Douluo: I love Qian Renxue alone, but I can kill with nine swords in a box!

Chapter 33 Lou Gao joins the gang and Chen Xin seeks a sword

It wasn't until the sky was dimming and the setting sun in the east was like blood that Qin Shiyuan's figure appeared in the Star-Zhaing Tower again.

Only this time, he went to the sixth floor.

The seventh floor was reserved for her.

"You two, I've been waiting for a long time."

The magnetic voice reached the ears of Chen Xin and Lou Gao at the same time as the door to the VIP room opened.

"Lord Qin!"

Chen Xin and Lou Gao were left hanging in this VIP room for two hours.

If it had been anyone else, they might have waved their sleeves and left.

But it happened that both of them came with a request. The moment they saw Qin Shiyuan, instead of being dissatisfied at all, the same enthusiasm and desire appeared on their faces.

"Master Qin! I came today to invite..."

Two different voices sounded, Qin Shiyuan frowned and interrupted the two of them.

"Come one by one, Lou Gao, you go first."

Hearing this, the two of them shut up at the same time.

Lou Gao looked happy, but he carefully looked at Chen Xin's face first.

After discovering that there was nothing strange about the other party, he spoke to Qin Shiyuan with confidence.

"I've met Building Master Qin. I'm downstairs high. Maybe you haven't heard of me..."

"Lou Gao, the Seven-Huan Soul Sage, the Martial Soul Sage Casting Pen, and one of the three great craftsmen in the mainland."

"The president of the Blacksmiths Association sits in Gengxin City, the capital of steel, all year round, right?"

Qin Shiyuan calmly reported all the information about Lou Gao, and then said calmly.

"I know you, and I also know that you are here for the soul guide, right?"


Lou Gao heard that all his details were dug out, and a flash of shock flashed in his eyes.

When he raised his head again and looked at the mysterious man wearing a silver mask, a wry smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Master Qin has great magical powers, and he is right. I am indeed here for your soul guide."

"Well, everyone is smart, so I won't beat around the bush."

"Lou Gao, in fact, your martial soul is very suitable for researching soul guidance devices. I really need you in the Star Reaching Tower now."

"But after thinking about it, you also know that this method is my unique secret skill in the Star Reaching Tower, and it will never be passed on to others."

"If you want to learn, it depends on whether you are ruthless or not."

"Master Qin, is this true? Are you really willing to teach me this method?"

Lou Gao's eyes were full of enthusiasm, as if he was deaf to the second half of Qin Shiyuan's words.

When I heard that I had the opportunity to learn, I immediately beamed with joy.

"As long as you are willing to let me learn, I can agree to anything!"

It's no wonder that Lou Gao is so crazy, the birth of the soul guide is really shocking to the world.

Like in the original work, Tang San only had a few hidden weapons to convince Lou Gao.

The soul guidance device that was released ten thousand years in advance is undoubtedly more like dropping a giant atomic bomb in this era.

Comparing it with the weapons of this era, it is tantamount to a cold soldier fighting a hot weapon, being crushed in all directions and leaving no trace of wounds.

Such a creation that transcends the times, how can it not make Lou Gao, who lives by eating weapons, go crazy?

"Don't talk too much. What I want is your freedom, but you may not be willing to give it."


"Yes, if you want to learn, I will plant a soul restriction in your sea of ​​consciousness."

"After this ban is planted, if you disobey my orders or have even the slightest hint of betrayal, it will blow you up in an instant..."

"So, it's up to you to learn or not."

I don't know if Qin Shiyuan is not worried about Lou Gao's rejection at all, or if he doesn't care about the other party's joining.

His tone was extremely calm, without any urgency.

"I studied!"

Lou Gao's tone was extremely firm, without even the slightest hesitation.

"My intuition tells me that the soul guide proposed by Master Qin is a cause that I can devote the rest of my life to."

"And you are someone worthy of my following!"

"Okay, since you believe me, I won't say anything more."

Qin Shiyuan chuckled, then raised his hand and pointed towards Lou Gao's eyebrows.

"Relax your mind."

Lou Gao understood that this was what Qin Shiyuan said about soul restriction, and he immediately followed it obediently.

Just half a breath later, a gray air flow formed a hexagonal gray mark in his spiritual sea.

"Okay, you wait here, I will arrange your duties later."

Qin Shiyuan stopped his hand and looked at Lou Gao, whose eyes were filled with impatience.

He smiled faintly and handed over a book that was half a palm thick.

"The most important step in making a soul guide is the inscription of the core formation."

"Here are some of the formations we have developed so far in the Star Reaching Building. You can familiarize yourself with them in advance."

As soon as Qin Shiyuan finished speaking, Lou Gao's eyes lit up instantly.

As if he had seen some rare treasure, he slowly took it with trembling hands.

Then he walked to the corner alone without saying a word. The only sound left in the room was the sound of turning pages.

"Haha, Sword Douluo Chenxin, I didn't expect us to meet again so soon."

After Lou Gao was settled, Qin Shiyuan turned his head and looked at Chen Xin, who had been waiting for a long time.

Even after waiting for so long, there was still no hint of impatience in Chen Xin's eyes.

After standing up, he first bowed slightly towards Qin Shiyuan, and then said firmly without waiting for Qin Shiyuan to speak.

"Lord Qin, I want to become your teacher and learn the true meaning of the sword from you!"

"Haha, don't be anxious. There are some things about you that I haven't understood yet."

Qin Shiyuan waved his hand and smiled as he rejected the apprenticeship of this ninety-sixth level peak Douluo.

"You know what my relationship is with the Qibao Glazed Sect. I want to know what you think when you come here today?"

Chen Xin's body trembled slightly, and then his tone instantly turned cold, and he answered without any emotion.

"Master Qin, please rest assured that the Qibao Glazed Sect and I have completely broken off, and there is no possibility of our relationship being severed again."

"The broken arm of Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect, is Chen's determination!"

"Okay, then I won't ask any more questions about this matter."

Qin Shiyuan nodded slowly, but his tone lost the briskness he had when negotiating with Lou Gao.

Faintly, there was a bit more seriousness.

"I would like to ask Sword Douluo, what price are you willing to pay in order to cultivate sword intention?"

"I am willing to give up my freedom, just like Lou Gao, and voluntarily be planted with soul restrictions!"

Chen Xin's words were extremely decisive. For the sake of the sword and for revenge, he would give up everything.

"No, you got it wrong."

Qin Shiyuan slowly shook his head and said in a deep voice.

"This is the price you pay for learning sword power from me..."

"And what I'm asking is what price you can pay to cultivate your sword intent!"

"Cultivating sword intent...the price you need to pay..."

Qin Shiyuan's words made Chen Xin's eyes seem a little confused.

He really didn't know what price he had to pay to obtain the sword intention.

At this moment, Chen Xin seemed to have vaguely felt it.

This trip I took was definitely the most correct choice I have made in my wasted half-life.

"Master Qin, please forgive me for being stupid, sir, please tell me."

"It's very simple. Anyone who cultivates sword intention must have no distracting thoughts and concentrate on the sword!"

"And you, your mind is not calm and your thoughts are mixed."


Chen Xin chewed these words over and over again for a long time, although he still didn't understand what was wrong with him.

But the slight trembling feeling in his heart made him understand that Qin Shiyuan was right.

At this point, his expression became more respectful.

"Sir, please clarify."

"Revenge is just your distracting thought..."

"You shouldn't have it... let alone have it!"

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