Douluo: Beginning to fall in love with Bibi Dong

Chapter 148 Zhu's mother's voice, do not recommend that Cao Wei sits on Zhu's two sis

Cao Wei sensed that Zhang Xiaoge and Zhu Suosuo were approaching the small courtyard, so he quickly put on his clothes, opened the window, and used his soul power to emit the smell in the room.

Just as Zhu Shanshan got dressed, the two entered the courtyard.

"Hey, is someone in there?"

When Zhang Xiaoge and Zhu Suosuo entered the room, they saw Cao Wei and Zhu Shanshan drinking tea, as if they were talking about something.

"Suosuo, you are back."

Cao Wei saw the two get up slowly.

"Brother Cao, what were you doing just now?"

For some reason, Zhu Suosuo suddenly had a bad feeling.

But he didn't find anything, so he asked.

"We were discussing something just now."

"Suo Suo, I plan to support Dai Qing to ascend the throne."

Cao Wei had thought about it a long time ago and expressed his decision to support Dai Qing.

When Zhu Suosuo heard this, he was stunned.

Support Dai Qing!

But at the same time, she let down her vigilance.

For this reason it makes sense.

As early as when Zhu Shanshan was waiting outside for Zhang Xiaoge's recovery, she thought of it.

Although Zhu Shanshan is also concerned with Zhang Xiaoge's comfort, she is more concerned about whether Cao Wei's support can be obtained.

Seeing that the two of them chatted very well, it was clear that Zhu Shanshan had successfully persuaded Cao Wei.

In fact, it would be better for Dai Qing to ascend the throne.

After all, she and Cao Wei had already become enemies with Dai Qing.

If he becomes the emperor, he will definitely do everything possible to retaliate.

Even if Cao Wei is very powerful, there is always time to leave.

At that time, the Zhu family will usher in bad news.

"Brother Cao, you don't need to tell me what decision you make, I know you have a sense of propriety." Zhu Suosuo said.

"You mean you agree?" Cao Wei asked with a smile.

"Ah, do you want me to agree?"

Zhu Suosuo was dumbfounded when he heard his question.

Why do you still need her consent.

"Yes, you are my future wife. There are some things that I need to tell you so that you can make a choice."

"If you don't agree, then the cooperation discussed today will be over."

Cao Wei understands a woman's heart very well, and directly gave her a high step to go down.

Only in this way can she completely divert her attention and stop guessing.

When Zhu Shanshan heard about it, her heart jumped into her throat.

Isn't it okay?

Why do you have to get Zhu Suosuo's consent again, in case she really disagrees.

"Brother Cao, people, I don't have any objections, as long as you think it's good."

Zhu Suosuo was deeply moved, and Nuonuo blushed and muttered to himself.

Brother Cao is really kind to her.

Ask for her opinion on such an important matter.

She will treat him wholeheartedly in the future.

Seeing that she had no objection, Zhu Shanshan was relieved.

Frighten me to death.

"Okay, then it's settled."

"Zhu Shanshan, go back and tell Dai Qing to discuss matters at Laifu Restaurant tonight."

"You can go now!"

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Cao Wei asked Zhu Shanshan to leave first.

"Thank you Mr. Cao!"

Zhu Shanshan thanked her and turned to leave.

She found that Cao Wei was very scheming and strategic.

After a flicker, everything became natural.

This method is really too strong.

Fortunately she is not the enemy.

"Brother Cao, you don't need to ask me."

"I don't even know, you can decide for yourself."

After Zhu Shanshan left, Zhu Suosuo threw himself into his arms with a sense of happiness on his face.

"Ahem, you two just pretend that I don't exist."

Zhang Xiaoge said sourly.

"Okay, go back and rest first, and help me tidy up the guest room where I'm going to sleep."

"I'll stay here and help my aunt comb her body again, so that she can get well soon."

Cao Wei knew that Zhang Xiaoge was a little jealous, so he found a reason to let Zhu Suosuo leave first.

The elegant mood just now was interrupted, and I haven't had enough fun yet.


Zhu Suosuo nodded obediently, turned and left.

After Cao Wei left, with a wave of his hand, the doors of the courtyard and the room were closed.

"Young master Cao, you want to love my slave family again."

Seeing his actions, Zhang Xiaoge slowly undressed and walked in front of him.

"It's a good thing my sister Xiaoge understands me."

Cao Wei took off his clothes, kissed her, and put her in his arms.

"Young Master Cao, it shouldn't be that simple to talk about things with Shanshan just now."

Zhang Xiaoge pointed to the off-white stain on the stool in front of her, and said meaningfully.

Cao Wei fixed his eyes and was stunned.

What the hell!


Unexpectedly, there are still flaws left.


Cao Wei didn't know what to say for a while.

"Shh, you don't need to say it, I know it all."

"Actually, I don't mind what you do, as long as you have me in your heart."

Zhang Xiaoge knew who Cao Wei was, so she didn't dare to ask for it.

For her, no matter how many women Cao Wei has, she can accept it.

After all, she is not very good, and it is a blessing to be loved by Cao Wei, she dare not ask for more.

"You really don't mind?"

Cao Wei was stunned.

This is no ordinary letting go.

"Well, I just hope you can treat Shanshan and Suosuo better, and don't let them have conflicts and make their lives unhappy."

Zhang Xiaoge loves Zhu Suosuo and Zhu Shanshan very much.

No matter who it was, she didn't want to see them unhappy.

But the rules of the Xingluo Imperial Family are very cruel.

The prince and the daughters of the Zhu family were divided into several pairs, and the best pair was selected to accept the Star Luo Empire.

The fate of the defeated prince and Zhu's daughter will be in the hands of the winner.

Either kill him to avoid future troubles, or be imprisoned for life.

No matter which punishment it is, it is unacceptable to a mother.

What's more, the vast majority of winners will kill the losers.

Just because there were special cases before, the loser was imprisoned, but by relying on powerful means, he successfully rebelled and won the throne.

This is also the reason why the daughters of the Zhu family will all have feuds and treat their sisters as enemies.

The appearance of Cao Wei has saved Zhu Suosuo and avoided the tragedy.

From the bottom of his heart, Zhang Xiaoge was really grateful to him.

If Cao Wei can let Zhu Suosuo and Zhu Shanshan resolve their grievances and become good sisters again.

For her, she has no regrets.

"Don't worry about that, I will treat them well."

"It's just that Shanshan was going to suffer a while ago."

After Cao Wei finished speaking, he hugged Zhang Xiaoge.

"Thank you!"

Zhang Xiaoge thanked Cao Wei and tried his best to serve Cao Wei and repay his kindness.

As night fell, Cao Wei came to Laifu Restaurant.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, he saw Zhu Shanshan waiting downstairs.

In addition, there are people with many influences here.

Among them was Dai Xiang.

"Young Master Cao, you are here."

When Zhu Shanshan saw Cao Wei, she greeted him with a smile on her face.

"Has Dai Qing come?" Cao Wei asked.

"His Royal Highness has arrived and is waiting for you." Zhu Shanshan replied.

"Well, let's go up!"

Cao Wei nodded and walked upstairs.

When everyone present saw this scene, their eyes were filled with shock.

They knew that the meeting between Cao Wei and Dai Qing was a change in the court situation.

With the support of Cao Wei, Dai Qing will definitely be able to ascend the throne

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