Don't Destroy the World

40 - Unravel

Ember's mother gaped at her. Her eyes widened as a wave of emotions flickered across her face. Ember waited, wondering which of the feelings she would settle on. Finally, her mother balled up her hands and narrowed her eyes.

"Are you really my daughter?"

The words felt like a slap across the face. Ember dropped her illusion and stood there. Hurt flashed in her eyes before she regained herself. Though what her mother said was unexpected it wasn't a strange reaction. She was an illusionist who had deceived her with tricks and lies. On top of that, Ember acted differently, had abilities she hadn't had before, and knowledge that even her parents didn't know. It wouldn't be too strange to think of her as a completely different person.

Still, it hurt.

"Yes," she said. She couldn't bring herself to look at her mother and see the doubt in her eyes.

Silence hung in the room and Ember waited for her to express her doubts further.

A long sigh broke the silence and Ember looked at her mother to see her watching her. There was no anger or doubt, instead there was only disappointment.

"You lied to me and your father and tricked us," her mother said bluntly.

"Yes," Ember said, growing defensive. "I thought it was the best way to get us safely away from Lord Felis."

Her mother's lips tightened. "I suppose it partly worked."

Ember winced.

Another sigh spilled from her mother's mouth and she turned her head looking deep in thought. No one said anything, though Rowan looked nervously between the two and shifted in his seat.

Finally, her mother returned to herself and when she looked at Ember, her eyes flashed with resolve.

"Ember, you are asking me to trust you but have done everything in your power to show me I shouldn't."

Ember couldn't deny that. She could explain that she was doing it to protect them but she knew that wasn't the only reason. She hadn't trusted them and she was still keeping secrets. She didn't feel like she needed to tell her parents everything but she could have at least trusted them with her plans.

Ember folded her hands in her lap, looking down at the table. The scent of cooked ham overpowered the room and her stomach churned.

"No more lies," her mother said firmly.

Ember nodded her head.

"I know you have more secrets and I don't expect you to tell me every single one of them but if you want us to trust you, you have to start trusting us in return. Do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Ember look at me."

Ember dragged her head up and forced herself to look at her mother.

Her mother met her eyes and then stood up. She walked over to Ember and crouched in front of her. She pulled Ember's hands from her lap and held them tightly.

"I'm upset and disappointed in your method but I understand why you did it this way. I know you've done everything from a place of love for your family. But going forward, we need to work together. I know there is a limit on what I can do since I'm not a Seedling. Last night showed me that, but that doesn't mean we can't work together."

Ember nodded her head.

Her mother smiled at her and then reached over and hugged Ember. "I love you, Ember. Your entire family does. Let us help."

Ember shuddered and then wrapped her arms around her mother, hugging her tightly. "I will. I promise."

Her mother pulled back and looked at Ember. Her thumb rubbed across Ember's cheek, wiping away tears Ember hadn't noticed she had shed.

"Now," her mother said. "Let's discuss your punishment."

Ember swallowed but didn't argue. She was almost grateful to be punished because that meant her mother was treating her like she was her daughter.

"Going forward, if you make plans to do anything dangerous you must tell me and if I wish to go with you then you won't argue with me about it."

Ember frowned. "Mom, that's too dangerous."

Her mother scowled by nodded. "Then you will have to have Justine or one of the Knights go with you."

Ember was reluctant but she nodded.

"Lastly, you'll be in charge of doing laundry for a month."

Ember winced but nodded.

"Now, shall we continue?" Her mother asked with a satisfied smile.

It took most of the morning and part of the afternoon for her and her mother to figure out how things would be going forward. The first thing they agreed on was that Ember would share with them any information or plans that involved her family. This brought up Ember's goal to secure a safe place for her family beyond the reach of nobles. It wasn't too much of a surprise that her mother was skeptical.

"Do you have a plan on how to do that?"

"I'm looking for unowned land," Ember said. "I have some potential locations in mind."

Her mother looked surprised and then doubtful. "I didn't think a place like that existed in Nivikes."

"It doesn't," Ember said.

Confusion crossed her mother's face followed by realization. "You plan to leave the country."

Ember nodded. "That's the only way to secure land that isn't ruled by nobles or the monarchy."

Her mother shook her head. "What you are suggesting is impossible. You're basically stating you're going to create a kingdom. You don't have the resources or people for that."

"I don't have them yet." Ember's eyes grew bright with possibility.

Her mother looked flabbergasted before shaking her head. "I don't think it's possible, Ember, but I won't stand in your way. Just be careful who you mention your plan to. I don't want to be accused of treason."

Ember kept her face clear of her thoughts. She was definitely planning treason but she wasn't stupid enough to admit that, even to her family. She would wait for her family to be relocated since then it would technically not be treason.

They quickly moved on to the next topic. At that point, Rowan had grown bored, and with warm food in his stomach, he fell asleep on the inn's bed. It was only when he was fast asleep that Ember turned to her mother and began to tell her in detail about what happened to her family in her past lives.

Her mother listened in horror and then acceptance. She asked questions from time to time but mostly she listened. When Ember was done, her mother had a pensive look on her face before she nodded.

