Double Straw Hat Comparison: Original Luffy Crashes

Chapter 68

Chapter 68 Kaido Is A Stick, Let You Reach The Pinnacle Of Life!

“Learn to be tyrannical with a stick? Hehe, blow, you can continue blowing!”

The original world, Wanokuni.

Kaido looked at his barrage in the second world in the sky, and sneered in his heart.

He’s just a muscular guy, but that doesn’t mean his brain is all muscle.

Learn to bully with a stick, this kind of nonsense that even a child can’t say.

Unexpectedly, someone would really say that.

I’m not afraid of the wind flashing my tongue.

[Auntie: Well, well, I didn’t expect you, Kaido, to have this kind of ability. Now you give each of my children a stick, and see if they can master all of them. 】

【If you can’t, I will ask you for it!】

Cake Island.

Dear mother’s sons and daughters,

Originally, they were happily eating melons.

As a result, eating melons came to my own home.

They all cried and went to find their aunt.

“Woooooh, mom, you can’t treat us like this!”

“Yeah, why did you let us beat us more?”

“We are your own!!!”

“We don’t have a father anymore, we only have a mother like you.

“Woooooo, mom, we only want to be beaten by you!”

Katakuri, cold and cold, watched his brothers and sisters play tricks.

He frowned suddenly.

“Okay! Mom was just joking.”

“Is it necessary to react so much?”

“If you continue to make trouble like this, I don’t need mother to do it, I will beat you up first!”


Katakuri looked at the barrage in the sky.

【Kaido: Heh, Linlin, just listen to him, how can you learn how to bully? Are you just kidding around?】

【He must have taught that kid secretly for many years, so he taught it!】

【If it was taught by him with a stick, I will leave my words here! I will eat Ollie!】

【I said!】

【Even if Roger comes, it’s useless!】

second world.

The sixth floor of the submarine prison.

Wearing a prison uniform, watching the screen in the sky projected by the phone bug in front of him, flashing his own barrage in the original world.

Hehe smiled.

Put down the chopsticks in your hands, and don’t eat the rice,

It directly opened the crazy mocking mode.

【Second Kaido: Good! You said it! Whoever doesn’t eat will be a puppy!】

【Kaido: Yes! That’s what I said! Hehehe, if it’s not the time, you can give me Ollie!】

【Second Kaido: It’s a deal! People from both worlds are watching!】

【Auntie: Well, well, anyway, I remember it, Kaido, if you break your oath, I will come to the door and force you to eat!!!】

【Sengoku: Eating melon…】

【Garp: Eating melon……】

【Crane Vice Admiral:……】

Sabaody Archipelago.

Rayleigh in the original world, looking at the barrage in the sky.

At this time, he couldn’t help frowning.

“A stick that learns Conqueror’s winding?”

“Hehe, are you kidding me?”

“I think back then, it took three months for me and Roger to learn how to be a bully!”

“That’s pretty fast!”

“You know, Jabba, that guy, spent three years and didn’t even touch the door of the bully!”

“Kaido, how capable are you that you can instantly teach others to be tyrannical?”

【Rayleigh: The adaptation is not random making up, and the joke is not nonsense, Kaido in the second world, you say you can teach others to bully? I don’t believe it!】

[You must know that Haki’s practice is not something ordinary people can do. 】

[It requires strong willpower and concentration. This alone cannot be achieved by Common people. Only those who have experienced many life-and-death battles can have this qualification.

[Not to mention, still Conqueror’s Haki wraps. 】

【This is several times harder than Armament Haki!】

【Let me just ask, how many people have learned Armament Haki winding in an instant?】

[Roger (deceased): Hehe, I also agree with Rayleigh’s point of view. It took me three months to learn how to stalk. That’s it, the person who taught us… ahem, he still Praise us and say that we are geniuses, because some people will never learn it in their entire lives!】

【Second Roger (deceased): agree!!!】

【Rocks (deceased): Three months to learn how to be a stalker? Hehe, Roger, you can’t do it. It took me two and a half months to master the trick of being a stalker!】

[Second Rocks (deceased): Even I can only master Batang in more than two months, Kaido, you said you can teach others with a stick? Are you lying to a fool???】

【Back then, you were on my boat. I could tell what kind of shit you were going to do when you poked your ass. I don’t know what kind of virtue you have?】

【Hehe, who was crying and begging me back then, saying “Brother Rocks, teach me Conqueror’s winding, you can do whatever you want”!”】

【Second Kaido: Cough cough, Captain Rocks, I don’t want to talk about this, this is my black history!】

【Second aunt: I can testify, how immature Kaido was back then! How kawaii, how annoying he is now!】

【Yamato: Immature daddy? Cough cough, dare not think, dare not think…】

【Second Kaido: Enough! What I said is true! That kid named Luffy really learned how to be a bully all at once!!!】

The second world, the sixth floor of the submarine prison.

