Doomsday Bunker Upgrade

Chapter 31 - Kitchen and medical room

   Chen Xin doesn’t know whether building a kitchen is to improve his living conditions, but Chen Xin has already clearly felt the increase in his daily settlement after improving his living conditions.

   Because after he upgraded the ventilation system, the survival points settled that night increased from 10 to 11.

   The improvement of the ventilation system only increased the survival point of daily settlement by 1 point, which undoubtedly made Chen Xin feel a little bit less, but in any case, it can improve the survival point of daily settlement, which is great news.

   Therefore, Chen Xin also invested with confidence in the renovation of the kitchen, and wanted to build a kitchen to see if he could get more survival points.

   Although this plan is on the agenda, Chen Xin has also worked hard to sort out a place to put the induction cooker, pots and utensils, and tableware for eating, but without a survival point, all of this can only be seen and eaten.

   Fortunately, the system provides a preview function to let Chen Xin know that his idea of ​​organizing a kitchen is achievable, otherwise the pile of things he cleans can only be called kitchen utensils, not a kitchen.

   “simple simple kitchen”

   “Upgrade plan 1: Upgrade one-piece integrated induction cooker, add sink, add wall-mounted cabinets, upgrade requires 200 survival points”

  ”Upgrade plan 2: Add an integrated multifunctional integrated stove, add a sink, add a desktop dishwasher, and upgrade the required survival point 350″

   Seeing that the induction cooker and pots, which the system organizes itself together, defaulted to the kitchen, Chen Xin felt relieved a lot, but also excited.

Obviously, the system is not only about upgrading existing rooms. He can remodel the kitchen and put other supplies together to create functional rooms such as medical rooms and gymnasiums, even if they are not opened yet. Which electronic products of the box can also create a game room or entertainment room.

   This is obviously more practical than upgrading the existing rooms, or upgrading the entire shelter as a whole, to see if new rooms appear.

   The kitchen upgrade does not require many survival points. Chen Xin decided that if there are no other upgrade options for the time being, then the kitchen will be his first choice for the next upgrade.

Of course, in addition to the kitchen, the medical room is also Chen Xin’s first choice, but unfortunately, even if the medical supplies on his hand are organized together, the system does not default to the medical room like those kitchen utensils, but only They are regarded as medical appliances, and the upgrade plan given is also an option to upgrade to a medicine cabinet or a medical equipment package.

   This makes Chen Xin a little frustrated, so that he can’t get a medical room in a short time.

But this is normal. After all, his medical equipment is only an outdoor first aid kit and a family medicine kit. The outdoor first aid kit is still a simple version. It is not far from handling some minor injuries, but if you want to perform surgery like a battlefield first aid kit, you can do it. Uncaught.

   Therefore, if Chen Xin wants to have a medical room, he has to wait for the outside environment to settle down, exchange or collect some medical equipment, and then try to integrate it into a medical room.

   Of course, if Chen Xinken spends all his survival points on medical supplies and keeps upgrading his first aid kit and medicine kit, then it is not impossible to upgrade to a medical room.

   But that kind of medical room’s technological level falls into the category of science fiction, and the cost of survival will be a number that Chen Xin cannot bear.

   Therefore, after careful consideration, Chen Xin gave up the idea of ​​integrating a medical room.

   At least as long as the external environment is stable and before he can go out, Chen Xin doesn’t plan to get a medical room.

   And even if you can go out, getting a medical room is not a priority when it is not necessary. Chen Xin feels that we should just go with the flow and consider the medical room when there is spare capacity to collect medical resources.

   After tossing again, he confirmed that the next upgrade plan was to upgrade the kitchen. Only then did Chen Xin put the first aid kit and medicine kit that had been turned out back into the cabinet in the living room.

   When putting back the first aid kit and medicine box, Chen Xin also noticed the big iron box under the cabinet. It was the iron box Chen Xin used to store various electronic products.

  Because meteorite impact will disrupt the ionosphere and cause EMP shock waves, before entering the refuge, Chen Xin had wrapped all the electronic products in tin foil, and then locked them in this large iron box.

  Only in this way can the EMP shock wave caused by the meteorite impact turn these electronic products into a pile of scrap iron.

You must know that being in the evacuation shelter is very boring. Even if Chen Xin is assisted by the system, the few days after entering the evacuation shelter are farming, upgrading the ventilation system, tossing the kitchen, and tidying up medical appliances. Apart from worrying about the outside environment, time basically has nothing to do.

   If Xin Chen doesn’t have a system in his hands, he might be in a state of panic all day long.

After all, the only preparation he made was this from inside and outside, and when it was difficult to obtain external information, it was difficult to know whether he could survive successfully, and it would inevitably affect his future and humanity. Worried about the future.

   Chen Xin didn’t want to wait until he opened the door of the refuge to go out in the future, the entire Blue Star had been completely destroyed, and he was the only one living in the world.

   If it really becomes that kind of situation, Chen Xin feels that he might wipe his neck and feel better.

   He can’t imagine how painful it would be to live alone and die as the last human being if it really becomes like that.

   That kind of courage to persevere in the face of loneliness and loneliness, Chen Xin felt that it would be difficult for him to do the same as the protagonist in the movie “I Am A Legend”. Faced with danger and loneliness, he persisted in living alone.

With this in mind, Chen Xin couldn’t help but want to take out the electronic products in the box. In addition to mobile phones, computers and game consoles that can be used to pass the time, there are also shortwave radio stations, which can be used to communicate. Outside stuff.

  Before entering the shelter, Chen Xin made an appointment with the group of friends in the survival group, and when he was able to use the shortwave radio, he would send messages and contact each other on the channels that had been discussed in advance.

   But Chen Xin finally resisted this impulse and did not open the iron box.

   On the one hand, the impact of the EMP shock wave may not have subsided, on the other hand, even if it is taken out, the shortwave radio station is still unavailable.

Chen Xin’s refuge is not as simple as digging a basement under the building. Above the entire refuge is a mountain with a height of more than two hundred meters. The thick soil layer can not only protect Chen Xin and the refuge from external influences. , But also isolates the incoming of all signals.

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