"I won't stand in the way of the things you feel you need to do but you must also accept that despite everything you told me, to me you are my twelve-year-old daughter. All of this is hard for me to accept. It'll take time and patience."

"I understand," Ember said.

Her mother snorted. "I don't think you do." She rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Promise me you'll at least try to keep me informed. It's hard to not know."

Ember bit her lip. "I'll try."

"Do more than try," her mother said firmly.

Ember nodded.

After that, her mother asked her more questions about her Seedling abilities and Ember explained more about Keeper. Once they were done, they planned their next steps. Her mother would look for a house while Ember trained. Ember hinted that she had plans to get further involved with the kidnapping case but didn't go into detail. It was clear her mother didn't like it but she held off on saying more about it.

Lastly, her mother agreed to let Rowan train with Knight Vantosia. It was clear she wasn't happy about it but she admitted it might be necessary based on the future Ember saw for them. Ember also hinted that perhaps her mother could join them for some of their training. To her surprise, her mother looked interested and Ember mentally added to her plans to train her mother in some combat techniques. She wondered what would work best for her mother.

When they returned to the temple in the late afternoon, Rowan immediately rushed off to play with the neighborhood kids that hung around the temple. They often took on odd jobs for the priest and acolytes, usually delivering small packages or letters, or doing minor chores for a few coins. When they weren't working, they played games. Rowan fell easily into their group.

Her mother decided to rest. Ember knew she was feeling overwhelmed by their conversation. Ember had to admit she felt the same but decided to let her mother have time alone to sort out her thoughts. She was thinking of what she wanted to do next when she came across Knight Garrick. As soon as he saw her, he hurried in her direction.

"Maiden Ember, Knight Vantosia would like a word with you."

"Oh, okay," Ember said. She was a little surprised that Knight Vantosia had sent Knight Garrick to get her instead of an acolyte. Something about it sent warning bells off in her head.

She peered at the knight. "Is there something wrong?"

"I'm not sure," the knight said. "Knight Vantosia said it was urgent."

Ember stiffened. She studied Knight Garrick, searching for some clue. Right away, she noticed the knight was watching her. His hazel eyes seemed to flash with curiosity. He was looking for a clue as much as she was. That at least told her that he was being truthful that he wasn't sure what was going on. It didn't exactly ease her fears but she was sure if Knight Vantosia was going to arrest her, he would have informed Knight Garrick.

They arrived at the familiar office Ember had just seen yesterday. She wondered if yesterday's events were why she was here. After all, Priest Beslen had already informed them she was involved in the rescue though not to what extent. Knight Vantosia had to be wondering about her role in everything. By this time, he had already spoken with Justine so he might be trying to confirm her story. She relaxed at the thought. Knight Garrick gave a quick knock on the door before opening it.

Knight Vantosia looked up from several letters he was reading. He nodded to an empty chair. "Please sit."

Ember sat down while Knight Garrick gave a clipped nod to Knight Vantosia before departing. Ember was a little surprised to see him go after personally bringing her there but assumed that if this was an inquiry about yesterday's events then there wasn't a point for Knight Garrick to stick around.

"Maiden Ember." Knight Vantosia looked at her and there was some hesitation before his face grew stoic once more. "Is there anything you wish to share with me?"

"About yesterday?" Ember asked.

Knight Vantosia didn't say anything.

Ember stared at him, trying to gauge what he was getting at. The nervousness she had calmed rose again with a vengeance.

"Can you be more specific?" Ember asked cautiously. She needed at least a hint to respond properly. She didn't want to accidentally give away more information than was necessary.

Knight Vantosia frowned but only briefly but his features smoothed back into their normal stoicism.

"I've been debating about what to do with you but it is clear that you don't trust me."

Ember didn't jump to deny it. She trusted Knight Van as the knight of truth but beyond that, he was a stranger.

He paused. "I suppose there isn't a reason to trust me but I can also say there isn't a reason to distrust me either."

"It depends on what you are asking me to trust you with," Ember said carefully.

Knight Vantosia looked surprised at her answer before nodding stiffly. "That is something to consider."

Ember felt like she had passed the first part of a test but she wasn't sure what the test was for. Instead, she waited for the knight to continue.

"Can you trust me to protect you?"

"Yes," Ember said. "But that protection comes with conditions."

"Conditions?" Knight Vantosia asked, his tone surprised. "Explain."

"You'll protect me as long as I follow the rules you set for me."

He gestured for her to continue.

"For example, if I was a murderer, you wouldn't protect me nor would I expect you to."

Knight Vantosia nodded his head. "I think that is reasonable."

"I agree," Ember said firmly. She didn't want the knight to think that she was trying to become a criminal, future treason notwithstanding.

"The problem comes in if we disagree on something that is the core to our belief or in the case when our goals conflict. Can I trust you to further my goals at the cost of your own or to protect me if our core belief system contradicts each other?"

Knight Vantosia's eyebrows rose. "You speak like the orators of the courts."

Ember shrugged. "I'm full of surprises."

"I've noticed." The knight looked thoughtful. "You've given me something to think about."

Ember relaxed at his words. She wasn't exactly sure why he called her to have this conversation but she was hoping that was the end of it.

Everything changed with his next words.

"Maiden Ember, I would like to sponsor you."

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