The second Kaido, extremely depressed.

Obviously, he is not proud of his “talent”, but rather distressed.

“Made! Do you think, Laozi, I really like this talent of mine?”

“Since that fellow Hanyu discovered my talent.”

“Just keep me locked in this submarine prison, and let me mass-produce Haki powerhouses every day!”

Thinking of this,

The second Kaido, there is a hint of smoldering on his face.

“Hmph, since you don’t believe me, you will all be slapped in the face by then!”

At the same time, he also issued a provocative barrage.

【Second Kaido: Hehe, me in the original world, you will regret it when the time comes!】

[As for why I regret it, I won’t say!]

【Hahaha, I really want to see your regretful expression when the time comes!】

The original world.


Kaido clicked his tongue and looked at the barrage.

The guy in the second world, actually keeps saying that his stick can teach others to be tyrannical?

This is simply slander! Slander!!!


He picked up his mace.

With malicious eyes, he looked at Quinn who was dancing in the distance.

“Quinn, don’t you want to have King Thrai?”

Quinn, who was twisting her waist and pouting her buttocks, leading the dance, suddenly felt a chill in the back of her head.

With a stiff neck, he turned his head slowly,


He saw the big brother Kaido with bright eyes.

“Ah! Brother, this is not an experiment!”

“I don’t have the qualifications of Conqueror’s Haki! That’s the potential that only those who want to be kings have, ah, brother, I don’t have the heart to rebel, you have always been the king in my heart!

【Quinn: Ahh! What to do! Brother Kaido now thinks he can beat others out of Haki, and now he is going to beat me violently, ahhh…】

【Quinn: Please forgive me, Brother Kaido……】

【Aunt: Oh my god, Kaido is a domestic violence!】

【Jin: It’s dangerous. Fortunately, I’m honest. It should be that Quinn looks too fat and too resistant to beating. Hehe, this is the end of not losing weight!】

【 Jack: What? Brother Kaido is beating Quinn violently? Little ones, bring the boat over for me. 】

People of two worlds.

Watching dumbfounded, Kaido and they quarreled.

Even the dead Roger and others were involved.

“I’m going, this is the annual event!”

“Kaido was very moist when he was young, bah! I was wrong, he was very tender, and the aunt still called him kawaii?”

“It’s over, I imagined the scene of Big Mom looking at Kaido’s muscles with a wretched face and drooling in my mind.”

“Hey, I’m disgusted to death, vomit~~~~~~”

“However, there is one thing to say, I still have the bounty offered by my aunt when she was young, and she is really pretty.

“Uh, how young is he also a handsome guy?”

“Damn, between the two of them, could it be that… there is an affair?!!!”

“It’s very possible! How about you see, Big Mom gave birth to Katakuri and Smoothie, such a powerful general!”

“I’ll go! In that case, Kaido’s child, does it mean that there is also the blood of Big Mom?”

“Damn it! Another very important point, Big Mom was on the Rocks’ boat, and there was Golden Lion and Whitebeard on board…”

“Tsk tsk, a woman and a group of men went out on the same boat, and they had to talk for three days and two nights…”

at the same time.

The picture in the sky has already unfolded.

The screen came to a small island.

On the small island, there is Straw Hat Luffy from the original world, and Rayleigh from the original world.

Rayleigh looked at the straw hat Luffy, “Today, I will teach you Haki!”

“Remember, I only teach you for two years!”

“In two years, how much you can learn depends on your own luck.”

Rayleigh of the original world, see this scene.

His brows furrowed.

Unexpectedly, this comparison system can actually simulate the scene where I speak.

Moreover, it is no different from his own tone of voice and personality, etc.?

However, he wants to see if this simulated self can teach others Haki?

at this time.

The screen changed.

The original Luffy’s eyes have been blindfolded, and behind him, the original Rayleigh with a stick is attacking Luffy.

“The first is Observation Haki, which is an ability that can be perceived without the five senses, which is equivalent to the sixth sense.”

“Now, you start to guess from which direction I will attack you, don’t use hearing, smell, etc., use your intuition!”


“It hurts!”

The original Luffy, the first dodge, didn’t dodge.

was hit directly by the stick.

