Don't mind the lyrics

Chapter 156: Ch 156: It's Okay.

It's okay to cry a little, scream out,

And show your weaker and vulnerable side.

It's okay to fail, get disappointed,

And keep your family aside.

It's okay to be alone, uncharted,

Like those free birds of prey.

It's okay to fall down, hard and strong,

Leaving your home and life astray.

It's okay to give up when the pain is too much,

It's okay to cry when you're sad.

Maybe they will see you, laugh at you,

But it's still not bad.

It's okay to be fall behind, lose your game,

It certainly doesn't mean an end to you.

It's okay to shift and switch when needed,

There always a plan B for you.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.