

Doesn't the man in front of him know that killing the envoy of the Killing City will break the rules of the Killing City?

It's a pity that he will never know all this.

I saw those unwilling pupils gradually enlarging, and the sinking sword swinging lightly.

The corpse with a hole in its chest had been thrown away, and blood spurted out, gathering together with the previous corpses.

After doing all this, there was no one left in the small tavern, and Qin Shiyuan stood up as if nothing had happened.

He strode to the bar of the tavern, raised his hand, and slapped the wooden bar with a heavy palm.

With a loud bang, the bar turned into tiny pieces of wood and flew away, revealing a flat ground below.

"If I remember correctly, the entrance to the Killing City... should be here."

Qin Shiyuan smiled softly, and immediately concentrated his soul power on the soles of his feet, and with a fierce kick, he stomped straight down.


Amidst the loud noise, a huge cave entrance appeared on the ground.

The cold wind blew up from the bottom of the cave, making people feel an inexplicable malice all the time.

Without hesitation, Qin Shiyuan jumped down and jumped directly into the dark ground.

His body was instantly surrounded by darkness that he couldn't even see, and his whole body was deeply immersed in it...

In the darkness, after only falling ten meters, Qin Shiyuan was already on solid ground.

There is no need for light, even though Qin Shiyuan does not have Tang San's Purple Demon Eyes.

But after taking the fairy grass - looking through the autumn dew, this darkness was simply invisible to him.

What I saw in the darkness was a long corridor.

The front of the corridor extended diagonally downward, and the cold breath kept blowing on Qin Shiyuan's face.

About a quarter of an hour after Qin Shiyuan walked forward, a cold voice suddenly came from all directions.

"Welcome to the City of Killing. This is the capital of hell, a world full of killing."

"Here, you can get everything you want, but the price is your life."

Hearing this sudden sound, Qin Shiyuan had no reaction.

Instead, his steps accelerated a bit, because he knew that the owner of the voice was not far ahead.

After turning a corner, there were a few faint rays of light coming from the darkness ahead.

Qin Shiyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and the light ahead suddenly magnified in his eyes.

It was an open door, and on the other side of the door, there was the breath of life.

"finally reached."

There was a smile on the corner of Qin Shiyuan's mouth behind his mask, mixed with a hint of expectation.

Striding forward, it wasn't long before he heard a faint noise.

When he walked out of the corner, one hundred and one people lined up neatly in front of him.

They were all dressed in black armor, and even their faces were completely obscured by their helmets.

Among them, a hundred people lined up at the back were holding heavy swords, and only one person at the front was sitting on a tall war horse.

Even the horse under his crotch was covered in thick black armor, and the hair could not be seen clearly.

"You broke the rules."

The deep voice sounded extremely cold. It didn't seem like it came from the mouth, but more like it came from an emotionless machine.

Qin Shiyuan didn't look at him, but looked behind him.

What he saw was a black city.

Yes, everything is black!

Thick and simple black city walls, dark and cold house buildings...

There is even a purple moon hanging over this city.

The moon is very low and seems to be less than a kilometer away from the ground.

Looking upward, everything is black, like eternal night.

"I broke the rules...but so what?"

Qin Shiyuan returned his indifferent eyes to the black armored knight in front of him.

Having read the original work, of course he knew who the person in front of him was.

Guarding the first line of defense in the Killing City, the terrifying knight—Scott!

However, although the name may seem deceptive, in fact this terrifying knight is just a scumbag.

In the original work, when Tang San arrived here, he completely destroyed it with just one hammer.


Scott's voice was still cold, without the slightest hint of alienness.

"As a violator, if you want to pass, you must accept punishment!"

"Beat me, and you will have the qualifications to enter the Killing City!"

"Isn't it going to kill you?"

Qin Shiyuan asked calmly, without any hint of nervousness in his tone.

Scott didn't answer anymore, and slowly raised the slender knight's gun in his hand.

The black-armored warriors on both sides of Qin Shiyuan slowly retreated, leaving an open space.

"Newcomer, remember!"

"I am the Terror Knight—Scott!"

The war horse suddenly accelerated, and Scott rushed straight towards Qin Shiyuan with a tragic aura.

An icy aura filled the air, and an awe-inspiring murderous aura rushed towards him.

But compared with the majestic murderous aura of Qin Shiyuan or Chen Xin, the murderous aura emanating from this terrifying knight was as faint as the glimmering morning light.

"Jiuyuan Sword Box!"

It wasn't until one person and one horse ran less than ten meters in front of Qin Shiyuan that he took action slowly.

I saw a slight shout, and the simple-looking Jiuyuan Sword Box suddenly fell from the air again.

The only difference from the past is that this time, there are no more shining soul rings around the sword box.

This is a special rule possessed by the Killing City. Here, any soul skills are invalid.

Even a soul master can only use the most basic power, the most basic form of martial soul.

Qin Shiyuan naturally knew this a long time ago, but for him, that alone was enough.


He only heard an extremely thick sword cry from inside the Jiuyuan sword box.

The giant sword, which was two palms wide, three fingers thick, and weighed hundreds of kilograms, slowly hung to his hand.

The palm of his hand quickly grasped the hilt of the sword, and the next moment, Qin Shiyuan suddenly twisted around!

The thick sword body made an intrusive buzzing sound under the tremendous power.

The sword was swung out at high speed, and with extremely terrifying power, it went straight towards the man and horse running towards him!


The war horses screamed, and the huge momentum of the galloping came to an abrupt end.

A four-meter-long heavy knight gun rose into the air and flew far back.

The terrifying knight Scott was no longer on the horse at this time. Like his knight's gun, his whole body was blown away like a rag bag.

But the war horse stopped on Qin Shiyuan's giant sword.

The huge momentum stopped here. Under the powerful force, the war horse turned sideways and twitched violently.

All the bones in its body had been shattered into lumps of powder.

The only neck that survived was completely broken in the collision between two powerful forces.

Such a severe injury made the majestic war horse become silent in an instant.

The rough-skinned and fleshy animals were like this, and the terrifying knight Scott, who had already been thrown away an unknown number of meters away, was even more miserable.

No part of his body was intact now. All the bones and internal organs in his body were shattered, and there was no possibility of survival.

As if he had done an insignificant thing, Qin Shiyuan turned his head to look at the remaining hundred people indifferently and said calmly.

"Now...can I go in?"

"Or do you want to come together?"

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