And the amazing thing is that he is a rubber man, and he will be swollen by a wooden stick…

Rayleigh smiled and said, “How is it, does it hurt?”

“This is the Armament Haki, the Haki who can do great damage to the survivor!”

“However, Armament Haki is harder than Observation Haki!”

“Now you can’t even master the basic Observation Haki.”

“Don’t even think about Armament Haki…”

Luffy rubbed his head.

His expression became serious.

“Observation Haki, Armament Haki?”

“Huh! I must learn!”

While the screen is playing.

Many people in the two worlds, unconsciously, began to follow Rayleigh in the picture


Start practicing.

To know,

This is Pluton Rayleigh’s Haki tutorial!

Still free.

It is impossible for Common people to have this kind of opportunity to learn in a lifetime!

Now it’s just the shit luck of eight lifetimes to see the true story of Rayleigh’s teaching.

If you don’t learn, you don’t learn!!!

“々. Ah, I turned over on the bed and decided to write it down and practice tomorrow.”

“This is the Haki teaching of Pluton Rayleigh, the strongest Haki man in the world!”

“Be sure to learn! Write it down first!”

“You, it’s you, yes, you hit me and help me learn!”

“Damn it! You’re really fighting!”

“With this Observation Haki, I no longer have to worry about being discovered by the teacher when reading novels in class.”

And some people who have already learned the color of knowledge.

At this time, I also carefully watched Rayleigh’s teaching process.

They want to know, what is the understanding of Pluton in Legendary about the color of knowledge.

This is undoubtedly a rare opportunity for them.

After all, it is impossible to communicate with a big man like Rayleigh on weekdays.




Luffy got hit again and again by Rayleigh.

It’s already a long bag.

And Rayleigh does.

But without the slightest impatience.

On the contrary, he was very patient, as if he had expected that Luffy would not be able to learn Observation Haki overnight.

【Kaido: Hmph! Did you see that? Even Rayleigh, an old guy, even Observation Haki, can’t learn it so quickly!】

【Rayleigh: Although, Haki cannot be mastered overnight. Trying to master Haki in a short time is a crooked way!】

[Second Kaido: Hehe, I will quietly watch your performance, and then watch you get slapped in the face. 】

【Aunt: Be stubborn! Keep talking!】

[Second aunt: Believe me, I am in another world, Kaido is really special…]

【Aunt: Well, well, I never thought that you in another world would join forces to deceive people, right?】

【Second Shanks: Believe me, really, Kaido is really special…】

[Whitebeard: Kulala la la la, I can’t imagine that the Four Emperors in another world are so worthless, they actually did a deceit! Hmph “I look down on you!”

【Second Whitebeard: Really, really, really believe us, Kaido is special!】

No matter how people in the second world explain it.

It is impossible for people in the original world to believe that the Kaido of the second world can teach others to be tyrannical with one stick.

the reason is simple.

It has been clearly shown in the screen (Nuo Qian Zhao), that even Pluton Rayleigh cannot teach others Haki overnight.

That also needs to be learned bit by bit.

second world.

Naval Headquarters.

Hanyu stroked his chin.

“It seems that I can’t hide my Haki Legion plan.”

“Using Kaido to create a large number of Haki users, and helping Vice Admiral and above to awaken high-level Haki skills, will Five Elders consider it rebellious?”

“Hmph, I want to see how the Five Elders will react when they know Marine’s current strength.

at the same time.

The dragon of the second world, looking at the barrage [subconsciously touched the back of his head.

At the beginning, the feeling of being hit by Kaido’s stick is still painful until now.


Long suddenly gasped and shivered.

“Damn! Why did you recall it again?”

And there are not a few Marine executives who feel the same way as dragons.

But anyone who has some difficulty with the entry of Haki.

They all asked Kaido for help.

And at this time,

These people looked at the barrage.

It’s all a bit of a “true headache”.

“Made! Why did you remember it again!”

“Painful memories of that year!”

“Yeah, being forced to find Kaido by that guy Hanyu, what a horrible experience!”

“Ah! Ah! Ah! Thinking about it now, it’s still a shameful memory! I’m so ashamed that I almost snapped out three rooms and one living room with my toes!”


“Wuuuuuu, Marshal Hanyu, you have to take responsibility for me!”

“I was hit with a stick by Kaido back then, and now the back of my head is a little sunken!”


“The so-called gift from fate has already marked its price in secret.”

“Although you were beaten, you also got your experience!”

“Ghost spider, you said you didn’t know Emission at the beginning, but it turned out to be a stick, and now Emission is a thief!”

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