Double Straw Hat Comparison: Original Luffy Crashes

Chapter 37

Chapter 37 Sabo Innocent? Five Elders Are Green

Second World, Naval Headquarters, Office of the Marshal.

“Made! Isn’t this so crazy?”

The second Sengoku is now dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, the Marines are so united and bloody!

Stand up to the Five Elders!

Hanyu said calmly: “Those who can be Marine are not ordinary people, at least they have a little persistence in their hearts.”

“If a Sabo who represents justice is to be executed in such a public manner, it will completely smash their beliefs, which is more uncomfortable than killing them, so they would rather die than see this happen.”

“Blu blu blu—”

Suddenly, the phone bug rang.

Sengoku looked at Hanyu suddenly.

In the eyes, there is an indescribable complex color.

At this time, only Five Elders was calling Hanyu.

In other words, the final judgment on Sabo has been delivered!

Hanyu’s expression was unresponsive, and he answered the phone directly.

“Hello? Five Elders?”

Hanyu’s tone didn’t have the slightest hint of politeness.

At this time, on the other end of the phone.

The Five Elders of the Second World didn’t realize this at all.

Now they, the most worrying thing,

It was the Celestial Dragons who were killed, it was the Marine executives who were about to quit the Marine,

As for Hanyu’s tone of voice, they subconsciously ignored it.

“Hanyu, regarding Sabo, I think there is room for negotiation.”

“You come forward as your marshal, and tell the Marines to stop messing around!”

said the first Five Elders.

However, soon another Five Elders chimed in:

“How did you become a marshal!?”

“Just watching Marine’s people make a fuss like this?”

“Now, you Marines have been thrown into another world for shame!”

Hanyu crossed Erlang’s legs.

Staring at Five Elders with displeasure.

“When you ask for help, you should have the attitude of asking for help!”

“With your current attitude, it’s hard for me to think of any way to rest Marine.”


Second Holy Land.

The Second Five Elders were furious.

Unexpectedly, Hanyu actually spoke to them in such an arrogant tone,


They didn’t think much of it,

just thought,

Hanyu is the same as other Marines,

Angry because they were going to execute Sabo.


At this time, they didn’t care too much.

He just suppressed the anger in his heart.

One of the Five Elders said calmly: “If Marine is disbanded, you have nothing to do as a marshal.”

“So, the top priority is to stabilize Marine first!”


Hanyu agreed.


Before the Five Elders keep talking shit,

Hang up the phone directly.


With the phone bug hanging up.

Second Holy Land.

The Five Elders who are about to continue to reprimand Hanyu,

Suddenly dumbfounded.

“This, what kind of attitude is this?”


at this time.

screen in the sky.

A barrage of Hanyu,


[Second Garp: Hehe, who is afraid of whom? Exit Marine at worst! 】

[Second Dragon: Want to execute Sabo? Step over my dead body first! 】

[Second Luffy: Sabo and I will always stand together! 】

[Second Ace: If you want to kill Sabo, ask me first! 】

【Hanyu: Well, stop messing around, Sabo doesn’t need to be executed, Five Elders has acquitted Sabo of his crimes, and will not continue to question Sabo in the future. 】

In an instant, the barrage cleared.

The Marines, who were originally excited, saw this scene,

All shut their mouths.

“Damn it, it really succeeded!”

“We, actually forced the Five Elders, to change their decision!”

“Sabo killed the Celestial Dragons without dying! This is simply unprecedented!”

“Hahaha, awesome!”

“I didn’t expect Marshal Hanyu to speak up.”

“Hehe, since Marshal Hanyu spoke, we can only give Marshal Hanyu some face.”


Second holiest Mariejois.

Second Five Elders,

Seeing Hanyu’s barrage,

Suddenly his face turned green.

“Excuse Sabo?”

“Will you not pursue it in the future?”

“When did we say these words?”

The second Five Elders, originally thought that after this matter subsides,

Trouble with Sabo again.

That is the so-called settlement after autumn.


Hanyu blocked their mouths with one sentence directly.

If they continue to entangle now.

I’m afraid that the Marine will immediately explode like a ignited powder keg!


someone’s reaction,

Than Five Elders’ reaction,

Even bigger!

[Harbor Demisan: What’s the situation? This guy named Hanyu, you are the Marine Marshal, right? what’s the situation? Why isn’t Sabo, a pariah, being held accountable for his crimes? Did our Celestial Dragons die in vain? 】

[Shalulia Palace: It’s the other way around! It’s the other way around! The mere untouchables are so arrogant! 】

【Dorosina Palace: Master Five Elders, I think this guy named Hanyu doesn’t need to continue to be the Marine Marshal, just execute him and that pariah named Sabo to death together! 】

Celestial Dragons of the Second World,

All launched barrage.

There is absolutely no way they could spare the untouchables who killed the Celestial Dragons.

not to mention,

Celestial Dragons are threatened by untouchables for such a thing,

Absolutely intolerable for these spoiled Celestial Dragons.

in their worldview.

Even if the untouchables all over the world are dead, it is not as important as one of their fingers! ! !



A figure suddenly appeared above the Celestial Dragons’ residence.

“Shut up!”

The Five Elders shouted loudly, and at the same time emitted a powerful Conqueror’s Haki.

In an instant, all the Celestial Dragons were foaming at the mouth, fainted and fell to the ground.

The Five Elders were furious,

Really, obviously the problem is almost solved.

This group of trash actually came out to make trouble at this time.

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