Don't Mind Me Living In Another World Certainly Not As The Hero

Chapter 6: 6 - Four Rising Stars

Our little party did not end our hunt on that first day after the fall of the rabbit but instead carried on for another three successful hunts.

Thanks to our formation of a proper party my boosted experience gain and rate needed to level up applied to them as well, and thanks to that even split four ways their level up rate was boosted significantly.

Thanks to this we could hunt for effectively as their own power levels approached my own.

We were of course scolded as a group by Sister upon our return but the kids were all pleased to see our supper that day included rabbit mean even as little as we managed to hunt, while the rabbit furs were saved up since merchants only infrequently visited the village.

After this day our group made tracks for the forest almost every day, the guys were enjoying the thrill of getting to hunt, while our sister was just pleased to see we were all getting along and she enjoyed being praised for bringing home the bacon (rabbit meat) more than anything.

Our hunting successes continued to rise the greater our levels grew.

At least until I reached my first road block.

And that was when I got to Villager Lvl 25, as I unlocked a new job Senior Villager Lvl 1, and upon testing I did not get 26 SP for taking on the job, so to keep my strength and the number of SP to spend on other skills I would need to spend to get the 3rd job unlock to possess all three available jobs at once.

My points were at forty, raised to forty-one once I had my third job even though the third job cost three points to possess.

I used the extra points to acquire [Crit Chance 15%} for three points, and then on our next forest visit I would use the remaining three to get a rank 2 sword, that will further increase our hunting yields and maybe open new job classes to me ones only obtainable to sword wielders.

So with my siblings own levels having reach 18 themselves, we set forth once more to the forest depths.

And just like I planned after the 3rd successful kill by our wooden weapons, I broke away from the others who were resting, to go take a leak, I came back wielding a sword which drew great attention from the three.

"Whoa! Where did you get that!"

"Yeah yeah, we want one too!"

"Soo coool Big bro!"

The sword clutched in my hand looked like it was gleaming, a pure silver sword with the name of Arondight, the sword itself was powerful to, being a Rank 2 sword form the system when I appraised it I was told just how powerful it really was.

Arondight [HP Drain] [Ignore Level Gap 5] [Defense Break]

Each time I struck the blade into a foe, what little bruises or cuts I had gotten were healed, not in an instant but well any healing affect is good enough for me!

That day led to our greatest hunt and getting us all praises by the adults of the village as our position as the four rising stars were cemented within their minds.

We'd hunted enough such that each member of our family got their own rabbit steak for supper, and we even had extra's to trade for extra potatoes or other vegetables.

The number of rabbit furs we collected was also getting sizeable and would surely net a fine profit when the merchants arrived for the fall harvest season.

The attention we gained in the village was nice, no longer were we just orphaned brats being looked down upon, or shunned simply for living but now an integral part of the village pulling off greater yields as a party than the villages own hunters who also went after rabbits but returned with only a few pieces per day.

Thankfully the monster reproduction rate seemed high as our hunting yields only continued to grow, and with it our grinded experience points.

The other new thing I found out was that jobs indeed were gained not only by level but by method, since my first kill with a sword got me the swordsman job, I shared the sword briefly with the others to make sure they all could gain the same job, the bonus in strength was greater plus it gave an endurance boost as well so it was better to have them grow as swordsmen rather than simply remain as villagers, I mean if there was benefit later on I could switch them back, but well so far only Farmer had a real benefit aside from Swordsman.

But increased crop yield wasnt' useful for us, so remaining swordsmen with access to [Slash] was all the better, but I could do without all the chanting needed to unleash [Slash] it was like being forced to hang around Chunni's

"By blade and spark, let shadows flash, cleave the air - unleash the [Slash]"

I admit any swing of a sword was easily two to three times stronger after the change but ugh, so embarrassing to see everyone doing this chant to engage the skill.

thanks to the visiting merchants we managed to sell all our saved up rabbits fur and even got a set of three copper swords for my siblings to use now we were the four swordsmen, and not a rabbit alive was safe from our hunting.

The grown ups even gave us a backpack like bag to carry our spoils in since our yields could be higher though we complained loudly upon returning a couple times about having to stop early since we couldn't carry everything.

Before we knew it us eight year old children had become the primary source of meat in the entire village, not yet having undergone the rite of awakening but recognized as prodigies and rising stars by all the villagers and even the merchants.

But then would come the biggest moment and the true turning point when the year turned again and we were faced with our biggest challenge as the season turned to summer once again.

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