Dou Po starts with different fire

Chapter 423 7 Fairies

Chapter 423 Seven Fairies

"Bianca Truth, Fire Spirit Demon, you attack from the east, remember to block the way of these people, and then don't let them have a chance to escape, otherwise our battle this time will be in vain, because This is Pan Taoyuan, so our identities must not be revealed."

Yun Shenwei first commanded two people to chase and intercept them. These two people are not particularly strong in frontal combat, but they are relatively fast, so they can assist and guard on the side.

"Hun Ao Ran, Hun Li, Kurom, the ability of the three of you to fight head-on is not bad, so go up and block them first."

Yun Shenwei was in command again, and the other three people launched a frontal attack. He himself mobilized the power of the system, and then turned on the super laser cannon to aim at these enemies in the field. Because the super laser cannon took a long time to prepare, he needed to carry out Fast calculation, and because the super laser cannon comes from another world, it is difficult to use the space law across the world, but it is not difficult to have the help of the system, it only takes a few seconds to crack it.

"Yun Shenwei, you take yourself too seriously, don't you want to stop us with this little ability? There are so few people who can't even see between their teeth. I really don't know where you got the courage. You won't be crossing time. After crossing the space, let’s play with your brain badly. This area of ​​ours is not the human world you are in. Here is our powerful dark ability user who has the final say. Besides, even the Jade Emperor can’t find our existence, you What is it, don’t hurry to die.”

Those with dark abilities couldn't stand it anymore, so they used the power of their explosive bombs.

At this time, a lot of bombs seemed to appear out of thin air one after another. Now Coulom, Bianca and even Karenina, these people have been severely hit, and some of them can't bear it anymore. , but they know that they must not admit defeat here, and that would be a failure.

"Yun Shenwei, quickly let them come to my side. I have potions to restore your body here. My potions can allow you to quickly grasp the power of the current world. I know you are not from this world, but I see you He is also a good person, so I will help you."

The Seventh Fairy is still very kind-hearted. She knows what is a bad person and what is a good person, so it is absolutely impossible for him to watch the person who helped him sacrifice in vain. It is necessary to pay attention to principles, let alone hate those hypocritical dark ability users.

"Understood, I'll come over right away, you wait for me a little bit, and besides, everyone spread out quickly, don't get hit by the bomb of the dark ability user, otherwise you will be seriously injured. The ability contained in the bomb seems to be able to destroy our attack ability, And... Only then can you destroy your recovery ability. It can be said that this kind of bomb is beyond my cognition. Even the system cannot create such a powerful bomb. It can only be said that they have more advantages in this world than us Much more."

Yun Shenwei ran over immediately after hearing the arrangement of the Seven Fairies. At the same time, he also taught these people around him not to rush blindly and never use their own lives to make jokes. Sometimes it is a good thing to take the initiative to attack, but it also requires It depends on the occasion, if you choose to fight hard when you can't beat it, then the final end will definitely be a sacrifice in vain, which will only waste your vital strength.

"Hun Aoran, you all go to the east to evacuate first, I will stop you from behind, don't want Wang Le, I have the power of lightning, so even if his bombs are very powerful, they can't catch up with me. Although you guys attack The power is stronger than mine, but the movement speed is slower than mine, let you run away first, this is also my final decision, you just carry out the order."

Coulom has always been a very responsible person. It is impossible for him to watch his companions stay, so he took the initiative to take on the most difficult task and started to stop the dark ability users. Willing, but they can only obey the order. They quickly evacuated to a safe area, and Coulom himself used his sickle for defense.

"Culom, you bastards look down on us dark ability users too much. You have been keeping a low profile, so you can look down on us. Since you are so arrogant and arrogant, you take the initiative to leave one person behind, then let you die today. .”

The dark ability users were really angry, so they first forcibly obtained a few flat peaches around them, and then continued to absorb this moment, they mastered the ability of the current world's law of heaven.

"Under my law of heaven, I still don't believe that you, a little human being, can still avoid it."

The head of the dark ability user suddenly turned around, and a bigger bomb appeared in the next moment, and this bomb seemed a bit empty. Not only that, but when the bomb appeared, it actually flew towards Kurom, but everyone didn't know what to do. I just don't know, even when Coulom reacted, it was too late.

"You bastard, if Culom dies here today, I want all of you dark power users to be buried with him."

"Culom, run away quickly, don't die, you are our good brother here, and you have always treated me like a leading brother."

"Bastards, you guys are going too far. It's just fighting for flat peaches. Is it necessary to make a living?"


When several other people saw this scene, they felt very sad in their hearts, but nothing could stop them, because they were too far away and their abilities were not enough.

Although Yun Shenwei also wants to help, but he is now at the most critical moment of acquiring the current world's abilities, so he can't help!
His eyes were also wide open, and he even clenched his fists. He knew that after he fully mastered his abilities, he must fight out to avenge Kurom immediately.

"Hahaha, I just like to see you angry and helpless. Don't think that you people look very powerful, but in fact you are still far behind us."

The dark power users were triumphant. The move just now was nothing more than the ability they exploded after absorbing Pan Tao. To put it bluntly, even if these human beings blocked it together in front, it was useless, because all the dark power users burst out their power together. stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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